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Favourites: 13750; Deviations: 263; Watchers: 87
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# Comments
Comments: 1669
PatrickMcDonald1 [2014-03-11 16:38:04 +0000 UTC]
Thank you so much for adding to your collection
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ZacAvalanche [2014-03-11 02:28:47 +0000 UTC]
Thanks so much for the !
I hope you'll watch my page!
And, If you are interested, I am doing a 2,000 giveaway right now! You can find it on my page!
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TheSphinx [2014-02-07 21:20:36 +0000 UTC]
Raquel, obrigado por favoritares a minha imagem [Red Light 2047]
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Aloubell [2014-02-04 07:11:54 +0000 UTC]
Hello my friend
How have you been?
P.S ur webcam is adorable X3 Ushio is soooo cute!
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raquelstr In reply to Aloubell [2014-02-05 17:40:48 +0000 UTC]
Hello! I missed your journals lately.
Well.. I'm fine. Vacation is almost over... QAQ oh my, I'll be going to university next week. People look so grown up there, I'm afraid. But I think I'll be fine... maybe.
And you? How have you been?
I remembered about you this vacation. I noticed that in the place I give manga classes there are Fushigi Yuugi mangas. I thought I should pick them and read, but there are so many and the first chapters didn't really catch my attention then I gave up. QAQ
XD yeah, the webcam kid if very cute. I found it on one of those facebook anime fans groups.
Sorry for the long answer XD.
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Aloubell In reply to raquelstr [2014-02-05 23:07:37 +0000 UTC]
Hi hi X333
Srry about my lack of creative journals >.< I've been needing to think of some never clever journal to do XD
My vacation has been over for a few weeks now. I miss it! >.< Enjoy urs while you still can
I'm' sure you'll do fine! No need to be afraid at all. I've been in university for about 3 years now, and i still consider it an over-glorified high school X3 So you'll do just fine, dont think much of it ^_^
I'm fine. My family and i have been moving to a new home, so things have been hectic lately >.> And all while i'm going to school X'D So much going on. But otherwise, fine!
hahaha XD yeah, Fushigi Yuugi starts off a bit slow, but then it picks up i promise you XD The story turns into something really great X3 But i wont blame you if ur just not interested ^^
Oh! Well, her name is Ushio Okazaki. She's from the anime Clannad; After Story X3 If you ever have a chance, check out Clannad ("After Story" is the second season). Its an awesome anime X3
No worries!
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raquelstr In reply to Aloubell [2014-02-06 16:26:14 +0000 UTC]
XD Good luck with moving. When I moved to the house I live today, I moved while I was having classes, right on the week before tests. I really liked it. I liked packing and unpacking things. It was loads of fun for me to discover new places to put things and having to deal with the mess. Thought it's very tiring because, every time I got home, mom would tell me to keep unpacking. XD Good luck, again.
Oh, if you say that the story becomes better then I think I'll read it. XD
XD oh, so the kid is a girl. I thought it was a boy. I want to watch this anime 'cause I saw a scene with a boy playing with a fish like it was a guitar. XD That got me curious.
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Aloubell In reply to raquelstr [2014-02-06 19:47:47 +0000 UTC]
I was fine with the packing part. However, the moving around part, picking heavy stuff up part, continuously moving stuff around part where you cant sit and rest very often, the cleaning of the old house and the new house part, the killing the bugs in the new house part, the not being able to find anything out part, and the taking forever to put everything in its place in the new house part X'D So yeah...i'm not fond of most of the moving process...but the house is nice! haha And yeah...i guess i do also like the fact that i get to rearrange my room X3
And it also sux too cuz i'm still in school...like you said, its tiring.
X3 it does. You can also watch the anime too, it stays almost completely faithful to the manga ^_~ Just food for thought~
Yup X3
Oh yeah, ur talking about Sunohara XD I guess that would make someone curious XD Its worth checking out~!
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raquelstr In reply to Aloubell [2014-02-07 21:58:18 +0000 UTC]
Oh, yeah, the part when you don't find anything is very bad. Before moving, my mother told us to make a bag with the things we would use on the next days so we wouldn't miss them. But there is always something you forget to put in the bag XD... or maybe many things XD.
