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realitywings [484325] [] "Rea"

# Statistics

Favourites: 82; Deviations: 61; Watchers: 73

Watching: 78; Pageviews: 18321; Comments Made: 3035; Friends: 78

# Comments

Comments: 326

xAlmasyx [2010-08-15 06:29:38 +0000 UTC]


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meL-xiNyi [2010-01-04 03:57:14 +0000 UTC]

yay! you're back~ well.. i saw.. 5 day login! haha coolism
viv told me that she knows you ahaha. so random

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meL-xiNyi [2009-03-14 09:05:24 +0000 UTC]

hehe my $$ for my sub finally went through ~ and i've finally managed to post up a FEATURE.. ahahaa.. and you're included! ahahaha thx for all ur support
chk it out

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meL-xiNyi [2009-03-08 22:54:08 +0000 UTC]

heyyyy what'v u bn up to?? i've missed our ULTRA LONG-AS convos! haha

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wh-plz [2009-02-28 16:09:34 +0000 UTC]

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fuctupkid [2009-02-26 22:27:35 +0000 UTC]

good to see another melbournian here


nice work

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realitywings In reply to fuctupkid [2009-03-19 01:02:22 +0000 UTC]

*waves* Hello, fellow Melbournian!
Thanks for stopping by, and thanks for the watch!
Adding you back - designers in Melbourne, hyeah!

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shinigami-lashae [2009-02-07 10:33:23 +0000 UTC]

come to japan.
saves me from flying back

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Paper-Skyx [2008-12-31 21:45:41 +0000 UTC]

Beautiful gallery!

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realitywings In reply to Paper-Skyx [2009-03-19 01:05:31 +0000 UTC]

I'm sorry this is such a late reply, but thanks so much for all your kind words, and I'm glad you like my gallery! You've also got a great gallery - all the best!

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Paper-Skyx In reply to realitywings [2009-03-24 00:21:44 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome!

And thanks so much! ^^

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realitywings In reply to Paper-Skyx [2009-03-24 02:56:11 +0000 UTC]

By the way, devwatching you, can't wait to see more cool works! ^o^

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Paper-Skyx In reply to realitywings [2009-03-25 00:36:33 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!

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kai-py [2008-12-26 13:15:44 +0000 UTC]


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kai-py [2008-10-02 11:19:42 +0000 UTC]

were you the one that gave me $5 change from sha's table?? XDD

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realitywings In reply to kai-py [2008-10-11 08:03:41 +0000 UTC]

N-N-N-N-Noooooo.......... *RUNS AWAY FAST*

XDDDDD *waves like a mad woman* HELLOOOOOOOO!! Stalking your awesometastic gallery nowwwwww! (That's what you get for commenting here LOL XD )
Awesome meeting you at Manifest!!

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kai-py In reply to realitywings [2008-10-23 02:32:17 +0000 UTC]


watch me bring my five cent coins

ahh thank you *v*
at least i get to stalk you too (i have my eyes on you )


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realitywings In reply to kai-py [2008-10-24 01:08:08 +0000 UTC]

The change will always return to you!! Like a ninja, I will slip it into your pocket or something and... yeah! \8D/ <--[whut]
HOLY CRAP 5 CENT ARMY ALKDJLSKDJD O______O If you give 5 cents coins I really WILL return them all to you! LOL XD;;;;;;;;;;

Srs bsns. +_+ *nods*

*SUPERHUGS* ^O^ :hugs

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chibifiedkitsunes [2008-09-30 05:20:25 +0000 UTC]

Bullshit there's nothing worth seeing! I love your photos Zura! :33333

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shinigami-lashae [2008-09-09 12:05:22 +0000 UTC]

it means a lot to me

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realitywings In reply to shinigami-lashae [2008-09-09 13:00:19 +0000 UTC]


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Athrunzz [2008-09-07 13:50:22 +0000 UTC]

Hey, I was wondering do you want to be friends?

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realitywings In reply to Athrunzz [2008-09-07 23:30:32 +0000 UTC]

Sure thing! \XD/ Cute gallery!

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Athrunzz In reply to realitywings [2008-09-08 00:43:08 +0000 UTC]

Okies, shall I add you to my devwatch than?

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realitywings In reply to Athrunzz [2008-09-08 05:13:48 +0000 UTC]

Sure thing? XD

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One-Dee [2008-09-04 09:12:26 +0000 UTC]

Hello, Hello!

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Mint-ice-tea [2008-06-13 13:12:37 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the add hohoho~!

