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| silverwizard

silverwizard [731856] [] "John"

# Statistics

Favourites: 44; Deviations: 95; Watchers: 9

Watching: 22; Pageviews: 6690; Comments Made: 439; Friends: 22

# Comments

Comments: 121

Ikue [2014-12-04 18:00:36 +0000 UTC]

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silverwizard In reply to Ikue [2015-01-17 05:26:44 +0000 UTC]

Que est?

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Ikue In reply to silverwizard [2015-01-20 13:10:02 +0000 UTC]

A high five.

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silverwizard In reply to Ikue [2015-04-14 02:49:50 +0000 UTC]

Late..but I got it now.

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silverwizardmon [2007-07-01 21:30:37 +0000 UTC]

aww you got my name ^^-

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silverwizard In reply to silverwizardmon [2015-04-14 03:28:18 +0000 UTC]

Just saw your work. ~~~~~

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silverwizard In reply to silverwizardmon [2007-07-03 04:58:54 +0000 UTC]

Sorry 'bout that...been called Silver Wizard for over 25 years. BTW...my mom LOVED the smell of skunks...me, not so much...'cept for skunk weed.


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silverwizardmon In reply to silverwizard [2007-07-05 00:27:11 +0000 UTC]

haah no worries ^^- first come first serve

heheh i don't mind the smell of skunks, their cute enough to forgive their stench XD

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Amiba [2004-12-07 22:08:44 +0000 UTC]

thanks for the fav!

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Amiba In reply to Amiba [2004-12-12 02:49:43 +0000 UTC]

oh, don't worry

thanks yet again
I am kind of.. a contradiction. dark, but cute sometimes, who know what's coming?

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silverwizard In reply to Amiba [2004-12-12 03:07:35 +0000 UTC]

"Who knows what's coming? "
Hopefully, no one... not even yourself. Once an artist becomes 'predictable' the magic is lost. May you never lose the magic.
I lost it a long time ago... still trying to find it again.
Funny thing though... I have a feeling that it is about to find me.

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Amiba In reply to silverwizard [2004-12-12 03:22:56 +0000 UTC]

!! !!

that's a good way to see things...

I am sure, it is going to find you soon.

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silverwizard In reply to Amiba [2004-12-12 03:34:15 +0000 UTC]

Thank you. To be perfectly honest, I don't think that I could keep it away if I tried.

Actually, just a bit off subject here... Can you spot, in my gallery and my scraps, the point at which my 'muse' left me?
That point at which a photograph stopped being art and became a snapshot?

Granted, this is a VERY limited cross-section of my work, still, I think that you probably can and I would be more than honored if you would give it a try.

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Amiba In reply to silverwizard [2004-12-15 09:20:14 +0000 UTC]


I'll give it a try. sorry It takes me a lot of time to answer, but I start to get a lot of comment, and it brokes my heart not to answer!

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silverwizard In reply to Amiba [2004-12-15 15:42:51 +0000 UTC]

Not a problem at all. This time, it will take me even longer to answer you. I am taking a break from my computer. I have grown so tired of computers that I need some time away from them. Should I take TOO long to get back to you, please contact me by my email... wizard11m@hotmail.com. I will check that every few days at least.
Sometimes, even the things we love most become a burden, imagine chocolate, every day, every meal...

Part of the reason for this is that I have just realized that I no longer have a purpose in life. I am no longer able to work a normal job, my children are all grown, and I have only myself and my dog these days. For the first time in my fairly long life, there is only myself . I do not know what I want to do with the rest of my life. Even as a child, I at least had dreams. Now... I find nothing. This is a problem. I NEED a direction, a purpose, a reason to carry on... as of now, I have none at all.

I am not gone forever, I will find a direction to follow. I always have.

Later, my friend.

John Bryant
The Wizard of Silver

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Amiba In reply to silverwizard [2005-01-16 09:00:15 +0000 UTC]

it's ok, I am taking my time, too
been really busy around school...

