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poundfreeze [22921383] [] "yehet"

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Favourites: 9183; Deviations: 87; Watchers: 162

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# Comments

Comments: 1706

GabyCoutino [2019-04-06 01:20:22 +0000 UTC]

Nice gallery

Have a bunny

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poundfreeze In reply to GabyCoutino [2019-04-06 03:29:29 +0000 UTC]

thank you (:

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emilyhunters [2017-08-26 16:18:03 +0000 UTC]

hey girl thanks for the watch (: your layouts are awesome!!

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poundfreeze In reply to emilyhunters [2017-08-26 23:08:33 +0000 UTC]

no problem, and likewise! ^^ thanks!!

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sosuftw [2017-07-04 19:11:28 +0000 UTC]

Happy Birthday, PF! I hope you're doing well and have an amazing day

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poundfreeze In reply to sosuftw [2017-07-05 02:02:09 +0000 UTC]

Thank you, Sosu! Hope you're doing great as well. ahh it's been forever since I've been called PF, shows how most of my online buddies have left

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

sosuftw In reply to poundfreeze [2017-07-05 20:06:50 +0000 UTC]

I'm always here! I'm not really into neo anymore but, you know, you get the nostalgia and truthfully you can never quit haha. I hope you had a good day and even though we don't really talk that much anymore, you can count on me for anything you need

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

poundfreeze In reply to sosuftw [2017-07-07 02:51:53 +0000 UTC]

I thought I got it out of my system after staying away for over a year, but I came back to it last summer anyway haha. It's definitely a lot more broken down though and doesn't have the same addiction factor, all I really do now is collect NP from Trudy and zap pets to adopt out. It's sad that a lot of people we knew vanished, but at least the both of us are still here, even if it's not as often as before! Reminds me of this saying: "True friends are like stars: you can't always see them, but you know they're always there" cheesy but true xD

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sosuftw In reply to poundfreeze [2017-07-08 15:37:20 +0000 UTC]

I know right? I try getting addicted to it, join guilds and all that stuff, but it's just not the same. All my close friends rarely get on these days, and we keep in touch through facebook or skype so it's okay. Though I sometimes miss being super busy doing 3478934734934 stuff for guilds like I used to haha!
I'm always there! I mean, it's kind of sad people simply vanish without a single word. These days I'm always online, be it on my phone or laptop, but sites like neo, if I actually think about disappearing forever, I'd at least leave a message to some people so they know where they can find me. I'm always saying I'll be back in action the day my main account gets unsilenced, and it's been nearly 4 years lol That's my only goal right now

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

poundfreeze In reply to sosuftw [2017-07-12 14:10:22 +0000 UTC]

I tried looking for a pet to focus on, especially since I had the Butterfly Dress and could trade for lots of things regarding customization, but that petered out eventually. Unfortunately when my friends disappeared, they never offered any other form of contact and I didn't get the chance to ask, which is why I only talk to one person (or two, rarely) outside of Neo. Most of them should be halfway or so through their bachelor's degree by now, so I wonder if they're really busy or if they even remember their accounts online lol. are guilds active these days? someone noted me a few weeks ago about making one.
I honestly don't think I'll disappear forever until the site itself closes, but I'm on enough to provide contact information in case someone needs it. I can't really disappear out of the blue since I have access to internet every day xD I heard the ticketing system got worse btw? and these captchas are super annoying

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

sosuftw In reply to poundfreeze [2017-07-14 14:28:43 +0000 UTC]

I don't get why people can't be bothered to stay in contact, specially now that everyone has a phone and a messaging app. Rest assure that I'll tell you where I go if I ever quit lol But just like you, unless the site closes I'll still play. My only goal right now is to have my main account unsilenced haha.
I haven't been into guilds in months. It seems there's this pattern where newer guilds become super chatty and active, and then they die because they don't know how to run it. I suppose there still are some good guilds but I have seen it all already and if i don't make it myself, it won't really surprise me anymore lol
The ticket system is still bad, even after messaging them on Facebook they don't seem to help.

