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| sudniok
# Statistics
Favourites: 63; Deviations: 105; Watchers: 17
Watching: 135; Pageviews: 7857; Comments Made: 637; Friends: 135
# Comments
Comments: 107
sudniok In reply to BeGfOrM3 [2007-11-08 15:40:13 +0000 UTC]
Doing a lot of work and it sure does suck. But as soon as I am done with school and have my Associates in Computer Science Degree, I will have a lot more time as I will be getting paid 25 - 35 dollars an hour for being a FireFighter Technician . Then I can come and see you on the weekends haha
and watch more Scarface
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BlueUndine [2007-09-07 14:49:46 +0000 UTC]
Thank you so much for the watch
I really appreciate it
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sudniok In reply to BlueUndine [2007-09-24 15:32:44 +0000 UTC]
No problem. I'm a big fan of artist who can draw a great anime or regular picture and use either photoshop, paintshop, or fireworks to do the coloring. I admire that as I haven't learned how to do that just yet. But all your artwork is awesome so keep up the good work .
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BlueUndine In reply to sudniok [2007-10-02 17:43:34 +0000 UTC]
Awww... Thanks again I'll do that
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sudniok In reply to onixa [2007-08-03 19:07:46 +0000 UTC]
hehe your welcome. Keep up the good photoshooting work that you do (you look like a professional if you ask me ).
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onixa In reply to sudniok [2007-08-03 20:17:14 +0000 UTC]
yeah right, started photography like.. 2 months ago haha... well i made this DA account on.... June 14 i believe, and then started to photograph and all that haha.... actuallyi never even thought of Macro photography in my life...
I never even knew i could haha.. but know i guess i can
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sudniok In reply to onixa [2007-08-03 21:29:27 +0000 UTC]
Then your a natural then. That's a talent that I wish I could do, but I mostly take pictures of sceneries, people posing for artwork, the weather, houses, ect. But doing Macro is something I have a problem doing and also I think its a bit time consuming (from one of your pictures, you commented that you took 80 pictures just to get that perfect picture you have). Can I have your talents =3 haha.
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onixa In reply to sudniok [2007-08-03 21:46:10 +0000 UTC]
lol.. yeah it did take a while.. but i mostly take them at night time.. like from 10 till... however long it takes Yeah... well before i used to take my photos like on the floor with Big lights, but for some reason they didnt come out quit right, so then i started to take my photos at my desk with my desk lamp, and then the busness started to come in haha.
and as you can prob. see, my water drops have this roundish circle on the top, and a little dot up top. thats form the lamp haha.... i wish it was a bit diff. though.
anyhow, i also use a few little boxes that i stack up and put my cam on them, cos my tripod is way to high for my desk, so i have to use that to prevent my cam to shack ( my hands shake so much.. it almost makes me feel like im on drugs or something haha.. but im not so yeah lol.)
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sudniok In reply to onixa [2007-08-03 22:51:46 +0000 UTC]
Hahaha that's funny . Well my hands shake as well, but for some reason, I know how to capture a picture with no motion. You just have to have good timing. I must admit, I don't always get the picture correctly
but we all aren't perfect
Well, if you have photoshop (which I'm guessing you do), you can easily fix a lot of stuff in your pictures. Not sure what you wanna fix though but you can most definitely fix pretty much anything in photoshop, unless its a booboo, then a bandage with some medicine on it will heal that up unless its a bump :S.
Hey check out my new website that I'm building: [link]
Its just barely getting started. I'm going to add Flash in my website but for now, its just plain for show .
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onixa In reply to sudniok [2007-08-04 03:26:04 +0000 UTC]
Thats a really nice site
good work, i like it good luck!
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sudniok In reply to onixa [2007-08-08 18:07:37 +0000 UTC]
Thanks, I'm still designing a lot of stuff for my website, but I don't know what all to put there. I think I need ideas
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onixa In reply to sudniok [2007-08-08 22:52:00 +0000 UTC]
OMFG! haha.. yeah so do i.
haha... need more ideas.. curently making a few premade layouts for downloads haha... yay.
to bad no one downloads them XD lmao... but oh well, i try.
anyhow, thanks for all the comments, i am glad you liked them
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sudniok In reply to onixa [2007-08-09 16:15:15 +0000 UTC]
Well, to tell you the truth (and I'm not wanting to hurt you or your feelings so please don't take this offensive) the website designs that I saw from your download sections are pretty cool, but they are the same layouts with different stuff on it. Though you do have a great skill in joining the characters with each other, blending them in. I am working on a flash demo for The Site! so then they can see the talents not only in the gallery or downloads page, they'd see it when they first enter the website . I enjoy making flash stuff, but what I'm wanting to really do in flash (same with photoshop and illustrator) is to make more, better anime characters (as I have so many characters in my mind that I want to draw, but don't have the complete skill to do those drawings).
