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| sonyaxel

# Statistics
Favourites: 629; Deviations: 235; Watchers: 333
Watching: 98; Pageviews: 40876; Comments Made: 840; Friends: 98
# Comments
Comments: 173
celineguesdon [2012-01-04 14:53:57 +0000 UTC]
Hi, i have a question about your work, what software do you use to create your iphone application design and to show this quality result, the picture of the iphone and what you design inside?
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emotiinsupradoze [2011-04-07 12:41:37 +0000 UTC]
Salut Victor. As avea sa-ti pun cateva intrebari legate de newsletters si mailing. Daca ai timp si nu te-ar deranja, imi poti lasa o adresa de email sau un id de messenger ?
mailul meu este sergiuteodorflorea1805@yahoo.com
Multumesc anticipat !
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sonyaxel In reply to emotiinsupradoze [2011-04-08 18:58:59 +0000 UTC]
Salut Sergiu,
Incearca sistemul de Notice / PM(B) al DA. Merge ff ok
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andmatthaus [2011-03-01 06:05:20 +0000 UTC]
Hello friend, really enjoyed your work. Brazilian graphic designer and I've been following for a while. Well, I'm here to ask for your contact, to exchange some ideas and increase the network. hugs
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nenuno [2011-02-06 20:39:25 +0000 UTC]
Hey, we at nenuno creative have featured some of your work on our creative showcase blog: [link]
Feel free to stop by n drop a tweet!
Daniel - [link]
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radzad [2011-01-20 10:53:51 +0000 UTC]
congratulation your WEB DESIGN have been selected for the weekly popular contain in WORLD OF RADZAD | www.radzad.tk website...
to say your comments {complain or other requst and feedback's} please leave a massage to radzadadmn@gmail.com
You can view the work at
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sonyaxel In reply to zee7 [2010-12-08 08:55:38 +0000 UTC]
yep, u are still 1 of my favorites
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MaRoC68 [2010-07-09 17:52:43 +0000 UTC]
I suppose that you were wrong to require this print? [link]
You have a full download!
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sonyaxel In reply to zeerowski [2010-04-14 00:50:06 +0000 UTC]
foarte tare acum am remarkat k esti roman
hello hello ... foarte tari logo-urile alea ... chiar foarte tari, bravos !
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zeerowski In reply to sonyaxel [2010-04-14 06:35:48 +0000 UTC]
sunt ungur dar ce mai conteaza mersi mult
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sonyaxel In reply to zeerowski [2010-04-14 17:32:58 +0000 UTC]
roman in sensul ca intelegi ce balmajesc eu aici! merci mult de comment la Intuitext
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sonyaxel In reply to pixeltoy [2010-04-13 08:21:49 +0000 UTC]
thanks ... you also have a great gallery !
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nenuno [2010-04-05 12:05:43 +0000 UTC]
We at nenuno creative have featured one of your ecommerce designs on our creative blog - [link]
We couldn't resist featuring it!
If you have twitter we would love to follow you (or stalk? )
Also if you could retweet the resource (if you have a twitter account of course ) that would be greatly apreciated!
Thank you,
the nenuno team - [link]
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sonyaxel In reply to nenuno [2010-04-05 14:22:34 +0000 UTC]
thank you very much mate. Really appreciate it!
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jonaska [2010-03-15 23:24:02 +0000 UTC]
Excellent gallery!! Very creative works! I wish I could design like you one day!
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alexdesigns [2010-02-12 08:08:14 +0000 UTC]
Salut. Tin sa zic neaparat ca esti unul dintre cei mai creativi designeri Romani care i-am vazut pe deviantART
Keep it up!
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sonyaxel In reply to alexdesigns [2010-02-12 11:28:15 +0000 UTC]
multumesc frumos! Foarte frumos comment de la un coleg cu o galerie cel putin la fel de 'creativa'
ca a mea ...
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alexdesigns In reply to sonyaxel [2010-02-12 12:02:15 +0000 UTC]
No problem! Watched you de cand cu myPoket, dar abia azi dat iar peste galeria ta si m-am uitat mai atent!
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