I hope I'll read something from you soon,
but what I hope the most, is that you are allready feeling better, and on track, wouldn't like to hear you are struggling
my best wishes and regards

take care!


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silverwizard In reply to Amiba [2005-01-19 06:55:50 +0000 UTC]

Hello Diana,

I, most sincerely, thank you for your kind thoughts and appreciate your best wishes. I have been sorting out some of the detritus of my past and attempting to get a handle on my future. Hope to have things clear in the near future. One way or another I will be doing some traveling and I will also be bringing myself into the digital age (camera wise). I will be going to the Baja (at least up around San Felipe) and maybe down into the main part of Mexico as well at some point. Perhaps you could give me some ideas on places to visit, things to see and so on?
Just saw 'Emily'...wonderful! Haven't caught up with all you have done recently but that one has been added to my favorites. I am very impressed! I really wish that I could paint/draw...that's why I became a photographer at the age of 12. You really do NOT want to see anything that I draw, well, I can do technical drawings...using all the tools, but...no free hand at all!
Anyway, I am back, mostly. I will not be putting up any new photos just yet since things are so much up-in-the-air.


BTW...LOVE your sig! Very, very true!

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Amiba In reply to silverwizard [2005-01-23 09:28:24 +0000 UTC]

thanks a lot for that fav
I've been practicing a lot.(or at least that is what I think )

I understand.
I hope I can see more pics soon, tho.
take care

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silverwizard In reply to Amiba [2005-01-23 10:08:02 +0000 UTC]

Soon, very soon...I hope, there will be many more pics from some beautiful places and people here in the States. I have been soo poor since losing my job after the accident though...never have I been so poor...but, the end is in sight!
Sorry, got carried away there. I've had a really bad year (money wise) but things will be much better very soon.
Anyway...all that aside...
Ever been to the Baja? The area around the Sea of Cortez (I love San Felipe) is amazing. Desert behind you and fabulous beaches that go on and on for miles....
Can't wait to get back on the road, I am most alive when I am traveling. Sameness drives me crazy!

BTW...best advice I can give? Keep them guessing. Make everyone wonder what you will do next.
Love your work!


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Amiba In reply to silverwizard [2005-02-06 06:08:12 +0000 UTC]

I hope so!
I'd love to see more of those beautiful pics of yours.

never been to baja hopefuly will someday..

I took your advise, btw. I think I am a doing a good job making them guess!!

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silverwizard In reply to Amiba [2005-02-19 00:15:50 +0000 UTC]

So very sorry to take sooo long to get back to you!
Many things happening these days. Mostly good but, unfortunately, not all. I have $50,000 coming to me on Feb. 22nd...the other $50,000 might take 6-12 months. Still, I am buying a new (to me) car, a 2000 Jeep Cherokee, I'm building a new computer that will be optimized for graphics (photography) and the storage of LOTS of photos (including a film and slide scanner) and I am buying a Nikon D100 digital camera (maybe...might go all out and get the D2H)...either camera will use all of my old Nikon lenses!

BTW...I have done a bit of lurking lately and I must say that the quality of your work is getting MUCH better. Practice, practice, practice!!!!

You, my friend, have a certain flair...something that I cannot precisely define...
Still, whatever works!?!
In other words...You do GOOD work. Given a bit of time...
There are SO many on DA that wish they had your talent. Do NOT let anyone make you feel inferior! And they will! Sooner or later.
Personally, I wish that I could have know then, what I know now.

Oh yeah...I'll be back!!!
With a vengance!
Ya can't keep an old dog down!!!

Love your work Amiba!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Amiba In reply to silverwizard [2005-02-19 02:56:03 +0000 UTC]


money I wish I had the money! I want to buy a new camera, a nikon too, probably. I just don't have the money xo
glad to know you are doing fine well, mostly, like anybody! ups and downs.

thanks a lot for your sweet words.. I care less about ugly people anyway, I just pay attention to the lovely, constructive comments. I know I am just starting, and I am going right to the top, baby! oh well, a girl can dream
make some money, buy my cam, take pics and travel! perfect life.