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realitywings In reply to Mint-ice-tea [2008-06-13 13:57:59 +0000 UTC]


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Mint-ice-tea In reply to realitywings [2008-06-14 07:48:14 +0000 UTC]

ah its you too! XD

stop stalking me! (i mean keep stalking me ^^) haha

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realitywings In reply to Mint-ice-tea [2008-06-15 04:01:24 +0000 UTC]

...Ok. *ignores your dA totally*


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Mint-ice-tea In reply to realitywings [2008-06-15 05:20:56 +0000 UTC]

nooo! dont ignore me ><. i like the attention hahaha XD

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risuha-yunku [2008-06-09 10:25:18 +0000 UTC]

yo man here i cum ROFL

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realitywings In reply to risuha-yunku [2008-06-09 10:33:49 +0000 UTC]


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Benitora53 [2008-06-02 06:54:09 +0000 UTC]

Thanks a lot for the fave and the comment~very happy to see another Kurama fan!~

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realitywings In reply to Benitora53 [2008-06-13 04:10:40 +0000 UTC]

Not a problem!

*waves Kurama flags* *__*

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meL-xiNyi [2008-05-29 06:31:02 +0000 UTC]

WOW.. ur from melbourne too? WOAH... SCARY... :S ...

THX HEAPS again!! for the watch!! *sigh*.. i really should upload something soon.... after exams maybe!!

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realitywings In reply to meL-xiNyi [2008-05-29 11:30:53 +0000 UTC]

No probs! GO MELBURNIANS! *highfives*
(I also know Rodric and the Tjongs and Will Wong LOL XD)

If you don't mind me asking, how did you come by my dA?

I can't wait until the holidays!!!!! *thud*

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meL-xiNyi In reply to realitywings [2008-05-30 02:19:07 +0000 UTC]

yess melbourne is the awesomest

WHATTT... u know them tooooooo? ... x_O ... ...

i think.. i MIGHT have come by it... from sarah's da... maybe.. (i have a really baddd memory! )

but yeah.. i think was frm hers! haha.

how are the STUDIES??

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realitywings In reply to meL-xiNyi [2008-06-13 04:04:12 +0000 UTC]


YES I love Melbourne! XD
Yeah, I know them through Manifest. Will Wong went to my uni for a while too. XD Ahaha...

Sarah as in Chancake? She's so awesome isn't she. XD

My studies.......... well, I only had assignments (no exams), but... let's not talk about the assignments. *burns them in bonfire*

More happily, HOLIDAYS! XD
Do you still have exams? What uni/course do you study if you don't mind me asking?

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meL-xiNyi In reply to realitywings [2008-06-17 10:46:23 +0000 UTC]

haha.. it's ok man don't wory don't worry!

haha. yesh. melbourne is pretty cool. *sigh*.. but cold though
AH.. manifest... what greatness. ahahhaa.. oooH>. you went to swinburne?? or... you go to swinburne?? COOL are you studying a funky cool design course??

yesh. she's cool. don't know her that well though.. mainly know/knew her sister janice!

AHAHAA... i'm sure your assignments were FINEEE dw man yeah..i only have one exammm on MONDAY ... involves lotsa memorising.. so.. we'll see what happens there!

haha.. yeahhhh.. holidays .. *sigh*.. which just means.. working more.. ... but... also.. CATCHING UP WITH FRIENDS YAYYY ahhahaa.. do you have plans for the holsss??

i'm at monash---clayton studying arts/education --- to be an english and maths high school teacher.. ahaha.. i'm in my THIRD year now... another year and a half to go... ... it's a bit scary i guess now.. :S

at the end of yr12... i was into 3 different areas.. i was like.. i'll do... hmm.. LAW... or MULTIMEDIA DESIGN... or TEACHING.

when i got my ENTER LAW DIED. i submitted heaps of those pre-selection kit thingos for various design courses.. to show off my dodgy website skills. ahahaha... the best i got was a B letter.. hmm.. can't remember if it was RMIT or swinburn now... think it was swinburne... and they said that... i could get a place in 2nd rnd offers and all that... mm... i guess i could have gone for it... --- i could have gotten automatically into the course @ monash for multimedia.. cos it was only based on enter.. but . yeah

i thought... mmm.. multimedia//any design course is gna be SUPER COMPETITIVE.. and.. since i wasn't much good at design.. erm... i decided to... STOP

and.. decided i'd choose teaching.. haha. i guess i'm pretty much guaranteed a job haha...

what about youuu??

gosh.. this has been a HUGEASSLONGCOMMENT. .. my bad there... got a bit carried away.. with.. the past... AHAHA>.

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realitywings In reply to meL-xiNyi [2008-06-19 23:52:03 +0000 UTC]

Yes, it's freezing at the moment. o_o Though having said that, I like cold weather better then warm weather. XD I wish I had a hot water bottle right now, though.

Janice is cool too! ^o^ So mature and hip! XD She's the same age as me (and you actually, right?! XDD;;; ) but I feel like such a dork when I'm around her lol. XD But yeah she is cool!