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poundfreeze In reply to sosuftw [2017-07-14 17:52:47 +0000 UTC]

I feel like most of them were too uncomfortable giving out their number/info and only considered Neofriends as online friends instead of actual friends. Something that separates the two, I guess? But I do agree that it's questionable how some of them disappear off the face of Earth as if they forgot they had accounts here. Back then I couldn't actually text people because I had no service. There was email, albeit it wasn't used often and was always dropped. I use to use a texting app but that was an inconvenience, so I didn't want to bother other people to download it haha. I don't think Neo will close anytime soon, actually. I expect that they'll drag it out until the last minute.
Yep, that seems to be a problem for lots of guilds. I remember there would be a bunch of active ones to choose from during the summertime, but they all died out and closed once school started. It really does take effort and work to maintain an active guild. It's okay if a guild doesn't have fun activities since I'd probably be there for the chatting anyway, but I do miss those!
aw, are stolen pets still an issue, too? Do captchas even help?

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sosuftw In reply to poundfreeze [2017-07-16 15:13:18 +0000 UTC]

Yeah exactly. I was always afraid of giving out my skype or deviantart names because I'd always get warned for "leading people offsite" lol
Summer usually brings active and aesthetically appealing guilds, but it's a Summer thing and they end up closing before the season is over. Captchas are still a thing but I'm not sure if it's helping in any way. About stolen pets, I have no idea. I haven't checked the Pound Chat in years, haha. What seems to have come back is the Neofriend bar at the left of the site? The other day I logged in and I saw some neofriends online.

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poundfreeze In reply to sosuftw [2017-07-17 15:51:15 +0000 UTC]

I heard some people got warned for saying dA so I either just said da or green art site lol. I used to be afraid of putting my real name because of what i've learned regarding ~internet safety~, but there's lots of other people who have my name, and it's not like just having my first name will give me away for some reason. ehe I was a careful kid
I literally have no neofriends because I deleted all of them when I froze my account, so that bar will never be full again LOL. Just checked the PC and there doesn't seem to be any complaints of frozen pets. There used to be so many more cool things UFT though, I haven't really found any names that clicked with me.
A few days ago my friend brought up that she checked back on Neo and likes to go through the old site-making community sometimes. She mentioned that you were one of the people! thought that was a funny coincidence haha

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sosuftw In reply to poundfreeze [2017-07-18 00:50:34 +0000 UTC]

I was taking lookup requests for a few months this year, but I'm barely on my laptop these days. I'll probably be advertising my lookup and autumn lookbook sites during Fall time, haha. It's sad that there are not so many active sites left but I try to take requests whenever I get a chance (:

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

poundfreeze In reply to sosuftw [2017-07-18 23:57:34 +0000 UTC]

I'm sure your layouts will still be in high demand! Do you still make layouts for Sunnyneo? I remember seeing them everywhere, and your lookups are still used a ton wherever I go, haha. What sites are actually active these days? Any good directories?

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

sosuftw In reply to poundfreeze [2017-07-20 01:39:14 +0000 UTC]

To be honest, I don't. I might make one if lucky during Fall time, haha. I always preferred taking requests as I get the free reign to do whatever I want. Sunnyneo has very specific guidelines I need to follow, which sometimes I don't enjoy. It's nice to see some of the lookups or petpages being used around the site though!
I have NO idea! I have no idea what sites are currently active. I know that Ashe's sites (Aroma for instance) was recently revamped, and probably Jewlz's sites are also still going, but other than those I'm not sure which ones are still being updated. The site community has never been this dead ):

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

poundfreeze In reply to sosuftw [2017-07-20 13:08:44 +0000 UTC]

One time I visited old layout sites like The Graphic Bin but a lot of the old offline sites are gone/inactive too I actually didn't go to Sunnyneo often, I just went to TDN for the dailies and Jellyneo for everything else. just checked and apparently the NC mall had up to three free cupcakes in order of Neo's birthday, oops I didn't know and only claimed one so far haha
I saw that Photobucket had some kind of new guidelines so a bunch of sites got messed up, and I doubt they'll get fixed. One of them was The Lunch Box, so that means you can't use their resources at all anymore :c

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sosuftw In reply to poundfreeze [2017-07-22 15:29:41 +0000 UTC]

I didn't know about the cupcakes either OOPS, I also saw they fixed the neofriends bar and caption contest? It's refreshing to see they have been working to bring some of these old features back. The minute keyquest is back I'll be back as well lol
I read about photobucket! I've always been a premium member for imageshack. I usually pay the yearly membership or share the link to get free months. I have to renew it in september but I got over 10k neopets images there, haha. Otherwise I wouldn't bother!

