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| rowanberry
# Statistics
Favourites: 150; Deviations: 2; Watchers: 1760
Watching: 215; Pageviews: 121678; Comments Made: 12554; Friends: 215
# Comments
Comments: 2407
KitakLaw [2010-08-04 21:54:29 +0000 UTC]
Hm...I see from your journal from last year that you've more or less retired from this DA page. But I just want to say that your pictures look amazing.
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DJ-Glass [2010-07-16 00:59:38 +0000 UTC]
what happened to your picture "dream of wonderland"? It was one of my favorites.
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Arysthae-niru [2010-05-04 18:41:54 +0000 UTC]
I wish you would upload all of your work on Pheonixsong.net on here because I really lov your work and want to show my friends it but I can't access GIF images and on DeviantArt you get JPEGs. I really love your work!!!!!!
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giggle-fetish [2009-02-18 05:33:33 +0000 UTC]
*fangirls all over ya page!*
hullo. it's been a looooong time since i've looked at your art, long before I got on DA. *gasp* (a lot's dissapeared!) And it seems to be a long time since you've been on DA.
But I'll watch you and wait. You're art's worth it.
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selkiee [2008-12-17 14:40:32 +0000 UTC]
i really really like your draws... are beatiful!!and inspires me. bye
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mikami234 [2008-12-06 23:20:33 +0000 UTC]
I love your HP stuff ^^ especially how you draw the Weasleys
XD anywho, awesome gallery! *applaud* keep drawing~
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little-leno [2008-08-27 22:52:11 +0000 UTC]
You have been featured as one of my absolute favorite artists/photographers (:
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palmcastle [2008-06-01 16:45:12 +0000 UTC]
Oh, how beautiful drawings! It's such a pity you don't seem to draw anymore.
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little-lace-parasol [2008-04-05 00:59:37 +0000 UTC]
*is still an avid fangirl.* lol now i'm on DA too (finally).
hope to see you back soon!
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Mizuko-san [2008-02-21 03:12:23 +0000 UTC]
YouΒ΄r gallery is awesome , and youΒ΄r style is grat!*watchs you*
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MiniRamen [2008-02-19 23:45:35 +0000 UTC]
mysterious and pretty
i watchoo
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Fel-Vinkel [2008-02-03 10:59:11 +0000 UTC]
Kinda funny, I found one of your pictures through google, and that's how I discovered dA, so I guess I have to thank you for that. x)
I love your work, never seen anything like it before. :3
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HogwartsEsp [2008-01-12 16:37:37 +0000 UTC]
Hello there! We are a Harry Potter Fan Club, in Spanish.
If you want to join our School, you are invited.
Hola! Somos un Fan Club de Harry Potter en espaΓ±ol.
Estas cordialmente invitado a unirte a nosotros en nuestra Escuela de Hogwarts en EspaΓ±ol.
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SecretlyAMiko [2007-12-24 15:54:17 +0000 UTC]
Awesome gallery! Wish I could draw like you. ;_;
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Lady-Virgil [2007-10-15 23:30:06 +0000 UTC]
Come back, I want to see more drawings! T_T
I love your style. And your drawings helped me, I learned from your lines. So thanks.
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rowanberry In reply to Lady-Virgil [2007-10-16 08:22:22 +0000 UTC]
I'm dying to draw too. grrr... wish i could have more spare time.
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Lady-Virgil In reply to rowanberry [2007-10-16 15:58:09 +0000 UTC]
You work too much?
I hope to see something when you get the time. I really enjot them.
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Daisku [2007-09-23 22:23:41 +0000 UTC]
You are great!!!! O.O
I saw your deviant and i love it..
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Fractalstein [2007-09-03 02:56:49 +0000 UTC]
I have been wondering whom that invisible lurker in my refigerator was - now I know.... and for future reference the last beer is always mine, OK. heheheh.
You have a very nice gallery, I look forward to seeing you new works.
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rowanberry In reply to Fractalstein [2007-09-04 10:08:53 +0000 UTC]
ok...I won't take the beer then
Thanks very much for visiting
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hatorikunlver [2007-08-17 20:12:49 +0000 UTC]
i wantr to add your stuff to my wishlist but i dont know how WAH!
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xlouisax [2007-08-05 19:38:59 +0000 UTC]
WOW! i was wondering where you got to! nice to hear from you again yay!
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Sesshomarus-woman [2007-08-05 15:43:23 +0000 UTC]
D D im SO glad your posting again!!!
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Puzzle-Bunny [2007-07-09 23:49:13 +0000 UTC]
Ohh God your art is Beautiful. Insta-watch, yesyes.
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CCentury [2007-05-21 11:21:00 +0000 UTC]
Hello Your gallery is amazing. It's great (and pretty unusual too) that people got gallery which is cute and somehow scary in same time. When I look at your pictures I feel like "oh, that's the feeling I wanted to put on picture I worked last night", you know, I got the answer to my questions (probable you don't understand a word, huh? I'm confused so please forgive me). Point is that I hope you keep on great working.
I wanna ask (hope you could answer, though you must be busy), do you have some thing which gives you inspiration? Artist, music, book, movie or something?
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rowanberry In reply to CCentury [2007-07-12 01:12:45 +0000 UTC]
Thanks so much for your kind words! and I'm terribly sorry about this very late reply. I haven't got time to login for months
anyhow, here's the answer: I think my major inspiration is probably books. (mostly the stereotype fantasy books) Children book is also a great part of my inspiration too.
Sorry again for replying so late! *o*
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CCentury In reply to rowanberry [2007-07-13 10:25:41 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for replying, no matter how late it is! I know you must be busy so I'm happy you had time to answer. Thankyou!
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Jibril-Cosplay [2007-05-01 09:03:21 +0000 UTC]
Oh I love your pictures! You are such a great artist! I hope too see many more arworks of you.
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liltrix7 [2007-04-13 22:32:27 +0000 UTC]
Nyaah I love all your lovely works.^__^ I just wish the last time you updated wasn't over a year ago. I'm still waiting to see if you ever post something again.x3
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myrddin-of-maridunum [2007-03-21 08:59:55 +0000 UTC]
wowee! i wish i could do art like you! *drools* your many fans are not disappointed....
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