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sonicaddict [9762135] [] "..."

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# Comments

Comments: 3384

sonicfan40 [2013-07-08 22:16:43 +0000 UTC]

Happy Birthday

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sonicaddict In reply to sonicfan40 [2013-08-01 09:16:20 +0000 UTC]

sorry for the delay. I havent used this account in quite a while.

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sonicfan40 In reply to sonicaddict [2013-08-01 18:26:17 +0000 UTC]

it's okay

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LeonopteryxDragon [2012-08-02 18:12:24 +0000 UTC]

Hey buddy not to be of any issue here but you're signature is an untrue and very biased statement. Even though i hate country music, i wouldn't tell you that your music is crap (i assume you listen to country or rock or both). Rap music is a great genre and in case you need a reminder of that, here you have it: the hip-hop era has had more hits than any other era of music ever! It is the mainstream music today and it wouldn't be if it were crap. Lil Wayne's Tha Carter III was the number one album in America in 2008. T.I.'s Paper Trail was the best album of the year in 2008. And if you like rock, Linkin Park is a fusion of rap and rock. Maaaaany more people download hip-hop songs on iTunes than country. You hear more rap booming from a car than rock or country. Rap actually has things to say about society and the way we live unlike country which mostly talks about getting drunk and making love in a truck to women (curiously, beautiful women with "perfect" bodies). If this isn't enough, you let me know. Again, not trying to be offensive or anything. Peace out.

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sonicaddict In reply to LeonopteryxDragon [2012-11-14 01:02:34 +0000 UTC]

Sorry for the confusion but thats not how I view the genre and many other things any more. I matured my opinions started to change and my view on life and other things started to widen and not be as narrow as it was before. so I decided to make a new account. I just forgot to delete this one. When I moved to the new one entirely earlier this year.

However I still find it difficult to find interesting Rap artist and its still not one of the better genres in my opinion. Cause you can call me old fashioned but I like listening to Iron maiden,Judast priest,Boby Darin,and All the original greats such as Beethoven and Dvorak.

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LeonopteryxDragon In reply to sonicaddict [2012-11-16 02:42:44 +0000 UTC]

I totally respect your musical views, i just wanted to point out it rap isn't a bad genre of music. I personally don't enjoy classical, it makes me sleepy and it is very long. You're not necessarily old-fashioned, but you wouldn't be able to mix well or understand other people my age or older. Good 4 you that you like Devorak and Bethoven.

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sonicaddict In reply to LeonopteryxDragon [2012-11-22 04:12:21 +0000 UTC]

Thanks glad I cleared that up. ...Wait what is your age group?

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LeonopteryxDragon In reply to sonicaddict [2012-11-24 00:00:52 +0000 UTC]


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sonicaddict In reply to LeonopteryxDragon [2012-11-26 00:31:14 +0000 UTC]

Well then I believe were not that far apart age wise.

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LeonopteryxDragon In reply to sonicaddict [2012-11-26 23:01:43 +0000 UTC]

Perhaps. But we're clearly very different and it seems we have our own separate views. I personally don't know anyone of my age that listens to what you listen to, and almost everybody i know listens to what i listen to. That doesn't make you an outcast or stupid or anything, though. We all have our tastes, and if yours is not the popular one, that's okay.

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sonicaddict In reply to LeonopteryxDragon [2012-11-28 03:19:38 +0000 UTC]

So it seems. I thank you for being level headed about this. NOT often you see that any more. At least not where I live. And for that I wish you farewell.

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LeonopteryxDragon In reply to sonicaddict [2012-12-02 00:30:11 +0000 UTC]

Yep, that is so #NotoriousPlanet. Farewell. TRU

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Agent-Eli [2011-12-31 23:48:34 +0000 UTC]

Happy new year bro

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sonicaddict In reply to Agent-Eli [2012-01-01 06:28:16 +0000 UTC]


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Agent-Eli In reply to sonicaddict [2012-01-01 06:57:27 +0000 UTC]

Um what?

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sonicaddict In reply to Agent-Eli [2012-01-01 07:11:32 +0000 UTC]

Its new years eve. Which means beer alcoholriving under influences. Day of the police busting DUI'S...

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Agent-Eli In reply to sonicaddict [2012-01-01 07:18:19 +0000 UTC]

Its gonna be big

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sonicaddict In reply to Agent-Eli [2012-01-01 07:23:29 +0000 UTC]

Lol XD Yeah ran into a couple of them on the way home...half of them didn't couldn't even stand up straight.

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Agent-Eli In reply to sonicaddict [2012-01-01 07:36:09 +0000 UTC]

Trust me when I say 3 is better

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sonicaddict In reply to Agent-Eli [2012-01-01 08:15:18 +0000 UTC]

...what about a 3?

