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# Comments
Comments: 543
nijiryuu In reply to MajorasMasks [2018-03-27 16:49:45 +0000 UTC]
Thank you!!!
Also thank you for the Llama!
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nijiryuu In reply to MajorasMasks [2018-04-09 19:19:08 +0000 UTC]
Well, I'm about to change jobs.
The company I'm currently at sends me around the whole city to work and given that I don't have a car I spend almost an hour only getting there. I also have to switch stores almost every day. Sometimes I even have to spend my day at two stores at once (mornings in one and afternoons at another) and that SUCKS! (At least getting to the other store counts as work time and therefore I get paid for that)
The worst thing is that while I get sent around and have sparsely free time because of the long way home, somehow my own hour count is too low while some of my colleagues work overtime. (Which means, since we’re paid by hours, I don’t even get paid enough)
I've been waiting and asking for things to change for one and a half years by now. But they didn't change and they don't seem to change any time soon. Needless to say I got a pretty short fuse from the frustration that keeps piling up thanks to these working conditions.
So I decided it's time to put my foot down and end this; I can’t work under these conditions any longer. The colleagues I talked to about my situation are amazed I even put up with this for so long. I’ve been there for almost ten years, and things started to go downhill about five years ago.
I've already cast an eye on another workplace; I just have to wait for their response. And when they accept me, I'll quit my old job. I won't leave that place though until I got the new job (that would be stupid, because if I quit now and the new place won’t accept me I’d be without job). The job itself is basically the same; I'm just changing locations. But I know it will still be hard for me to get used to the change since I've been at my old workplace for so long. After ten years the place and the people grow on you.
But I've put up with the shit my workplace is putting me through for so long and I won’t do it anymore; enough is enough and even I have a boiling point.
Well yeah, that's been going on. And how are you?
Sorry for the late reply, by the way; my life's been busy (as you can see) and I sometimes forget about this site
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MajorasMasks In reply to nijiryuu [2018-04-10 12:59:59 +0000 UTC]
I don't have a car either so I totally understand where you come from. At least in Germany, from the little I saw when travelling there years ago, public transportation is good... Here in Italy it is insufficient in most areas. -__-'
At least I don't really need a car for work, but when I buy new art supplies things can get problematic, especially when I need large quantities of clay. I think I'll search for it online the next time I'll need it. That aside, I'm trying to keep up with things despite my father's health problems, but I'm always stressed out for a reason or another so anything I do proceeds slowly. ^^'
Well, I hope you'll be able to change your workplace; I bet you'll make friends in the new one too, and you can still keep in contact with the ones you already have so try not to worry too much.
Honestly, from what you wrote you should have probably done that a long time ago. Good luck! *hugs*
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nijiryuu In reply to Nevermoremist [2018-04-09 19:19:21 +0000 UTC]
Well, I'm about to change jobs.
The company I'm currently at sends me around the whole city to work and given that I don't have a car I spend almost an hour only getting there. I also have to switch stores almost every day. Sometimes I even have to spend my day at two stores at once (mornings in one and afternoons at another) and that SUCKS! (At least getting to the other store counts as work time and therefore I get paid for that)
The worst thing is that while I get sent around and have sparsely free time because of the long way home, somehow my own hour count is too low while some of my colleagues work overtime. (Which means, since we’re paid by hours, I don’t even get paid enough)
I've been waiting and asking for things to change for one and a half years by now. But they didn't change and they don't seem to change any time soon. Needless to say I got a pretty short fuse from the frustration that keeps piling up thanks to these working conditions.
So I decided it's time to put my foot down and end this; I can’t work under these conditions any longer. The colleagues I talked to about my situation are amazed I even put up with this for so long. I’ve been there for almost ten years, and things started to go downhill about five years ago.
I've already cast an eye on another workplace; I just have to wait for their response. And when they accept me, I'll quit my old job. I won't leave that place though until I got the new job (that would be stupid, because if I quit now and the new place won’t accept me I’d be without job). The job itself is basically the same; I'm just changing locations. But I know it will still be hard for me to get used to the change since I've been at my old workplace for so long. After ten years the place and the people grow on you.
But I've put up with the shit my workplace is putting me through for so long and I won’t do it anymore; enough is enough and even I have a boiling point.
Well yeah, that's been going on. And how are you?