Oh... well, I don't really like watching anime. It takes too long to watch XD. I usually only watch with my brother, because he really likes watching and he always pushes me into watching saying it's like a brother-sister thing, so we can talk about it latter and so.
And how's your story going? Maybe moving disturbed the creating process a bit, right?
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Aloubell In reply to raquelstr [2014-02-08 01:32:39 +0000 UTC]
Ahh i see. I understand! I actually prefer to watch anime because i like to hear them talk and i like watching the animation and colors and effects, etc. The only downside to that is that a lot of the time, anime tend to either stray from the manga storyline, or they cut stories short and have a dissatisfying ending which isnt cool >.> So i end up having to go read the manga when that happens X'D Nice thing about Fushigi Yuugi, though, is that it, like i said, stays pretty much faithful to the manga and tells the story all the way through. So either way, ur getting the full story X3 Having said that, i hope you enjoy reading it! ^0^
I think its cute that you watch it with ur brother ^_^ I'm sure he appreciates that
My story is going fine ^_^ I'm in the process of writing the 46th chapter, but yeah...moving has really messed with my updating plans >.> Its sux XD But what are you gonna do? I just hope that my readers can be patient for a tad longer X3 Its easier for me to draw right now cuz i dont need the internet necessarily for that. When i'm writing, sometimes i need to look up stuff to help me and without internet...its not easy =/ The only reason i can talk with you now is cuz im using my school's internet. But i cant stay long cuz i have to go home and help with unpacking and such >.>
But at least things are slowly moving along X3 thank you for asking!
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raquelstr In reply to Aloubell [2014-02-10 00:26:09 +0000 UTC]
I borrowed 10 Fushigi Yuugi mangas, I'll read them XD. They're so thin here XD. The covers are so beautiful XD.
Oh, I see. Because it's a fanfic you have to look up things on the original stories, right? Wow, this can be more difficult than I thought. I didn't think people could be that careful about what they write. That's nice XD.
And, wow, you've written so many chapters already! That's amazing XD. How did you get there? Is it easy for you to write after you look up for the info you need?
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Aloubell In reply to raquelstr [2014-02-10 06:52:57 +0000 UTC]
Yay! I hope you enjoy them! ^0^
Yes, Yuu Watase is a fantastic artist. Anything she draws is lovely I adore her style
"Because it's a fanfic you have to look up things on the original stories, right?" Not everyone chooses to do this--some people go into their stories blind. Which is fine if it works for them, but yeah. Sometimes i need to look up information about the individual characters to make sure i'm portraying personalities correctly--or i have to look up their backstories or whatever to make sure that i have no inconsistencies. Sometimes i need to check if i have the sequence of events right. Sometimes i need to check what the setting looks like. Sometimes i need to go back on past chapters of my story to make sure i keep the continuity. Or other stuff to look up >.< Of course because its my fanfic and my story, i change the original story up a bit and add in my own creative bits--ya know, so that i dont repeat the same story thats already been said. But even so, i like to be careful sometimes ^_~ If i want people to take me and this story seriously, i feel that i have to be careful X3
Yeah X3 This is a result of over 2 years of writing (a bunch of research and A LOT of brainstorming and support...and loss of sleep XD)! It really should be more but real life has gotten in the way more than once ^^"
Thank you ^_^ I try my best. The story is only almost halfway done. If this story end up spanning to 100 chapters, then by time season 2 ends at chapter 50, i should be roughly halfway done X'D Such a long way to go~
Looking up info definitely helps for sure. I mostly get the info stuff out of the way when i'm outlining a chapter. After the outline is done, i usually dont have to look up much more things when i do the actual writing--only if i decide to add something in at last minute.
All in all, though, its easiest for me to write if i have the time and motivation X3
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raquelstr In reply to Aloubell [2014-02-10 23:59:53 +0000 UTC]
XD OMG! This story is awesome! XD I never expected it to be this good. It's been a while since I last saw something so good and dramatic at the same time XD I already finished the 10 mangas and I would have read more if I had borrowed more. I'm really loving it.
