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| rithrisa
# Statistics
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# Comments
Comments: 1247
rithrisa In reply to Jompie [2017-12-19 01:46:35 +0000 UTC]
It's a late reply but thank you very much for the llama!!
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AoiWind [2016-04-04 11:28:19 +0000 UTC]
Hi, how are you?
Hope that you're ok and have a nice day
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rithrisa In reply to AoiWind [2016-06-10 23:52:13 +0000 UTC]
Hi AoiWind!
I'm fine and you?
Sorry the late repply.Hope you are doing well dear.
Do you're reading Gintama and HxH?
When I saw that Kamui/Kagura's chapters I remembered you instantly,this arc is so sad... and the last one chapter with Takasugi x Oboro...so much revelations!!
Ahh the final arc of our Gintama is comming closer...
Btw I saw some HxH spoilers with Hisoka xDD
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AoiWind In reply to rithrisa [2016-08-11 19:29:34 +0000 UTC]
Im quite fine, too
I just return from Netherlands where I was because of work ^^
Nope, not yet ^^' But I want to as soon as possible being up to date However I saw a lot of pages
Aah.. yes TwT It so sad that Gintama is closer than further to the end
Haha xD Yeah xD That thing with Hisoka was.. oh my xD I must read it already because even if I didn't read it yet, I saw a lot of spoilers with Hisoka and Chrollo on the Facebook xD And I wanto to know what's going on with it xd
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rithrisa In reply to AoiWind [2017-12-19 01:30:07 +0000 UTC]
I know that passed a long time but i hope that you happy with your work.
And I hope i could come here more often.
Send me news!
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AoiWind In reply to rithrisa [2017-12-19 21:45:49 +0000 UTC]
Oh my, you're still here!
I'm so happy to "see you" again after a long - a really long time!
Oh my, unfortunately i do not have any .. maybe some about Gintama, that things there are really serious Sometimes I'm wondering is it really a Gintama yet or maybe some other story :/
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rithrisa In reply to AoiWind [2017-12-20 01:50:40 +0000 UTC]
Yes I'm back yesterday!!
Oh is so good talk with you again
I just have about gintama too hahaha
I understand you and is really on the end now i think will durring maybe to january/february or march...and JUMP will give a color page by the anniversary and final chapter.
Hey I love the chapter with Shinpachi highlight but i was sad because of Kamui I was glad that he protected Kagura but he received so many wounds on the same point
This question about the serious side of Gintama i done to myself when i watched the episode with Takasugi debut and Gengai ...there is huge WTF IS THIS? in my mind xDD
Yeah but it can't be compared now.I see this arc like a second joui war O__O
Aside this you watched porori arc?
I heard that Hunter x Hunter will come back next year is true?
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AoiWind In reply to rithrisa [2017-12-25 21:22:49 +0000 UTC]
Oh yeah.. the same with you !
Aaah.. this is really sad that Gintama will end soon
Well.. I know that everythng would end sooner or later (let's omit One Piece ok x"DD ? This will run forever !! ) but the thought that Gintama will end is quite depressed
Oh my, yeah.. my poor baby TwT I saw that with Kamui ;-;
My beloved madman is really care about his little sister after all... so I love him even more
Second Joui, eh.. Well.. i think that this is a far more serious that even a joui wart ;-;
Whoa, seriously Hunter x Hunter will come back? O.O
Oh my, I must say that i didn't hear about it yet, maybe i should search some info about it...
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rithrisa In reply to AoiWind [2018-01-09 15:56:03 +0000 UTC]
Happy New Year!!Wish you all the best my friend!!
Yeah One Piece will during forever xDD
I'll miss Gintama a lot also but i can denied have a lot of curiosity about the end and i would like that Sorachi finish in a glorious way on these months,even i know that after the last chapter i'll be a little sad
All the chapters with him and Kagura was some of my faves in this arc
This is for you--> 78.media.tumblr.com/2e7f504c7b…
Hmm i use this term like a reference xD Of course is highly serious is literaryly the end of world 0___0
I don't know if is another rumor but i saw a picture of YYH and Hunter that people say will return soon aka this year and YYH will receive a new ova for the 25th years that makes me feel very happy i jump so much hahaha...I saw these infos on the last Jump Festa celebrating Togashi's mangas
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AoiWind In reply to rithrisa [2018-01-12 00:17:26 +0000 UTC]
Oh my
And to you.. Happy New Year and dreams come true!
