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| mydragonzeatyou
# Statistics
Favourites: 137; Deviations: 567; Watchers: 163
Watching: 621; Pageviews: 24601; Comments Made: 24092; Friends: 621
# Comments
Comments: 1385
OfficerAPC [2018-03-04 03:15:55 +0000 UTC]
I remember a few years ago, I was active on your DeviantArt profile.
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sharkiefangirl [2016-09-01 17:43:11 +0000 UTC]
Hello. I sent you a message regarding the Youtubers Hangout group.
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mydragonzeatyou In reply to sharkiefangirl [2016-09-01 23:30:40 +0000 UTC]
It still exists? Didn't i make it then abandon it?
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sharkiefangirl In reply to mydragonzeatyou [2016-09-02 02:11:28 +0000 UTC]
Yes it still exists xD
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v-242 [2015-09-28 22:36:38 +0000 UTC]
Stopping by to see how you are doing Jade.
Hopefully well.
Take care,
Brent / v-242
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mydragonzeatyou In reply to v-242 [2016-07-09 01:14:09 +0000 UTC]
Hey, haven't been on DA in ages! I'm doing fine thank you for checking in, how are you?Β
π: 0 β©: 1
v-242 In reply to mydragonzeatyou [2016-07-10 16:16:34 +0000 UTC]
Hanging in there.
What have you been up to?
Are you working?Β Going to school?Β
Take care,
π: 0 β©: 1
mydragonzeatyou In reply to v-242 [2016-07-10 17:25:50 +0000 UTC]
Still going to school Β
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v-242 In reply to mydragonzeatyou [2016-07-10 18:01:11 +0000 UTC]
Good deal.
I hope that you succeed in whatever you are pursuing.
π: 0 β©: 0
v-242 [2015-02-18 13:00:28 +0000 UTC]
Good to see you back, Jade.
Been worried about you.
Hope that you are doing better.
Take care,
Brent / v-242
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mydragonzeatyou In reply to v-242 [2015-02-22 15:58:33 +0000 UTC]
I don't really use DA anymore but I have been thinkign of you
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v-242 In reply to mydragonzeatyou [2015-02-22 16:07:23 +0000 UTC]
I understand.
You've been in my thoughts and prayers.
Hope that you've been doing well (or as well as you can be).
Thanks for thinking about me.
I sincerely appreciate it, Jade.
Take care,
π: 0 β©: 1
mydragonzeatyou In reply to v-242 [2015-02-22 16:14:00 +0000 UTC]
Well I mean you were such a great help to me, of course I think of you! and I would love an update on your situation if you would like to note me
I'm planning on being on DA aggain, I need to repost my super galactic foxes i deleted
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v-242 In reply to mydragonzeatyou [2015-02-22 16:20:06 +0000 UTC]
OK ...
Good deal then.
Currently, I am not doing too well at the moment, but when I get a chance here to elaborate further, then I'll pass along a note to you.
Glad that you are back on dA.
π: 0 β©: 1
mydragonzeatyou In reply to v-242 [2015-02-25 14:17:33 +0000 UTC]
i liked your par and sent you mine! I'd really appreciate if you iced them! I work super hard on my comics
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mydragonzeatyou In reply to v-242 [2015-02-26 13:31:50 +0000 UTC]
huh? i have no idea what I said
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v-242 In reply to mydragonzeatyou [2015-02-26 18:52:20 +0000 UTC]
Yeah ... I agree.
I didn't understand it myself.
Maybe you were writing it for someone else ... not me.
Anyway, no problemo.
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mydragonzeatyou In reply to avaisawesome123 [2014-10-12 20:03:44 +0000 UTC]
really? thanks!
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PebbleToad [2014-09-03 16:35:27 +0000 UTC]
I am so incredibly sorry, but I have to give awayΒ lunaga-kitty.deviantart.com/arβ¦
I really didn't want to do this, but they don't get the attention they desserve, and I want them to have the best possible home.
Thanks for understandingΒ
π: 0 β©: 1
mydragonzeatyou In reply to PebbleToad [2014-09-03 18:27:43 +0000 UTC]
That's fine don't worry about it. May I ask who you gave them away too?
