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| protowilson
# Statistics
Favourites: 411; Deviations: 565; Watchers: 3425
Watching: 81; Pageviews: 198414; Comments Made: 12189; Friends: 81
# Interests
Favorite visual artist: Caspar David FriedrichFavorite movies: The Shawshank Redemption
Favorite TV shows: The West Wing, Venture Bros, Q.I.
Favorite bands / musical artists: Lemon Jelly, Crowded House, Thomas Newman, Amon Tobin, Aphex Twin
Favorite games: TF2
Tools of the Trade: Photoshop, Cintiq
Other Interests: Cheese and quality booze
# About me
Short. Loud. Cross.
Alas, I do not take commissions or requests. This includes OC's or any insertions of OC's into 'Severed'. I'll only ever draw a person's OC by choice, so please do not ask as it's 99.9% likely I'll say no and feel crappy about it. Trust me when I say that you'll get better, faster and cheaper from other artists.
Be assured that every is treasured and appreciated! I'm just unable to thank for each and every one any more.
Current Residence: Melbourne, Australia
Favourite genre of music: 80s, electronica, ambient and film score
MP3 player of choice: Nano
Favourite cartoon character: Bender (Futurama)
# Comments
Comments: 642
WeAreTheVeryBest [2023-11-08 18:43:15 +0000 UTC]
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Reptangle [2023-06-06 00:55:15 +0000 UTC]
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GoodOldeTymes [2023-03-12 17:57:38 +0000 UTC]
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MoshroomApocalypse [2021-07-27 21:26:36 +0000 UTC]
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PilotAaronIzzard [2021-04-06 08:40:46 +0000 UTC]
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bluehentrooper [2020-11-09 01:13:09 +0000 UTC]
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Karamell-art [2020-05-02 11:44:15 +0000 UTC]
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protowilson In reply to Anonnim [2019-09-28 08:08:25 +0000 UTC]
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KIT-10notK-9 [2019-04-16 23:17:49 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for giving me my VERY FIRST LLAMA!!
I shall name him Kevin. (Bacon)
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SweetAppleBitter [2019-04-16 16:19:40 +0000 UTC]
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AshleyxBrooke [2019-04-07 15:33:18 +0000 UTC]
Hey there!
Nice art Β If you're ever looking to share your work with other people, live, you should check out #ThumbHub on dAmn (Did you know we had a chat system!? A lot of people don't ) We get a lot of great artists popping in to share their work and it varies from Traditional art, to photography, to poetry Also a great place to gain more exposure for your art AND to make some new friends xx
Hope to see you there some time
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Shiron-Sue [2018-05-24 18:42:55 +0000 UTC]
I'm watching you for your AMAZING TF2 drawings, I love how much of their character you get into every pic
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protowilson In reply to Shiron-Sue [2018-05-31 02:43:29 +0000 UTC]
Thank you very much!
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MiniAliceSuperstar [2018-02-17 12:45:02 +0000 UTC]
Hello! I sent you a friend request on Steam, I just wanted to tell you that.
I'm Luffyca on there.
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protowilson In reply to MiniAliceSuperstar [2018-02-18 00:33:09 +0000 UTC]
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Amorettea [2017-08-12 15:59:35 +0000 UTC]
Hope you are busy making a living with your fabulous art and wicked sense of humor.
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chiara53 [2016-05-26 16:27:43 +0000 UTC]
Ciao, ti scrivo dall'Italia per farti i miei complimenti!
Sono moderatore nel forum "Il Calderone di Severus" .
Abbiamo aperto una discussione dedicata a te e al tuo Severed veramente spiritoso, umoristico e ...acido!
La discussione s'intitola "Bacon & Acid by Protowilson.
Se verrai a trovarci ne saremo molto felici.
Ti vengono ovviamente riconosciuti i crediti e le opere che esporremo servono solo a far conoscere un'artista come te: bravissima!
Il sito NON Γ¨ a scopo di lucro.
