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| shrimpmuffin
# Statistics
Favourites: 6114; Deviations: 280; Watchers: 139
Watching: 424; Pageviews: 31333; Comments Made: 12753; Friends: 424
# Comments
Comments: 1198
Baby-BIue [2018-03-26 22:24:40 +0000 UTC]
Howdy there! My name is Blue if you are interested in a rp group please join (drummmmm rollllll) bizarre-celebrations.deviantar⦠we are a friendly rp/oct group looking for new, sweet, and active members like yourself!!
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Capukat [2014-04-24 00:24:44 +0000 UTC]
Hi! ;u;Β
I'm not too sure if you remember me but I just remembered you and thought I would stop by and ask how you were.
Well.. yep!
I hope I'm not bothering.
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shrimpmuffin In reply to Jesseth [2012-03-10 15:12:12 +0000 UTC]
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shrimpmuffin In reply to GoddessGirl1 [2012-02-24 13:34:48 +0000 UTC]
Ahhh I'm really sorry for not posting but I think maybe you guys should give up my spot to someone else. My grades have been falling behind and I think I need to focus more on them, so while I love RPing I just don't know if I have time to do it well
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GoddessGirl1 In reply to shrimpmuffin [2012-02-24 16:01:53 +0000 UTC]
it's ok, at least you still remember that you have the rp
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shrimpmuffin In reply to Holly-Raven12 [2012-02-22 13:15:21 +0000 UTC]
Thank you! I'm afraid I don't participate in this sort of game but the hug is appreciated!
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shrimpmuffin In reply to Mirouqu [2012-02-09 04:56:07 +0000 UTC]
I'd really prefer you didn't. Do I even know you??? Gonna hide this comment, please spam elsewhere!
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Seimei-roo In reply to shrimpmuffin [2012-02-06 05:33:22 +0000 UTC]
You're most welcome! ^^
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DaintyTruffle [2012-01-27 23:08:55 +0000 UTC]
Hey, shrimp.
I just have a tad bit of ranting for you
-I just hate it when I have a sketch I'm finishing at school and people are all like " Hey, that's pretty cool, you drew that?"
Have you ever been through something like that?
/rant end.
Good news- I finally feel confident in my drawing skills to post something. ^u^ New picture soon just gotta color it.
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shrimpmuffin In reply to DaintyTruffle [2012-02-01 13:27:03 +0000 UTC]
Nah people know that I draw what I draw haha. A lot of times they'll say "that looks like something from ____!" (usually pokemon/neopets/comic books etc. haha). It does get annoying but there's not much to do about it! And definitely upload your art!!!
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DaintyTruffle In reply to shrimpmuffin [2012-02-01 13:32:51 +0000 UTC]
Maybe it's because I'm a little more secretive when drawing in class because it feels like I'm showing off and I hate it when I'm flooded with compliments. >n<
Oh and I'm still working on it bit by bit! I'm a slow color-er.
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WINDAKI [2012-01-17 06:05:36 +0000 UTC]
Hello Just letting you know that you can Create your account on the RP forum already
(You do not need an activation code because i disabled them so if you do not wish to use your E mail make one up)
Your account will need approval from me so make sure you use your DA username (Or please Tell me if you are not under the same name)
Also feel free to create separate accounts for your Characters (Canons will have their own accounts so no need to make some for them)
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shrimpmuffin In reply to WINDAKI [2012-01-17 06:10:59 +0000 UTC]
OK I'll do that! So I assume this account will be for Serras and then later once you've decided who's RPing what canon we'll be assigned cannon accounts? Also is the end date for the canons when you're stopping taking apps for them or when you're picking who's RPing? One last thing xD(sorry for all of the questions haha) any chance you can notify me if/when other people want to RP the canons I've asked about just so that I can definitely have a sample RP in time?
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WINDAKI In reply to shrimpmuffin [2012-01-17 06:18:39 +0000 UTC]
Sure. 83
Yeah Canon Accounts will be assigned once the official player is chosen.
The dead line is when applications for the canon will be closed and if no one else tried out for them you automatically get them, if someone else was interested then Tryouts will be held and they will be chosen by who portrays and plays the character more accurate.
(Sure I will send a note when someone else is interested in an RP) (Also remember that you can have up to two canons and I will be posting Bec noir and the kids tonight now that I kind of changed plans to have kids join the Rp (On the Earth board)
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shrimpmuffin In reply to WINDAKI [2012-01-17 06:21:28 +0000 UTC]
Ok sounds good! Probably what I'll do is just see if I get any of the canon's I applied for and if not just RP my fantroll. I love all three characters quite a lot so any way it works out is good with me! I just think a canon or two might be fun hehe
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WINDAKI In reply to shrimpmuffin [2012-01-17 06:28:32 +0000 UTC]
Switch the limit to three Canons if it is wished (Adding the humans and the medium inhabitants ETC)
Oh yeah someone else is applyng for Kanaya
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shrimpmuffin In reply to WINDAKI [2012-01-17 06:30:11 +0000 UTC]
Heh well I don't know that I could handle 3 canons in the case that I even am selected for the 2 I already applied for so I'll just keep my applications as is. Aha! A challenger appears! Well I'll get an example RP ready for when the application date is here!