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

poundfreeze In reply to sosuftw [2017-07-22 18:41:13 +0000 UTC]

ooh, the caption contest is finally fixed. The random contest was removed though, right? Honestly I'd probably still be into Neo if they brought back KQ a while back, but now what am I going to spend the NP on lool
Imageshack was the best, so I was bummed out when they started charging. Haven't found another place that has the same quality and doesn't resize, Postimage (or something like that) was the closest I could come to. I have nowhere near 10k things so I think it'd be a waste to pay for just a handful of images xD imgur is good for smaller graphics though, like buttons.

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sosuftw In reply to poundfreeze [2017-07-23 16:45:23 +0000 UTC]

It seems they will release a completely new caption contest for this month and next month's as well. Like the CC will be a monthly thing now, with this new avatar given every 10 aka once a year + that one you get during the 1000th something edition? lol Too many hard avatars to keep a track of, including those new stamp avatars they recently released.
Have you tried imgur? It's free but it's kind of really public. I like that my imageshack remains private just for me. I'd still pay even though I don't play neo that much, but in no way I'm going to lose all the petpage/lookup codes for this. It'd be a pain to replace every image url lol!

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poundfreeze In reply to sosuftw [2017-07-23 19:09:51 +0000 UTC]

they have new stamp avatars now? I'm glad I got SUAP before downgrading my account lol, when I was younger I never thought I'd get any of the big three, even SUAP. all thanks to you though for helping though! my favorite challenging avvie is the Kad one, I'm not a restocker though so I won't be earning it in the future.
i have, actually! I mentioned it in one of my previous replies. I don't really mind its public status though since I doubt people would go snooping around on Neo-related items. but for some reason a lot of images on there have random downvotes, kind of like how people on Reddit may get downvoted for their opinions

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

sosuftw In reply to poundfreeze [2017-07-26 00:52:57 +0000 UTC]

They made new stamp avatars for the Shell and Shenkuu albums. They are ugly lol I'm also glad you managed to get suap! I haven't gotten an avatar in agesss I miss seeing that random event popup haha!

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

poundfreeze In reply to sosuftw [2017-07-26 14:42:35 +0000 UTC]

I think they were trying to make them look like the old ones, but I guess they don't make the backgrounds transparent anymore. funnily enough, I'm only two away from getting the shell one! I can afford one of them, but the Golden Shell is worth 40M, looks like I'm not getting that one anytime soon aha
I'm still trying to get the Snowager and Symol ones, and I should be trying to get the Skeith king ones too, but I don't have the riddle things memorized and am too detached to put in the effort at this point xDΒ 

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sosuftw In reply to poundfreeze [2017-07-30 22:08:59 +0000 UTC]

Woah I can't believe how high the golden shell went lol I need to check what stamps I got. I still need the NQ2 avatars, haha. And the buried treasure one as the last random one!

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

poundfreeze In reply to sosuftw [2017-07-31 13:57:59 +0000 UTC]

how much was it originally? 10M, right? And also, how do you make NP these days? Do you just restock? Now I just do dailies, specifically Trudy's ahah
I need the NQ ones too, but those seem pretty boring to get. The majority of the avatars I need are the game ones. Funny thing is that I told my friend to make an account so we could play a game together, but apparently that feature of the site was broken. Boo, I remember when game challenges with friends were a thing.

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sosuftw In reply to poundfreeze [2017-08-01 12:59:31 +0000 UTC]

I think so! My only source of np income is Trudy's Surprise lol literally.
OOOOH I remember the game challenges! I think you'd get a piece of those maps to complete and get prizes from? I haven't played a flash game, or any game, on the site in probably a year. I think the last game I played was AAA's revenge when it was first released. That avatar is hard lol

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

poundfreeze In reply to sosuftw [2017-08-01 19:08:08 +0000 UTC]

were you one of those people with millions of NP on hand or were you the type to just spend it all? Β i tried to be really cheap regarding myself but I wasn't afraid to spend for friends haha, some of mine were terrible at earning NP
I think that was a long time ago, since I never got a map piece/participated in that. I did read about it, but I think it was broken or discontinued by the time I did. I don't remember the last time I actually played a flash game, but I used to play easy ones like Fashion Fever & Smug Bug Smite for easy NP. Meepit Juice Break and The Last Smiley were my childhood games! Too bad they deleted The Last Smiley, though.

