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| pinkyaliya

# Statistics
Favourites: 3347; Deviations: 55; Watchers: 183
Watching: 346; Pageviews: 25718; Comments Made: 2100; Friends: 346
# Comments
Comments: 125
SameerPrehistorica In reply to pinkyaliya [2018-11-27 08:54:13 +0000 UTC]
You are welcome
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pinkyaliya In reply to Namirithecheepard [2018-06-03 07:04:37 +0000 UTC]
Wa alaikum salaam -
Alhamdulillah, thank you. May they (as) be pleased with us.
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Namirithecheepard In reply to pinkyaliya [2018-06-04 15:24:12 +0000 UTC]
Your welcome! Also, Ramadan Kareem! May all your fasts be accepted Inshallah
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pinkyaliya In reply to Namirithecheepard [2018-06-19 08:44:55 +0000 UTC]
Thank you. Likewise, I pray it was blessed for you. A late Eid Mubarak to you as well, sister
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Namirithecheepard In reply to pinkyaliya [2018-06-19 14:58:39 +0000 UTC]
I hope it was blessed for you too. And Eid Mubarak to you too, hope you enjoyed your Eid
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pinkyaliya In reply to AnoushayKhan [2013-11-26 21:21:33 +0000 UTC]
Thank you,Β Anoushay!Β
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IReallyWannaKnow [2013-10-29 00:28:48 +0000 UTC]
Β I just realized I missed your birthday. Happy verrry belated birthday, and please forgive me for being a crappy friend and may you have a blessed year!
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pinkyaliya In reply to IReallyWannaKnow [2013-10-29 07:43:13 +0000 UTC]
Awww, no you didn't miss it; it's November 26 but that's in Muharram so no celebration really for the next few years haha. I'm not too public with my birthday so no worries, anyway!
You're an awesome friend, alhamdulillah and thank youu <3
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IReallyWannaKnow In reply to pinkyaliya [2013-10-29 20:14:49 +0000 UTC]
Haha wow I don't know how I got that mixed up! Well I'm glad I didn't miss it. Ah right, that is in Muharram
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pinkyaliya In reply to IReallyWannaKnow [2013-10-29 20:54:19 +0000 UTC]
but my fam and I did celebrate my birthday (and, well, 5 other people in my family!) this past weekend. So I got some partying in Β
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hiaamir [2013-10-11 04:39:16 +0000 UTC]
You have been kindly featured here
For all my Loving DA Friends Part # 22:iconkalabadi-hallaj:
Krumme Lanke by *AnaPhotoGraficMan, the joke was good by *AnaPhotoGraficLavender ...... yummy by *AnaPhotoGrafic
Freedom Of Feather by *fajr2000DrEaMeR by *fajr2000~enjoying the muzic~ by *fajr2000
'Ain e sumood [part 2] by ~pinkyaliyaNoor al-'Ain [updated] by ~pinkyaliyaThe Lake by ~pinkyaliya
Purple and Gold by *Thelma1Just for the fun of it by *Thelma1Green Forest Lights by *Thelma1
Rainbow Spiral by `NamedaEver Fallen In Love With Someone by `NamedaAmerican beauty or Carribean flamingo by `NamedaParty on the food basket by `Nameda
Summer by ~teckmonky2 by ~teckmonkyRobin by ~teckmonky
Die rote Braut by *LyelleArtsIn-Love by *LyelleArtsHansel-and-Gretel by *LyelleArts
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pinkyaliya In reply to hiaamir [2013-10-14 03:08:47 +0000 UTC]
Thank you. This is very kind of you!
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hiaamir In reply to pinkyaliya [2013-10-25 11:15:41 +0000 UTC]
( ='α΄₯'=
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(ΒΈβ₯Β΄ (ΒΈ.β₯´´¯`β’.ΒΈΒΈYou are welcome Aalya, glad to see after such long dayΒ
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pinkyaliya In reply to caseyhoke [2013-09-15 04:10:59 +0000 UTC]
Hello! You're welcome and thank you. As is yours!
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pinkyaliya In reply to saeideh69 [2013-09-05 20:44:08 +0000 UTC]
Salaam alaikum!Β
I dont really give that information out so freely
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saeideh69 In reply to pinkyaliya [2013-09-05 21:39:12 +0000 UTC]
anyway, I liked your works alot
I was just checking if I should hail you in farsi or arabic or urdo
It doesnt feel warm in english, you know
keep going, your works are great
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pinkyaliya In reply to saeideh69 [2013-09-06 00:22:33 +0000 UTC]
Haha, any of those languages work You're right, English didn't really work there
Nice meeting you and thank you!Β
I pray Allah continues to bless you
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prestonthecarartist [2013-09-03 10:41:02 +0000 UTC]
I like your work! You've got some real talent!
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pinkyaliya In reply to prestonthecarartist [2013-09-03 19:07:41 +0000 UTC]
Thanks! I like your work as well (hence, the watch). I've been trying to force myself to do some car renderings so much to learn.