No plans for the holidays! Just bumming around and relaxing and attempting to save money. XD Keyword is ATTEMPTING. *emos in corner* How about you? Going anywhere interstate/overseas? Any plans? *_*

Ahaha I go to Swinburne, yes. XD I'm studying Communication design.
Hope your exam went well! KICK EXAM ASSSSSSS YES *HIGHFIVES* But let's not think about assignments/exams, they are depressing. D: HAPPYTHOUGHTSHAPPYTHOUGHTSHAPPYTHOUGHTS yeah you can totally tell I love uni at the moment. XD;;;;;;;;;

Ooooh arts/education sounds cool! *O* DO YOUR BEST! I can't do smart subjects like those. I look at law/science/medicine/engineering and then I start twitching on the floor.

Ohhhh god, I remember preselection kits. @__@ *rocks back and forth* Baaaaad memories! Wasting so much money on buying film for slides and getting them developed! x____x;;;;; Yeah I'm a Stingy Asian. XD
But a B letter is pretty good! I sent mine to 3 places but didn't get any acceptance back. XD;;;;; *fail* I actually went to TAFE after year 12 at Swinburne Wantirna, doing design (and can you believe it, Will Wong would have been in my class but he changed course. XDDD I didn't know until I coincidentally stumbled across his dA page, after Manifest. XD LOLLLL small world!)

Yeah design is pretty competitive. x_X And I'm so bad at it ahaha XD;;;;;;;
But what's important is that you're enjoying your course. TEACH THOSE KIDS ABOUT LIFE AND WHOOP 'EM INTO SHAPE, YES

LOL long comments are fun! XD You ain't seen hugeasslongcomments until you see me type. XD;;; I tend blab and blab and use too many emoticons. XD;;; I should stop blabbering so much... maybe. 8D

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meL-xiNyi In reply to realitywings [2008-06-26 00:09:02 +0000 UTC]

helllllllllllllllloooooooooooooooooooo . sorry about the ultra-lateness of my reply! i'm dodgy

HOW CRAZY IS THE WEATHER? . dude... man... the wind is like FEISTILY FREEZING AND REALLY STRONG.. you know.. like GALE FORCE SORT OF STRONG>> ?? :S

haha... yes.. janice is cool i guess i don't know the chans that well... like.. i used to know janice better when at school... through all those badminton and table tennis interschool sports... ahahaha... yeah. she probly is the same age as me.. hmmm... not sure though... ... i know she was in the same year as me

you feel like a DORK?... mm.. is her AURA very overpowering?

YES. i want to save money ... and relax... but... looking at my diary right now... it doesn't look as though the "relax" part is going to happen.. *sigh*.. dodgy workkk - i'm sure ur not emoing!! ahaha... nah. i'm not goin overseas/interstate/intersuburb... oh wait.. yeah.. probly intersuburb... yesh... CATCHING UP WITH FRIENDS... i need to do that... x_O... i'm really bad at.. keepin in touch with people :S

OOOH COMMUNICATION DESIGN??? that must mean ur PREEEETY hardcore at design man are you enjoying it??

mmm.. had my last (and only) exam on monday... AND IT SUCKED. .. but yesh.. as you said... LETS NOT TALK ABOUT IT.


whattt... my subjects aren't smart.. apparently they're "dumb" subjects :S :S :S x_O ... oh .. law/sci/med/eng i agree ---- random spasmodic twitchings are the usual...

YES OMG... the slides were like ... gah...
ooooooooooooooooH you went to wantirna ooooooooooooooH ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh so now you're like in UNI UNI?? COOL
whatt.. ohhh.. soo you didn't know will wong until later? ic ic ic

nooooooooooooooo. you can't b that bad man!... YOU GOT IN! and your typography (LOVE TYPOGRAPHY IT IS COOL) is awesome :.. should do more of it!!

AHAHAHA... if i don't enjoy my course next yr (involves hardcore teaching rnds and all)... iwill be in troubleee ... AHAHAA.. yes.. about LIFE... man... if any of my teachers did that to me.. i'd probly fall asleep right away man.. ahahhaa... ... i'll be a COOL teacher (*cough cough* SIF) . i wish

uh oh..i think my comment was wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too longgggGGgggggg. yes i gg'd myself ahahaha...