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sosuftw In reply to poundfreeze [2017-08-06 01:34:23 +0000 UTC]

I'm a np hoarder basically! But I always played food club and it really helped! I barely spend nps these days, so it's easier to watch my bank interest grow haha.
I actually miss playing flash games but I don't have time ofr them anymore ):Β 

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

poundfreeze In reply to sosuftw [2017-08-07 14:08:17 +0000 UTC]

I hoarded NP too! I always found ways to save it, like haggling for cheaper prices or trading for pets instead of buying PB's/morphs for them haha. I've actually never played FC since I didn't understand it back then. I probably would now if I were to read a guide, but there's nothing to spend my NP on now, so I'm ok with just Trudy's and a few other dailies.
Now I spend my free time playing Fire Emblem. Have you heard of it? Not many people I know irl have, but it's much more prevalent on the internet/among people who play games sometimes. I'm sure you might've seen it if you've played any of the Smash Bros games though o:

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sosuftw In reply to poundfreeze [2017-08-07 15:32:35 +0000 UTC]

FC is really easy, just follow someone's bets and that's it lol I've made over 500k with only betting 5k at time!
I've heard of that game! Is it as good as it looks? I casually play Overwatch at the moment, whenever I get a chance.

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poundfreeze In reply to sosuftw [2017-08-08 02:44:50 +0000 UTC]

people also said they made a lot of NP from Habi, but I never did. It seemed pretty tedious. I guess I didn't do it properly? haha the only things I knew how to do back then were KQ and selling stuff. Habi was a pretty cute game though, I like the art and idea of it.
Honestly, I like the story/characters/conversations better than the gameplay itself. The gameplay isn't bad, per say, but I just prefer other things over it! If you like strategy, though, you should definitely try it out, since there's a lot of planning involved. Plus, unlike Pokemon, there's permadeath: if your character dies, they're gone forever, so that adds an extra challenge. A lot of people, including myself, got into it because of the mobile version. It's a lot more simplified and better for casual players like me. If you're looking for an introduction to how things work, I'd recommend that, but if you wanna go head-on you should try some of their console games (they have some emulators online for the older ones).

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sosuftw In reply to poundfreeze [2017-08-08 11:52:55 +0000 UTC]

OOOOH HABI! I had forgotten about it! I used to make nps with it as well. I'd leave it running all night lol I managed to make 100k a day by just doing that. i loved it! Such a shame they discontinued it. KQ seems to be in the works at the moment, from what I gathered from the NT Editorial.
I love permadeath. It does add that challenging spark to the game. I've always been a fan of Mario franchise games, and I truly enjoy that kind of adventure games with harder levels as you advance throughout the game.

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poundfreeze In reply to sosuftw [2017-08-08 18:55:47 +0000 UTC]

Really?! I thought they'd never bring KQ back. It's a lot of work though and the playerbase is already dying, so I'm not sure if KQ alone would save it, especially since they're considering bringing it back so late. Sucks for the people who spent NC on KQ and Habi though, since both of those things have been discontinued for a while now.
The newer games let you choose between casual (your fallen units are alive after the battle) and classic (permadeath), but only classic is available on the older games. It's totally different from Mario; I actually enjoy Mario gameplay a lot more, but still prefer FE's characters/stories haha. That's my favorite part of the series. There's not really "adventure" in it. Sure, you go different places, but you don't explore the towns like in Pokemon or run around in different worlds like Mario. The maps you play on are relatively basic, but the cutscenes in the newer games provide a bit more detail about how the world looks. but yep, it does get more challenging as you go on! more enemies spawn, and lately I've had to gang up on bosses since I can't just kill them with one character anymore.Β 

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sosuftw In reply to poundfreeze [2017-08-11 11:54:08 +0000 UTC]

Me too! I read something in the editorial, so it's in the works right now. It might take some time though but I do hope they bring it back! At the time I never had a proper laptop that would run the game smoothly and without lagging lol
What console are you playing the game on? I'm used to playing Nintendo and that kind of arcade game. It does sound like a good, really complete game! I can't really spare my time playing different games at the same time sadly, but I hope I get a chance to play it.