Sorry for the late reply, by the way; my life's been busy (as you can see) and I sometimes forget about this site
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Nevermoremist In reply to nijiryuu [2018-04-11 16:26:36 +0000 UTC]
I'm surprised you're there that long as you are. I would've stated searching after the first year instead of waiting five 😅
I'm alright. I got general lab work done for a check up and the girl did not do a good job. (>_>) Fucking hurts still and the tab ripped up skin do next time I'm supposed to have anything dealing with needles done I'm being my own box of bandaids. On a better note I got me a car I updated my goal journal about it and now I'm working on my licence. Hoping to use this car for the test XD Anyways I'm the same since I work so much myself
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MajorasMasks [2017-03-20 17:59:25 +0000 UTC]
Happy birthday!
And sorry for not being back on Tumblr yet... ^^'
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nijiryuu In reply to MajorasMasks [2017-03-20 22:05:48 +0000 UTC]
Thank you!!!
It's okay! As long as we can talk on DA.
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MajorasMasks In reply to nijiryuu [2017-03-22 20:10:43 +0000 UTC]
I can check messages here at least, for the meanwhile. ^^
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Nevermoremist [2017-03-20 11:40:53 +0000 UTC]
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! It's pretty cool that your birthday is on the vernal equinox XD
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nijiryuu In reply to Nevermoremist [2017-03-22 20:07:54 +0000 UTC]
Well, pretty busy because of work. And that won't change anytime soon.
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MajorasMasks [2016-12-14 23:20:51 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for all the faves!
I found about them in my notifications, among all the messages, comments, and notes I'll have to check now that I'm back online... I've been really busy lately, but I'll try to be more active on Tumblr too! ^^
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nijiryuu In reply to MajorasMasks [2016-12-15 19:16:03 +0000 UTC]
You're welcome! ^^
I've actually been wondering where you've been but I already thought you'd be busy. And I'm also still waiting for that certain post we've been talking about such a long time ago. But since you also have other things on your mind I won't pester you too much about it
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MajorasMasks In reply to nijiryuu [2016-12-19 14:52:00 +0000 UTC]
I know... That post is in my long to-do list. ^^'
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nijiryuu In reply to MajorasMasks [2016-12-31 16:33:08 +0000 UTC]
Remember that post about the pic with Crocodile I sent you a while back? this one
I found something else today: link
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MajorasMasks In reply to nijiryuu [2017-02-07 00:55:36 +0000 UTC]
How much I missed while I was away... I hope that's a hint!
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nijiryuu In reply to MajorasMasks [2017-02-10 22:07:28 +0000 UTC]
Have you seen this? link
It actually rubbed me the wrong way for unknown reasons.
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MajorasMasks In reply to nijiryuu [2017-02-11 00:30:40 +0000 UTC]
I was a bit confused until I read your tags. XD
Even if Oda wrote that Corazon died, please keep in mind that if he planned for him to return he would still write any info in the SBS as if Cora really died. He wouldn't spoiler his own story after all, don't you think?
Furthermore, Oda could also go the trolling way, and if Cora will return he could say that on that day only Corazon died, but not Rocinante.
It would be great and fit his "spy" role imho... Now, you know what? I think I'll add something along these lines in one of my future OP fanfics! Even if I wrote so many about Corazon that I don't remember if I already used this "trick"... ^^'
Anyway it's too early to cry, especially after the latest chapter's cover page.
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nijiryuu In reply to MajorasMasks [2017-02-11 20:54:58 +0000 UTC]
I've come to this conclusion after I calmed down a bit (actually it helped me calm down). I was also a bit embarrassed that something that "trivial" made me upset.
Of course Oda wouldn't spoiler his own story. But he is very good at foreshadowing for years in advance and dropping hints which only make sense when the context is revealed.
I also think "Corazon died" isn't as much trolling as it seems (something similar was used in several movies), it even sounds logical and fits to Roci's spy role as you said.
I'd be thrilled to read that! And as far as I remember from the fics I've read, you haven't used it yet.
The latest chapter's cover made me go "WTF CORA!?"
We also have that silhouette in chapter 700 and those manga panels at the jump festa ... ^^ there were also so many things unclear about Roci. How did he meet up with Doffy to join his crew? We have only heard Doffy's crew members talk about it when they confronted him. How was his life in the marines? We've only seen Sengoku taking him in. And his Devil Fruit definitely has more abilities to show.
I also wonder if Roci's facial paint is make up or tattooed on. I'd go with make up (would make more sense given that he was undercover) and I've also read this . What do you think?
There's been something else in my mind for a while now. Remember when Roci told Sengoku about Law in chapter 798? Sengoku didn't show any disdain for Law having Amber Lead. This gave me the idea that even though Sengoku wouldn't have helped Law as a kid (at least not to the extent of Roci) he wouldn't have treated him like a monster (like anybody else).
