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raisegrate [2625677] [] "don't eat any bugs!"

# Statistics

Favourites: 328; Deviations: 395; Watchers: 447

Watching: 121; Pageviews: 73213; Comments Made: 7437; Friends: 121

# Comments

Comments: 582

citytoon [2019-06-21 00:10:02 +0000 UTC]


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electricdidact [2018-08-13 23:55:27 +0000 UTC]

Hi cousin XD

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Pinkgayee [2017-06-19 07:58:54 +0000 UTC]

Hey Ray! I emailed you like four years ago and you're still my favorite artist to check upon occasionally. Hope things are doing great! 

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raisegrate In reply to Pinkgayee [2018-04-16 07:59:02 +0000 UTC]

Hi 4 years ago emailer! I bet your deviant art name and email name are totally different, and I have no context for you! How are you?

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BOOGTOONS [2017-04-14 22:25:29 +0000 UTC]

Heya Ray! It's me Jaden! Your biggest fan?

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raisegrate In reply to BOOGTOONS [2017-04-18 05:57:58 +0000 UTC]

Hey Jaden! What's happening!

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BOOGTOONS In reply to raisegrate [2017-04-19 00:56:26 +0000 UTC]

Nothing really. Just was reading Piranha Pancakes and I noticed that it was changed from the original title "Um I Think Your Piranha Are Broken and other stories" Why is that?

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raisegrate In reply to BOOGTOONS [2017-06-17 16:18:41 +0000 UTC]

The original title was too many words, good titles are usually short and snappy! So I had a think, and that's what I came up with. Plus, I like having food in my title, food is funny.

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HeartinaRosebud [2016-05-24 09:24:43 +0000 UTC]

Hey! I love your Pirate Penguin & Ninja Chicken comic strips!

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raisegrate In reply to HeartinaRosebud [2016-06-09 04:44:28 +0000 UTC]

Hi! Me too!

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HeartinaRosebud [2015-03-06 06:59:51 +0000 UTC]


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raisegrate In reply to HeartinaRosebud [2016-06-09 04:53:41 +0000 UTC]


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Meatwad-Mobile [2014-11-19 02:05:01 +0000 UTC]

Hey Ray-man,It's me,Morgan,an old fan of yours,I remember reading "Cupcakes of Doom" on a long drive some years ago and really liking it.We even talked about it a little.And I'm trying to be a great animator someday.....

So,how's life?

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raisegrate In reply to Meatwad-Mobile [2016-06-09 05:49:38 +0000 UTC]

Hi Morgan! My reply only took two years! Very glad you like my books, I've got even more out now! How's the quest to become an animator? Life is good! I had a baby about a month before you left this message, he's nearly two now!

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Meatwad-Mobile In reply to raisegrate [2016-06-11 08:22:28 +0000 UTC]

Hey,thanks Ray, good to hear from you again. Good work on raising a family and advancing your career.

I never thought to ask you this but if you ever made a cartoon off of the Heroic-ish Pirates (from the Cupcakes of Doom canon), who would voice the main cast? Personally, I wanna see No-Eyes being played by Tom Wilson(Biff from Back to the Future) a lot like Banana from the Nick show Pig Goat Banana Cricket. I also wanna hear Jim Cummings and Charlie Adler(my two fav VAs) do additional/incidental voice work on the show. You like Jim and Charlie?

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raisegrate In reply to Meatwad-Mobile [2016-09-16 23:41:48 +0000 UTC]

Haven't really given this much though, hmm! It would be great ago have Tom Wilson on the show, he's hilarious! Don't know if we'd want established voice actors, regular actors who don't often get animated, or some mix of the two! I really like Peter Serafinowicz, he would be good in there somewhere!

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Meatwad-Mobile In reply to raisegrate [2016-09-17 12:22:53 +0000 UTC]

Just think: Biff Tannen as a whiny fat pirate man,haha. Maybe Clancy Brown would be good as the Captain, and Tom Kenny could work as the King, ala Ed Wynn. Grey Delisle and Richard Horvitz could work as the brother and sister duo. (Sorry for forgetting their names, haha. But how about Jim and Charlie? Any ideas for them?

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Mechanichal-Kitteh [2014-09-11 01:00:29 +0000 UTC]

Oh my goodness I love your icon!

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raisegrate In reply to Mechanichal-Kitteh [2014-09-30 23:08:30 +0000 UTC]

Thanks! It was made for me by NotQuiteNormal, since I did her a favor. I'm not much of an animator, but it's my character.

