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| stardroidjean
# Statistics
Favourites: 8817; Deviations: 337; Watchers: 2535
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# Comments
Comments: 4118
razzor89 [2015-03-19 18:28:24 +0000 UTC]
Β Hey i remember you from this yaoi site. It was like 7 years ago. Anyway, I'm happy that you are still around!Β
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Letdragon [2014-10-14 01:18:21 +0000 UTC]
Gone quiet I see.Β
Hope you have a Happy Birthday tomorrow. ^^
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Cesar-Hernandez [2014-04-10 14:14:43 +0000 UTC]
Hi, Jean. I hope everything's fine with you. It's been too long since you got online and all.
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willykururu [2014-03-30 10:52:45 +0000 UTC]
hello do you do request about kurochan? if you do is it ok if you create me and my gf
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Cesar-Hernandez [2013-10-14 14:52:36 +0000 UTC]
I know you do not use dA that much, but I hope you read this. Happy birthday!
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Letdragon [2013-10-14 03:28:42 +0000 UTC]
Happy Birthday to you tomorrow. Haven't heard from you in forever. Hope you're well. ^^
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icenectar [2013-10-12 20:12:37 +0000 UTC]
Saw your birthday was coming up again! Hope it's a good one (I don't know if you actually still visit this place since its been ages since I've heard of you) and I hope you have fun ^^.
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Riley-Vace [2013-10-10 15:53:21 +0000 UTC]
Are you still here, Jean? haven't spoken in AAAGES
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MakoOfHarmony [2013-06-17 04:23:39 +0000 UTC]
;v; ur art is wonderful i LOVE the colors and ur style~ TTvTT
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sakura-koneko [2012-12-05 00:26:56 +0000 UTC]
Hey, this is tamago226 from livejournal. Contact me immediately.
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HatceDrawings [2012-10-14 17:08:25 +0000 UTC]
hey ^^ happy birthday too youu..
have a good day!
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icenectar [2012-10-07 17:37:59 +0000 UTC]
OMG! Is it that time of year again?! Where have you been?
Anyways, Happy Birthday! I know I'm early but by the time you get on again, it may very well be your birthday ^^
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forscythe13 [2012-09-03 19:04:22 +0000 UTC]
tracking you down from last.fm...would you happen to know of an album called "ring-a-ring o'roses" by limegreen? thanks!
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stardroidjean In reply to Marureenu [2012-03-20 09:59:03 +0000 UTC]
lksflskdl thanks!?? I was not expecting SMT ART EVERYWHERE when I clicked on your page *_* /watches back
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Marureenu In reply to stardroidjean [2012-03-23 06:45:45 +0000 UTC]
You're welcome! *0* I love your art, so good! And I saw you liked SMT, but I didn't know ~that~ much! you even like Nocturne jksjssjh <33
Thank you! ;w;
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stardroidjean In reply to Marureenu [2012-03-24 09:14:19 +0000 UTC]
Ahh thanks so much! I'm actually a terrible SMT fan... even though I love the games I haven't beaten many or drawn enough fanart. Hopefully that'll change soon. And Nocturne is actually one of my favourite games! I'm bad and stopped partway through though... you're making me want to get back to it XD
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Marureenu In reply to stardroidjean [2012-03-24 21:36:52 +0000 UTC]
You're most welcome! ;w; keep up the awesome! β₯β₯
Oh awesome! Nocturne is definitely my favorite Shin Megami Tensei (and my favorite in general too, though I'm also really big on DDSAT1+2) and you should! :'D It gets so amazingly good !
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stardroidjean In reply to Marureenu [2012-04-07 02:58:40 +0000 UTC]
Aahhh I've been playing it non-stop and am getting close to the end now. I'm trying to decide whether or not to go for the hard ending or just leave it for a later playthrough (since I want to TRY it on Hard sometime too). But thanks for giving me the inspiration to keep going! It's been so fun playing it again. β₯ I feel really bad disagreeing with everything Isamu says, but I wanted to try going for the Neutral ending since the Musubi one sounds so depressing, haha. I'm sorry, Isamu ;_; Hitoshura loves you, okay??
I need to play the DDS games too, though I was trying to get a burned undub of 1 to work properly because I just can't stand what they did to Cielo's voice (I tend to be pretty biased towards Japanese voice options if I have them). But it kept freezing on me just before a scene 4 or so hours in. :S Maybe after I finish Nocturne I'll see if I can use my friend's real copy to get past that point and see if mine works fine after that. Otherwise I'll just bite it and play the dub, I guess. XD
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Marureenu In reply to stardroidjean [2012-04-08 08:55:41 +0000 UTC]
Omg awesome! :'D I'm glad I could inspire you! The game is so good and I really love the late game's arc, after the Obelisk! *-* β₯
Yes, yes! Go for the Neutral ending first, I think that's the best thing to do ;w; many people like the True demon ending for gameplay sake and badassery, but I can't say no to a satisfying happy end...I mean I love endings that are angsty/badass/whatev, but it's actually nice to see that all the hardships were worth it in the end ;w;
Oh gosh, Isamu! Yeah ;_; but he doesn't make it easy for you with his angsty, contradictional tsundere attitude! It's like you know in actually he doesn't want to be alone and needs someone to hold on so agreeing with him is jdhjkd - and yes. Hitoshura loves you Isamu ;3; secretly(?) another reason why I adore the Neutral ending....
