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| padme-naberrie

padme-naberrie [4038206] [] "I'm buy-curious!"

# Statistics

Favourites: 467; Deviations: 27; Watchers: 29

Watching: 34; Pageviews: 16353; Comments Made: 5577; Friends: 34

# Comments

Comments: 298

Sir-Saboteur [2012-05-12 11:14:11 +0000 UTC]

Want to join [link]

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padme-naberrie In reply to Sir-Saboteur [2012-05-13 06:12:27 +0000 UTC]

Sure! Thank you for considering me!

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Sir-Saboteur In reply to padme-naberrie [2012-05-13 15:52:22 +0000 UTC]

No problem

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AmandaL-5 [2012-04-14 09:49:56 +0000 UTC]

Hello. Thank you. I use gimp.
I really like your stuff.

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padme-naberrie In reply to AmandaL-5 [2012-04-16 18:55:38 +0000 UTC]

Gimp is a wonderful program
Thank you!

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aphidity21 [2011-07-29 17:19:41 +0000 UTC]

thank you for liking my art work. no i'm not a professional. i just take pictures of what i like and see to make different concepts.

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edwardfan448382 [2011-07-08 22:27:49 +0000 UTC]

Hi, not to be bother, but you seem to like starwars. So i was wondering if you could read and review my star wars fandom on fanfiction [link] its about Anakins life after he dies (as darthvader) if not i understand thanks for your time.

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stephenthedemon [2010-09-22 22:03:45 +0000 UTC]

Happy belated birthday. o_o

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Tribble-Industries [2010-08-15 02:48:52 +0000 UTC]

Happy Birthday from the Clone Trooper, feeling a need for a clone birthday present?

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ChrispyDee [2010-08-14 21:51:27 +0000 UTC]

Yo, a happy spartan B-day!

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swmmp [2010-08-14 14:10:21 +0000 UTC]

Happy Birthday!

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LadyIlona1984 [2010-05-31 05:53:58 +0000 UTC]

Welcome to #Females-of-Star-Wars !
May the force be with You.

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padme-naberrie In reply to LadyIlona1984 [2010-06-02 23:05:49 +0000 UTC]

Thanks! May the Force be with you as well

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LadyIlona1984 In reply to padme-naberrie [2010-06-03 06:29:12 +0000 UTC]

You're Welcome.

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i-am-mighty [2010-05-16 03:21:29 +0000 UTC]

Hey havent seen you in a while, ya still alive...man if your dead im gonna feel so stupid

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padme-naberrie In reply to i-am-mighty [2010-05-29 19:56:03 +0000 UTC]

Hey!!! No, I'm not dead I'm sorry I haven't been on. School kept me very busy this semester, but now its done!

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i-am-mighty In reply to padme-naberrie [2010-05-30 01:34:51 +0000 UTC]

YEAAAA no more school, I am also finished, although now im back workin in a factory and once again hate my life *sigh* AH WELL, nought to be done about it now, im still tryin to do that Jedi for ya, I just cant seem to get it the way I like it and I kept getting bogged down with college stuff and now in between factory work im tryin to do some illustrations for some woman thats writing a book, and paying customers come first I hope ya had fun ending the college year and your not sick of playing music yet

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Aya-Wavedancer [2010-05-10 00:53:34 +0000 UTC]

Just now read your sig. I have spent decades telling people what the difference is between a Bari and a Euph. It IS really esoteric...

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padme-naberrie In reply to Aya-Wavedancer [2010-05-29 19:55:33 +0000 UTC]

Haha, I know, right?!?1

Sorry for such a late reply-I did get all those other links you had sent to me. They're amazing!!!!

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ZLilDemon [2010-02-19 02:47:00 +0000 UTC]

YOU HAVE BEEN TAGGED check my latest journal!

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padme-naberrie In reply to ZLilDemon [2010-02-19 13:38:10 +0000 UTC]

I know x_x I'll do it this weekend-I've just been on to try and keep my deviation # down haha. I'll definitely have it done this weekend

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ZLilDemon In reply to padme-naberrie [2010-02-23 01:33:19 +0000 UTC]

okie dokie!

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padme-naberrie In reply to ZLilDemon [2010-03-16 02:41:13 +0000 UTC]

So much for having that done this weekend x_x *feels like a jerk* Forgive meh?

I'll get it done ASAP

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ZLilDemon In reply to padme-naberrie [2010-03-17 03:59:14 +0000 UTC]

ha! tis okay!

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KaguraKenobi [2010-02-14 11:10:13 +0000 UTC]

on Sapphire green eyes!

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Aya-Wavedancer [2010-01-28 19:01:36 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the visit- I'm a Mus.Ed. grad and Euphonium player that never quite made the big time, even with the M.S.Ed.

Work hard, develop contacts- don't end up at UPS like I did LOL.

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padme-naberrie In reply to Aya-Wavedancer [2010-01-31 18:38:15 +0000 UTC]

No problem! ^_^ Sorry you didn't make it Never give up, though-you can always keep going for it!!!