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3SticksIllustration [2013-10-04 16:23:27 +0000 UTC]

Came across PP vs NC at the local comic book shop and my boys (4 and 3) absolutely LOVE it. For the 1st time my 3 year old will sit and read with me, but only with PP vs NC. And me and the wife love the humor as well, great work!

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raisegrate In reply to 3SticksIllustration [2013-10-09 04:46:03 +0000 UTC]

Hey, thank you very much! That's lovely to hear, I'm glad your family is enjoying my work so! There are some free Pirate Penguin comics on my main website, www.DontEatAnyBugs.com, and some other fun merch. Book two should be coming SOON!

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3SticksIllustration In reply to raisegrate [2013-10-09 17:37:36 +0000 UTC]

Very cool, looking forward to it!

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graceofbass [2013-07-18 16:50:17 +0000 UTC]

I finally picked up some Terry Pratchett books, and all of your art makes so much more sense now! Also my 3-year-old has given Pirate Penguin a promotion to Captain Penguin. You might need to send out an inter-departmental memo.

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raisegrate In reply to graceofbass [2013-08-13 07:25:18 +0000 UTC]

Stuff making sense is the best! Welcome to the discworld club! Pirate penguin is only technically an ensign, he doesn't have his own boat, I deal with that in the next book! He commandeers a submarine, and does indeed get a promotion to captain!

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graceofbass In reply to raisegrate [2013-08-13 21:40:55 +0000 UTC]

Awesome! Maybe my son is psychic?

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raisegrate In reply to graceofbass [2013-08-14 20:55:15 +0000 UTC]

Almost definitely.

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elephantblue [2013-05-06 10:53:59 +0000 UTC]

Bro! Saw your characters on the cover of the Top Shelf Free Comic Book Day sampler! I love Top Shelf's selections, so major kudos for hooking up with them! I hope they're fun to work with.

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raisegrate In reply to elephantblue [2013-05-07 22:31:57 +0000 UTC]

Hey Kit, howzit going! Yeah, been with top shelf for one book and three fcbd's so far, going great. I'm actually on my honeymoon right now, we're on Oahu. What island do you live on?

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elephantblue In reply to raisegrate [2013-05-08 05:09:41 +0000 UTC]

Dude, congrats! I'm on Oahu as well! If you and the spouse are gonna be up on the North Shore this week, pop into Polynesian Treasures in Haleiwa Town, that's where I work! I'd love to say hi.

Top Shelf seems like a great company to work for. I only just sent in a submission, but I'm probably not their style. It is so awesome to see things going so hot for you, though!

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raisegrate In reply to elephantblue [2013-05-08 08:38:06 +0000 UTC]

We're gonna be wandering in that direction tomorrow, (Wednesday)to do some snorkeling, we'll try and stop by!

Yeah, top shelf and I are getting along very well, I think I sent my submission in at just the right time, a very talented friend of mine sent them some stuff shortly after me, and they said they had too many projects on their plate. I wish you luck with yours though! I have no idea what they're looking for t the moment, but I know uniqueness is always key.

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elephantblue In reply to raisegrate [2013-05-08 09:03:16 +0000 UTC]

Well if you're at all up on the North Shore, should be some good snorkeling by Shark's Cove (no sharks though) and definitely at least swing by the town because we are adorable and have great food. If I see you, that's awesome, but hey, if not, that's cool. Hope you'll have an amazing time on the trip!

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raisegrate In reply to elephantblue [2013-05-09 07:42:52 +0000 UTC]

Good seeing you today! The grass skirt grill was super delicious, didn't get a chance to try the malsadas though : ( thanks for the book! Read a bit on the bus, your early stuff is more polished than mine. Pm me your address and ill return the flavor. Ad in the bus on the way home was for the book and music festival in Honolulu a week or two from now. Might be worth checking out, I don't know.

deviantART muro drawing

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elephantblue In reply to raisegrate [2013-05-10 05:23:32 +0000 UTC]

Yo! Great seeing you too! No worries, you will find massive amounts of great malasadas on all the islands. My early stuff may be "polished" ish, but it hasn't improved too much over the years, not in comparison to other artists. I'll get there! But your comics are so fun and you have such an original, eye-candy style, so I'm really glad that you're getting so popular!

I feel like a turd, I realized only afterward that I just wrote your name in the book, not Michelle's, and I hope your lovely missus doesn't think I was slighting her. I was fighting a migraine and the major sleepies, so if I spelled our respective three-letter names correctly, I'll be surprised. In any case, it was great to see you both! Enjoy the rest of your trip! And thanks for the turtle, he's adorable.

