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| thehiddentruths

# Statistics
Favourites: 529; Deviations: 177; Watchers: 38
Watching: 70; Pageviews: 9393; Comments Made: 1895; Friends: 70
# Comments
Comments: 124
Life-takers-crayons [2015-08-01 07:17:52 +0000 UTC]
Thank you so very much for the fav
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DamaiMikaz [2014-05-31 11:15:18 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for adding I was broken to your favorites. I'm glad you like my art
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thehiddentruths In reply to DamaiMikaz [2014-05-31 19:51:23 +0000 UTC]
you're welcome It was very emotional and beautiful!
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thehiddentruths In reply to Valaid [2012-10-02 22:22:47 +0000 UTC]
varsΓ₯god och ja de e bra med mig desamma till dig
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Valaid [2012-02-19 12:09:42 +0000 UTC]
cheers for the
And happy belated birthday ;_____; *facepalms for not remembering*
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thehiddentruths In reply to Valaid [2012-02-19 12:44:33 +0000 UTC]
you're welcome
and that's ok
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thehiddentruths In reply to TheSwimmingStar [2011-02-19 15:35:39 +0000 UTC]
hm.. oh! thank you!
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thehiddentruths In reply to froggywoggy11 [2010-12-25 20:25:32 +0000 UTC]
you're welcome ^^
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hanatsukuri [2010-10-30 21:08:58 +0000 UTC]
I stopped by to say thank you~ or the deviantWATCH!
I'm glad you like my work enough to watch for more!
I hope to continue making more original silk flowers. Hope they are worthy of your interest!
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thehiddentruths In reply to hanatsukuri [2010-11-03 13:52:35 +0000 UTC]
you're very welcome and I really hope you continue your graeat work! I'll certainly be watching for more! ^___^
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aye-jay [2010-10-28 14:33:29 +0000 UTC]
AHAHAHA!!! and thanx for faving!!! +
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thehiddentruths In reply to aye-jay [2010-10-28 16:52:22 +0000 UTC]
hehe, yea, you're welcome!
oh, thanks I like it too ^___^
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TheSwimmingStar [2010-02-11 23:23:07 +0000 UTC]
hey sweetheart! How are you? xxx Joossie
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thehiddentruths In reply to TheSwimmingStar [2010-02-12 17:50:51 +0000 UTC]
hey, well.. not too good, been stressed out as hell lately, last term at school, graduating this summer.. but, that's life I guess, always getting in the way of fun stuff^^
and you? it as a while since we talked :/
funny though, I was just about to update both my journal and the comic when I saw this XD
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TheSwimmingStar In reply to thehiddentruths [2010-02-16 12:24:14 +0000 UTC]
Heyhey! aauuwww but when youve graduated you'll have loads of time!! i bet you'll start to miss school! haha at least that's what happened with me after i graduate from secondary school! Here's everything fine, i live in London atm which is kind of excited but also different haha I really need to do update my gallery but ugghhh I finally have a new laptop but I haven't got photoshop on it and I do need that a bit so it may take a while for me to update
Hahaha that's such a coincidence!!
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thehiddentruths In reply to TheSwimmingStar [2010-02-17 19:20:54 +0000 UTC]
haha, well you're right about that, but it's just a few months then I'll be starting university (I'm gonna be an Art/english teacher, if I don change my mind >__> ) XD but you bet I'll miss school, I have the best class right now, we're only 4 people in the class XD
Augh! you live in london? I want to too!! never been there but I'd like to go it sounds so nice..u__u so that's why you haven't updated lately, I was starting to wonder ^^ and yea I guess it must be a bit different.. but different can be fun
so annoying having a new computer, yes, especially before you've get photoshop, internet and winamp on it XD hope you'll get photoshop soon enough^___^
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TheSwimmingStar In reply to thehiddentruths [2010-02-24 15:47:44 +0000 UTC]
Wauw sounds good a teacher! Isn't it a bit of a big different art or english? Are you excited to start uni? OMG 4 people in the class?? that's awesome!!! hahaha though of course if you don't like one person that's not great but still woaaahhhh
Yeps at least till June and then I have to decide whether I want to continue to study here or go somewhere else, but I have a lot hate-love discussions with myself about that so that's crappyy but I'll have to make a decission soon haha.