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prestonthecarartist In reply to pinkyaliya [2013-09-04 17:11:19 +0000 UTC]
I'll be looking forward to them!
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IReallyWannaKnow [2013-09-02 22:35:11 +0000 UTC]
Do you/have you used watercolor pencils?
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pinkyaliya In reply to IReallyWannaKnow [2013-09-03 03:40:57 +0000 UTC]
I tried but I gave up because it wasnt working out!
A: because the quality of the pencils were not great
B: I need more practice
I think it was more A than B actually because the way you use them are similar to coloured pencils according to some friends. Then you just add water on top and that's pretty simple
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IReallyWannaKnow In reply to pinkyaliya [2013-09-03 16:44:00 +0000 UTC]
I've never used them before but I just ordered some yesterday. I feel like they're going to be awesome! Hopefully they're the solution to my fear of watercolors. I hope the ones I got were good quality though.Β
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pinkyaliya In reply to IReallyWannaKnow [2013-09-03 19:05:03 +0000 UTC]
you'll like them! I liked them better than traditional watercolours but
I'm scared of colour altogether :/. But I'm working on it haha
Tell me how it goes!!
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IReallyWannaKnow In reply to pinkyaliya [2013-09-03 20:11:26 +0000 UTC]
Scared of color altogether?!
Okay I'll keep you updated iA.
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pinkyaliya In reply to IReallyWannaKnow [2013-09-03 21:02:12 +0000 UTC]
Noticed how most of my works are black and white? lol
I'm scared to put any colour into anything! and when I do, it's either 2 colours or all of them. I'm gradually adding colour though haha
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IReallyWannaKnow In reply to pinkyaliya [2013-09-08 04:00:50 +0000 UTC]
One thing though with the brand I have is that you can still see the pencil lines made with the watercolor pencils even after you apply water. I saw several people mention that in reviews before I bought it but I don't mind. I actually like it, it adds a nice texture.Β
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pinkyaliya In reply to IReallyWannaKnow [2013-09-11 03:52:40 +0000 UTC]
If u like it, that's great!! I would get a fine liner and go over the lines again for my own style
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IReallyWannaKnow In reply to pinkyaliya [2013-09-08 02:01:03 +0000 UTC]
Okay they finally came today! So far I really like them, they do pretty much what I was hoping. They advertise them as if they can also double as regular colored pencils but I think that's a little bit misleading--the tips are too fragile to really lay down thick color, and the dark colors don't get all that dark accept after you apply water so they work best with water. But it's an awesome addition to my art stuff and I feel like my illustrations will turn out much more sophisticated because of them because I have so much control of where I want the colors and how much. It's also pretty easy to blend the colors together which I like. And they don't give me any anxiety hallelujah! Β
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pinkyaliya In reply to IReallyWannaKnow [2013-09-11 03:51:40 +0000 UTC]
Yayyyy!!!!! Sorry for the late reply, school just started an I just broke my laptop charger so it's hard to navigate on a phone -_-
Sounds successful actually, I've seen pieces where artists have used them like actual coloured pencils. Omg yeah u def have more control; I didn't realize that. Okay, time to start practicing with mine... I know the perfect way to use them since my no. 0 brush frayed and so I don't have any other thin brushes (no control!)
Is it actually easy to blend?? Will u post some work?
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IReallyWannaKnow In reply to pinkyaliya [2013-09-13 03:31:36 +0000 UTC]
No worries, I've been busy too So actually I've only done two small practice paintings with them since I've gotten them. Because since they came my homework load has gotten heavier and I started volunteering at an elementary school too which has been draining me. But inshaAllah I'll post something... eventually
Yeah blending is great because you can blend the colors together first dry which is easy because you can layer the colors, then add water and voila! Now I'm getting excited all over again, I'm gunna have to do some practice this weekend
Tell me how your practice is goes!Β
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CloudNumber8 [2013-08-17 00:30:34 +0000 UTC]
thank you for the recent faves I hope everything is good with you.
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pinkyaliya In reply to Alislam274 [2013-07-30 20:39:01 +0000 UTC]
and so is yours, mashaAllah
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LOSTgnosis [2013-07-29 01:07:01 +0000 UTC]
Which letters should I do next and for what?Β lostgnosis.deviantart.com/art/β¦
Hope ya are having a good Ramadan btw!
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Jadesweetboxx [2013-04-09 04:54:00 +0000 UTC]
Hey. Nice to meet you, and thank you so much for the fave on Fields of Lilacs
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pinkyaliya In reply to Jadesweetboxx [2013-04-09 12:06:01 +0000 UTC]
Oh, it was absolutely beautiful! I have much to learn
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pinkyaliya [2013-04-07 09:05:56 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for creating such beautiful work!
If you're here to say thank you for a +fav or +watch... you're welcome in advance
If you're here to say hi... hello in advance :]
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Laiba In reply to pinkyaliya [2013-04-08 10:23:17 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for creating such beautiful work ! Masha'Allah u r really talented. ^_^ And that "Community Jn" drawing is so cute! Y disable comments?
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