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raisegrate In reply to elephantblue [2013-06-06 18:51:25 +0000 UTC]

Would you like to be involved in a project I'm working on? I'm getting all the cool people I know to draw me the Princessiest Princess for a book that I'm publishing. A hawaiiany one would be awesome!

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elephantblue In reply to raisegrate [2013-06-07 08:02:43 +0000 UTC]

I would love that! Thanks! Golly, I feel honored to be asked. What are my guidelines and deadlines and such?

Also, would you be at all interested in doing a black and white piece of guest art for my new Snap Crackle Pop book I'm putting together? I'd love to see what you'd come up with! No worries if you're busy, though, I know you have a ton of cool projects as it is!

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raisegrate In reply to elephantblue [2013-06-10 00:36:03 +0000 UTC]

Guidelines are very simple, it just needs to be the princessiest princess you can think of, at any size that feels comfortable. This is for print, so hi rez.

I want to show off this book at a couple meetings at the San Diego Comic Con, and whiled you're contribution will be one part of one page, the more done the better. The week before SDCC, would be great, July 10th?

I'll happily do an art for your book, when is the deadline for your project/


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elephantblue In reply to raisegrate [2013-06-10 01:38:17 +0000 UTC]

I'll get right on it! Photoshop coloring okay, I presume?

As for my book, I'm hoping to get it all finished within the next month. It's a grayscale book, so sadly I can't do color as yet, but beyond that, go nuts!

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raisegrate In reply to elephantblue [2013-06-11 16:57:44 +0000 UTC]

Yup, sounds good!

I shall do the same for you, but in grayscale!

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elephantblue In reply to raisegrate [2013-06-11 23:00:12 +0000 UTC]

Yay! Also, is there an age preference for the princess?

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raisegrate In reply to elephantblue [2013-06-12 00:23:45 +0000 UTC]

nope! from toddler to grandma

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Karwei [2013-02-24 05:12:40 +0000 UTC]

Is Divine Whiners gonna be available for purchase (digital or print) in the future?

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raisegrate In reply to Karwei [2013-02-25 22:25:34 +0000 UTC]

I'm sure that it will be, but probably not for a while. I love collecting things in books!

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BadBetsy13 [2013-02-20 20:39:07 +0000 UTC]

I read your interests - do you really like Spike Jones?

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raisegrate In reply to BadBetsy13 [2013-02-20 23:43:33 +0000 UTC]

Spike Jones, the musician from the 1950's? Yes, I think he's weird and great!

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BadBetsy13 In reply to raisegrate [2013-03-05 04:25:07 +0000 UTC]

That's awesome - I think he is funny

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raisegrate In reply to BadBetsy13 [2013-03-11 16:32:40 +0000 UTC]

Mee too!

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jeditoby [2012-09-07 18:37:22 +0000 UTC]

I was doing something on DA--oh, yeah, looking up Dr. Who art--you know, just browsing, when I saw something you did. And I clicked, and clicked again, and clicked many more times, then found your Glom of Nit stuff and clickawed (that's clicking on account of laughing so hard) but clicked back, then went to your site and, well, long story short, came back here and decided to write you a very public kudos (and a journal of what I've been doing for the last hour or so). Good work, keep it up, I'll pay you somehow, someway, with money, if possible. At the very least, I'll add you to my watchlist. I might've faved something already, and uh, yeah. Well, I am trying to keep this short, so...catch you around.

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raisegrate In reply to jeditoby [2012-09-08 20:56:48 +0000 UTC]

Well! That worked out perfectly for me! I'm so glad you discovered my work, and have become such an awesome fan! Yes please give me some money some day, I'll trade you some autographed books and such. Stay tuned, and happy reading!

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faunie [2012-08-30 22:20:01 +0000 UTC]

Ooooh my gosh, so you're that person!
A while ago (on free comic book day) a local comic book store was giving out comics, and I just happened to pick up one with a short comic of yours (it had a bunch of little comic snippets)! Graah, I loved it so much! I forgot exactly what went on, but I remember one of the characters had a shirt that kept having a different 'nerdy' reference on each scene, and I giggled when it said 42.

You rock, man! uou

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raisegrate In reply to faunie [2012-08-30 23:14:21 +0000 UTC]

That is the person that I am!

So glad you found me! I've got a bunch of free comics here on DA, and I've also written 6 different books, which you should totally buy. More info on my site> [link]

Glad you like my nerdy jokes! I do rock, it's true.

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