I'll be waiting!
old dog, haha


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silverwizard In reply to Amiba [2005-02-19 08:58:13 +0000 UTC]

Just had a thought...what would you do, if you suddenly had a Nikon FE with a 50mm 1:1.4 Nikkor lens?
Yours, no charge, no strings, just yours...

Only one catch.
Never give up that side of your art and the camera is yours.

Do we have a deal?

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Amiba In reply to silverwizard [2005-02-19 08:59:16 +0000 UTC]

!! you HAVE to be kidding!



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silverwizard In reply to Amiba [2005-02-19 09:10:59 +0000 UTC]

No. I am not. Just have to take it to CameraWorks and have it checked out, give me a week or so for that and then we will work out where to send it. This is just my way of carrying on the art. Someone did something quite like this for me and now, it's my turn. I repeat...this is not a joke, this is really happening. I only wish that we were not so far apart because I'd love to see your face when you have it in your hands. It is not a new camera, but, it is a really, really good one. Even better than the one that Minor gave me.
One last catch to the whole thing. You MUST do the same for another photographer some time in the future. Do NOT rush to do it. Do NOT waste the gift. This is part of a tradition that started over 100 years ago and, with luck and good sense, will last at least another 100 years.

This is real my friend.

Just do not forget the other side of your talent.

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Amiba In reply to silverwizard [2005-02-19 09:15:58 +0000 UTC]


oh my.. divine lord.
you are SO awesome!!!
I don't know what to say.. rather than write you a thousand thank yous! all over the place..

I'd love to be part of the tradition!

take ALL the time you need, please! oh you should see my face now! imagine when I get it! oh my my..

I have to go to sleep now.. and I can't stop smiling!

thank you!

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silverwizard In reply to Amiba [2005-02-19 09:53:19 +0000 UTC]

BTW...if you want to see the camera that Minor gave me just look in my scraps.
More later...
Go to sleep. Staying awake will not bring it any faster.
For every thing, there is a season. For every thing, there is a reason.

BTW...Look at my signature for the reason.

Deepest respect and love of a friend and fellow artist,


Please e-mail (do not! send it by DA!) an address for shipment. Considering the nut cases out there these days (and I DO NOT blame you if you think that I am one of those at this point!), it need not be your own address. Post Office Box, a friend, a business that you can trust...whatever...actually, I would feel better if it is a really, really safe address. That way, when it arrives, you will know that this is not a dream or something more sinister. Can't be too careful these days!!!

Just promise me that you will take good care of Nikki. She has been a very good friend and has taken some really nice photos. Damn! This is harder than I thought it would be. It's a bit like letting one's child go out into the world. Still, I made the same promise that I have asked of you.
It is time to honor that promise.


Any of these will reach me.

Good Night,


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Amiba In reply to silverwizard [2005-02-24 23:37:28 +0000 UTC]

you are online

k'k. I'll send you the adress. the thing is I live on campus, but things do arrive here. it is a REALLY safe adress, believe me
sending in.

of course I will take good care of Nikki! I totally understand how you feel


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silverwizard In reply to Amiba [2004-12-12 02:47:54 +0000 UTC]

Sorry for the belated reply...

What can I say? You have a rather unique take on things... if a bit dark at times..

Still, quite good work my friend. I look forward to seeing whatever your imagination presents.

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enasniStock [2004-12-07 16:14:52 +0000 UTC]

Thank you for the watch

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silverwizard In reply to enasniStock [2004-12-12 02:43:36 +0000 UTC]

Very sorry, I've been wrapped up in some 'local' business.

Credit where credit is due, some deserve a watch and others...

In other words, You are Most Welcome. Keep up the good work!

