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rkgkyouu [32309152] [] "more active on Twitter & IG(?)"

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# Comments

Comments: 974

Ui-Azuma [2024-05-09 15:20:34 +0000 UTC]

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hiyon003 [2022-05-09 11:52:45 +0000 UTC]

πŸ‘: 1 ⏩: 1

rkgkyouu In reply to hiyon003 [2022-05-10 00:42:42 +0000 UTC]

πŸ‘: 1 ⏩: 0

Riffy12 [2021-08-30 06:33:35 +0000 UTC]

πŸ‘: 1 ⏩: 1

rkgkyouu In reply to Riffy12 [2021-09-03 11:56:31 +0000 UTC]

πŸ‘: 1 ⏩: 0

KiraKiraBunnii [2020-06-05 07:46:28 +0000 UTC]

πŸ‘: 1 ⏩: 1

rkgkyouu In reply to KiraKiraBunnii [2020-06-05 08:53:33 +0000 UTC]

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Ui-Azuma [2020-05-09 09:28:21 +0000 UTC]

Happy Birthday

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rkgkyouu In reply to Ui-Azuma [2020-05-09 16:45:28 +0000 UTC]

Thanks so much for the birthday wish!~

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Ui-Azuma In reply to rkgkyouu [2020-05-09 16:59:28 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome. <3

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AkikazeKun [2019-06-01 06:12:39 +0000 UTC]

--thank u for the wat c h bacc se n paiΒ 

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rkgkyouu In reply to AkikazeKun [2019-06-01 10:23:04 +0000 UTC]

You're very welcome!! ackbakca I'm n o se n pa i I'm just a regular hooman

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AkikazeKun In reply to rkgkyouu [2019-06-01 10:25:41 +0000 UTC]



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rkgkyouu In reply to AkikazeKun [2019-06-03 06:33:29 +0000 UTC]



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AkikazeKun In reply to rkgkyouu [2019-06-03 07:02:34 +0000 UTC]

(plz be frens with me haahaha)Β 

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rkgkyouu In reply to AkikazeKun [2019-06-03 07:24:18 +0000 UTC]

aaaaaa sure~ Β 

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AkikazeKun In reply to rkgkyouu [2019-06-03 07:26:24 +0000 UTC]


lmao btw shroom brought me here actually cuz of ur sketchie of my kid's hubby lol

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rkgkyouu In reply to AkikazeKun [2019-06-03 07:51:15 +0000 UTC]


lol yeah Shroom told me x'DD reeeeeeeΒ Β 

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AkikazeKun In reply to rkgkyouu [2019-06-03 07:52:14 +0000 UTC]

im shooked

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rkgkyouu In reply to AkikazeKun [2019-06-03 14:20:38 +0000 UTC]

Shroom wasn't specific who exactly at first x'DD but now u hav revealed yourselfΒ πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€

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AkikazeKun In reply to rkgkyouu [2019-06-03 14:22:16 +0000 UTC]

hahaa yeah im here finally (actually nagged u in twitter ahahaa)

so yay Watte Ryan's aka Silas's waifu ish my bae uwuΒ 

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rkgkyouu In reply to AkikazeKun [2019-06-15 11:07:01 +0000 UTC]

//reeeeeeees at my late reply and my lack of response in twt

Yeee askcgakga Both Ryan and Silas are tru precious bbys uvu

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AkikazeKun In reply to rkgkyouu [2019-06-15 11:17:20 +0000 UTC]

//reeeeeee at u ----Β 

they pwecious (also im too broke to comm u rip )Β 

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rkgkyouu In reply to AkikazeKun [2019-06-17 10:39:13 +0000 UTC]

yes, the most pwecious pair uwu (lol it's fine!! //pats)

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AkikazeKun In reply to rkgkyouu [2019-06-17 12:08:44 +0000 UTC]

i have more pwecious pairssss

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TheAcademyGhost [2019-05-10 01:56:51 +0000 UTC]


//how are you this Shrum misses you and hope you're doing well ahaha

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rkgkyouu In reply to TheAcademyGhost [2019-05-20 01:39:21 +0000 UTC]

SHROOM THANKS SM AAAAAA //replies late 'cause I haven't been on dA that much lately kagckackaxgz

Just fine, still chilling around _(:'3/ hbu?~

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TheAcademyGhost In reply to rkgkyouu [2019-05-20 01:58:34 +0000 UTC]

AAAAAA NP NP //paps pls I am also not that much on dA I'm a lurker at this point ahahahaa