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realitywings In reply to meL-xiNyi [2008-07-14 01:26:05 +0000 UTC]


Right now I'm freezing my fingers off as I type. XD I WANT MY HOT WATER BOTTLE ;-;

Yeah we're all the same year - CLASS OF '05, WHOO! XD
But I feel like I'm... 3 years younger than her cos she's so mature. XD NOOOO-! And yes, she has an AURA! XD *emos in corner*
Yeah once I went with Janice and some friends to play badminton at Box Hill... she's really good! XD

DARGH I know what you mean - neither "saving money" or "relaxing" is working for me. TT___TT;
I keep having to spend big chunks of money ;___; And not necessarily on going out, either... (PASSPORT APPLICATION FEE IS $208 OR SOMETHING. WTFFFF ;_______
What do you work at, if you don't mind me asking? XD;
Yeahh catching up with friends is awesome. XD But me too, I'm bad at keeping in touch! Some close friends are visiting another friend of ours in Adelaide but I can't afford to go. GAH hopefully next year will be easier to save money. XD;;;;; TOO MUCH MONEY WOESSSSS

Ahaha yeah I like communication design, although I REALLY SUCK AT IT D: Though that's because my time management skills FAILLL
And I'm not really hardcore. XD Maybe I do it cos I can't do anything else??! NOOO XD

DARGH don't say that about your subjects!! ;O; Being a teacher isn't easy, but it's an awesome career! *___*

YEEAAHHH Wantirna... so far away LOL XD It'd take me about 40 minutes by bus. But... the cafeteria had awesome potato gems and chicken strips!!
Yeah the story is that... my teachers in Wantirna would often read out the name 'Will Wong' from the attendance roll, but he never showed up to class, so we had no idea who he was. Then, not long after Manifest 2006, I clicked on a link to Will Wong's deviantART from Will Tjong's page, and saw his NAME 'Will Wong'. XD And then I was like "... HOLLLLD ON... SMALL WORLD, MAYBE?!" so I did some stalking on his blog (lol SORRY WILL, HOPE YOU'RE NOT READING THIS *RUNS AWAY*) and saw that he WAS enrolled in my Wantirna course, so he WAS that same guy!! XD So I sent him a dA message and then we started emailing, and became friends. XD SMALL WORLD!! I LOVE coincidences, they're so awesome! XDDD

BLARGH my typography and designs are so amateur! XD;;;;; I'm really happy people like what I do, but... I most definitely am looking to improve! *___*; I think TAFE helped me improve... looking back at my year 12 works makes me wanna burn them! XDDD Back then my design skills were shithouse, but... HOPEFULLY I'm improving. .__.; I HOPE.

YOU'LL DEFINITELY BE A COOL TEACHER XD *waves flags* DO YOUR BEST!!! Have you done teaching aide work yet? *O*
You'll be fine!!!!! ^________^

HAH how's THIS for a long comment! ;D *HIGHFIVES* XD
Are you back to uni yet or soon?
If not, hope you enjoy the rest of your holidays!!!
If so, then... HOPE YOU ENJOY UNI!!! ^_____________^

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meL-xiNyi In reply to realitywings [2008-08-04 04:56:40 +0000 UTC]

*cough* ... man.. i think i get the award for the LATEST POSSIBLE x_O... gosh.. man.. it's bn a while since i've visited my devart site 'roperley' .. please excuse my.. ermm.. extreme LATENESS

yummm thx for the cookies man i loveeeee choc-chip ones *hint hint*

AHAHAHA dun b an emo man i'm sure you have an awesome-awesome-as aura arnd urself tooooo!

ah really? i haven't played badminton in ages .. *sigh*... soooo bad.. i've bn saying (every single holidays) that i'll go ... and play with mates.. but.. it NEVER happens!

what... so expensive.. $200+ for passport?? .. darn... i spose i'll hafto get an ADULT passport soon noooooooooooooooooo .. too $$$$ .. are you travelling soon?

working.. *sigh*.. wellll .. i work in chaddy in the food court, scaab (springvale community aid and advice bureau) in springy, youth links (youth part of scaab) in noble park (work in springy & n.park is voluntary stf) , kumon in glen wavelrey (not that much this sem cos my timetable is dodgy .. ).. i do private tutoring toooo (mainly maths atm) yesh...

AHAHHA.. GOOD LUCK WITH SAVING MONEY... i am hoping to buy a COMPUTER .. with my savings.. WOOHOO.. excited.. FINALLy.. a COMPUTER.. of MY OWN now my brothers won't hoggggg the computer off me!

ah HAH.. so you are actually awesome at viscom.. its just that since your... "apparently" disorganised.. that you say you SUCK at it .. *cough*.. i know you're lyingggggg! ur probly one of those super duperbly HARDCORE PPL .. that are extremelyyyyy MODEST (asian-ness...)

*cough**cough* you sure that teaching is an awesome career? i reckon that design is AWESOME.. and if i wasn't scared of the ULTRA COMPETITIVENESS that there is.. i MIGHT have gone on to do multimedia... design... bah..

