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| residentevil5
# Statistics
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# Comments
Comments: 672
ginko-akera [2011-07-23 11:32:44 +0000 UTC]
- hey plz dont suspend me on dA!!!! but its ok if u rape me ^^
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residentevil5 In reply to Gold-Demon [2011-07-22 07:18:49 +0000 UTC]
Make that never been loved from birth... oh by the way you have an interesting artwork. My type though but still interesting. Have a nice day.
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Hana-Maehata In reply to residentevil5 [2011-08-03 04:56:53 +0000 UTC]
Shut the fuck up, you god damn whiny bitch. Don't try to turn it into a god damn case of "baww my life is worse."
Unless you've been abused by your parents, physically, emotionally, verbally or sexually? Like HELL you've never been loved before.
Get the fuck over yourself and learn the fucking different between being suspended by a shitstain retarded art site and being forced to have sex with someone.
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DoctorNuriel In reply to residentevil5 [2011-07-22 08:57:59 +0000 UTC]
I like how you keep trying to end the conversation in order to avoid being confronted by people.
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residentevil5 In reply to DoctorNuriel [2011-07-22 13:30:51 +0000 UTC]
True since the topics has become more and more farther from the main objective. Am I entertaining you? If so then let's continue our conversation shall we
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residentevil5 In reply to KataliciousDef [2011-07-22 07:17:20 +0000 UTC]
Welcome. Have a nice day then.
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EyePatchMan [2011-07-21 06:12:43 +0000 UTC]
I'd hate to see what happens when you lose internet considering your comparison to rape and suspension from a shitty art hosting site.
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Aliana-chan [2011-07-20 15:29:58 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for the watch and the llama too! ^^ I appreciate them! ^^
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Tamdrogynous [2011-07-20 08:34:02 +0000 UTC]
You disgust me, you insensitive scum.
How can you possibly compare being suspended from a mediocre art website to being traumatized physically and mentally?
I legitimately want you to be raped now. I've never wished it on any human, but you're clearly not human if you can't even comprehend how sexual assault is a thousand times worse than OH I WUZ SUSPNDID Q___Q
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VacuityMechanica [2011-07-20 08:05:19 +0000 UTC]
Hey, explain to me the sanity behind equating being suspended from a website to rape. [link]
Because, really, that sounds like the most ignorant, most childish, most moronic and most insane equation ever.
I mean, not being able to comment on a forum is the same as behind held down and sexually and mentally violated time and time again against your will?
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residentevil5 In reply to VacuityMechanica [2011-07-21 07:59:33 +0000 UTC]
Like I said to the person you have to see it in another point of view. Since each person has a very different point of view. I might a taco as simply an unhealthy food but for others they view it as their source of nutrients. I simply exaggerate it for the user to understand a bit.... But somehow the person still doesn't understand and simply decided to continue the debate and as much as I ask politely not to include foul worlds still continue. So I don't see any point to talk to a person who have failed even to show a little respect to others point of view and such. And I assure you. That is not the most ignorant, childish, moronic and insane equation ever. It's not like you've been mentally abuse and physically hurt everyday since childhood. So have a nice day or night.
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revereche In reply to residentevil5 [2011-07-21 19:08:20 +0000 UTC]
Pal, you're REALLY belittling rape victims here. Even if your entire social life was based on deviantArt, you can make a new account. You cannot erase the damage of rape.
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residentevil5 In reply to revereche [2011-07-22 07:26:15 +0000 UTC]
Actually it's not(the social thing). Well if I did belittle them then I would like to apologize. And no I don't want to make a new account for now... And by the way you only have 9 deviation correct? Upload some more your work is really nice. And can ya just post a comment on my profile instead. Cause if ya reply I might confuse you with someone else.
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DoctorNuriel In reply to residentevil5 [2011-07-21 09:57:42 +0000 UTC]
Point is, suspension is only slightly inconvenient while rape is a life-shattering event.
How can you not understand that the two are incomparable?
Also, this: [link]
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residentevil5 In reply to DoctorNuriel [2011-07-21 10:53:31 +0000 UTC]
I was referring it in another point of view. It is pointless for me to further explain. I'm sure you have other more important things than to hear me rant and such. So have a nice day then. And this is my point of view.
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DoctorNuriel In reply to residentevil5 [2011-07-21 13:46:16 +0000 UTC]
Fuck that shit, no matter what point of view you have, the two cannot be equated to one another.
