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| shiyo09

# Statistics
Favourites: 429; Deviations: 100; Watchers: 126
Watching: 303; Pageviews: 9230; Comments Made: 407; Friends: 303
# Comments
Comments: 123
LumiereLight [2018-02-22 20:29:52 +0000 UTC]
Wow...your gallery and art is absolutely amazing...so that brings me to the conclusion... why are (someone as amazing, fabulous, creative and talented) as you watchingΒ me?
But either way...
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shiyo09 In reply to LumiereLight [2018-02-24 14:22:11 +0000 UTC]
Omg thank you so much! ////w//// eh it's okay right if I'm watching you? Hehe
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FallenAngelDesu [2017-07-09 12:05:44 +0000 UTC]
HOLY FRICK WHAT. I just saw your gallery and I was like, 'What the heck? This awesomely talented artist deserves waaaay more appreciation and credit!!' //sparkly eyes// I'm dead impressed~ You're just a really amazing artist, I adore you so much~!Β Β Your art style is undeniably kawaii and adorable~ I absolutely love your artworks! I seriously can't wait to see more of your beautiful drawings~ *KIRA KIRA YURA YURA* (Eyy~ Fellow Indonesian right here~) Β
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shiyo09 In reply to FallenAngelDesu [2017-08-31 11:35:33 +0000 UTC]
HELLO OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH UHUHUH ;; I-i don't know what to say, you made me blush a aaa a a
Thank you I tried to productive and make more arts from now on!
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FallenAngelDesu In reply to shiyo09 [2017-08-31 14:19:47 +0000 UTC]
Aaaahh it's ok :'>
you deserve a lot more recognition~ <3
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Satsumagic [2016-01-24 06:24:59 +0000 UTC]
I already was so amazed looking through your gallery and I was like "alright, visit her main site and give her a wa--- WHAT DOES SHE MEAN SHE USES A MOUSE TO DRAW ALL THIS".
MY GOD have you seen the things you do?! That one picture with the red-orange fading sky. How do. You do. This. Like without photoshop GIRL HAVE YOU SEEN YOUR SKILL LEVEL.
Ill... Ill get a tea, my mind is so blown, literally. You deserve more watchers, more comments, more everything. Β d a y u m n.
;v; tl;dr I really like your art.
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shiyo09 In reply to Satsumagic [2016-01-25 07:40:03 +0000 UTC]
I...just don't know how to reply your comment--
But thank you very much Β
A aaa I really really really glad to hear your comment.
As you see, I'm just an ordinary mouse user hehe, you know, there's a lot of amazing mouse user out there too. And I just wanna be like them!
Hehehe thank you so much! I wanna have more watchers, more comments, as you said. But I thought that I have to improve more :'3 Thanks for your appreciation too.
It's the first time I hear someone said this to me and I'm so glad like I wanna cry.
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Satsumagic In reply to shiyo09 [2016-01-29 06:05:21 +0000 UTC]
You say ordinary but I see SO MUCH talent and potential! In my opinion, you pretty much already are like them and you deserve waaaay more attention. With your artstyle and cute personality, you could actually already have a ton of watchers. Imma go feature you in some groups from now on and on my profile ;w; I'm not too well known (right now) myself but I'll at least try to help you out as good as I can! You might wanna put in a donation button under your ID and feature some more of your artwork on the left, instead of favourites and groups, so people instantly see greatness and are willing to donate for a core membership or something. (and if you want/got core, i can script you a pretty html profile, just need to know what colors you like :'D)
What might also get you tons of attention, would be commissions. With your style, I see people buying LOTS. Again, I'll feature it best as I can so many people notice you. If you say you're fairly slow, just take 3 - 5 slots at a time and set the rest on hold. People will understand (because we all are lazy on the inside orz).
And remember, improvement is always good but stay loyal to yourself. You dont have to imitate or aspire something or someone you dont want to be. In the end, you need to be happy. <3 Cry all you want, THESE ARMS CAN HOLD ALL YOUR EMOTIONS. //hugs tight
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shiyo09 In reply to Satsumagic [2016-02-06 03:31:45 +0000 UTC]
Seriously I can't answer your words. I'm too speechless. And finally I need some days to write this //sobs //rollsover
I'm crying when I read this. WHY YOU'RE SO KIND? WHY??? JUST WHY???
Yeah maybe as you said before, I want to deserve more attention tho---but yeah maybe I'm not pretty popular so I refrain to force myself and tried to improve my artworks instead. Or maybe I'm not brave enough to show my artworks to others... Thanks but you don't need to bother yourself ; w ;; btw I like pale blue or something dark color. Is it alright because I've tried a html code for dA but it didn't work?
