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| punchedtoast
# Statistics
Favourites: 157; Deviations: 388; Watchers: 49
Watching: 50; Pageviews: 18144; Comments Made: 1869; Friends: 50
# Comments
Comments: 135
randomaxes [2011-11-09 03:26:59 +0000 UTC]
holy crap! as i live and breathe!
you have a pulse after all lol
good to see you back, Katie.
i really dig this last batch of pics.
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punchedtoast In reply to randomaxes [2011-11-09 04:02:33 +0000 UTC]
Hahaha Yeah yeah, sorry for disappearing for a while. University does that. Glad you like the latest pictures! Hopefully more to come.
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randomaxes In reply to punchedtoast [2011-11-09 04:09:15 +0000 UTC]
i hope you did/doing well this semester.
keep on clicking.
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ChobiChi [2011-06-05 07:04:48 +0000 UTC]
Hey Katie! Jess mentioned to me you had a DA account & I just remembered to look you up. You've got some really awesome shots!
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ChobiChi [2011-06-05 07:04:48 +0000 UTC]
Hey Katie! Jess mentioned to me you had a DA account & I just remembered to look you up. You've got some really awesome shots!
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MTartistry [2010-08-21 14:57:25 +0000 UTC]
Hey you! You found us, he he. Thanks for the watch.. how has your summer been?? I hope you took a break from working so hard. We should definitely get to work on that collab. we were talking about.
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punchedtoast In reply to MTartistry [2010-08-30 23:28:45 +0000 UTC]
The summer has been buuuusy. Lots of working. I'm excited to get to work on it! I have four English classes this term, which will inspire me to edit things I think. English classes always push me to do more work haha. How was your summer? I'll see you at school soooon. Still volunteering for the Help Centre I hope!
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MTartistry In reply to punchedtoast [2010-09-02 17:39:33 +0000 UTC]
Summer was great.. did a lot of artwork. This is the first summer since I was a kid when I haven't had a job. Took the time to do plenty of reading and artwork. Mis and I lived with her parents in B.C. for a bit which was amazing and now we are back in Saskatoon. And of course I will be back at the help center. You still going to be in student politics? I hope you will take it easier this year.
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omniomi [2010-04-23 00:41:47 +0000 UTC]
I'm not a stalker, I swear - the link was on your facebook LMAO
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punchedtoast In reply to omniomi [2010-04-23 03:43:06 +0000 UTC]
Hahaha, no worries! Let me know if you see anything you like.
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photonutter [2010-04-01 22:29:02 +0000 UTC]
Hey sunshine
Happy Easter!! I hope you have a great weekend
Talk to you soon!
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TheArtCriticSupreme [2009-08-22 22:55:41 +0000 UTC]
Well, the advantage to having an almost good camera is you can take pictures of crap and it can almost be art. You have a few fine pieces but rid yourself of the snapshots and make some art, take an emotive photo and give it more drama. Set up a shot to capture something great. This is DeviantArt not deviant photobucket, but keep up the good effort.
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punchedtoast In reply to TheArtCriticSupreme [2009-08-23 01:51:34 +0000 UTC]
Excuse me? Photobucket? Maybe some of my old photos which I've been in the process of scrapping for a while could be considered snapshots. But my most recent works are almost all photographs I'm proud of. None are snapshots. I'm offended, to say the least. I used to use a Canon SD30, but am now using a Nikon D60, which is definitely a great quality camera. Thanks for making the effort to critique my work, but your thoughts are unwanted here.
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RiddlesofTrickster [2009-03-08 04:50:41 +0000 UTC]
thank you kindly for the fav ^_~ I truly appreciate it
best wishes
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xxRandomEmoStarxx [2008-09-14 15:33:00 +0000 UTC]
ur welcome! :] i like it. it's very cool looking.
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punchedtoast In reply to geograpcics [2008-09-03 01:09:02 +0000 UTC]
Hey no problem! I like your stuff.
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LilMissy [2008-08-01 02:07:57 +0000 UTC]
Hey there! Had to add a watch on you when I saw you on here! Hope your summer's going awesome.
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9thChoirPrincipality [2008-07-23 04:18:30 +0000 UTC]
Lol, I know what you mean, from the looks of my Gallery I look dismal.
Honestly I am cheerful in real life. THAT deviantart channel is not a good example. Thats my dedication to my character who is a villain... so... long story. Thanks though. lol
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punchedtoast In reply to 9thChoirPrincipality [2008-07-23 06:05:54 +0000 UTC]
Haha no worries. Glad to hear you're a cheerful person. Keep on creating.
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masochist-bunny [2008-07-06 05:45:14 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for the comment about my gallery that you left on my page. Thank you for the encouargement!
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masochist-bunny [2008-07-06 04:25:16 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for the comment you left on my Good Bye Cruel World piece. I appreciate you taking the time to look.
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masochist-bunny [2008-07-03 22:31:20 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for the fav. on my piece Self Expression. I really appreciate it very much.
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yakkingyetis [2008-06-09 16:05:41 +0000 UTC]
cool stuff!!! How come you have an id when you're not subscribing??
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punchedtoast In reply to yakkingyetis [2008-06-10 03:24:25 +0000 UTC]
Thanks! An id? Like a deviantID? You just take a picture, then when you are selecting a category, place it under deviantID. Then, in your profile settings, select it for your ID!
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yakkingyetis In reply to punchedtoast [2008-06-10 03:40:07 +0000 UTC]
oh i never knew that!!! Thanks!!
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punchedtoast In reply to randomaxes [2008-05-28 14:34:29 +0000 UTC]
No problem bud, definitely an awesome photo.
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Blackhole-Sun [2008-05-21 15:15:51 +0000 UTC]
that purple one in the middle is so cool...anyways thanks for viewing it! when are you going to post new stuff?keep up the good work!
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punchedtoast In reply to Blackhole-Sun [2008-05-28 14:33:54 +0000 UTC]
Once my final is over I'll definitely get out there with my camera again hah. For now, if you want, you can check out my youtube channel at [link]
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Blackhole-Sun [2008-05-17 22:15:07 +0000 UTC]
hey if you could check my photo "evil between us" and tell me what are those plants it would be awesome...plz chek out my photo anyways.thank you!
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Blackhole-Sun [2008-04-14 18:21:49 +0000 UTC]
you have one wonderfull gallery which i didn't fave all the pics i wanted, because there so many good ones...very beautiful galery, and thanks for the comments on my pics, glad someone who has great pics like you comments on my noobish photos...thanks!
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