//sips milo inside a burning room
I'm fine, thanks for asking : )c

Lots happened now here and lowkey kinda getting ready for a move out when eclipse kicks me out ahaha

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rkgkyouu In reply to TheAcademyGhost [2019-05-20 04:21:07 +0000 UTC]

alshfakcvak omy

Hmmm... Guess both of us are suffering from the summer heat RIP;; it rains occassionally but most of the time it's still super hot;;;

//pats you
oh eclipse- a lot of people are complaining about it haha
At first I was like "These guys seem to overreact, is it really that bad? They should give it a chance" until I checked it out myself and realized that it's basically the mobile dA app in desktop mode lmao;;

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TheAcademyGhost In reply to rkgkyouu [2019-05-20 04:46:19 +0000 UTC]


dude it doesn't rain here at all Waterproof ang Taal, Batangas//shot lucky you guys get rain. ;;;; donate some here pls

Dude dA doesn't listen to peeps and it's literally the mobile dA in desktop mode ahah oddly enough, not sure where to go from here if I go to twitter i'd just get stuck in retweeting lots and not post things at all

How are you though, how's life form the outside world ouo

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rkgkyouu In reply to TheAcademyGhost [2019-05-20 05:16:09 +0000 UTC]

Really?? At least June's near, hopefully it cools down ;;; or mb try singing to summon rain, I remember my mom singing off-key some time ago then a few moments later it rained//NO

tru;; ppl ask for simple stuff like, changing the file size limit for animated icons, etc. and yet they decided to go for a site makeover no one asked for

I'm guilty of that too;; I retweet more often than post haha

What's life-//NO jk jk
still have no luck in applying for call centers so I do comms in Fiverr 'cuz I'm broke as heck;; If I'm not busy, I either draw or watch movies with fam haha... I hope you're doing well these days;;

slcakhckakc rn one of my sibling's probably restarting the net like every 5 minutes 'cuz my laptop keeps on disconnecting and reconnecting to the net- or probably it's my laptop being problematic;; which I hope isn't the case 'cuz my phone won't respond to my touch anymore so I can't switch to it orz

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TheAcademyGhost In reply to rkgkyouu [2019-05-20 06:02:55 +0000 UTC]

I hope June would give some rain, a heck ton please thanks ahahaha I wanna sing but I'm too off-key rain might not come//slapped

r ip tbh. Which is kinda sad since dA is basically a home and a job to ppl ahahaa

I'm actually on twitter rn and all I did was retweet ahahaa

Well life is something one must obtain by jumping off a cliff--//NO ahahahaa
I'm sure you'll get a job soon and I'm glad you're spending personal time with you and your fam ahaha and actually I am doing well (surprisingly)
Oofs, your sibling right there better fix that quick ;;;; I think it's the internet?? I mean I had those few times of my internet dying on me out of the blue ahahaa and how come your phone doesn't listen to you?? Did the LCD died?

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rkgkyouu In reply to TheAcademyGhost [2019-05-20 07:26:39 +0000 UTC]

Yeah!! It's kinda getting darker here rn so it might rain here in Antipolo or mb the clouds are just trolling me like always... it will look like it'll rain just for the sunlight to shine again ajafcjasfcja you'll never know if you don't try//no im jk jk

ikr! I used to be more comfortable using dA than any other sites haha
nowadays a lot of ppl move to either twitter or instagram or both

pfft- same tbh;; retweeting is easier ahaha

I'm not planning to obtain the soul stone yet-//NO
yeah;; wait what do u mean by "surprisingly" tho?? akjsgac

I'm not really sure, but yeah sometimes it's the internet, I even asked my brothers if they restarted the internet and if their devices kept disconnecting but they said "no", so it's probably my laptop that has issues Maybe? It could be, cuz it got worse at first it's temporarily fixed after doing some factory resets, now it still won't work after another factory reset orz

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TheAcademyGhost In reply to rkgkyouu [2019-05-20 07:46:57 +0000 UTC]

Clouds always troll don't have your hopes up Kyou ahaha lol I tried and it didn't work shrump guaranteed ahaha//slapped

I have both twitter and IG jic also bc I follow bandwagons ahaha
//highkey went to your twitter and followed u a while ago lol

Retweets are better done than posting ahaha

No one bothers to obtain the soul stone gdi can I just kick the red guy for it?? :0c
surprisingly only because I am in a neutral chaos with myself and my huge bunch of owed art ahaha (and I'm slow sjdkgajkl)

time to find a replacement soon then u-u) ahhhhhh try the normal technique of not using it for a week or so to drain le battery, then charge it again and hopefully it would work??? //thinking emoji