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poundfreeze In reply to sosuftw [2017-08-11 18:04:14 +0000 UTC]

oh man, I remember when I played around a lot on DTI back then and my laptop would get quite warm haha. KQ also contributed to that. I had time to earn 10-20 keys a day in KQ back then, I don't even know how long a game usually lasted haha.
I'm actually playing the GBA games on an emulator since I don't have a 3DS to play the newer games. I do have a DS, but the DS remake of one of their games wasn't too well-received, so I decided to try one of the more popular GBA games. There are also two Wii games, not counting the GBA ones that you can now play on a Wii U! but yep they come in a few kinds of Nintendo consoles.

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sosuftw In reply to poundfreeze [2017-08-14 19:02:00 +0000 UTC]

Ooooh I forgot we could play the emulator on pc, haha. I know what I'm doing next weekend!
I've always wanted to own and handheld console like the DS but it's really expensive here it's not worth it, but I'd definitely use it. I need to get the new nintendo switch now!

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poundfreeze In reply to sosuftw [2017-08-14 20:48:37 +0000 UTC]

Here's the website I use! If you want the easiest option go withΒ emulatoronline.com/gba-games/f… . There's an easy, normal, and hard version, and within those modes, there are two routes to choose from: the girl's route is easier and the dude's route is slightly harder. but if you want something in the middle, playΒ emulatoronline.com/gba-games/f… , which is also more popular.Β emulatoronline.com/gba-games/f… is the sequel (but the playing order doesn't matter since it was released before its prequel) and is harder.
I remember in elementary school when my cousins had a DS and I borrowed one of theirs to play it for the first time, and it was so fun. I spent hours on it and was bummed that they were expensive because my parents would definitely not get one for me, but then the parents of that cousin got me a DS for my birthday! They're aged now, but it's still one of my memorable presents. What consoles do you have? The non-handheld ones like Xbox and Wii?

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sosuftw In reply to poundfreeze [2017-08-21 02:37:11 +0000 UTC]

Thanks a lot for the links, PF! I just had time to sit down and get online. I spilled milk on my laptop and I nearly freaked out but it's working fine lol the spacebar kind of got sticky but it's working fine. I used to play the pokemon red emulators when I was a kid! I'm excited to play some more modern games for gamecube or even the wii! Β I own the nintendo 64, wii and I used to have the wii u as well but I kind of got it stolen (long story lol) so I only have those two. I'd like to get the nintendo switch but it's overly priced in my country, so it's not worth it. Besides, with my current work and school schedules I barely have time to get on my laptop, let a lone play on a console ): What about you?

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

poundfreeze In reply to sosuftw [2017-08-21 02:54:56 +0000 UTC]

ah, lucky you. I spilled water on my keyboard and the laptop itself was working, but whenever I clicked on somewhere like the URL bar I wouldn't be able to type because there would always be some letter that immediately typed itself and kept repeating (like xxxxxxxxxx). Luckily I was able to get it fixed, but now I have a flash drive that I update whenever I do something like add new music/edit my documents on my laptop, I really wouldn't wanna spend time replacing all of that by hand haha.Β 
well, if you ever have time for the story, I'll listen! sucks that it got stolen though, I remember someone broke into my friend's house and just stole their gaming consoles/games. You'd never imagine that happening to yourself.
I don't have much time to play games, either. I started school on Friday but already had homework so I spent the weekend finishing that + getting ahead on other assignments. I did have some downtime, but they were mostly shorter breaks; not enough time to sit down and get the full experience of gaming. My mom says adult life after you're graduated & if you're single/without a family is much easier than being a student, even if you're employed. so hopefully I can catch up on all those new consoles and games when I have money and time? haha I still have at least eight years before that happens and surely the things now will become old and outdated, but what can you do.

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sosuftw In reply to poundfreeze [2017-08-26 20:49:28 +0000 UTC]

It's been a few days now and the laptop is just fine, though I do feel the spacebar gets stuck slightly a bit but it's not like it stays pressed. Thank god it's fine when I play videogames as well, otherwise I'd be jumping nonstop LOL
I do have time for the story but I'd move it to notes to keep it private haha. I miss playing my mario games though ): I've seen the new ones coming for the switch and it's such a pain. ONE DAY THOUGH it will be mine!
Being an adult with a steady job is actually easy in the long run, but you feel like you get stuck with it. It gets monotone! Right now I'm a full time student but I'm actually looking for a full time job. I'd go to class whenever I can but I actually like being busy all day long lol