I've also read a beautiful little (canon divergent) story about Cora and Law escaping Minion together: link
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MajorasMasks In reply to nijiryuu [2017-02-12 14:19:18 +0000 UTC]
Do you have some links about those panels at the Jump Festa? I don't remember if I saw them already... ^^'
By the way, how many dead (or supposedly dead) characters have been on chapter covers? I can only remember that cover with Roger and Whitebeard.
I often think about how Rocinante met Doflamingo and his Family too, and why it wasn't shown in the manga. If it was a flashback strictly about Law I would have understood, but it was also a flashback about Doflamingo (and, consequently, Rocinante).
I wrote them meeting again in a couple of different scenarios and even in one of the stories I'm still writing, but I never included some sort of flashback about when they met in the past. That would be something interesting to explore, both from Roci and Doffy's point of view. I think this could be the reason Oda omitted that episode in their part of Law's flashback. If Corazon, or better, Rocinante will be back in the story one day, he would probably meet his brother again sooner or later. And he will meet "Doflamingo" and not the "Joker" by then. On another hand, Doflamingo would see him not like "Corazon" anymore but like "Rocinante" (I hope--that also depends on Roci's character design and the context). This would probably work better if Roci had not his signature tattoos/make-up anymore, but if those are tattoos they can't simply disappear (unless Oda explains that). Anyway, I don't think Oda will need to specify what they are, but even in that case they are part of Corazon's character design. Sometimes, I like to imagine Rocinante with just the blue mark under his right eye, and if Doffy had a scar around one of his eyes (better if the left one), or if he was blind in one eye or it had a different colour from the other that could work too, to create a nice parallel between them.
It's so complicated... Anyway, concerning that post you linked, those panels were errors that Oda corrected in the volume. I thought it was common knowledge by now.
As for the rest, I think that Rocinante probably planned to go back with the Navy after stopping his brother, so tattoos would be a bit extreme. However, he's the kind of character who would go to such extremes for things he deems really important. As I wrote above though, it could also be something in-between (for example, the lipstick being make-up but the mark under his eye being a tattoo, or the other way around). If Rocinante will be back as a CP-0 member (even if undercover and sent there by Dragon as I believe/hope), he could also have a completely different make up altogether or none at all (assuming the original one was make up to begin with and that tattoos are always permanent in the OP world).
I wish Roci to be back as much as I wish Ace was still alive, go figure! But it needs to make sense in the plot and not be too complicated to explain even for Oda's standards (One Piece isn't exactly a simple story, with all of its sub-plots and hundreds of characters). At the same time, the focus shouldn't be too much on him (and Doflamingo, albeit he'll return for sure) in all of that. But when I start to think that Rocinante won't be back and mine is just wishfully thinking, the image of those initial CP-0 members comes to my mind.
Why didn't Oda show Lucci and his trio instead? He could have covered their face the first time, if he didn't want them to be recognized yet. Instead, he not only drew a different trio in the first part of Dressrosa, but also made them walk right next to Law and the others sitting at that bar... It's suspicious! Just think about how that scene would feel in retrospective if the tallest member of the trio back then was Corazon. Sure, he didn't trip or anything while walking, but as much as Cora did it often we only saw that first CP-0 group in just a couple of panels.
And so my mind keeps going in loops each time I think about Corazon. I just want him back. ;__;
Thanks for the link to that fanfic. I bookmarked it so that I can read it later. I need an account on AO3 to start properly commenting fics there too...
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nijiryuu In reply to MajorasMasks [2017-03-30 18:56:54 +0000 UTC]
Sorry for the late reply, I got hung up with real life, especially with work!
About those manga panels at the Jump Festa, I found them: link
Sadly the site is in german, but that’s actually not that much of a problem since if you click on the “spoilers” you can open some pictures. The second “spoiler” shows the scans but it’s actually the scene where Law leads Vergo to Rocinante as a w.i.p. Which makes me think, why this special scene? Do we see Roci AND Vergo again?
I still hope we’ll see some sort of flashback and I wonder how Oda will pull it off. There are too many things left unsaid. In many ways.
About the post with the panels with the missing make-up … yeah, that was my bad. I simply forgot that Oda had corrected it in the manga when I sent you the link. But unless Oda makes clear what those markings are, I’ll think of them as make-up and as part of Roci’s “Corazon” disguise.
I’m sure you remember this link: link . It got company, look at this: link Look at Croc’s coat. He has that characteristic fur lining that the person in chapter 700 is missing. Makes me suspicious.
Have you actually gotten to read that little AO3 story yet?
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MajorasMasks In reply to nijiryuu [2017-04-01 18:50:18 +0000 UTC]
Wow, those are the name (some sort of drafts mangaka do before the final version of the chapter) of some pages of Law's flashback! Thanks for finding them for me!