OOOH potato gems?? I WANT.. haven't had them in AGESSS .. gah... now you've made me hungryyyy .. ahahahaha

awwwwwwwwwwwwwH that's sweet so you and will are friends ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooH is there something going on between you too? WOAHHHHHHHH .. AHAHA

hahah... are you still at tafe atm ? studying away? or.... ? watchu up to ? .. cos it seems that in your comment/msg that you left... everything is likeee... PAST TENSE.. so.. i'm like SUSPICIOUS ahahahah

yah.. we've had to do teaching rnds and all .. every year.. but you don't go on hardcore ones til next year (5 weeks/semester... ) x_O ... mm... yesh.. i have teaching rnds nxt wk .. not so hardcore tho.. except for the fact that a couple of our major assessments are based on our rounds pooooooooooH

niceeee.. i don't think that my comment could match yours

ahahaha... yesh. i'm at uni atm. have class at 4pm.. in an HOUR... bahhh.. yesh... i'm back at uni


hope ur super cool

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realitywings In reply to meL-xiNyi [2008-08-13 01:12:10 +0000 UTC]

It's ok lahhh! No doubt you were busy and didn't have time, so it's NO PROBLEMSSS and seriously, sometimes I take aaaaaaaages to return a comment or email. .___.; *guilty look*

LOL HINT GET! *showers you with choc-chip cookies* XD Looooove chocolate! *sweet tooth* *O*

I know what you mean LOL XD I sometimes tell myself to do exercise and stay in shape buuuuuuut Igetsodistractedahahahahaha >>;;;;;;

Yeah the passport was $208. TT___TT Ohhh my pocket!
Yeah, I'm going to Japan for about 10 days, in early October. XD I do aikido martial arts, and some people from my dojo are going to an international aikido conference, so it'll be pretty awesome!
Except I'm going to have so many problems with speaking Japanese. XD *doesn't know enough Japanese!*

Wowwww you work so much!! *O* So good! Very worthwhile stuff. *____* With all that, I bet you'll become an utterly awesome teacher! *O*
And pretty close to where I live too! Springvale and Noble Park ahaha. XD Very cool! (I work in Springvale too LOL XD Our family runs a printing business, near the station. XD)

GOOD LUCK TO YOU TOOOO with money saving!! Computer - awesome! XD Won't have to kick brothers off computer anymore. XD
How many brothers do you have by the way? *O* Any other siblings?

Noooo I am not very good at viscom stuff! But I hope to be ahaha XD
And it's not "apparently" - I AM disorganised! VERY VERY DISORGANISED O_O;;; And it's not me being modest, it's the whole truth!! *emos in corner* I'm ALWAYS leaving things to the last minute, it's terrible! X____x;

Ahaha I think teacher AND design are both awesome, they're both really good in their own way! XD
The important thing is that you are happy with what you do. Don't worry about the competition! XD

MMMM potato gems... *O* Actually, I feel like eating potato gems. They're cheap, too. *O* Maybe I'll have some for lunch...
Lunch in about an hour YAYAYAYAY

LOLLL no, there is nothing between us except friends. XD LOL
How about youuuuu hmm? You got a boyfriend? ;D *nudgenudge*

I'm currently at Uni (Swinburne Prahran), halfway through my second year. XD I took my TAFE course after year 12, and that was only for 1 year.
And I only made it sound mysterious/suspicious cos I suck at writing. ;O; NYUUUUUU
How about youuu? Are you in third year? *_* How long is your course, by the way?

Wait, teaching rounds are where you head over to different schools and teacher, right? XD
If so, don't let the kids drive you nuts!! You can just laugh at them and say "HAHA you still have to go to school for something like 7 hours every day!"
GOOOOOD LUCK! And on those assessments too!! \XD/ *waves flags*

Yeah, see, my comments are ridiculously long, but half the time it's because I just use too many emoticons. Man. If only essay writing could be that easy. *shakes head*

How's uni treating you so far? Hope it's good! *__*




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meL-xiNyi In reply to realitywings [2008-09-14 13:06:26 +0000 UTC]

bahahhaa.. i'm replying rather late AGAIN
YES I HATE HATE HATE ASSIGNMENTS> have a75% one due on friday!! and i haven't (really) started.. i have NO IDEA WTH I AM DOING ON DEVART RIGHT NOW x_O

ah man. now that tennis comp is over til october. i feel soooo lazy. and do not want to exercise.

wow. akido. i've heard of that. i think there's a place near my place that teaches that. ahahaha. sounds exciting! wow japan! wowww! D... excitn to the maxx! have funnn.. that $208 better be worth it!!

errr.... amt of work doesnt' necessarliy mean that i'll be e a great teacher mannn! ahaha. i need more experience in TEACHING ... mmm..

