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| mystyqe
# Statistics
Favourites: 209; Deviations: 72; Watchers: 34
Watching: 43; Pageviews: 8640; Comments Made: 917; Friends: 43
# Comments
Comments: 123
mystyqe In reply to Reecey-Boy [2012-08-25 19:04:57 +0000 UTC]
sorry I haven't been online in a long time, thank you though!
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midnight-revolution [2011-05-31 02:38:49 +0000 UTC]
It's venessa with an E! xD lol *creepily clicks watch*
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mystyqe In reply to midnight-revolution [2011-06-01 02:20:06 +0000 UTC]
O_O Hello Vanessa With an A...
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midnight-revolution In reply to mystyqe [2011-06-01 03:40:25 +0000 UTC]
I see your DIY hat turned out awesomely!
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hbapt [2011-04-17 22:54:06 +0000 UTC]
Thank you so much for the !!
Merci beaucoup pour le favoris!
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mystyqe In reply to hbapt [2011-04-17 23:09:10 +0000 UTC]
pas problème.
J'aime votre galerie, c'est très bien.
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hbapt In reply to mystyqe [2011-04-17 23:24:26 +0000 UTC]
Feel free to tell me what do you think about my photos... I need critiques!
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hbapt In reply to hbapt [2011-04-20 14:54:52 +0000 UTC]
Thank you (again! ) for the Watch!!!
Vraiment ravi que ma galerie te plaise (oui, je tutoie facilement... )!
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mystyqe In reply to Ikasama [2010-11-14 06:00:48 +0000 UTC]
O_o white-mage is that you?
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mystyqe In reply to Engi800 [2010-11-07 20:12:52 +0000 UTC]
silly person, of course I'd watch you. I do know you after all Elizabeth.
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mystyqe In reply to Engi800 [2010-11-07 23:26:29 +0000 UTC]
mhm, It's Venessa I was at your house on Halloween dressed as a skeleton thing...
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Engi800 In reply to mystyqe [2010-11-08 03:45:00 +0000 UTC]
xDDD OHHHHH Venessa!!!! 8DDDD xDD i realized it was you after looking at your page xD
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Uwish-u-were-british [2010-08-25 21:10:51 +0000 UTC]
When's your birthday again?
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Uwish-u-were-british In reply to mystyqe [2010-08-25 22:18:00 +0000 UTC]
you'll find out...
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UniZeb [2010-08-12 04:44:52 +0000 UTC]
Yo, I'm Unizeb!
I tend to look around DeviantART every now and again. Looking at a lot of art, photos and literature, and commenting on the pages of the artist's whose work catches my eye.
Let me start and say it has been an absolute pleasure stumbling upon your page! I've taken a look at your gallery and I can see how very talented you are! I have also taken the liberty of placing some of your work in my favorites.
So hey, please continue to use your talent, and never give up! But I hope for you all the best in what ever you choose to do!
Have An Awesome Day
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mystyqe In reply to UniZeb [2010-08-12 16:40:54 +0000 UTC]
how positively random!
Your not doing this just for page views are you? O_o
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UniZeb In reply to mystyqe [2010-08-12 16:54:34 +0000 UTC]
No, I figure people who seem to work hard on their art deserve to be acknowledged, complimented, and appreciated.
I apologize if I gave the impression that I'm doing this for page-views because, in all honesty, I could care less whether you visit my page or not.
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mystyqe In reply to UniZeb [2010-08-12 16:59:44 +0000 UTC]
it's nice when people take the time to notice those who aren't popular.
Thank you
I like your art style.
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UniZeb In reply to mystyqe [2010-08-12 17:04:04 +0000 UTC]
Yes. I appreciate it when it happens to me so I'm sure others would be too. That's why I do this. Its that whole 'treat others the way you want to be treated'. And hopefully I can get others to do the same. Plus it feels good being able to make people a bit happier But anyways....
haha, thank you very much
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mystyqe In reply to UniZeb [2010-08-12 17:06:10 +0000 UTC]
hehe well it sure made me happy :3
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UniZeb In reply to mystyqe [2010-08-12 17:10:57 +0000 UTC]
Well then that make me happy
Once again, have a great day!
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mystyqe [2010-07-24 19:38:01 +0000 UTC]
thats a very odd site...
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Arash-Jikan In reply to mystyqe [2010-08-09 03:49:05 +0000 UTC]
How is that odd?
I see/hear one EVERY SINGLE DAY!!
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mystyqe In reply to Arash-Jikan [2010-08-09 04:35:59 +0000 UTC]
it was raining that day XD
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Arash-Jikan In reply to mystyqe [2010-08-09 04:40:36 +0000 UTC]
Wait, what? Raining and an ice cream truck was going by? Maybe they were thinking "Hey...its raining, lets see how much ice cream we sell today! Because on rainy days kids love running around and begging they're parents for money to buy ice cream."
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