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

poundfreeze In reply to sosuftw [2017-08-26 23:34:45 +0000 UTC]

hahaha jumping nonstop sounds hilarious but that would be so frustrating, too. so the space bar gets a bit stuck, but does it actually feel sticky to the touch?
oh okay, feel free to send me a note, then! I haven't been keeping up with switch games at all except for Fire Emblem Warriors once in a while (since I see it being mentioned on Reddit), since I don't plan to get a switch and it'd be less torturous for me to not know. I've already missed out on 3DS games rip
Adult life does seem sad in a way since it's harder to keep/make friends and you have actual responsibilities and can't rely on your parents as much anymore, but I guess that's just the cycle of life. I'm able to apply to university in this upcoming summer, which is quite scary! I still don't know what to be, but I don't have that much time left as I'm graduating in two years.

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sosuftw In reply to poundfreeze [2017-08-29 15:51:25 +0000 UTC]

It's actually working fine now. I think the more I use the laptop the less sticky the keys get, which is great. Now it's just fine. A few more days and it might just be like they used to. I'm shocked the laptop wasn't affected at all. Kudos HP for a nice built in laptop lol
I try not to watch videos related to nintendo as well since I cannot play or get the games here. I mean, I can get them but the inflation is too unreal and it's not worth paying twice the price for something I can get cheaper in a different country.
I'm currently living with my bf just in front of my actual house lol We live in a building complex, so I usually go home every day Β but I don't rely on my mom anymore which is great. My brother still lives with her. I do hope I keep working during the summer, otherwise I'd have more spare time. Sometimes the thought of making a guild crosses my mind but I feel like I'll get busier as the weeks pass and I don't want that. Plus it seems all guilds got all the active members these days, so it wouldn't probably succeed.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

poundfreeze In reply to sosuftw [2017-08-29 20:49:41 +0000 UTC]

It seems like everyone has Macs, but I'm here with a Dell laptop and Asus tablet (used to be a Windows Surface, but it slipped and cracked, and will be very much missed). That's fine with me, though. Macs are pretty expensive and it seems like trouble to convert things just to make them compatible with Macs, and then make sure they're also compatible with other platforms.Β 
I don't really watch many YouTube videos in general. I can be impatient so I prefer an article rather than a video, unless I get totally sucked into a video, which I try not to let happen since that just starts a chain reaction. Pardon my ignorance, but how is the inflation over there? I read the stuff about Venezuela, but we never discuss it in school, and I don't recall seeing it very often on the news.Β 
nice!! I don't really wanna go out of state for university since it's more costly + far away from home, so that's why I'd rather go to somewhere near here and have the ability to go home every day instead of living in the dorms. Usually Vietnamese people - even if you're an employed person in your twenties or so - don't move out until they're married, so guess I'll be staying here a while haha. but honestly, I'm sure a guild would succeed if it's run by you. You have all the skills and experience necessary, plus I'd say you're pretty well known on Neo (:

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

sosuftw In reply to poundfreeze [2017-08-31 15:44:45 +0000 UTC]

I'm a windows person too! I'd only get a mac for the Β retina screen lol otherwise I'm not interested.
I hardly ever watch youtube videos, but sometimes it's a nice distraction when I have nothing to do haha.
Things are overly priced here due to imports being closed, therefore anything that you may consider cheap is at least twice the price, specially technology and devices. I assume the new iphone 8, when it comes out, it will be at least 2000 USD, instead of the 1300 people say it will cost. I paid about 400 dollars for my laptop last year in the UK, this same laptop in my country is about 1500 LOL It's common to travel, mainly to the US, and get stuff there. Sometimes you need to pay taxes but even after paying them it's still cheaper.
I love making and running guilds, I have a particular style of running them, specially the activities I tend to offer. It's just it's very time consuming. I plan events with one or two months in advance until I have at least 6 months planned.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

poundfreeze In reply to sosuftw [2017-08-31 21:30:22 +0000 UTC]

If I really have nothing to do, usually I get on some social media like tumblr and Reddit. I don't browse all the interesting subreddits on a daily basis because it truly is a black hole. Still, it's a pretty interesting place.
oh wow, how often do you travel to the US to get stuff, then? If you have a lot of things you need I assume that'd take a lot of planning, especially with the packing and all.
I applaud the people who can run engaging activities. Sometimes it's not easy to do since you might not get too many participants. The first guild I ever joined had activities; nothing on a big scale, but I thought they were pretty fun! I created another account since my main one was set to under thirteen and couldn't chat, and it was a whole new world, haha.