wow.. you live in the ASIANASIAN area then.. and.. you work in springvale?? OOOH. so do i. did i tell you that? i think i did. x_O.. i work on osborne avenue. OOOH printing business? wait.. that wouldn't happen to be that PHOTO printing business would it? . .. which is really really really close to a bus stop on springvale rd? i MIGHT KNOW WHO YOU ARE *stalks*

yes. the computer is THE BOMB .. ihave it but.. omgomgomogmogmgdness.. it is SOOO distracting.. ARGHH. so bad.. i really should be doing that SEVENTYFIVETHREETHOUSAND WORD RESEARCH PAPER THINGO. like.. right now. ah bah humbug to THAT

i have 2 younger brothers - both go to glenny - yr 10 and 12. you? any awesome/annoyign siblings?

hrm. really? leaving thigns to the last minute? *sigh*.. that sounds like meee.. its really bad isnt it.. each semester i tell myself.. i will be MORE ORGANISED... i will NOT leave things til the NIGHT BEFORE. but.. it happens poooH

hah. the competition.. factor sort of got in the way.. and made me become REALLY scared

yess ahh. i still havent had them since you commented ! (ARGHH i JUST CHEKED THE DATE.. taht you commented.. and it was .. OVER A MONTH AGO>> OGMDSUICXZ.. i am SOOO SORRY .. for.. leaving this reply til SOOO LATE ... )

SURE SURE *cough cough*... i totally BELIEVE YOU
me.. ? BHXZUIAHAHHAHA. no. i don't. that'd be weirddddddd. well not weird.. just.. i am 'cannot be bothered with going and looking for a guy that will fit all my awesome criteria ok' AHAHAH.

OOOH prahran ! tahts super cool prahrans the coolest one. i think thats the one that i had my interview at! it was really scary.. but the people were really nice to me ahahhaa
ooooH second year.. ahh ic ic ic

whattt.. you do not suck at writing.. WHATEVER

yess.. i'm in 3rd year.. it's a dble degree so its four years.. *sigh*.. but.. next year should be EXCITING.. and SCARY (at the same time.. i know.. WEIRD RIGHT? .. maybe i'm just weird.. hmm) ... ...

thx the rnds were cool .. well not really.. this giant assignment is based on them. have to make up own research paper .. x_O .. scary.. IM GNA DIE I KNOW I KNOW I KNOW IT
- and our teachign rnds - fo the first 3 years .. are all OBSERVATION.. (like we can help arnd the class.. but dont teach ... )


its taht time of the yr again.. when things are REALLY REALLY REALLY BUSY .. but.. we shall survive!!! D yay

ah yes.. if only it could be that easy.. just putting in all those emoticons.. i'm sure.. the tutor wont mind.. *sigh*.. if only

GAH UNI SUCKS RIGHT NOW.. ask me again in 1 and a half months.. and .. i'll probly be like.. WOO.. ITS OVER

hope ur awesome HOW IS LIFE?


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

realitywings In reply to meL-xiNyi [2008-10-20 00:11:42 +0000 UTC]

I got back from 2 weeks of being in Japan from that international Aikido congress thing and my brain refuses to go back into working mode. NOOOOOOOOO
And then there was the Manifest chaos, sooooooo yeah s'why my reply is so late ahahaha 8D;;;;;

I'M SO BORED OF MY ASSIGNMENTS ;_______; I just wanna kick all my current assignments in the !! BLAAARRRGGGHHH!
Hope you're well with your uni work!! ;O; DOOOOO YOUR BEST! *waves flags*

Tennis comp?! *O* As in, did it start this month? *o* Are you competing??
Haha yeah I know what you mean too... sometimes I feel so lazy I don't even want to train for Aikido >___<;;; Nooooo!

Hahaha yeah I think there's an aikido dojo in Glen Waverley... cos at the aikido congress thing, we randomly met a couple and their daughter at the airport, who live in that area and train there. XD So fun! Small world! XD I think my sensei's son does scout there too LOL XD

Hahaha yeeahhhhh I know work load doesn't always really mean awesometastic teaching BUT WITH YOU, IT WILL! \8D/
And by the sounds of it you are gaining heaps of experience... might not necessarily be TEACHING experience, but nonetheless, it'll be very valuable experience that's sure to help you out! Very cool!

Ahahaha yeah the AsianAsian area... Vietnamese food galore! XD
Oooh Osborne! If it's the community house (yeah? o.o), I'm pretty sure I know where you mean! *__* *stalkstalk!!*
Ummmm photo printing place that's close to the bus stop... if it's the one I'm thinking of, then I'm pretty sure that's not it, cos we don't do photo printing. XD;;; We do more office stationery stuff... we're close to the station, next to the liquor store, not far from the Optus shop ahaha \XD/
That said, my friend's parents used to own that photo printing shop, until they sold it. XD;;; Ahhhh Springvale!

YEAH I SHOULD BE DOING HOMEWORK TOOOOO I'm like 3 weeks behind but AHAHAHA I'm replying to comments instead! \XD/ (Cos it's more fun! D: Damn procrastination!!)

