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| thekyrianne
# Statistics
Favourites: 4962; Deviations: 361; Watchers: 221
Watching: 271; Pageviews: 45924; Comments Made: 6940; Friends: 271
# Comments
Comments: 1130
salocemon [2014-10-25 02:15:46 +0000 UTC]
hello sorry, the long time not updated smackjeeves comic called Β "Red vs Blue: We Belong "
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thekyrianne In reply to salocemon [2014-10-27 22:19:30 +0000 UTC]
Oh yeah. I'm really sorry about that, it ended up being more work than I wanted to put into a fan comic.Β
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salocemon In reply to thekyrianne [2014-10-27 23:46:29 +0000 UTC]
yes, Β want to read comics vs blue network we belongΒ
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thekyrianne In reply to salocemon [2014-12-28 06:41:03 +0000 UTC]
I am not working on it anymore and will not work on it again. Sorry!
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Evergreen22XD [2013-11-17 21:04:19 +0000 UTC]
Were you the one who wrote Blood Gulch High on rvbfics.com?
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thekyrianne In reply to Evergreen22XD [2013-12-11 03:48:08 +0000 UTC]
I was.... there's about twelve chapters I never posted, and it's been unfinished for... four years, I think?
Sorry if you were a fan xD I keep meaning to go back and post all of what I had written, but that's a lot of work and I don't have it on this computer.
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Evergreen22XD In reply to thekyrianne [2013-12-11 23:32:32 +0000 UTC]
Well... could you try to get back to it? I love it so much!!!
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thekyrianne In reply to princelingdoll [2012-09-19 13:02:31 +0000 UTC]
γζ©γ! εΎ
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princelingdoll In reply to thekyrianne [2012-09-19 14:17:12 +0000 UTC]
also holy fuck kyri i'm gonna piss on you i don't remember my moonspeak at all sob
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thekyrianne In reply to princelingdoll [2012-09-19 14:40:16 +0000 UTC]
I only just started with it so congrats you probably know more than I do anyway
Even though I could basically determine what that said anyway
Edited greeting: γγγ«γ‘γγγ°γγ
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princelingdoll In reply to thekyrianne [2012-09-19 14:51:54 +0000 UTC]
I haven't done moonspeak in a few years so I'm really rusty weh.
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thekyrianne In reply to princelingdoll [2012-09-22 22:56:08 +0000 UTC]
I can't read the first sentence of that without a translator and I'm too lazy to get it right now but
why did you call me an idiot you're mean
good morning to you too, meanie
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princelingdoll In reply to thekyrianne [2012-09-23 15:47:56 +0000 UTC]
Aw fuck it actually kanji'd when it wasn't supposed to, I meant γγγγ¨γγγγγΎγγ~
That should make more sense now
Also you called me γ°γ first so it would just make sense if I returned the compliment~ |D
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thekyrianne In reply to princelingdoll [2012-09-26 23:53:14 +0000 UTC]
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princelingdoll In reply to thekyrianne [2012-09-28 07:50:39 +0000 UTC]
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thekyrianne In reply to princelingdoll [2012-10-02 23:22:37 +0000 UTC]
γ©γ<3 γ«γγγͺγγ―γγγ§γγγ
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AliceIsABleachFan [2012-01-23 21:14:05 +0000 UTC]
So I was listening to a podcast called the LFTO Shizno... would you happen to one of the people on there?
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thekyrianne In reply to AliceIsABleachFan [2012-01-24 02:48:20 +0000 UTC]
I used to be a regular participant in the Shizno, yes! I didn't participate during Season 9 except during the teaser-intro, though; mostly I was just on cast during Season 8.
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AliceIsABleachFan In reply to thekyrianne [2012-01-24 22:25:24 +0000 UTC]
Oh yeah I just wanted to say you were my favorite
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thekyrianne In reply to AliceIsABleachFan [2012-01-24 23:52:10 +0000 UTC]
Awww, thank you :3
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Nomuroid [2011-12-14 21:27:00 +0000 UTC]
Shit, how was I not watching you already? I love you, aaaaa ;A;
In a non-creepy way, I mean.
Unless you want it to be creepy.
Okay, not really.
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poopfartbutts [2011-08-30 13:37:59 +0000 UTC]
Oh my god
It's you
You're unorthodoxCreativity over on AO3, right?
I never would have noticed if you didn't have the same icon but
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thekyrianne In reply to poopfartbutts [2011-08-30 23:52:31 +0000 UTC]
Yes, I am indeed UC!
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poopfartbutts In reply to thekyrianne [2011-08-31 02:06:08 +0000 UTC]
Can I just say I am like the biggest fan ever EEP.
Your 3 stories on AO3 are my favourite of all time omgomgomg I love them sooooo much *u*
Kudos on everything. All day. Everyday, eep. If I could kudos them a million times I would okay ;A; <333
Reading "Before We Go" is like ingrained in my brain as a daily thing now, yup, yup. ; u ; β₯
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thekyrianne In reply to poopfartbutts [2011-09-01 03:25:23 +0000 UTC]
Oh my goodness you just keep being even more awesome aaaah! I don't even know what to say to all this except I love you and thank you so much!
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Faize1998 [2011-08-12 02:21:25 +0000 UTC]
You converted me to the Grif/Simmons pairing. ^_^
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thekyrianne In reply to Faize1998 [2011-08-12 03:23:16 +0000 UTC]
Yay! My work here is done.
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thekyrianne In reply to RubyQuinn [2011-08-02 22:49:56 +0000 UTC]
I'm going to answer the questions here because I am way too lazy to make a whole new journal post for this xD
1. Are you a cat person or a dog person?
Cat person, but I love dogs too.
2. What's your favorite candy?
I'm actually not one for candy usually. Chocolate is always good though, and so are butterscotch hard candies
3. Describe your favorite piece of jewelry that you own
That'd be either my cast iron ankh that's about 2.5" inches tall, or my pewter Eye of Horus. Both are pendants.
4. What do you wanna be when you grow up?
An artist for a publishing house. That means I'd either be doing book covers or children's books, which are both awesome things
5. What's the coolest thing you've ever done?
YOUR MOTHER just kidding I have no idea.
6. Care to share your favorite silly internet video?
This this this this
7. Do you say soda, pop, or cola?
8. If you could live in any time/place in world history, where/when would you pick and why?
Aaaugh. Victorian London, Medieval Ireland, Ancient Egypt are the big three, but I love all sorts of places
9. What's the worst movie you've ever seen?
Probably Click. God, I hated that movie.
10. You ever wonder why we're here?
That's one of life's great mysteries, isn't it?
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lialleisaperson [2011-06-29 01:27:57 +0000 UTC]
Sup! Featured you over on my journal. [link] Hope you don't mind!
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thekyrianne In reply to lialleisaperson [2011-06-29 18:01:36 +0000 UTC]
Oh, thank you!! <3
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lialleisaperson In reply to thekyrianne [2011-06-30 05:18:02 +0000 UTC]
Was my pleasure. (:
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sakuramiyuku523 In reply to thekyrianne [2011-06-10 19:34:27 +0000 UTC]
You're welcome
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