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Agent-Eli In reply to sonicaddict [2012-01-01 11:21:38 +0000 UTC]


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sonicaddict In reply to Agent-Eli [2012-01-01 16:16:07 +0000 UTC]

Ah k

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Agent-Eli [2011-12-31 23:48:26 +0000 UTC]

Happy new year bro

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tricksterwolf13 [2011-11-18 20:44:58 +0000 UTC]

durp. [link]

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sonicaddict In reply to tricksterwolf13 [2011-11-19 19:52:52 +0000 UTC]


...Imagine one of the more darker modern Gojira's doing it XD like the one from G2K

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tricksterwolf13 In reply to sonicaddict [2011-11-19 20:21:42 +0000 UTC]

oh god LOL XD

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sonicaddict In reply to tricksterwolf13 [2011-11-19 20:24:19 +0000 UTC]

[link] is this not the most epic title screen you've ever seen?

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tricksterwolf13 In reply to sonicaddict [2011-11-19 22:43:24 +0000 UTC]

so many explosions.... and epic old school music of DOOM.

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sonicaddict In reply to tricksterwolf13 [2011-11-19 22:56:51 +0000 UTC]

Holy crap I just found out the the trigun movie just released in the US not to long ago...

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tricksterwolf13 In reply to sonicaddict [2011-11-19 23:03:50 +0000 UTC]


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sonicaddict In reply to tricksterwolf13 [2011-11-19 23:28:22 +0000 UTC]


:/...and it was also showed in a couple of theaters apparently.

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tricksterwolf13 In reply to sonicaddict [2011-11-19 23:33:18 +0000 UTC]

I have no words..

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sonicaddict In reply to tricksterwolf13 [2011-11-19 23:34:45 +0000 UTC]

and I swear to god vash reminds me of gohan near the end of DBZ

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tricksterwolf13 In reply to sonicaddict [2011-11-19 23:41:59 +0000 UTC]

O-O he.. he does...

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sonicaddict In reply to tricksterwolf13 [2011-11-20 01:54:30 +0000 UTC]

When I first watched trigun I was like "Where the hell have I seen this before?.. OH RIGHT DBZ!!"

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tricksterwolf13 In reply to sonicaddict [2011-11-20 03:03:16 +0000 UTC]


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sonicaddict In reply to tricksterwolf13 [2011-11-20 03:25:43 +0000 UTC]

Yeah the only difference is that gohan doesn't mind beating someone to death.

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tricksterwolf13 In reply to sonicaddict [2011-11-20 03:28:58 +0000 UTC]

true. Vash gets depressed over the "death" of donuts xD

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sonicaddict In reply to tricksterwolf13 [2011-11-20 05:32:15 +0000 UTC]

Yeah XD Its sad cause he's the one who kills them XD

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tricksterwolf13 In reply to sonicaddict [2011-11-21 03:28:37 +0000 UTC]

at least he doesn't always realize that it's HIM doing it or he'd kill himself out of sadness XD

poor poor donuts

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sonicaddict In reply to tricksterwolf13 [2011-11-21 06:29:33 +0000 UTC]

lol yeah XD well it could be a year till my grandfather can get out of the hospital. Theres a big chance he'll be permanently be paralyzed from the waist down and may never walk again. That means wheel chair and having to redo the entire porch his bedroom doorway and replace the stairs in the front with a ramp. Oh and me being in charge of making sure most of the house is clean. Gonna be fun cleaning out litter boxs.
...I am just jumping in joy.

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tricksterwolf13 In reply to sonicaddict [2011-11-21 18:40:33 +0000 UTC]

:S euuuurgh
litter boxes are my worst enemy.

the one upstairs smells something awful. Even my dad doesn't want to move within 8 feet of it.

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sonicaddict In reply to tricksterwolf13 [2011-11-21 19:11:04 +0000 UTC]

I know D: my biggest enemy is ... well litter boxes and cleaning up the dogs "mess".
Everything else Im cool with.

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tricksterwolf13 In reply to sonicaddict [2011-11-22 03:46:51 +0000 UTC]

anything relating to such duties immediately makes me disinterested in doing ANYTHING :C

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sonicaddict In reply to tricksterwolf13 [2011-11-22 04:42:02 +0000 UTC]

Well at least I can stomach it. Its mostly the smell I hate....god and sometimes I wonder what the fuck these pussies eat...yes that was intended...

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tricksterwolf13 In reply to sonicaddict [2011-11-22 16:10:46 +0000 UTC]

lol xD
yeah.. it's weird for my cats because I KNOW what they eat and it always smells like rotten eggs, dead fish, and obviously like shit.

My white manx cat reeks of old dried tuna. I actually started coughing and gagging yesterday and my mom looked at me funny and didn't believe me when I said Chrissy smelled bad.
Oh lord did she find out SHE was wrong. 8I

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sonicaddict In reply to tricksterwolf13 [2011-11-22 17:57:55 +0000 UTC]

Only one more day of school for the week XD

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tricksterwolf13 In reply to sonicaddict [2011-11-22 18:32:27 +0000 UTC]

lastdaytoday~ lastdaytoday~

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sonicaddict In reply to tricksterwolf13 [2011-11-22 19:01:15 +0000 UTC]


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tricksterwolf13 In reply to sonicaddict [2011-11-22 19:15:10 +0000 UTC]


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