But AWESOMETASTIC you have a new computer now?! So spiffy!!
Have your brothers tried to hijack it? XD

Aaaahahahaha I ALSO have 2 brothers and they're similar ages!! XD One is in year 10 and one in year 11!! Coincidence!! XDDD (My brothers are 11 months apart LOL)
My brothers are good boys thought but I think it's because I'm a tyrant most of the time. D: I'm a mean sister. D: D: D:
But wowwwwww that's so cool, we're so similar ahaha XD *HIGHFIVES*

Yeeeaahhh leaving things to the last minute... gdamn I've been doing taht since year 7... you'd think I'd learn by now, but nooooooooo >____<;
And I tell myself that too!! I always say "OK, next time I'll DEFINITELY GET EVERYTHING DONE IN TIME!" Only I DON'T because I really suck at time management!! ;______; Ohhh to be a uni student... TT_____TT

Aw don't be scared! Relax and keep cool! I'm sure you'll be awesomely fantastic! DON'T BE SCAAAAAAAARED... +___+ YOU WILL BE AWESOME, YOU HEAR ME? AWESOME! *ESPs*

Yeah I haven't had potato gems for weeks. TOT I might get some for lunch today! *O*
And cheesecake!! I am in love with VicPie's lemon cheesecake! *O* It's the reddish-brown patisserie thing next to that photo printing place! XD Mmmmmm cheesecake! *O*

WHAT ARE YOU APOLOGISING FORRRRRRR I've taken more than a month to reply!!
I'm terrible with replying to long emails and comments! ;O; Which sucks because I type ridiculously long emails and comments too! XD;;;;; OOPS...

no. i don't. that'd be weirddddddd. well not weird.. just.. i am 'cannot be bothered with going and looking for a guy that will fit all my awesome criteria ok' AHAHAH.
Yeah I don't think I have time for a boyfriend LOL XD I'm too busy and they're so troublesome! XDD Hmph. XDDDDD

Ahaha Prahran is pretty funky I think. XD Glad to hear the Prahran people were nice! XD Some of my teachers are pretty cool. ^^

Ahhh so many people I know are graduating next year too! *O* So we can allllllll party it out after graduation! XD
Definitely scary and exciting at the same time, and no that's not weird at all! XD I think we'll all get that "... OMG I'm finishing at the end of this year! NO MORE UNI WTF o___O" feeling. It's normal I think. XD Eeeeeek!

How were the teaching rounds? *_* They sound scary but cool! Observation is very good, I'm sure you learn heaps yeah?!

Ahhhhh thank youuuu! I'll definitely need that luck!! ;____;
I don't have exams, but I have assignments, and they kill me enough as it is. >____< Assignments are a slow death. *cries*


Got anything planned for the super-long summer holidays?
Are you a cold-weather person or warm-weather person more? XD *random question!*

Hope things are spiffy with you!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

meL-xiNyi In reply to realitywings [2008-11-04 07:47:14 +0000 UTC]

did you know. that because your comment is SO HUGEMONGOUSLY AWESOMELY LONG.. i am actually typing my reply up in notepad first.. ahahahaha... so that i can see your comment at the same time.. instead of having to scroll up and down continuously... AHAHHAHA long comments are the bomb man

oh my... HOW WAS JAPAN? and HOW WAS THE CONGRESS THING? did you show the hardcores ur ultra hardcore aikido skills? I KNOW YOU DID

manifest CHAOS?? how come it was chaotic?? ... i saw pics.. and they looked COOL

did you leave right after manifest or something? ... busy lady you are! haha

I KNOW I HATED (note the past tense) and i KNOW i WILL HATE (note the future tense) ASSIGNMENTS FOREVER! .

well they're over now

and so are exams wooohoooo oh yeah. i finished EARLY for the first time EVER

which is prettttty exciting man D

hope u did awesomely too man i'm sure you did cos you're one of those ultra awesome people (don't deny it.. cos.. i JUST KNOW .. )

hehe.. i play tennis every saturday arvo we have a break later for summer but yeh i attempt to get fit... not very successfully tho
laziness.. *sigh* . and cos my bro is turnin 18 tomoro. i dno if i'm gna practice tennis / go out for dinner (cos i usually practice every wed night.. hmmmmmm)

oh wow. yes. i know that there's a scout hall.. but i didn't realise.. yeh.. well.. i'd only heard a RUMOUR that there was an aikido place in glenny.. hmmm

ah. the work load is the CRAP dude. the POOH POOH of all POOHS. ok. anyway... NO MORE EXAMS FOREVER .. which is good.. but.. is bad.. cos.. its all gna be HUGEMONGOUS assignments mannnn
haha you turned my 'non-teaching' experience into something cool that means.. ur awesome ahahhahaa