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rkgkyouu In reply to TheAcademyGhost [2019-05-20 09:12:21 +0000 UTC]

dang I guess you're right- 'cuz it never rained today orz omg haha;;//pats

that tho haha, seems like switching to twitter and IG is a bandwagon itself//hit
tru tru

Shrum you managed to finish art and post them even if you say that u mostly lurk how is that "slow"-

I guess so, my dad told me that a while ago too u_u but for some reason my net stopped disconnecting as if my laptop's aware that I'm planning to replace it kascgakgcsaj... but I guess I should not fall for this temporary fix;;

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TheAcademyGhost In reply to rkgkyouu [2019-05-20 09:31:55 +0000 UTC]

Told yaaaaa Clouds are trolls press F to pay respects ahaha

It is the bandwagon itself ahahahaa

Bc ppl might think shrum died but shrum only just lurks
also those artsus I upload there??? they're owed art for weeks ahahaa//shot

it's the natural solution before demise, Kyou u-u ahahaha threaten it more it might work with threats

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rkgkyouu In reply to TheAcademyGhost [2019-05-20 10:20:08 +0000 UTC]

they really are orz presses F

//joins said bandwagon

Oh, ic ic , at least it's better late than never haha

It's time to save up for the replacement it seems u-u good idea haha
I'll be doing that while I try to earn for a replacement

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TheAcademyGhost In reply to rkgkyouu [2019-05-20 10:50:57 +0000 UTC]


//already join said bandwagon

I already sent them to the ppl who would get them unwatermarked files ahaha so the posting for something in my gallery is just that thing I upload ahaha

Definitely you need to save up for a replacement u-u good luck with the threats better make them good ahaha

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

rkgkyouu In reply to TheAcademyGhost [2019-05-22 12:06:42 +0000 UTC]

Oh noice! Shrum give me some of your drawing energy I get somewhat tired after drawing like 2-3 drawings//passes out after finishing 50% of a drawing's lineart

Omy shrum my dad actually joke-threatened my cp yesterday and it finally responds again lol x'D//begins to threaten laptop 'cuz I'm not sure when I'll be able to afford a replacement

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

TheAcademyGhost In reply to rkgkyouu [2019-05-22 13:05:22 +0000 UTC]

//gives u most of my drawing energy
But heyyy 50% line art that's good progress! Meanwhile I suffered just sketching 2 semi-chibis and a doodle bust of my characters just a while ago because I got butthurt after realizing my tablet doesn't respond today and so does a game I was playing r ip ahaha

I told you threats are good for survival! If you don't give threat you'll be weak and die quickly//shot
//paps u good luck
You def can get a replacement soon. Just make sure of that goal, no hesitating! ouo

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rkgkyouu In reply to TheAcademyGhost [2019-05-25 10:25:11 +0000 UTC]

//takes but leaves some for u too uvu I think I need to recharge my reply energy too//hit
my v slow drawing progress is the reason why I barely post art despite drawing nearly everyday haha orz
//pats u can do it!! ovo)9

ikr! In that case, try threatening your tablet and the game in case they still won't respond- they might work haha//shot
I will! ouo)99

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TheAcademyGhost In reply to rkgkyouu [2019-05-25 12:02:33 +0000 UTC]

Aaa thanks ; - ; ) also lol good luck with your reply energy I don't need to recharge mine bc I am mostly on lurk mode and I reply fast
S a m eΒ  tho-- like I do draw like a lot but I don't want to post anything until they're a complete thing (bc I owe a lot of art to people in exchange of characters/art) but the progress is just uhhh I get distracted pretty bad ahaha
sankyu kyou ;;;

They did work after leaving them alone for a day ahahaa I think the game was going under maintenance server check or something and made me suffer : (

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rkgkyouu In reply to TheAcademyGhost [2019-05-29 03:29:45 +0000 UTC]

No probs~ u v u Feels like my lurk mode also distracts me from replying fast aksgbkcza//hit
ikr!! I'm comfy doing that on Twitter and Insta mb but not here on dA aha
omg- That explains why you draw a lot of peeps' charas x'D Where do u get your drawing energy from //no
//pats ourselves
tbh I get distracted way too often too- like I use my laptop to draw just to end up browsing and forgetting the main reason why I even turned my laptop on my attention span had died

Ooo I see! Now we can testify and tell the whole world that threats do work on gadgets and stuff x'D

