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| sarisama
# Statistics
Favourites: 403; Deviations: 1; Watchers: 3
Watching: 25; Pageviews: 2894; Comments Made: 427; Friends: 25
# Comments
Comments: 18
KumikoDreamyArt [2014-07-20 15:03:44 +0000 UTC]
Thank you so much for the watch!!!!! ^ ^ <3 <3 <3
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xRyuusei [2014-02-14 18:38:58 +0000 UTC]
Omg! Hope you had a happy birthday !(Sorry for greeting you so late :c) Anyways, I also wanted to thank youl for your support and faves *0* so, thanks <33!
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sarisama In reply to xRyuusei [2014-02-16 04:15:26 +0000 UTC]
Wow thank you this is so kind of you,yes I had a wonderful Day thank you. No, no thank you, I love your work. Please continue, I look forward to seeing more beautiful ichiruki works by you. Ā
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xRyuusei In reply to sarisama [2014-02-16 21:18:58 +0000 UTC]
That's nice ! Aww, thank you soooo much <3 of course I'm gonna draw more Ichiruki haha ;3 I think a saw one of my drawings in your tumblr, thank you, agaaain! (I just created a tumblr account yesterday, I'm gonna follow you c
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sarisama In reply to xRyuusei [2014-02-20 16:52:27 +0000 UTC]
oh wow what an honor, please post your beautiful art there. I can't wait please keep in touch
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xRyuusei In reply to sarisama [2014-02-21 05:21:53 +0000 UTC]
Hahaha you're so sweet <33 I'll definitely post my drawings there :3 ( besides from random stuff xDD and of course a lot of ichiruki )
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peca06 [2013-10-04 05:04:59 +0000 UTC]
Thank you so much for your support and watch ^__^ <3
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denebtenoh [2013-09-03 23:20:47 +0000 UTC]
thank you so much for all your favs! hey! how come you speak spanish so well?
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sarisama In reply to denebtenoh [2013-09-04 05:59:09 +0000 UTC]
Oh lol I speak Ā it well, becauseĀ I'm Mexican/American but writing Ā itĀ ? oh sweet JesusĀ , olvida te lol ,I suck.
I really love your work , would it be ok to share or post on my tumbler blog? I'll wait for your response, full credit to you and DA as the source. take good care! Ā Ā
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denebtenoh In reply to sarisama [2013-09-05 14:13:02 +0000 UTC]
IĀ“d be honored if you used my work on your blog, IĀ“d only ask for the credits. Please let me know once you do it so I can visit!
Mexican/American? Awesome! Two of my favorite cousins are mexican/american too!! And I just loooove them! Is it from one of your parents?Ā
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sarisama In reply to denebtenoh [2013-09-06 01:28:46 +0000 UTC]
Thank you so much what an Honor , and yes full credit and a shout out.Ā I can now brag that I spoken to such an amazing artist. My blog is easy to find it like my name hereĀ sarisama~ tumblr .comĀ Its called:Ā Ā In the universe of my mind.Ā Ā I say Mexican American due to being uh? 4th 5th Ā generation here in the US, you know after one assimilates aĀ new life in new country Ā our original couture gets lost, but we have maintain our roots well try too. My mothers family is Ā made up by Spanish refugees who came Mexico in the 30 's / 40's Ā and my dad his family is very Mexican lolĀ , but all live here in the US. ay!Ā sorry for Rambling on, I can talk,XD lol. thanks so much!! take good care. I would be looking forwardĀ to any new art you post.Ā (Ā Abrazo's)
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denebtenoh In reply to sarisama [2013-09-07 00:09:12 +0000 UTC]
AAhh, que interesante!! So mexican/Spanish/American, wow!! XD
sorry, something happened and the link split in two, so I canĀ“t open it. Would you mind send it again? thank you! And thank you for your support!
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sarisama In reply to denebtenoh [2013-09-07 09:53:32 +0000 UTC]
sarisama.tumblr.com/Ā hope this works.
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denebtenoh In reply to sarisama [2013-09-11 01:12:42 +0000 UTC]
It Worked!!Ā
thank you SO much for your beautiful words! and for the honor to post my work!
YAY!! you know Carrie??? sheĀ“s been a very good friend of mine for quite a long time!! how awesome sheĀ“s your friend too!!
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sarisama In reply to denebtenoh [2013-09-19 00:58:18 +0000 UTC]
Oh no Ā sadly shes not,( Carrie ) I wish I copied your words I wanted my followers to know every detail of your inspiration , I did mention it was your Ā Description Ā .... Ā I hope you didn't mind? Sorry if you do , I was taken by what you and carried did its was so beautiful , I wanted everyone to see it and give you both credit . Again amazing work . Ā I like to give my followers a bit of background and I even try my best to translate the Japanese artist comments it make us feel so much more uh?.....Love , for the art to know more about its inspiration . I'm romantic lol Ā . Again thank you , best wishes Ā and take good care , big hug ,Ā
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denebtenoh In reply to sarisama [2013-09-23 23:22:38 +0000 UTC]
Oh! sorry, guess I missed that part.
But you know? itĀ“s actually easy to be friends with Carrie, sheĀ“s a wonderful person, very humane and very sweet. SheĀ“s actually an author of a published book, and I love what she did for a friend of hers (I only got to meet the guy just a bit).
I donĀ“t mind at all, I think itĀ“s awesome! and thank you for giving me credit!
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