hmm.. community house.. hmm.. i think there's a community house next to us? ahaha.. COME ANDSTALK i DARE YOU
ohhhh.. hmmm... optus shop.. hmmmm... i know there's a bottle shop - T.A. bottle shop .. hmm.. hmm...
ahaha.. i'm workin there tomoro (osborne.. not the bottle shop.. x_O. ahaha ) might .. have a look around hehe

wow.. ur friend's parents eh.. SMALL WORLD

man.. procrastination.. is THE BOMB. FOR SURE. ahaha. even tho.. it's. like.. bad for assignments.. i reckno its still cool hehe

yes... and i also have a lock on my door. apparently there's a THIEF IN OUR HOUSE. . so yeh.. bros can't hijack it. ahaha.. [i've put hardcore security on it]

oh my.. you have two brothers also? woahhh... hmm.. ur not from glenny tho right? [it'd be even freakier if they went to teh same school.. WOAHHH. ahahaha ]
wow.. good boys... hah. i USED to be a tyrant. now cos they're much bigger than me.. and can bash me up.. i sorta... stay out of their way.. sorta.. *sigh*.. the one in yr10 is a MASSIVE REBEL .. *sigh*... i guess when ur that age.. 16.. and that.. x_O.. *sigh*.. oh well ahahah
glad to hear you have an awesome relship with them

AHAHAHA.. *highfives back*

ITS SO BAD. altho i'm not as bad as one of my old mates... she just continuously applies for extensions.. AHAHA... never hands anything in on time.. ahahahaha.
i know man.. always tell myself that.. but.. *sigh*..nothign happens eh.. x_O

ah. i think everyone's scared.. except for this one girl... man.. she is like.. MASSIVELY PASSIONATE.. about teaching.. so she's gna be like woah .. AWESOME

*sigh*... i don't want to end up like one of those cranky screaming teachers.. nor do i want to be a teacher where students just 'walk' over me..

i guess that next year will be the TRUE TEST

ah. i don't even know when i last had potato gems.. man.. probly been YEARS hope you got to eat some
ah i know that place.. they used to not be 'so new' . adn now that they are new... all the prices have risen.. x_O.. which is scary . since then i haven't eaten anything from there


since you've told me about the lemon cheesecake.. YUM.. i shall check it out tomorrow hehe.. thanks for the recommendation

AHAHAHA.. cos its like.. REALLY LONG... HENCE I APOLOGISE .. hehe.. you can take ur time.. cos.. sometimes.. i see the comment.. adn i'm like.. OMGDNESS ITS SO LONG. BUT REALLY AWESOME.. i MUST REPLY.. and.. then.. i get lazy.. and i don't AHAHAHA

YAY. DUDES ARE LIKE> YEH. troublesome. esp if you're looking for someone 'extra special' *sigh*... yehhh... can't be botheredddd ahaha.. i mean. i have quite a few guy friends.. just.. NOT LIKE THAT easier to keep the friendships going that way hehe

yeah prahran was cool haven't been there in awhile tho hmm..

ahahaha.. well.. we still ahve another year.. so i guess we don't stress out yet.. right? ahahaha.. .. we'll have to go out into the 'real world' *gasps* WOAH .. ahahaa

observation rounds were like x_O BLEH. cos we had a 75% assignment. that was due. two weeks after . so it was stressful. and it was based on our observation thingo. GAH.. ;O

noooooooooooooooooooooo i'm sure they weren't a slow death.. i'm sure you did awesomely fantasboloodly well ! dw dw dw

party.. *sigh*.. i think after first year i haven't really 'artied' .. lazyyy.. and anti-social.. ok.. not anti-social... more like.. NOTCOOLENOUGHTOPARTY. ahahaha

i like warm weather better cold is too cold haha

no plans... quit one of my jobs already.. last day is 16th nov. gna miss the people there ... but yeh.. time to move on.. i have plenty of other jobs to keep me busy just glad i won't be workin on boxing day .. too stressful

what about you? anything awesome happening?



*sigh*.. i dno.. i'm in a 'black hole'. oops.. i meant to say 'blank' . i'm 'blank' bah. like.. i can't think of what to DO.. *Sigh*.. photography wise.. bleh.. ahahaa..
any awesome suggestions? hehe.. mmmm.. anyway...

tak ur time in rpelying.. cos this is probly longer than yours.. AHAHHAHA

hope ur fantastically awesome

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

ThePowerOfAnime [2008-05-19 09:36:19 +0000 UTC]

damit. you wrecked my shoulderblades woman! :S

still sore after being chicken winged (ouch)


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

realitywings In reply to ThePowerOfAnime [2008-05-19 09:44:26 +0000 UTC]

You had it coming.

Sorry, all the time. ;

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

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