Oh I see! D: I hope you'll be able to play it soon too! It's awesome β₯ Though I understand if you want the japanese version! I think the voices fit absolutely fantastic to the characters in that game, though Cielo's I needed to get used to at first too. XDD But yes! You should take the time and see if you can get the undub to work and enjoy it to the fullest! β₯ β₯
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stardroidjean In reply to Marureenu [2012-04-08 11:25:58 +0000 UTC]
I really love Nocturne's atmosphere. It feels so... lonely. Even back when I stopped playing for... 2 years? I could already say it was one of my favourite games. Hitoshura is probably my favourite protagonist from any game ever! He is just SO badass, and the weight of the entire damn world is on his shoulders. And his design is so gorgeous and badass *_* and haha yeah, I have nothing wrong with depressing endings... I mean, Persona 2: Innocent Sin is my favourite Megaten story/character-wise, so >_> I think I just want to experience the whole game again before working extra-hard for the True Demon ending. But yeah, I just finished the 3 Amala Temples, everything's been pretty epic lately. XD
; A ; s-stupid Isamu. It's so obvious that he's lonely and kind of crying out for help. Him trying to get anyone to agree with his Reason and follow it contradicts it in the first place! And god, the stuff he says to Hitoshura... if I liked the pairing before, I can see more why people like it now. It's just there. And yeah, a happy end where they can be together is a good end ; A ;
I'm holding out hope for a working undub. I just really hate it when characters are given accents for no reason, especially when it's something as silly as "oh, he has dreads, he needs a Jamaican accent". I'm sure the actual voice acting as a whole is good, since Persona 3 and 4's were above average as far as dubs go, I'm just stubborn and don't want it to hamper my experience. From all the fanart I've seen I really love Cielo too ; A ;
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Marureenu In reply to stardroidjean [2012-04-09 11:04:56 +0000 UTC]
Yes, you described it perfectly! It all feels really desolate. I simply adore the Vortex World's design as well. Honestly with both the game and Hitoshura as a Protagonist, before I played the game I was kinda sceptical to both, but now they rank among my favorites, definitely. It's perfection. ;A; god and his design! Especially in-game, whooaaa. I-I admit I sometimes did just get him as close to the camera as possible so I could look at that gorgeous, serious, handsome face of his with those piercing sharp eyes! And don't get me started on the tattoos! *_*
I also think it's good to try out both endings at least because they're so different ;u; aah the Amala Temples! Then Isamu just summoned his god, stupid little lonesome thing ;_;
I know! Gosh Isamu needs a looooong embrace or something u__u The whole Amala Temple arc was so full of Hito/Isamu and even more regarding which answer you gave him when he asked you if you came to see him or to help Hijiri? In my first playthrough I said the first one and he was rather grateful but the second time around I chose the Hijiri answer and Oooooh my god. He was so bitter about that! A-and if you chose that, the things he says once you defeat one of the three Temple Demons......They are all angsty and hint to Hito/Isamu, to me QAQ
I very much want the Neutral Ending to happen just so Hitoshura can comfort Isamu this time around ; A ;
Yeah 8C I mean, I started DDS with almost no knowledge about it, so I had no clue Cielo didn't even have supposed to have an accent or anything like that. It's weird. :c Cielo is great either way though! I hope you can find your undubbed version! ;w;
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elysiagriffin [2012-02-25 23:26:09 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for the favorite!
Please consider watching my gallery for more cosplay photography
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Rejected-Letterbomb [2012-02-25 22:21:22 +0000 UTC]
I really like your gallery, dude. <3
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stardroidjean In reply to Rejected-Letterbomb [2012-02-26 02:03:35 +0000 UTC]
Dude thanks a lot!!
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icenectar [2012-02-24 18:12:07 +0000 UTC]
I had to look twice at your name when I saw new stuff. I just couldn't believe it!! I knew you were making a comeback but...
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stardroidjean In reply to icenectar [2012-02-25 13:47:28 +0000 UTC]
Haha really? I have quite a bit to submit too. It's not like I wasn't drawing all this time!
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icenectar In reply to stardroidjean [2012-02-25 18:44:44 +0000 UTC]
I know. I remember reading that I was in for a flood of work from you ^^. Not that I'm complaining or anything. There was just some downtime between your journal post and your picture posting. I'm going to look at your latest batch now.
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