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WraggDoll [2004-12-04 05:21:27 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the Fav Rating! Much appreciated

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silverwizard In reply to WraggDoll [2004-12-07 12:55:07 +0000 UTC]

Sorry to take so long to reply. No prob on the fav. part of this whole thing is to give credit where it is due. Trust me, in this case, credit was and is due. Keep doing the things that make you happy and remember that art is...

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WraggDoll In reply to silverwizard [2004-12-07 13:45:18 +0000 UTC]

That's ok and I love your quote!

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silverwizard In reply to WraggDoll [2004-12-07 13:49:32 +0000 UTC]

Thank you, I feel that it is quite appropriate in most cases. Not all, just most.

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MurfQ [2004-12-03 00:19:29 +0000 UTC]

Oh, on second thought, I see how things are going. Feeling a little under the weather huh? Hope you're starting to feel better. I hate being sick too (not that anybody likes it), drives me up the wall.

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silverwizard In reply to MurfQ [2004-12-07 13:07:23 +0000 UTC]

Kind of wandering about tonight... today(?), just saw this message from you, very sorry that I missed it before. As the saying goes, "This too shall pass". Thank you, very much, for your kind words.

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MurfQ [2004-12-03 00:17:22 +0000 UTC]

Hey thanks for the fav John! How's everything going?

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amuletts [2004-12-02 11:44:45 +0000 UTC]

Random Dev hug

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Insanedemon [2004-11-30 18:15:34 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the fav on 'Sweet innocence'!
you have a nice gallery!

Thanks again bud!

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silverwizard In reply to Insanedemon [2004-11-30 18:41:44 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! There will soon be lots more to see here. Still have at least 1-2 hundred more old photos to post before getting into the newer stuff. Between being so broke that I can't even afford to pay attention, the pain meds, and hardware problems and now this virus, I am way behind on everything.

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KChanTheYevonite [2004-11-30 01:54:21 +0000 UTC]

Bush is stupid.

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silverwizard In reply to KChanTheYevonite [2004-11-30 18:33:46 +0000 UTC]

Actually, he just likes to come across that way. He is very, very devious (not in the context used on DA) and he really scares the crap out of me. Just hope that he doesn't manage to destroy the country before he is through. To me, the scariest thing is that while most people think, at least a little, before reacting, he reacts and then thinks (a little). In other words, shoot first and ask questions later.

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KChanTheYevonite In reply to silverwizard [2004-12-01 00:05:53 +0000 UTC]

And that's why he should go back home to Texas and leave the security of Americans alone. Forever. ><

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silverwizard In reply to KChanTheYevonite [2004-12-02 00:16:34 +0000 UTC]

Not much chance of that. After all, he believes that God wants him to do all these terrible things. Just read that he is cutting the protected habitat of salmon (endangered species) by 80%. Scary thing is, he's just geting started. New term doesn't even start till next Jan. Wish I could just sleep for the next 4 years so I would have the energy to deal with the mess he will leave behind.

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KChanTheYevonite In reply to silverwizard [2004-12-02 00:19:30 +0000 UTC]

I think most of us want to sleep for the next four years. But then again, waking up to the aftermath of the end of civilization as we know it would take a lot of adapting. ._.

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silverwizard In reply to KChanTheYevonite [2004-12-02 00:30:15 +0000 UTC]

Maybe I should take up brewing as a hobby. Drink enough beer and the mind goes numb. Already on anti-depressants due to the accident and losing pretty much everything. That's it! Drug and drink myself into a stupor! Not! Gotta be on my toes so I can duck when the shit hits the fan.

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KChanTheYevonite In reply to silverwizard [2004-12-02 00:42:54 +0000 UTC]

*pat pat*

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silverwizard In reply to KChanTheYevonite [2004-12-02 00:46:44 +0000 UTC]


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ms-villeroy [2004-11-29 07:01:39 +0000 UTC]

i love your ava! You've got some very nice art here, hun

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