I hope I get it soon, I have a lot of photos that I want to post but uugghh I can't really frustrating! haha
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thehiddentruths In reply to TheSwimmingStar [2010-02-25 18:40:16 +0000 UTC]
Yesh, I know^^ yea, well, there is a bit of a difference, bu they're my two favourite subjects, and.. here in sweden it's hard to get a job teaching just one subject, you often have to have two, so you can work half time on both XD
and yes, its pretty awsome being just four, and we DO actually work pretty good together, so lifes good ^.^
hm, well yea, it's hard making decitions, it's quie a long time of your life that you're going to spend studying so, better make it right, or at least, make it something you like
I bet it's frustrating, I don't have my scaner, just during the weeks, and I'm going nuts XD
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TheSwimmingStar In reply to thehiddentruths [2010-03-01 21:29:46 +0000 UTC]
Ooohhhh like that! Well at least you have a bit of difference all the time, you won't have to teach some English words to some children all the time you can also teach arts which is nice
That's true! though it's only 3 years so when i'm done I'm 21 so that's not that old haha
I can soooo imagine that! How do you survive it?!?!
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thehiddentruths In reply to TheSwimmingStar [2010-03-02 18:19:40 +0000 UTC]
yes yes^^
ah, yea, if I get in this year.. I'll be like 24 when I'm done.. as it's another 4,5 years of courses
what are you studying by the way?
haha, well, lots of patience and the fact that I know I'll get it on the weekends
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TheSwimmingStar In reply to thehiddentruths [2010-03-03 13:45:55 +0000 UTC]
4 5 years?! woah that's long haha is it hard to get in??
ok don't laught buuuttt I'm studying mathematics haha normally when I say that to someone they're like w-t-f?! can't blame 'em though XD
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thehiddentruths In reply to TheSwimmingStar [2010-03-03 18:01:04 +0000 UTC]
yes.. it's a really long time u..u and well.. it depends on how many sends in their applications and such.. but it shouldn't be that hard
you study mathematics? O.o well.. each have their own taste I guess XD
I suck at math... seriously, I almost failed both my courses that I had to take >__> but as said, if you think it's fun then so what^___^
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TheSwimmingStar In reply to thehiddentruths [2010-03-04 23:24:40 +0000 UTC]
Oohh like that so it's not like you really need to have a lot on your cv already and stuff. Are you excited??
Hahaha yeeaa and honestly it's not something i would like really recommend to others haha how weird does that sound? I don't know but you know it's just maths, i like physics more but I'd get depressed if I had to talk about time-related things all day no shit!! I went to a museum (Royal Observatory) and they're talking about how you look back in time when you look into space and stuff honestly how interesting it was when I got back home I was so depressed hahaha XD -pathetic- lol
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thehiddentruths In reply to TheSwimmingStar [2010-03-05 16:02:29 +0000 UTC]
Well.. no, you just apply with the grades you have from high school and so on.. but, extra classes count too so, if you study a year extra that just helps u..u
and Yea, I'm a bit excited and stressed out as hell! what should I do if I don't get in this year? but! thinking positively is my friend XD so i try and say to myself that I'll get in >__>
haha.. well that's troublesome.. I like tht stuff too, at least when other people reaches concutions about suff XD like stars and the solar system but I can wrap my head around it O.o I don't get depressed but insdtead I can go around thinking about t for a few weeks, and thatreally cramps up the rest of life
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thehiddentruths In reply to BlueRavenAngel [2009-10-02 19:19:24 +0000 UTC]
you're welcome, it rocks^^
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BlueRavenAngel In reply to thehiddentruths [2009-10-02 19:21:17 +0000 UTC]
You're welcome to check out the rest of my icons There's a lot more of funny ones.
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Tilon [2009-09-08 20:32:48 +0000 UTC]
hmm.. so I looked at my devinfostuffythingything.. and thought to my self: HEY, I have made 99 coments to pplz.. who do I want to give my 100'th to? Who is worthy of such a special thing? well.. I couldn't think of anyone.. so I give it to you.. *gives flower* so, here is my crappy spelled 100'th coment, only for you, only today... I promis, if I remember (remember the 5'th of november) I will give 200, 300, 400.. and so on to you, If you want them?XD
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Tilon In reply to thehiddentruths [2009-09-08 20:50:49 +0000 UTC]
du Γ€r sΓ₯ elak nΓ€r du mobbar pΓ₯ mig!!! det Γ€r inte snΓ€llt! jag fΓΆrsΓΆkte bara visa lite kΓ€rlek!>.<
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thehiddentruths In reply to Tilon [2009-09-09 16:50:00 +0000 UTC]
aww... fΓΆrlΓ₯Γ₯t dΓ₯^^
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thehiddentruths In reply to Tilon [2009-09-09 16:53:56 +0000 UTC]
nΓ€hΓ€ dΓ₯! skit i de dΓ₯ Γ..Γ
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thehiddentruths In reply to paperheartsyndrome [2009-08-10 16:42:36 +0000 UTC]
you're very Welcome^__^
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thehiddentruths In reply to audreysmith [2009-07-25 19:26:55 +0000 UTC]
you're very welcome, it's really cool^^
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