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residentevil5 In reply to DoctorNuriel [2011-07-21 14:15:30 +0000 UTC]
Well this is my point of view. Whether you like it or not
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DoctorNuriel In reply to residentevil5 [2011-07-21 14:27:24 +0000 UTC]
Then you have a warped perspective of the way this world works.
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residentevil5 In reply to DoctorNuriel [2011-07-22 07:16:34 +0000 UTC]
Yes I do... That's what happen when you spend most of your childhood left behind. Let's end this conversation won't we. Since this is my point of view and opinion. But if you have a different view then I respect yours then.
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residentevil5 In reply to DoctorNuriel [2011-07-22 13:29:28 +0000 UTC]
were are all insane here. But how insane we are that is the question
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DoctorNuriel In reply to residentevil5 [2011-07-22 14:54:53 +0000 UTC]
I'd say being able to equate an insignificant and only slightly inconvenient thing with such a horrible event is a bit -too- insane.
And don't go saying ''it's my point of view'', if other people clearly show you why it's a delusional and wrong view it would only be rational to rethink it.
And don't start with your ''never been loved from birth'' bullshit, that sucks but it's no excuse to go make statements that are irrational and could be considered insulting to many people (especially rape victims).
At least take it back and apologize to those you insulted in a journal, instead of digging a deeper and deeper grave like you're doing now.
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residentevil5 In reply to DoctorNuriel [2011-07-22 23:57:06 +0000 UTC]
uh... I have not insulted anybody other than the original person who made the journal who keeps on using foul worlds which I keep requesting to please stop using it but only did it once.
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DoctorNuriel In reply to residentevil5 [2011-07-23 08:30:01 +0000 UTC]
I never said you directly insulted them, I said that they might find such a statement insensitive or insulting.
Also, no one gives a shit about foul words, they're not a big deal, don't tell people how to talk.
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residentevil5 In reply to DoctorNuriel [2011-07-23 09:48:00 +0000 UTC]
a better... well then how should I apologize then? through commenting on my profile or on journal?
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DoctorNuriel In reply to residentevil5 [2011-07-23 11:07:26 +0000 UTC]
Journal would be the best.
Thanks for apologizing.
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residentevil5 In reply to DoctorNuriel [2011-07-23 12:09:25 +0000 UTC]
Hello there. I apologize again but the person that ya have been speaking to wasn't me. rather I allowed my younger brother to use my account for 2 weeks while I was away for my studies. Would ya please be kind enough to me what the hell happened here? Before I take anymore action around here and checking these comments.
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DoctorNuriel In reply to residentevil5 [2011-07-23 15:52:18 +0000 UTC]
...this sure is suspicious.
Especially since you made no journal or anything from two weeks ago that says ''I'll be gone for two weeks and my brother is going to take care of this account till then'' or something, which anyone would usually do in such a situation.
But I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.
Looks like your younger brother got you suspended from a website, and then proceeded to bitch and whine about it, going as far as to --equate suspension with RAPE.--
He literally compared being banned from a relatively unimportant site to being abused and traumatized for life.
And figured that just because he had a tough youth he'd have the right to say such a heartless thing.
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residentevil5 In reply to DoctorNuriel [2011-07-24 01:52:09 +0000 UTC]
Yeah I know. I forgot to post that journal. And I was thinking my brother wouldn't make that such a mess and people wouldn't notice that much. Sorry. I'm extremely forgetful. wait I got suspended? A fuck... That asshole is in so much trouble when he comes back.
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DoctorNuriel In reply to residentevil5 [2011-07-24 08:01:41 +0000 UTC]
I'm glad you'll deal with him c:
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residentevil5 In reply to DoctorNuriel [2011-08-06 02:26:41 +0000 UTC]
so.... what should I do now? Since this is the first time I've experience this. And by chance he block anybody...
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DoctorNuriel In reply to residentevil5 [2011-08-06 10:55:07 +0000 UTC]
I'd make a journal first, in which I'd explain the situation.
Yeah, he blocked people. I'm not sure how to unblock people since I never blocked anyone but you can probably find the answer in the dA FAQ and Help Desk
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VacuityMechanica In reply to residentevil5 [2011-07-21 08:12:42 +0000 UTC]
residentevil5's reply:
"I simply exaggerate it for the user to understand a bit"
No, you directly compared it. I seen that you did. And your view is totally, and utterly, moronic though. Tell you what, I'll get you unbanned from that website if you go out and get yourself raped. According to your 'view', that would be the lesser of two evils, after all.
residentevil5's reply:
"That is not the most ignorant, childish, moronic and insane equation ever."
