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| tragedyann
# Statistics
Favourites: 276; Deviations: 118; Watchers: 93
Watching: 94; Pageviews: 31048; Comments Made: 2219; Friends: 94
# Comments
Comments: 205
KataraLilly [2011-05-05 03:22:31 +0000 UTC]
Why hello there! I recently made a Peter Lorre group and thought you might be interested!
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UlyLHarp [2011-04-18 20:13:47 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for the favorite! Let us spread the emophilia.
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whammytap [2010-08-29 02:12:58 +0000 UTC]
Hey, I just did a tribute to your drawing "Quick Twist" that I liked so much. Check it out here: [link]
I hope you like it!
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emophilipsplz [2010-05-26 19:58:07 +0000 UTC]
I made this for the few fans of Emo on dA, so please use this if you like.
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TuxedoMoroboshi [2009-12-16 08:00:03 +0000 UTC]
Hi there. I noticed you submitted art to #RTFC before. Well, #RTFC is now a deviantART group, and the "art by members" has changed from the old system. If you can find the time, please resubmit your work and rejoin the club! Just go to #RTFC and click on "Join Our Group" at the top of the page. You'll automatically become a member of the group again, and then you can get more traffic to your Rumiko Takahashi pictures by linking them in our gallery. To do that, after becoming a member again, simply click on "Contribute Art" at the top of the page, find the series that your picture belongs to (you can submit it to multiple folders if it includes more than one series), and click on the plus sign. From there, choose "Contribute an Existing Deviation" and choose the picture from your gallery. Tada! People can now find your artwork from the club through the gallery rather than through plan text, like it used to be. With the new system in place, any comments and faves will automatically appear on your own original submission, even if they find it through our gallery! It's totally more convenient than it was before, so here's hoping you consider resubmitting your work. The old "link from a journal entry" method will be taken down soon, so if you want people to find your artwork from our club, be sure to do this as soon as possible!
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Erikari [2009-08-01 19:13:22 +0000 UTC]
Hello from a random deviant !
Hope you're having fun!
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Golden-Flute [2009-07-27 01:36:38 +0000 UTC]
HI! This is Tsunade from SDCC! We waited in line for the Masquerade tickets together!
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tragedyann In reply to Golden-Flute [2009-07-27 20:31:30 +0000 UTC]
Hey there! Thanks for the add!
(What'd you think of the show?)
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Golden-Flute In reply to tragedyann [2009-07-30 01:38:35 +0000 UTC]
Heya! It was okay. Not too many things that I recognized, but the things I did recognize were pretty awesome! I think next time I'll go to the ball instead, though! That looked fun!
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Lucario-Gurlll [2009-07-22 18:13:39 +0000 UTC]
oh, i have a question about the animations. i did a mooninites one, and it had sound, but it was created as a movie..
how do i get it on this site?
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tragedyann In reply to Lucario-Gurlll [2009-07-22 19:36:42 +0000 UTC]
What do you mean a movie? What file extension does it have?
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Lucario-Gurlll In reply to tragedyann [2009-07-22 19:45:01 +0000 UTC]
well i put together GIF animations and sound with Windows Movie Maker..
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tragedyann In reply to Lucario-Gurlll [2009-07-22 19:49:56 +0000 UTC]
Then it's most likely a .WMV file...the film gallery doesn't appear to be open to entry. Maybe something like this would be better for Youtube.
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Lucario-Gurlll In reply to tragedyann [2009-07-22 19:51:47 +0000 UTC]
oh yeah i DID post it on youtube..
oh i has an idea.
anyways thanks!
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Zagar [2009-06-10 01:58:30 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for the favourite, guy~
WOW. You like MST3K and Emo AND DARIA?? You rock. Hard.
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Flanger-Hanger [2009-03-18 18:13:02 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for the fave. The song they sang at the end of Red Zone Cuba is also one of my favorite endings.
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Kataoi [2008-11-02 17:42:24 +0000 UTC]
I know where you are. And I saw what you did!
Anyways...HERESY! *click*
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tragedyann In reply to Kataoi [2008-11-02 18:01:26 +0000 UTC]
...whuh? (Thanks for the watch!)
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Carthoris [2008-10-18 00:31:35 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for the Macraoni and cheese add.
It really is the Cheesiest!
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wulfae [2008-09-23 14:38:01 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for the fave! I like that it was the bandit Keith cake. XD
I enjoy your choice of drawing subject matter. *nods*
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tragedyann In reply to wulfae [2008-09-23 16:56:32 +0000 UTC]
I just saw that on your front page and was like "WTF"? I've seen a lot of your drawings on LJ and stuff...those Who Chucks are badass. ;w;
(I watched the Tenth Doctor first but the Second and his whole posse are just so awesome I can't stop watching/drawing them!)
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wulfae In reply to tragedyann [2008-09-24 16:00:36 +0000 UTC]
I had to share your comment about my chucks being badass with my friends. Because I agree with you and OH NO I'M LATE FOR CLASS
byyyyyyyye! XD
(We like to make cakes.)
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FireStorm07 [2008-07-23 11:55:16 +0000 UTC]
I have to ask, my curiousity is killing me...
Did you make an account on the proboards site, Spiraling out of control/ whatissanity? If you haven't, sorry to have wasted your time, if you have, yay, I can actually research properly!
I shall go look at your MST3K pictures now. =3
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tragedyann In reply to FireStorm07 [2008-07-24 00:14:33 +0000 UTC]
um...yeah I did actually! (was it my email? <__< )
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FireStorm07 In reply to tragedyann [2008-07-24 11:45:36 +0000 UTC]
Nope, I just guessed. I like guessing. XD Welcome to sanity
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euphoriafish [2008-06-29 08:45:11 +0000 UTC]
Hey! Thanks for saying hi!
I ordered Doomsday Machine by mail and it only got here yesterday. I loved it, though it didn't quite top Oozing Skull for me.
What's your name on the forum?
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tragedyann In reply to euphoriafish [2008-06-29 23:05:04 +0000 UTC]
Hi, my forum name's Anchan. (Dang, the DVDs are still taking that long to arrive? o___O)
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euphoriafish In reply to tragedyann [2008-06-30 08:37:15 +0000 UTC]
Well, I ordered by mail in Kentucky on launch day. Some people in California got theirs on Wednesday, but mine took til Saturday. I think maybe the post office delivers to the larger metro areas faster sometimes? But I have no idea.
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tragedyann In reply to Redkora [2008-06-23 21:54:26 +0000 UTC]
LOL I just registered there recently...don't think I've posted yet. But I did join in the waiting forever for Oozing Skull to arrive! (damn EZTakes...<__<
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