Oh yeah XD I think so XD I remember when I have read some interview with Oda.. He said in.. 2012-2013? I don't remember exactly when but.. He said that One Piece is finished in 60% ... but the same thing he said in w2016 x"DD
So yeah.. One Piece forever xd
Ah yes.. Kamui after all is a quite caring brother :3
Wow.. YYH ?! Oh jeez, so someone still remembers it ? )
Whoa.. I'm so glad that something like that will come out
Last time i don't have anything to watch When Shingeki no Bahamut and My Hero Academia ended I thought about watching Overlord, Beelzebub or something - maybe from thre older series but waah.. I really do not know what to choose
And I really need something to chill out ... something to get rid of stress.. ;-;
(yeah.. my current work sucks like hell )
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rithrisa In reply to AoiWind [2018-01-13 03:08:56 +0000 UTC]
Yay All our dreams will come true!
Really?! I didn't know hahaha Well he's very workholic One Park i mean One Piece is his life xDD
No only remember how they're celebrating a lot!There in Japan they done cafe with exclusive merch into Tokyo Skytree and other places last year and this year will have more because of new bluray release i'd like to eat the food xD
This is wonderful is not all anime that receive something like this after so many years. And thanks God is not a reboot
But MHA will not get new season this year?
I see,you know i love Beelzebub a lot when i watched the anime was very fun (the manga is better but the anime is cool too)
I didn't watched many animes this past times,recently i watched 2nd season of Hoozuki no Reitetsu(that is better than the 1st season) the humor is dark and we have a sadist main character xDD i don't know if is your type ...and is in hell btw.
Did you watched gekkan shoujo nozaki-kun? if not,go ahead you will laugh a lot!
And Daily lives of high school boys <3 these three makes me laugh the most and they're short
If you want know more titles tell me but i just know old ones.
I'm stressed too on the true i feel like i'm on a roller coaster with burden in my backs and head i have to be patient...
You watched Gintama live action?
I miss the Gintama comedy now
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UtsukushiRan [2016-01-18 17:10:31 +0000 UTC]
Oh ,so late sorry , but HAPPY BIRTHDAY sweetie ♥♥
Gintama needs you to come back to DA soon
Shogun assassination arc needs a fanart from you T.T ♥
Ganbatte and happy new year !
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rithrisa In reply to UtsukushiRan [2016-02-01 16:58:07 +0000 UTC]
Thank you very much my dear!!
No problem you came in right time
Yes such a big moment in Gintama!I'm watching too T^T
So I'll not be active here for a time...in part is because of the own Gintama and YYH too that always encourage me to follow and work on things I believe,so i've to be more dedicated.
On the true I posted a drawing in Gin-san's birthday to say thanks as a gift to everyone that gave me support like you.<3
Wow is always a pleasure talk with you,really wish you all the best in this year too!;D
See ya!
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UtsukushiRan In reply to rithrisa [2016-04-08 00:10:20 +0000 UTC]
No problem <3
I completely understand , and yeeesss I saw it and LoVed it as all your former Gin-sans
I wish you the same , Have a great day and year ,rithrisa-chan <3
See ya
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rithrisa In reply to UtsukushiRan [2017-12-19 01:50:09 +0000 UTC]
When you come back come to talk more my friend
Hope you having a great time!
See ya ;3
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rithrisa In reply to Louha-chan [2016-02-01 15:54:31 +0000 UTC]
Thank you very much!!
Sorry the late reply
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rithrisa In reply to cachaTM [2016-02-01 15:52:29 +0000 UTC]
Thank you very much!!
Sorry the late reply
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XxSilencedScreamsxX [2015-02-18 02:19:57 +0000 UTC]
By the way, don't send Youko Kurama to kill me, but I tagged you in something! ^^'
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rithrisa In reply to XxSilencedScreamsxX [2015-02-19 20:12:59 +0000 UTC]
Hahaha be careful!xDD
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XxSilencedScreamsxX [2015-02-12 02:05:24 +0000 UTC]
Sorry for not getting back to you, but thank you!
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KawaiiFriendlyDrawer [2015-01-27 16:03:40 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for the watch!!!And for Llama!
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rithrisa In reply to KawaiiFriendlyDrawer [2015-01-29 15:34:07 +0000 UTC]
Hi! You're very welcome! ;D
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sakura-streetfighter [2015-01-25 12:50:36 +0000 UTC]
✿ Hello !
Thank you very much for the Watch !
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rithrisa In reply to sakura-streetfighter [2015-01-25 13:18:05 +0000 UTC]
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SantosVH97 [2015-01-15 04:19:47 +0000 UTC]
Happy birthday :'''3
I hope you had a good day ; u;
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