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TheAcademyGhost In reply to rkgkyouu [2019-05-29 05:07:03 +0000 UTC]

pffff //pap pap
Hoo boi speaking of Twitter and Insta I still need to get my habit back of uploading art in those two sites ahaahaa and yeah I draw a lot of peeps' charas more than I draw my own charas (bc I like to write more about me kids than drawing them)
Uhhhhh //stares at youtube and shrum's scary creative brain who gives inspo on wth to do on a kid

I'm distracted 24/7 and I'm here all over the place-- heck I think I beat a goldfish on attention spans ahahaa

But! Depends on how you take care of your gadgets is also based on how to threat them. Because abused gadgets prefer to take the threat on instead of being scared of it uwu

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

rkgkyouu In reply to TheAcademyGhost [2019-05-30 03:31:09 +0000 UTC]

if u feel like posting in either or both then why not uvu dw shrum I have a habit of drawing other peeps' charas more than my own- tho in my case I imagine stories and stuff abt them more than drawing and writing about them or mb I'm just too lazy to do both of the latterΒ orz //stares at most of my OCs who have like only 1-2 art of them

At least you're able to reply fast and stuff ahaha//lurks too much to the point that peeps think I don't do social media anymore//slapped

True! That tho ahaha maso gadgets//hit
Now my new problem with my phone is that the battery's swollen so I shouldn't use it anymore unless I buy a new battery or a new phone aha- my phone's more than 4 years old anyway//no

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

TheAcademyGhost In reply to rkgkyouu [2019-05-30 03:43:43 +0000 UTC]

lmao I try but at the same time I don't at all ahahahaa No lie though, I actually am doing that right now- just imagining that is- because I don't want to form words and just wanted to make 'what ifs' instead ahahaha
//stares at my ocs... who are a lot o w o

I reply fast bc I am anxious if I don't reply I feel like 'oh shoot what if they think I'm mad or ignoring them ahahaah n o p e gotta reply' //shot

lol uhh try weighing out options if phone is dead to you then go ahead and buy a new one or if the phone can still live then just go and buy a battery ahaha
also if phone's parts (more like battery) are kinda like obsolete at this point then no use just go buy a new one.

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rkgkyouu In reply to TheAcademyGhost [2019-05-30 04:15:16 +0000 UTC]

that tho aha;; sometimes things are easier imagined than drawn or written hahaΒ 
it's fun to think of "what ifs" too tbh 'cuz I think it's also one good way of fleshing out your OCs and exposing them to more possibilities until you discover something new about them ovo)9 Also gives you less pressure when u think about what kind of character they should be haha //wow did I just type a lot about "what ifs"

true true;; I feel bad when I don't reply but then it feels awkward at the same time to reply to something that's ages ago too aaaa;; sometimes or mb most of the timeΒ I try to think of what to reply too much until I'm like "I can believe I spent nearly a week to come up with this simple reply"//HIT

hmm... if I consider how long I've been using my phone and how some functions are not as HQ as b4- I guess I might go with buying a new phone 'cuz I think my phone's model might be obsolete now//slapped

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TheAcademyGhost In reply to rkgkyouu [2019-05-30 05:09:33 +0000 UTC]

That is a lot of what ifs ahahaha it's fun but it's even more fun if there's someone who'd also be a 'what ifs' person with their characters then there goes interaction purposes that makes two characters now all fleshed up and well-developed ahahaha

Oh in my case I try to pump out any relevant as a reply since as usual, what I think is what I type as well so there's that//slapped
But it's alright though, people always understands others. but more often some doesn't and that's just messed up like a major OOFs thing.

You can always ask though. Asking isn't hurtful unless you worded it wrong//shot
Also Home Credit is like available for ppl along with promos so I'm sure you can get a really good phone at a good price uwu

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rkgkyouu In reply to TheAcademyGhost [2019-05-30 10:16:53 +0000 UTC]

That's so true!! Shrum that's the best part of 'what ifs' omy

that tho ahaha
In my case the reply I have sometimes is pretty long so I end up taking too long thinking how I'll summarize it//hit
yeah tho;; I've seen some peeps call out certain artists as "snobs" just 'cuz they didn't reply to them rip;;

good point haha
I'll go check it out uvu

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TheAcademyGhost In reply to rkgkyouu [2019-05-30 11:01:40 +0000 UTC]

Such a dream to achieve someday

lol I'm that person still who can reach 2000 character limit just by replying bc I don't want any summaries at all? idk even my summaries are long af. ._.)
That's because ppl are b u s y and they can't cater anyone everyday or any day especially if the message given to them are just plain spam or just plain rude. uwu

ahahaha I only know such because my Phone went through that with Home Credit thing

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