Scusa se ti scrivo in Italiano, ma non conosco l'inglese, spero che ti aiuterai con Google.
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Art-By-Avalbane [2016-05-06 23:49:22 +0000 UTC]
Whatever happened to Bacon And Acid? Β Are you still making the comic, taking a break from it, or stopped creating it? Β
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Novembernebel In reply to Art-By-Avalbane [2016-11-07 07:05:40 +0000 UTC]
I would like to know that, too...
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protowilson In reply to Art-By-Avalbane [2016-05-25 10:07:57 +0000 UTC]
I feel quite bad for not having done any new ones. It's been a case of not having as much free time as I used
Β to have. I haven't given up on it. It's just been a very long hiatus!
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Art-By-Avalbane In reply to protowilson [2016-05-26 05:00:32 +0000 UTC]
Oh, okay. Β No worries, was just curious. Β And, with Alan's tragic passing, I wouldn't have been surprised if you needed a break or just wanted to stop. Β Some artist friends of mine had the need to do one or both of those. Β They felt odd drawing his likeness after he was gone. Β But I'm glad to hear you're still considering drawing the comic again and I look forward to it when you do get time and inspiration to do so. Β In the meantime, I shall gorge myself on your other fabulous art! Β Take care, Proto! Β
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Cherieosaurus [2015-10-27 12:05:28 +0000 UTC]
So, its been years since Ive been on DA....i came back for your severed series. 1 million points to whatever house you choose, or you can keep them all for yourself. Keep being awesome.
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BethieDaBoo [2015-10-24 13:58:49 +0000 UTC]
Eeee thank you so much for the llama!
I'm surprised but honored to get one off you since I love your TF2 artwork so much :3 Please keep up the amazing work
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AcceCakes [2015-09-27 02:55:26 +0000 UTC]
Thanks 4 da Llama!!! If I could I would have sent you an alpaca :3
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FalloutFoxDraws [2015-08-01 18:53:03 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for the return llama! Love your art, by the way.
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cute-suit [2014-08-15 08:19:12 +0000 UTC]
Oh my gosh! You were that adorable Pyro at Supanova Melbourne! You made my day, you were so adorable!
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protowilson In reply to cute-suit [2014-08-19 08:54:16 +0000 UTC]
Thanks! I never feel adorable... just very sweaty!
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royudai [2014-08-12 05:36:58 +0000 UTC]
QWQ OMG, Thank for the llama!! Β I love your art of TF2!! <3 <3
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GIASAMA [2014-07-04 04:42:04 +0000 UTC]
Proto!! <3 Β hi Iam giasama fro tumblr and steam
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protowilson In reply to GIASAMA [2014-07-13 08:16:09 +0000 UTC]
Haha, yes I thought it might be you!
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ThatOneJewChick [2014-06-24 23:49:16 +0000 UTC]
Um... hi.... I need to ask something, but you seem busy, so I'll get out of your hair.... sorry
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greenwillow13 [2014-05-12 06:03:11 +0000 UTC]
Hey there... I've asked some tips from you before, and I wanted to ask another...
How did you properly secure your flamethrower prop? I've been building one for quite some time now, and I can't seem to make mine sturdy.. It's just too flimsy! HELP!Β Β
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protowilson In reply to greenwillow13 [2014-05-19 03:37:43 +0000 UTC]
The propwork is actually done by my partner, and he was pretty thorough when it came to the construction so that the end result'd be sturdy. There's a lot of bolting, pinning and pieces slotting into each other so that there aren't any structurally weak points.
Unfortunately there isn't much of a record of his construction process other than what's here:Β www.aeronik.com/blog/803/projeβ¦ Β
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greenwillow13 In reply to protowilson [2014-05-19 04:40:57 +0000 UTC]
Hehe, well that makes sense! My props are made from extremely low-budget stuff like cardboard, pvcs, foam, and plastic! XD Anywho, I already finished mine and it's considerably firm... [thanks to some push pins and a WHOLE LOT of superglue.] Thanks anyway! I appreciate the response. Β
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