Why don't you try to make a wallpaper with the photographs that you've taken. Cutting them will be difficult yes (as I'm still trying to do that flower patch, bouquet for you, but its slow as I'm still cutting out everything that shouldn't be there) but you can easily manipulate the colors using the blends so that the background won't show and the flower will be the only one that shows. With those beautiful flowers, I believe you may get a lot of fame designing wallpapers using your photographs . Uggg I'm sooooo tired
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onixa In reply to sudniok [2007-08-10 02:27:10 +0000 UTC]
what do you mean they are all the same??
yeah i know they are all divs.. but so what. They all have different color, effects, fonts, positioning and pictures.. what else do i need to do so they wont be "the same?" haha.... no really..
however.. no i dont really like making wallpapers with flowers, or animals.. sometimes i like making ppl walls.. but its mostly anime. Actually now.. im really out of anime.. so everyone on my sites are like.. why where are all your stuff haha.. but im just not into it you know..
nyhow.. good luck
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sudniok In reply to onixa [2007-08-10 17:00:09 +0000 UTC]
Oh no I didn't mean the web designs that you created are the same, I'm just saying that the template, they way that they are laid out look the same (which is good in some cases as if a person doesn't like one of those designs, but they like the layout, then they can go to a different design that has the same layout) but it is your artwork .
NOOOO!!! Your getting out of Anime T_T... lol well I have been out of anime for quite a while, I just use it for comedy as when I come home all beat up, that's the thing I love to watch just to make me laugh. I try to find new series to watch but I'm not a good person on looking for anime.
A wallpaper of people hmmm... I'll take pictures of myself and you can use me as your wallpaper actually I have a great variety of real people in my Stock folder, but I only use those for websites. But making a wallpaper of them is a little difficult to me as I am not that great with making wallpaper people
Thanks for the good luck and good luck with you to (though you have a professionalism in photography).
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onixa In reply to sudniok [2007-08-10 18:18:49 +0000 UTC]
haha.. thanks.
well.. i meant to say i like making walls with Celebs and such.
anyhow, yeah wish you luck once more
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BeGfOrM3 [2007-07-18 23:11:39 +0000 UTC]
hey sorry i never replied back. but i deleted the journal. i thought it was a little to personal for other people to be reading.. so yea sorry...anyways how you been?
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sudniok In reply to BeGfOrM3 [2007-08-02 19:27:25 +0000 UTC]
Oh no, it is completely ok. It may have been personal, but sometimes telling the world how you feel can sometimes help you feel better (as it shows on how many people care for you which is always good. It usually makes you happy to know that your being cared for . ).
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sudniok In reply to WanderingBlackDevil [2007-08-02 19:28:48 +0000 UTC]
Not a problem. You have some really unique drawings, they are all FANTASTIC and the drawings that you have that aren't colored, I try to color them for practice (I do not distribute them for show, I only use that for practice, then I discard it).
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onixa [2007-06-27 02:18:31 +0000 UTC]
haha.. me again. Thanks alot for the comments/favs once again
im like over welmd with this good feed back lol. Thanks a bunch
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onixa [2007-06-22 04:53:56 +0000 UTC]
Hey, thanks for the comment, and the fav Happy you liked it
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sudniok In reply to LeCatNoir [2007-06-20 21:59:19 +0000 UTC]
Your welcome . I sent you a message on your other account about me rendering your "Anime Pose" as a true anime (make you look animaish).
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onixa [2007-06-15 20:26:05 +0000 UTC]
hey, thanks for the add
I'll add you back.. even though i asked you to add me XD haha
man.. i feel terrible. ^^ lol.
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Onii-chan02 [2007-06-15 09:21:14 +0000 UTC]
Hi there,
I made a new account for Photography only ^^
could you add to your watchlist if your interested^^
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exchanged-stock [2007-04-20 22:02:44 +0000 UTC]
Thankyou for the watch and for your kind support
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sudniok In reply to labyrinth56 [2007-04-11 21:37:49 +0000 UTC]
Not a problem, I liked what I saw .
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sudniok In reply to manaphoto [2007-03-05 17:37:54 +0000 UTC]
Not a problem, if you don't mind, can I use some of your photos for practice (such as making vectorized artwork and for photomanipulation)?
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manaphoto In reply to sudniok [2007-03-07 10:01:25 +0000 UTC]
maybe, I guess so...I do have high expectations when it comes to quality.
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sudniok In reply to manaphoto [2007-03-09 15:58:38 +0000 UTC]
Nice, what type of a camera do you have? I'm looking into camera's right now as I need one for weddings (as people in our family know I'm a designer and webmaster that I can take decent and good quality pictures (which is true, I enjoy taking pictures as it gives me something to do other then sitting in the pew), but I don't have a high quality camera that will give me really good results. Any suggestions?
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manaphoto In reply to sudniok [2007-03-10 01:02:44 +0000 UTC]
I'm currently using the Canon 20D, because its 8 MP size is good enough for publishing and its not too expensive.
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sudniok In reply to manaphoto [2007-03-12 16:17:00 +0000 UTC]
Really hmmm... I think when I go to Circuit City, I'll probably look at those types of camera's. Thanks, that is a big help to me .
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sudniok In reply to manaphoto [2007-03-13 14:44:42 +0000 UTC]
Oh wow thanks dude. I really do appreciate it .
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sudniok In reply to ObsesionatSka [2007-01-23 17:27:02 +0000 UTC]
Not a problem, you have some pictures that I can use for practice (vector or shaded). Do you mind if I use your pictures (certain one's) just for practice?
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sudniok In reply to pommegenozide [2007-01-19 15:47:07 +0000 UTC]
Not a problem, I like the 3D Characters that you are doing. I'm into the military and stuff like that, browsed around for 3D Models and saw your futuristic girl soldier (or spy whatever you call it ) so yep. Hope to see more
so keep up the good work (my 3D skills suck hardcore because I'm not as cool as everyone) but when it comes to photoshop
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sudniok In reply to firestar3590 [2006-12-26 17:38:21 +0000 UTC]
Hey thanks, same to you as well. Did you get my anything??? haha
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