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DaintyTruffle [2012-01-15 04:58:57 +0000 UTC]
I tried to find all my sims 2 games.
It was a fun scavenger hunt even though I got my panties in a knot.
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shrimpmuffin In reply to DaintyTruffle [2012-01-15 18:36:31 +0000 UTC]
slkdfjs did you succeed?
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DaintyTruffle In reply to shrimpmuffin [2012-01-15 19:25:58 +0000 UTC]
Oh yes I did and I'm glad I did!
I stayed up for quite awhile just trying to find the base game while all the expansion packs were scattered all over the place.
Now I'm gonna go see if my laptop can take the base game and some more.
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shrimpmuffin In reply to DaintyTruffle [2012-01-15 19:27:18 +0000 UTC]
Haha well good luck with that! My mac haaates games so...no sims sob ;A;
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DaintyTruffle In reply to shrimpmuffin [2012-01-15 22:49:39 +0000 UTC]
I have a dell 1440.
There graphic cards suck but maybe if I put it on low graphics it won't slow down my comp...
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shrimpmuffin In reply to DaintyTruffle [2012-01-15 22:53:31 +0000 UTC]
Oh man the whole of computer insides confuse me a bunch. I tried to fix up my comp so it could run steam(it's so slow that it's not even worth it) but all of the terms just confused me waaay too much even when I tried to look up what they meant
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DaintyTruffle In reply to shrimpmuffin [2012-01-15 23:00:42 +0000 UTC]
In the past I was probably the worst person when it comes to computers because I crashed them so often. But now I know what not to delete and what not to download. I even know how to reboot my computer(after my mom showed me so many times XD)
Also for all my computer questions I use yahoo answers because people usually have a simpler explanation of things.
Just keep researching and not crash your computer as many times I did and you'll be five steps ahead ^^
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shrimpmuffin In reply to DaintyTruffle [2012-01-15 23:01:21 +0000 UTC]
Ok! Thanks for the good advice!
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Jesseth [2012-01-13 02:09:17 +0000 UTC]
Have I ever mentioned to you how much I like Fido/Fidatrest?
Because here's a little doodle I did of them 83
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shrimpmuffin In reply to Jesseth [2012-01-13 13:04:38 +0000 UTC]
AHH <333333333333333333
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Capukat [2012-01-06 17:55:02 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for the watch <3
I was kinda afraid to watch you before to be honest, so have one back now!
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shrimpmuffin In reply to Capukat [2012-01-06 20:35:55 +0000 UTC]
Ahh don't be afraid of me ;A;
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shrimpmuffin In reply to Capukat [2012-01-06 17:40:30 +0000 UTC]
Thank you! And have one yourself!
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puggypower54 [2012-01-05 22:12:06 +0000 UTC]
okay umm.. not to be rude, but you accused capukat of stealing, and i know she didnt. the style honestly doesnt look at all the same. even if it did, she didnt even know about this website and was on create and used the same style for her art for months. :/ and that picture was also very old and the character also from disney, not to mention capukat is extremely pissed at art stealers and hates them. not trying to get in your business, i am just saying i dont think it was intentional and a missunderstanding
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shrimpmuffin In reply to puggypower54 [2012-01-06 02:20:15 +0000 UTC]
She provided examples and I quite honestly wasn't invested enough in my accusation to link examples of the similarities. Paw style, fur style, eye style, generally everything about the style looks similar to
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puggypower54 In reply to shrimpmuffin [2012-01-06 03:21:09 +0000 UTC]
I checked out their art and I don't see it.. I Am just saying she is very upset and you shoulve talked to her before accusing her of copying for tiny similarities
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shrimpmuffin In reply to puggypower54 [2012-01-06 06:34:38 +0000 UTC]
Is she upset? I thought she and I had resolved it but if not I'll apologize. I was a bit quick to assume but it just seemed to be all of the usual hints of art theft, similar styles, a new account, etc. All the same if she is upset I'd like to console her, I didn't mean to cause her emotional harm.
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puggypower54 In reply to shrimpmuffin [2012-01-06 22:16:51 +0000 UTC]
ya she was pretty upset :/ and i am not mad at you, just being defensive is all. and she is very nice and really hides her feelings and ya... and the new account thing was i think because she is just starting sai, and is beginning to be unhappy with her old art, i changed a lot when i was on that cite disney, but kept my last when i was used to it.
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shrimpmuffin In reply to puggypower54 [2012-01-07 02:40:24 +0000 UTC]
Aw well thank you for looking out for her, I've talked to her and apologized, I think we'll be able to start anew and put my blunders behind us
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puggypower54 In reply to shrimpmuffin [2012-01-07 16:52:43 +0000 UTC]
its the least i can do for a friend and that is good, i am sure she will be very happy. thank you for your understanding!
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Falconicide [2012-01-03 13:28:23 +0000 UTC]
I challenge you to an paper crafting origami ninja battle!
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shrimpmuffin In reply to Falconicide [2012-01-03 14:38:09 +0000 UTC]
I've never really tried paper crafting! And I'm terrible at origami xD But I'll try paper crafting in the cut and create sense
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