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PebbleToad In reply to mydragonzeatyou [2014-09-03 19:30:26 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for understanding I wrote wrong, I meant that I was giving it back ; v;
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mydragonzeatyou In reply to v-242 [2014-08-26 15:15:02 +0000 UTC]
Hey sorry I haven
OfficerAPC [2014-08-07 22:50:05 +0000 UTC]
Hard to believe deviantART is 14 years old today
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mydragonzeatyou In reply to OfficerAPC [2014-10-12 20:03:22 +0000 UTC]
wow I've been so absent lately
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XxMinka [2014-07-30 18:03:55 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for the fav, and comments, and sorry its late >_<
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mydragonzeatyou In reply to XxMinka [2014-10-12 20:03:37 +0000 UTC]
Well I'm really late too, I hardly ever go on DA anymore
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mydragonzeatyou In reply to XxMinka [2014-12-06 15:48:19 +0000 UTC]
My friend showed be Bastille Pompeii and Β I thought of you.Β
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mydragonzeatyou In reply to Xxdesion-star [2014-06-29 18:55:35 +0000 UTC]
Hello!!! I'm dragon!
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Xxdesion-star In reply to mydragonzeatyou [2014-06-29 19:16:15 +0000 UTC]
.o. nice name
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mydragonzeatyou In reply to Xxdesion-star [2014-06-29 20:12:03 +0000 UTC]
I know right?
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Xxdesion-star In reply to mydragonzeatyou [2014-06-29 20:13:19 +0000 UTC]
π: 0 β©: 0
Edges-to-Everything [2014-06-25 03:39:17 +0000 UTC]
Jade, welcome to Spreading-Awareness
Comments, questions and suggestions are always accepted!
- Michael
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mydragonzeatyou In reply to Edges-to-Everything [2014-06-27 14:39:15 +0000 UTC]
Thank you!
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mydragonzeatyou In reply to cogs10 [2014-06-23 21:46:03 +0000 UTC]
U dont have to thank me okay?
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cogs10 In reply to mydragonzeatyou [2014-06-23 22:06:05 +0000 UTC]
noway, everyone thanks for favs!
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cogs10 In reply to cogs10 [2014-06-24 05:56:32 +0000 UTC]
ok now i'm confused, do you not like too many thanks?
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woodywoodwood [2014-06-21 20:40:21 +0000 UTC]
you know how I said i wish you could read my essay well this is the abstract if you are interestedΒ
Marine aquariaβs role in marine mammal conservation with focuse on Orcinus Orca
In 1964 a killer whale was captured and put into captivity. He was nicknemed Moby Doll. He changed the view of the public and scientists. This was inisaly bad news for marine mammals. However some good has come from it. The bad news is Killer Whales from the coast of Washington state were rounded up by boats with nets. Driven into shallow bays, almost an entire generation from that area was taken away to fuel the publicβs fascination with Killer whales. This has had a lasting effect on the killer whale population in that area. There have been 60 formally recognized unusual mortality events 52%of the causes of these events are undetermined. 5 % of events are down to human inactions. 55% of all of the deaths were Cetaceans. The good news is all marine mammals are under The Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA)Β October 21, 1972. This has lead to the formation of a list of all the marine mammals held in captivity. Many species survive in captivity and are used in shows, displays, education and research projects. These species include: killer whales (Orcinus orca), sea otters (Enhydra lutris), river otters (Lontra canadensis), harbour seals (Phoca vitulina), fur seals (Arctocephalus gazella), California sea lion (Zalophus californianus) and bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops). Capturing of wild Killer whales (Orcinus orca) has been banned in the western world. Some research facilities have produced valuable and significant results and findings from studding marine mammals in captivity. Some aquarium for example: Seattle Aquarium run volunteering and awareness projects conservation. Other parks seem just to make money, like Discovery Cove, however they are members of The Alliance of Marine Mammal parks and Aquariums. However some parks for example SeaWorld focus more on making money. Aquaria seem to be good for research and also help educate the public. I feal that SeaWorld must change its view towards conservation. They should expand their conservation projects to cover Cetaceans all of the time and not just when they feel they can make a profit from it.
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