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| palmbeacher
# Statistics
Favourites: 1621; Deviations: 0; Watchers: 171
Watching: 19; Pageviews: 46407; Comments Made: 8918; Friends: 19
# Comments
Comments: 1804
Toxic-Torrent [2008-11-08 23:29:28 +0000 UTC]
I can't believe your gone... your Simpsons art was so good... I can't believe left
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cwhitteker [2008-05-09 13:42:46 +0000 UTC]
Hi. What happened to all the art? You had such a great collection.
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THJandSoapyWater [2008-02-09 23:03:55 +0000 UTC]
Ahh... whuuh... Nuu! Where'd all the art go?!
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anotakuami [2008-01-30 03:38:45 +0000 UTC]
wow you've got a great gallery. I love the Simpsons! :3
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palmbeacher In reply to Demon-Aerdna [2007-12-07 04:23:12 +0000 UTC]
If only I had a subscription....
Gawd, he's so cute! XD
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FlyingMohawk [2007-11-21 04:02:33 +0000 UTC]
tee hee hee
i am your friend
and that makes me joyfull!
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Slow-Jo In reply to FlyingMohawk [2007-11-23 00:16:00 +0000 UTC]
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tommysimms [2007-11-17 22:44:34 +0000 UTC]
I love your Simpsons art!
The combination with a mafia theme is particulary original: I really like the idea of Lisa as a Diane Keaton-like character (in The Godfather).
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BadBunny [2007-11-08 16:55:45 +0000 UTC]
I want to move to Canada with you. I can watch hockey and play in the snow. And people aren't mean and ignore you. *emo*
*hides in a corner and cries*
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palmbeacher In reply to BadBunny [2007-11-11 15:33:27 +0000 UTC]
People are mean in Canada too. It just doesn't sound like it because we gloss it over with Eh's and Sorry's. XD
I don't like missing ppl DDD:
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Bot66 [2007-10-31 17:49:16 +0000 UTC]
Lemme just say. I LOVE your art! I've allways been partial to the idea of Lisa growing up to be a bad girl. Bart being Cheif Justice and going straght, I'm not sure if I buy that but stranger shit has happened I guess.
If youre looking for a place to show your ideas in pics then I suggest going to [link]
PS where can I find fanfics of yours?
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palmbeacher In reply to Bot66 [2007-10-31 20:17:51 +0000 UTC]
The way I see it, that one episode where Bart was going to be Chief Justice in like, 50 years, I stick to that. I like that. And I like Lisa being bad because she's abused and ignored a lot.
And NoHomers... It's a little too overwhelming for me. Too many people, I'm sorta reclusive.
My fanfics? I don't have any. My script, seriously, will never be released. But if you do, just look for the name Palmbeacher at AFF.net and Black-Coronet at FF.net.
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Bot66 In reply to palmbeacher [2007-11-01 17:42:21 +0000 UTC]
The way I see it, that one episode where Bart was going to be Chief Justice in like, 50 years, I stick to that.
[Bot66] I know I know. It's just that the Bart in my head is this bad boy and I guess its just hard for me to imagine him any other way. But like I said before, stranger shit has happened. And I guess 30 years is a long time enough for Bar to change. [/Bot66]
I like that. And I like Lisa being bad because she's abused and ignored a lot.
[Bot66] I once wrote a fanfic with a similar theme to what youre proposing.[/Bot66]
And NoHomers... It's a little too overwhelming for me. Too many people, I'm sorta reclusive.
[Bot66] Well if thats how you feel then I can respect that.
But I do recommend you post some of your stuff at [link] The people there are very open-minded about the Simpsons being depicted in dramatic contexts. And they are less people there than NHC. [/Bot66]
My fanfics? I don't have any. My script, seriously, will never be released.
[Bott66] If your writing ability is anything like your drawing ability then you have nothing to fear about posting it here. Or is this some sort of legal issue, are you afraid of being sued?[/Bot66]
But if you do, just look for the name Palmbeacher at AFF.net and Black-Coronet at FF.net.
[Bot66] Thanks I'll do that. [/Bot66]
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Bot66 In reply to Bot66 [2007-11-04 21:53:06 +0000 UTC]
Well, I'm not afraid of being sued. But now that I think of that..