XD wow, you're gonna write a lot. Good luck XD. You sure make a lot of effort on this, I'm impressed. I never took fanfics seriously, but talking to you made me realize that writers can be very serious about it. What do you like on writing? Like... do you like it because it's funny or something like this? And do you feel ok about using characters created by others?
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Aloubell In reply to raquelstr [2014-02-11 00:11:34 +0000 UTC]
Yeah it is! See? I told you it gets better X3 Its my fav anime/manga for a reason! And i've seen AAAAALOT. But for some reason or another, this one resonates with me the most ^_^ Ur a really fast reader X3 then again, when its a good story, you just cant put it down ^0^
If you wanna read more, i'm sure you can find scans of it online X3 Just do a google search! or i can find it for you if you'd like
Yeup. I've already mentally prepared myself for this XD Thanks!
Yes. I've wanted to be an author for such a long time...like since i was in 7th grade (now i'm a junior in college). But now that i think about it, i'm sure that it was THIS story that i've always wanted to write. In fact, once this is done, if i never write another story, i think i'll be okay with that because I gave my all with this one and this is the one that means so much to me. The seed for this story started back when i was in 7th grade, so its been MANY years having this story in production in some way, shape, or form. I know its just a fanfic, but i see it as so much more than that. Its this story that i think about most of the time. Its this story that i'm always trying my best to improve, to fill in all the plot holes and figure out all the rules. Its this story that i've invested so much of myself into because i consider it my baby. So what if its just a fanfic? And maybe most of the characters i use belong to someone else--its not like i'm making a profit off of this. All i know is that i'm supposed to tell this story from start to finish. Heck, its actually a challenge to use someone else's character and worlds. But the fun i get to add in is MY own rules and twisting things around a bit to make the story unique--put a spin on the original tale. I personally think that this story deserves to be told. Its my dream to have it be the most popular fanfic. Its a stretch and might not even happen, but...if i can have people read it and see what i've done and like what i do, i'll be so happy. I dont need the money from this, just to know that this story which means so much to me over the years is finally being told ^_^
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raquelstr In reply to Aloubell [2014-02-11 02:14:37 +0000 UTC]
I'll wait to borrow some more. If I read it all at once I won't enjoy the story XD. And the quality of the mangas I borrowed are very good, my eyes felt happy when I read that. It's sad that the publisher of this manga in Brazil went bankrupt, they had very good materials.
I see, this really means a lot to you. This is very nice. Once someone told me that the real difference between writers nowadays is the way they tell stories, not the characters, because the characters are all very similar. Thanks. I always wanted to understand why other people write. XD
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Aloubell In reply to raquelstr [2014-02-11 02:48:01 +0000 UTC]
Ahh i see X3 Yeah, there is a sort of satisfaction you get from reading actual books or mangas vs reading them online, so i understand X3
Yup ^^
Huh, yeah that makes sense! Many ideas and stuff are borrowed--not a lot of concepts are THAT original if you think about it, so it would be the way you tell the story that could make a real difference ^_^ And i hope that i'm telling it in a way people enjoy.
No prob! It may not be why others write, but its definitely why i do ^^
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raquelstr In reply to Aloubell [2014-02-11 17:22:53 +0000 UTC]
XD it's just that I saw that you wrote many chapters already, I kept thinking what would make someone write so much. XD
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Aloubell [2013-10-21 01:30:48 +0000 UTC]
I love it and will eat it happily
Ur so sweet
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raquelstr In reply to Aloubell [2013-10-21 01:33:40 +0000 UTC]
It's just that I realized I always wanted to give you some of these nice badges, but I never had the points for, but now I have then... well... enjoy the cake XD
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Aloubell In reply to raquelstr [2013-10-21 01:35:33 +0000 UTC]
Thank you! You nice person you You really didnt have to spend points on me, but i'm very very grateful! Again, you are always so sweet ^_^
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