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sosuftw In reply to poundfreeze [2017-09-02 13:54:57 +0000 UTC]

I also browse reddit but I've never had an account in the 3 years I've used it, haha. I enjoy reading and lurking lol I have never been to the US myself but it's common to have a friend or someone you know, so you'd give them the money to get you something. I did this with a friend last year when she got me a 128 GB flash drive. Same when my mom went there in 2014 and got me the wii u haha.
I think the main reason people felt motivated to do the activities was that I offered custom requests as prizes, so they knew if they worked hard to earn points they could get the forever wanted lookup or petpage they always wanted. It was a nice way for me to stay active with graphics Β as well.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

poundfreeze In reply to sosuftw [2017-09-03 01:39:03 +0000 UTC]

I used to see it everywhere and was confused on what it was, exactly. But I found it pretty helpful since if you couldn't find something on Google, you could basically find it on Reddit. And then I stumbled on the ones with stories (things like "how did your first love go?" and "weird things you've seen in public") and learned that those are the ones to avoid unless you have lots of time to kill haha, the way they stack the replies just makes you read more and more. I only made an account so that the app could be more conveniently organized, but I haven't totally figured out how the website itself works.
Do you plan to visit sometime soon? My closest Neofriend lives in the UK and I have faith that we'll meet each other someday, especially seeing that she's already been to America a few times, but just not to my state. And that's what my mom does for Vietnam! Some things here are cheaper and come in more variety, so once in a while she just packs stuff in a box and ships it away. She goes there once every two years and that's when she fills up this HUGE box with toys, candy, clothes, and whatnot.Β 
Oh yeah, if your layouts were the incentive, I'd definitely want to win one! It's weird how item prizes aren't allowed, but some people do that anyway. I would trade pets for actual PB's instead of a pet that got painted with said PB. I wanted to save transfers, plus, I never actually exploited that method to sell them and get NP. Funny thing was, one time someone was willing to do that sort of trade with me, but when I told her I found a better offer, she said, "That's actually against the rules, but don't worry, I won't tell anybody :*" ok lmao, you were just willing to do that with me a few minutes ago

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

sosuftw In reply to poundfreeze [2017-09-06 14:26:11 +0000 UTC]

I know right? I couldn't believe how useful Reddit was until I learned how to properly browse it and it does help me kill time every time I want to find something cool to read. I love the AskReddit board lol
My aunt lives in New York and she wants me to go over there like today but I'm in no position to do so at the moment plus I don't have enough savings. She wants to pay for everything but I don't feel like owing her money when I could save it myself. If I wasn't into college, work and in a relationship I wouldn't think it twice. What state are you from? It's definitely possible to meet online friends these days. I've met some already!
Prizes are a nice incentive as well but I don't know. I always enjoyed offering requests because it's something more unique and made based on the person's likes. The only GOOD items I could probably do activities for are the expensive avatar stamps lol I don't want to do these all activities for a spotted paint brush lmao.

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poundfreeze In reply to sosuftw [2017-09-06 21:15:22 +0000 UTC]

I used to read the stuff on Snapchat if I wanted to find something interesting, but that wasted a lot of battery/quickly heated my phone, and some of the articles are too long and just need to get to the point. Now I might flip through a few short ones if I see something interesting, but I can't help but read people's Reddit stories since they're so interesting. Is that basically the AskReddit one? Sometimes I don't pay attention to what the sub is titled.
I'm a jobless student who doesn't even have her driving license, so if I go anywhere I'd have to depend on my parents for funds and whatnot lol. I did go to Florida this summer with friends and teachers because I placed first in a competition, which was the first time I traveled without family. And let me just say, props to parents for having good budget plans. I'm not a big spender, but they deal so much better with money than I do since they also have to deal with things like gas and grocery on a weekly basis. (totally didn't skip meals in Florida just to save money) & I'm from Oklahoma! People think we're all cowboys that live in the country haha
I would've enjoyed graphics more too since I didn't know how to make anything back then. There's lots of people whose skills surpass mine, so I wouldn't mind something from them, if I were to win a guild activity now (: I'd use PB's and like for reselling, although I did already have a lot of funds from KQ and selling items.

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