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Aya-Wavedancer In reply to padme-naberrie [2010-02-01 09:40:13 +0000 UTC]

I still play in a Brass Quintet and adjudicate and advise/instruct/consult competition bands on the side. Playing some solo work in Alumni corps that has me stoked- Ellis' "Strawberry Soup"!!!

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padme-naberrie In reply to Aya-Wavedancer [2010-02-01 13:46:01 +0000 UTC]

Oh, good! That's awesome! I haven't heard of that one, I'll have to look it up!

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Aya-Wavedancer In reply to padme-naberrie [2010-02-01 19:54:37 +0000 UTC]

This is a decent arrangement of the piece performed by the old EPCOT Center FutureCorps, who I think was a pretty scrappy mini-corps to say the least.


The original is on Ellis' "Tears of Joy" Album which I have on CD and vinyl. A lot of the stuff is in 9 and 7. It's thought of by many to be Ellis' masterpiece. Get to know Ellis- you'll be rather suprised at the body of his work. I also recommend "Niner-Two" and "Loss", and also the Hank Levy compositions of "Chain Reaction" and "Samba Bahada" that the Ellis band did.

Oh.. yes--

There's a standstill performance of the Blue Devils' 1993 Show featuring Don's Music on YouTube, featuring, "Open Wide", "The Great Divide", "Chain Reaction", and "Strawberry Soup" Some nice baritone work and writing-- and when you realize how nasty the G Bugles are...

Part 1


Part 2


Our arrangement is quite different, I get a nice opening solo, kind of like the original's Cello solo, and I get a duet with a Mello on the initial theme, leading into the whole mess. I'm playing an old-school Kanstul G Baritone Bugle, and the solo's extending into a 3-ledger line High E in Treble Clef, which I found out I can still hit, even being out of practice LOL.

I started years ago as a Bass Clef player, self-taught on treble, and then learned tenor. I'm not as good at Alto Clef-- the interesting thing is--

It's easier to read Lead Baritone Bugle parts in Treble because the notes are usually at the lowest second line G to third space C, and the horns don't wake up until you're on top of the staff. There's too many ledger lines if it was written in Bass Clef.

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grim-show [2010-01-27 03:36:38 +0000 UTC]

Hey thanks for the comment, it meant a lot. I know my gallery is new, but I think it's a little neglected. Please let people know about my gallery.

Or maybe you have a few ideas on how to get more pageviews?

Message me.

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padme-naberrie In reply to grim-show [2010-01-31 18:44:34 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome ^_^ I'll definitely spread the word as much as I can

I honestly have no idea how to get more pageviews. :\ I don't have too many myself. I think its just a matter of getting your name out there, and people will browse your gallery.

Joining a club might help you out, too.

Good luck! (And sorry for getting to you so late!)

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Nemonus [2009-12-24 06:25:54 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the fave!

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padme-naberrie In reply to Nemonus [2009-12-24 14:56:39 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome Any time!

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stephenthedemon [2009-12-15 02:53:55 +0000 UTC]

I figure we can just continue it here.

Gute Nacht.

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padme-naberrie In reply to stephenthedemon [2009-12-17 03:49:25 +0000 UTC]

Sounds excellent 8D

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stephenthedemon In reply to padme-naberrie [2009-12-17 12:12:41 +0000 UTC]

Lol. Played any good euph lately?

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padme-naberrie In reply to stephenthedemon [2009-12-17 13:42:33 +0000 UTC]

Haha oh yeah 8D Just had my Jury thing at school ._.

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stephenthedemon In reply to padme-naberrie [2009-12-20 17:25:02 +0000 UTC]

Jury thing?

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padme-naberrie In reply to stephenthedemon [2009-12-22 20:41:27 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, we play for the faculty of our area and get judged on our performance. If you fail twice you're out of the music program.

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RforRebel4 [2009-12-14 23:48:45 +0000 UTC]

Thanx for the Fav!

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padme-naberrie In reply to RforRebel4 [2009-12-14 23:53:54 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome ^_^ Thanks for the watch! :3

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RforRebel4 In reply to padme-naberrie [2009-12-14 23:55:51 +0000 UTC]

No probs. You have some really great art.

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padme-naberrie In reply to RforRebel4 [2009-12-14 23:58:58 +0000 UTC]

aww, you're too sweet! Thank you :3

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RforRebel4 In reply to padme-naberrie [2009-12-15 00:00:53 +0000 UTC]

Your welcome!

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stephenthedemon [2009-12-13 02:48:55 +0000 UTC]

I know the difference between a baritone and a euphonium! I also know the difference between

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padme-naberrie In reply to stephenthedemon [2009-12-13 05:50:15 +0000 UTC]

Woo! Awesome!

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ChrispyDee [2009-12-12 17:15:38 +0000 UTC]

Nice Gal' Was fun to look at it!

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padme-naberrie In reply to ChrispyDee [2009-12-12 17:46:23 +0000 UTC]

Aw, thanks so much! And thank you for the watch! I really appreciate it

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ChrispyDee In reply to padme-naberrie [2009-12-13 00:04:23 +0000 UTC]

you're welcome^^

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