I don't think they mean anything in particular, since other name of One Piece where shown in exhibitions in the past, but I wonder why Oda chose to show those particular panels...
Yeah, the mantle/cape is different... I'll just say that I can't wait for the Reverie to start, we could discover something there or with the upcoming chapter covers!
I think I still hadn't read it. I'm waiting to read stories there for when I'll have an account on AO3 too, so that I can comment them properly. By the way, I don't remember if you have it; in case, could you please send me an invitation?
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nijiryuu In reply to MajorasMasks [2017-04-14 13:52:09 +0000 UTC]
I doubt Oda chose those panels coincidentally! I'm also looking forward to the Reverie Arc!
What do you think of the newest OP chapter actually? Many give Oda shit for "ruining Pudding"
About the AO3 invitation, I've looked into it but I actually have no idea of how to send an invitation. Maybe I'm just too stupid.
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MajorasMasks In reply to nijiryuu [2017-07-20 19:46:59 +0000 UTC]
Sorry for the really late reply... I missed talking with you!
I think that at this point we can say that Pudding will become a positive character on the long run, after all. Anyway, I liked how Oda wrote her so far even if I didn't expect that twist.
Don't worry about AO3, I can still sign up there normally even if it will take longer, when I'll have time to figure it out.
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nijiryuu In reply to MajorasMasks [2017-07-20 22:36:04 +0000 UTC]
I've read the new chapter and I must say I think it's unlikely that she'll become a "good guy". It's refreshing to see that Oda finally made a pretty girl as evil, sinister and wicked as Pudding is.
I also don't like that others talk Pudding down for being "ruined" and that her past isn't "that horrible". It actually is horrible if you have to live through that even though it's not on the level of Law's or Doffy's past, given how disastrous they were.
But we'll see what Oda plans next with her.
About Ao3, when I requested an invitation to get an account it actually didn't take that long (about three or four days)
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MajorasMasks In reply to nijiryuu [2017-07-22 14:50:45 +0000 UTC]
Unless she is acting right now, too.
Oh, that's great to hear about AO3! I'll need to find the time to sign up there, but I don't know what to do of my old FF.net account...
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nijiryuu In reply to MajorasMasks [2017-08-03 19:48:39 +0000 UTC]
Cora-san made it to 16th place in the recent popularity poll! link Even "without appearances" in the manga, except from cover pages. And now he's also finally shown in color: link There's also Doffy, Shanks, Ace and Sabo!
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MajorasMasks In reply to nijiryuu [2017-08-03 20:50:05 +0000 UTC]
Wow, just wow. Thanks for telling me, I had no idea the results were already out! I think that that's a new record, considering that Corazon only appeared for a few flashback chapters... And it's so funny that he even surpassed his brother, if only by a few votes. XD
I wonder why Ace and Sabo look angry while talking with Shanks... I love how Oda always tells a story even for just illustrations like this. ^^
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nijiryuu In reply to MajorasMasks [2017-09-06 20:40:17 +0000 UTC]
Since I know how much you LOVE the ASL brothers, did you know that Oda drew this? It's an alternative scene about Marineford:
scene with another quite important notification
clearer shot of the scene
a little "extra" pointed out
something to know about the "what if" scene
It took me a bit to think of appropriate titles for the links.
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MajorasMasks In reply to nijiryuu [2017-09-06 20:44:58 +0000 UTC]
That's the first part of a three-part "what if" comic published in the One Piece Magazine(s). It's actually a dream (both Sabo and Luffy's); I loved it but it hurt at the same time. ;___;
Anyway, thanks for sharing!
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nijiryuu In reply to MajorasMasks [2017-09-06 20:54:55 +0000 UTC]
Is there a possibility to get those magazines (not in japanese) or at least read them somewhere?
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MajorasMasks In reply to nijiryuu [2017-09-06 20:58:40 +0000 UTC]
I've read of people buying them from sites like CDJapan, but I think they're sold out by now. You should be able to find scans online, too.
I also suggest you to check this topic: forums.arlongpark.net/showthre…
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LeRizzi In reply to nijiryuu [2016-09-04 11:49:12 +0000 UTC]
Hi, lange nichts mehr gehört voneinander
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nijiryuu In reply to LeRizzi [2016-09-05 19:31:48 +0000 UTC]
Ja, das ist wahr. Ich bin mittlerweile hauptsächlich auf tumblr (obwohl ich hier immer noch öfters reinschaue) und außerdem nur noch wenig produktiv.
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nijiryuu In reply to Nevermoremist [2016-08-28 08:49:47 +0000 UTC]
It's been long since we last talked!
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