I'll try to apply all your advices. Maybe I'll try to open commish too after make a paypal account too. Thanks for write this long for me ;; v ;Β
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Nissanote [2016-01-24 03:38:08 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for the fav on my latest work ^^ !Β fav.me/d9o2rfq
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shiyo09 In reply to Nissanote [2016-01-25 06:54:54 +0000 UTC]
You are welcome, dear ehehehehe <3
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201-6 [2016-01-15 11:53:20 +0000 UTC]
aaaah kamu juga mouse kaannnΒ ΰ¬(ΰ©Λκ³Λ)ΰ©β§
makasih watchnya ya aa //gelundungan//
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shiyo09 In reply to 201-6 [2016-01-16 00:22:09 +0000 UTC]
aku baru tau kamu mouse user kok baru sekarang ya hue Β
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201-6 In reply to shiyo09 [2016-01-17 02:18:40 +0000 UTC]
aku juga baru tau kamu mos userΒ Β selama ini kirain pake penteb whahaha
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shiyo09 In reply to 201-6 [2016-01-18 06:51:31 +0000 UTC]
pernah sih pake penteb tapi minjem HAHA
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shiyo09 In reply to 201-6 [2016-01-23 02:10:32 +0000 UTC]
kamu juga hebat qoq qaqa :'cc
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shiyo09 In reply to tnkore [2016-01-13 06:11:26 +0000 UTC]
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tnkore In reply to shiyo09 [2016-01-13 14:09:39 +0000 UTC]
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shiyo09 In reply to tnkore [2016-01-14 01:14:38 +0000 UTC]
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tnkore In reply to shiyo09 [2016-01-14 01:44:22 +0000 UTC]
Ingin environtment baru gituuu ///
Kalau dA sih hapus watcher gitu deh... ///
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shiyo09 In reply to tnkore [2016-01-14 07:44:46 +0000 UTC]
eh hapus watcher? bisa ya?
environment baru tapi sih iya, tapi tiba tiba menghilang kan yang gimana gitu aaa a a a a
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tnkore In reply to shiyo09 [2016-01-14 12:50:00 +0000 UTC]
Kalau block watcher, nanti dia jadi un-watch gitu-
Ehehe, maaf deh. Gimana nih Shiyo selagi aku menghilang?? //pentingapa
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shiyo09 In reply to tnkore [2016-01-15 01:13:25 +0000 UTC]
Oh gitu... aku baru tau //gapteklu
Sebenernya mulai notice pas kamu jarang ada di watch kok jarang ada, kukira kamu deactive jadi gak keliatan. Tapi kok tiba-tiba nemu kamu di mana gitu //halah
akhirnya ku watch deh
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tnkore In reply to shiyo09 [2016-01-15 06:00:53 +0000 UTC]
Laugh, gitu toh- ...Gimana akademis? Sudah belajar? //ngek
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shiyo09 In reply to tnkore [2016-01-15 08:16:38 +0000 UTC]
Ehehehe---aku nggak sekolah sih sekarang, lagi masa-masa magang. Jadi bisa sering online dA heheh //terbangΒ
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tnkore In reply to shiyo09 [2016-01-15 13:55:08 +0000 UTC]
Huwaa, SMK kah? Enaknya sedang senggang--- ///q///
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shiyo09 In reply to tnkore [2016-01-16 00:22:39 +0000 UTC]
iya senggang banget hehe. Kamu gimana nih? Udah UTS kah?
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tnkore In reply to shiyo09 [2016-01-16 10:15:55 +0000 UTC]
Udaah, tinggal US sama UN. Harus fokus belajar tapi gambar mulu, haha!!
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shiyo09 In reply to tnkore [2016-01-18 04:34:52 +0000 UTC]
Wah, udah mau lulus ya :3 Fokus belajar dulu aja, tapi emang nggak enak sih. Pasti nanti curi curi waktu buat gambar hehe--
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tnkore In reply to shiyo09 [2016-01-18 06:05:26 +0000 UTC]
Iiya, pada akhirnya tetap curi-curi waktu. Haha~ ///
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shiyo09 In reply to tnkore [2016-01-18 08:51:49 +0000 UTC]
Iya, aku juga kayak gitu. Pada akhirnya nggak bisa kalau nggak nggambar - 3 -
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akeruie [2016-01-09 02:54:45 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for the watch, have a nice day! Β Β
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shiyo09 In reply to MomoRaitoningu [2016-01-11 05:54:38 +0000 UTC]
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shiyo09 In reply to PatataConAjo [2016-01-04 08:07:26 +0000 UTC]
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