Yes, it is. That like equating Pop Pot to your math teacher for giving you homework; ignorant, childish, moronic and insane.
So, off you go. Go get raped. You'll need proof of it, too. Otherwise, you could just be talking out your ass. Then I promise you, I'll get you back on yor website
Also, you're making assumptions about me:
residentevil5's reply:
"It's not like you've been mentally abuse and physically hurt everyday since childhood."
I might have, for all you know. This statement only compounds your seemingly ignorant, childish, moronic and insane nature.
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residentevil5 In reply to VacuityMechanica [2011-07-21 08:26:16 +0000 UTC]
Well then you have your answer. Satisfied? And pardon? I haven't made an assumption of you. That would be wrong to do to some random person. Have a nice day then.
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VacuityMechanica In reply to residentevil5 [2011-07-21 08:35:43 +0000 UTC]
"And pardon? I haven't made an assumption of you."
"It's not like you've been mentally abuse and physically hurt everyday since childhood."
Yes you did. Right there. Do you have some sort of problem retaining information? That's the second time you've tried to deny what you wrote. Stop it, the proof is in the pudding, puddin'.
And I didn't want an answer for anything, and I didn't ask a question. I merely called you a child, in the, apparently, vain attempt to show you how stupid that comparison was. Oh, and for someone who seems to want to defend themselves, nice job absolutely ignoring everything I wrote.
Now, I'm not the kind of person who wish actual ill upon people, but I seriously hope you almost get raped one day. Almost. Close enough that you realize how much of a spoiled brat you are acting here and how backward you're behaving, but not enough that you actually get harmed.
Seriously. I think it would help you grow, you know, into a person who isn't a moronic child but, instead, an adult.
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residentevil5 In reply to VacuityMechanica [2011-07-21 10:51:36 +0000 UTC]
Really I did not made an assumption of you. And I don't have to hear that sensitive information at the bottom as well.
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VacuityMechanica In reply to residentevil5 [2011-07-21 10:56:38 +0000 UTC]
Yes, you did. You assumed that I hadn't been mentally abuse and physically hurt everyday since childhood. Are you that dense? I know what you said, it's here in the messages you wrote and posted.
Wait, someone mentioning someone almost getting raped isn't something you want to hear, yet you'll run your mouth about how being banned from a website is entirely like rape?
Are you socially retarded and mentally challenged or something?
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residentevil5 In reply to VacuityMechanica [2011-07-21 11:05:44 +0000 UTC]
What are you talking about. I was referring to me. Not you. I have no idea on what your past is so why would I say that you were abuse. Read the last line properly. I was referring to me.
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VacuityMechanica In reply to residentevil5 [2011-07-21 11:58:05 +0000 UTC]
I never said it wasn't referring to you! But you still made the assumption ("It's not like you've been ") that I wasn't affected by the same thing as a kid!
GAHD. You really are a self-centered and spoiled brat.
Wah, wah! Bad things happened to me as a kid! It's not like they could've happened to anyone else! But I'm going to use that as vindication for my stupidity and child-like behavior. Wah, wah! I got banned from a website, that's as bad as being raped! Wah wah, I don't want to think about me specifically being raped, that's bad!
Waaaaaaah my life is so hard!!
News flash, kid - it ain't.
NOT IN. THE FUCKING SLIGHTEST. WAY. You haven't been raped. Odds are, you're going to have at least one meal today. Odds are, your drinking water is clean. Odds are, you're not going to contract malaria or polio today. And, until those things start happening, you life is pretty fucking good. So stop complaining about the most trivial things and equating them to serious things.
Get off of your self-infatuation perch already, you're quickly becoming a living embarrassment.
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residentevil5 In reply to VacuityMechanica [2011-07-21 14:17:34 +0000 UTC]
Indeed. It is true that I said you weren't affected. But from what you said before it is. And who are you to judge me also? I have been hit with one disease after another. And it is hard. And also this is a person by person case. So no 2 person can have the exact same life.
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VacuityMechanica In reply to residentevil5 [2011-07-22 01:04:34 +0000 UTC]
I judge you because you're acting like a stupid child, and a hard life is no excuse for that, nor is it vindication of anything, you stupid fucknuckle.
Your life isn't the hardest, so stop acting like a fucking spoiled child.
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residentevil5 In reply to VacuityMechanica [2011-07-22 07:19:56 +0000 UTC]
oh... so you're telling me you have the right to judge people like me. I presume you have studied such in college or maybe perhaps you were able to obtain a permit to do so.
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