[Bot66] You wont get sued because you arnt charging people to view your art nor are you presenting The Simpsons as your creation.[/Bot66]
No, it's just. It's everywhere. I can't possibly collect all the notes and things I've written on napkins and write it down. I've tried making a synopsis of what I'm getting at and that turns out to be like, over 8 paragraphs.
[Bot66]From what I've gathered, the synopsis is: Lisa starts going out with Michael di Amico the son of mob boss 'Fat' Tony di Amico. This causes frictions between the Simpsons and the di Amicos, especcialy between Lisa and Bart, who is now Chief Justice. [/Bot66]
To make a fanfiction that's good and that I would be proud of would probably take years, and I enjoy drawing more than writing these days. Plus, sometimes you just can't write emotion properly.
[Bot66] If you want to know how to write emotion, then read some novels and see how the pro's do it. Thats what I did. [/Bot66]
I don't know. I mean, I'm really reclusive. And lazy. Mostly lazy. If I were to post on another website, I'd forget or I'd get really paranoid about it. I have problems. And also, a lot of my work needs to be explained. Endlessly. Because not that many people watched the 18th Season Opener, so when I do say "Fat Tony's Son" everyone usually stares at me and then says "Fat Tony has a SON!?" And.... yeah.
[Bot66] Well, the worst that would happen is that people would think that Michael is your own character. You could just correct them. And there is no need to get paranoid about posting on an internet forum. Look all I'm saying is road test your ideas on the people at the websites I linked to. The worst that'll happen is they say they dont like it. I doubt they will of course, your ideas are very imaginative and orginal. [/Bot66]
I was going somewhere with this but I forgot...
[Bot66] Let me just say this: You are a very talented fan artist and you have a very vivid imagination. What you lack is confidence. Like I said before, the worse that can happen is that they say they dont like your ideas.[/Bot66]
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palmbeacher In reply to Bot66 [2007-11-02 01:53:15 +0000 UTC]
Well, I'm not afraid of being sued. But now that I think of that..
No, it's just. It's everywhere. I can't possibly collect all the notes and things I've written on napkins and write it down. I've tried making a synopsis of what I'm getting at and that turns out to be like, over 8 paragraphs. To make a fanfiction that's good and that I would be proud of would probably take years, and I enjoy drawing more than writing these days. Plus, sometimes you just can't write emotion properly.
I don't know. I mean, I'm really reclusive. And lazy. Mostly lazy. If I were to post on another website, I'd forget or I'd get really paranoid about it. I have problems. And also, a lot of my work needs to be explained. Endlessly. Because not that many people watched the 18th Season Opener, so when I do say "Fat Tony's Son" everyone usually stares at me and then says "Fat Tony has a SON!?" And.... yeah.
I was going somewhere with this but I forgot...
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palmbeacher In reply to the-blondstar [2007-10-15 03:06:14 +0000 UTC]
XD Your so cute I want to squish you with love. Of course you can.
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palmbeacher In reply to Demon-Aerdna [2007-10-15 03:06:45 +0000 UTC]
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Demon-Aerdna In reply to palmbeacher [2007-10-15 03:18:15 +0000 UTC]
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palmbeacher In reply to Demon-Aerdna [2007-10-15 03:20:42 +0000 UTC]
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Lewie-Lew [2007-10-01 19:01:50 +0000 UTC]
simpsons fan and a sopranos lover?
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palmbeacher In reply to Lewie-Lew [2007-10-01 21:49:18 +0000 UTC]
Those three things are the reason I live D:
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Lewie-Lew In reply to palmbeacher [2007-10-01 23:35:36 +0000 UTC]
fuckin' a
u might easy uo on the nin dosase
it's fuckin depressive
plus now with the end of the sopranos :\
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palmbeacher In reply to Lewie-Lew [2007-10-02 00:32:49 +0000 UTC]
Hahaha. I don't find it depressive at all.
Yeah, the end of the Soprano's is really shitty. Luckily, the DVDs are out so I can always catch up.
Never going to be another great show like it....
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palmbeacher In reply to BadBunny [2007-10-01 04:21:17 +0000 UTC]
DDDDD: You know I still love you so much...
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BadBunny In reply to palmbeacher [2007-10-04 16:57:36 +0000 UTC]
I KNOW AND I MISS YOU AND LOVE YOU AND EVERYTHING!! My life Exploded. I work at the fusking GAP now. SAVE ME PALM, SAVE ME!
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