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# Statistics
Favourites: 1465; Deviations: 72; Watchers: 240
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# Comments
Comments: 927
sketchditto [2013-10-26 04:34:15 +0000 UTC]
Shirlchan! Finally decided to look you up in deviantart! I am gonna watch you now and fave some of your art!
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mini-sys In reply to sketchditto [2013-11-22 10:10:22 +0000 UTC]
oh man Chris chan haha. i really should revamp my deviantart, its been left alone for too long. glad you decided to make an account here
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sketchditto In reply to mini-sys [2013-11-26 07:07:12 +0000 UTC]
yay! you finally checked your dA! can't wait to see new stuff on your dA account-that is when you have the time of course!
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mini-sys In reply to sketchditto [2014-01-21 02:53:36 +0000 UTC]
hey heeeeey its cool to find you here too. will check out your gallery soon
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Tsaritza-Mika [2013-08-01 22:16:23 +0000 UTC]
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SYS!!! ^_______^ I KNOW IT'S A DAY EARLY, BUT WHATEVER!! Hope all is well and you have fun on your special day!
Much love,
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mini-sys In reply to Tsaritza-Mika [2013-09-09 10:19:31 +0000 UTC]
hello Mika, OMG OMG i am so sorry i missed your birthday wish. it just proves how long i havent been here. forgive meeee~~~. thank u for remembering my birthday
much love,
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Tsaritza-Mika In reply to mini-sys [2013-09-09 18:56:59 +0000 UTC]
XDD Hey, it's okay! So you've been busy, whatever ^---^ Hope you had a good one though!
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mini-sys In reply to Tsaritza-Mika [2013-11-22 10:07:12 +0000 UTC]
hi Mika how have you been? one of these days i really gotta revamp my deviantart haha. its been untouched for sooo long now >__<
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Tsaritza-Mika In reply to mini-sys [2013-11-23 17:12:55 +0000 UTC]
XD hey Shirley! Trust me, I'm right there with you, I haven't been able to update or do much with mine either cause I've been busy. Hopefully I'll get something up soon.
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mini-sys In reply to Tsaritza-Mika [2014-01-21 02:52:20 +0000 UTC]
already then haha. cant wait for your new work here. what have you been busy with lately?
btw do you still follow the full metal panic news? is there anything new from the franchise title? a friend asked yesterday and now i am curious.
dont remember if i wished you this yet but in case i havent, happy new yeaaaaar to you . how was your new year celebration?
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Tsaritza-Mika In reply to mini-sys [2014-01-21 05:59:11 +0000 UTC]
Hey Shirley ^^
Ah, a bunch of stuff really XD Busy with work, writing fics with kittymisha...the list goes on.
As far as the FMP franchise goes, even though I'm not reading it, apparently the sequel books are now starting to deal with the leftover issues of the original. No sightings of SouKana yet though, and unfortunately we still have no word on more of the original being animated, but Gatoh has said that as long as he's quiet on the subject, that there's still hope. His other novel that he's been writing himself, Amagi Brilliant Park, is due to be animated in it's own series, so that's good ^^
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mini-sys In reply to Tsaritza-Mika [2014-02-05 03:08:40 +0000 UTC]
oh niiiiice
as fandom goes .... because of my friend, my love for Dragon Ball series (and DBGT Trunks) has been rekindled. because of it, during my breaks from work, i have been rereading my old DBGT fanfictions and tinkering with them haha. it is like an incurable virus! lame, huh? in a way, i find it to be a good excuse to improve my writing skills. it has gone down since .... the last time i live in the US *sob sob*
ooh so Gatoh has been working on something on his own, huh? what did you think of it? Amagi Brilliant Park is a manga series, i assume?
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Tsaritza-Mika In reply to mini-sys [2014-02-05 06:06:58 +0000 UTC]
XDD Ah, reading my old fanfics is SO painful...but it's nice to see how far I've come as a writer, so I guess there's that.
Amaburi (as it's known for short ^^) is actually his newest light novel series. He has another writer-friend of his handling FMP! Another but planned everything for it, and he's writing Amaburi and some other story called Cop Craft, which doesn't seem to have much of a fandom. Amaburi looks really promising though! ^--^ Apparently it's reminiscent of the type of humor found in Fumoffu, and the main girl has a thing for muskets! XDD
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mini-sys In reply to Tsaritza-Mika [2014-04-09 08:08:05 +0000 UTC]
heeeey how are you? i am so sorry for the late late reply.
right now i am pondering whether i should open a new DA account for my pro work ... or should i just keep this account. i can delete the old ones here and upload the new ones. what do you think?
as for me ... i think i had a better writing skill back then but now ... i just started savoring it again. a friend recommended me a good YA novel. i am reading it now and hopefully it will help me improve my writing.
is this what you were talking about amaburi.jp ?
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Tsaritza-Mika In reply to mini-sys [2014-04-10 20:06:19 +0000 UTC]
Hey Shirley ^^
Eh, I could be better. I got dismissed from my position and have to look for another job again >.> I swear it's always around this time of year that it something like this happens. Trying to stay positive though, and I'm looking hard, so hopefully I won't be out very long.
Are you sure you really wanna go through the trouble of getting a whole new DA account? It might just be easier for you to make folders in your current one for your other works. Of course, having the second one might be better for you, so who knows?
Yup! ^^ That's Amaburi! Seems like it should be promising. I've only read the first chapter of the manga, but it could be good from what I've seen.
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mini-sys In reply to Tsaritza-Mika [2014-05-07 06:49:46 +0000 UTC]
oh noooo i am so sorry to hear it >__<. so how are you now? have you gotten yourself a new job already?
i already made a new account for my pro work. once things are uploaded there, i will write a journal here announcing my new pro DA account
this may sound crazy but i just realized i have never read the Dragon Ball manga from the beginning. Uugh i have sinned big time haha!
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Tsaritza-Mika In reply to mini-sys [2014-05-09 02:16:21 +0000 UTC]
Hey Shirley ^^
It's all good, I have a new job now working for American Express as a Fraud Rep. In training for it right now, so my head is like MAJORLY crammed with so much info @.@ I'm just really happy to not be in security anymore, but the benefits I get with this job are also really cool, so it's been awesome.
So yay, for your pro work ^^ Glad you're getting things all set up. I'm soooo behind on any drawing or writing these days it's crazy XDD Hopefully I'll get back to it all soon though, so here's hoping. And you lazy woman! READ YOUR MANGA!! XDD
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mini-sys In reply to Tsaritza-Mika [2014-10-27 06:51:46 +0000 UTC]
heeey how have you been? are you still working for American Express now? how are you liking the job so far?
thanks a lot. feel free to watch my pro account next time . well i am still trying to catch up with my drawing practice. i have been told to draw everyday but i havent been really following it up with that >__<.
and yes .... i will slowly read my stacks of mangas. along with the pile of series i gotta watch too aaaargh!!!
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Tsaritza-Mika In reply to mini-sys [2014-10-28 15:07:45 +0000 UTC]
Oh god it's been that long, I'm such a terrible friend XDD No I ended up needing to quit that job because my supervisor kept giving me terrible reviews and calling me a liar about not following the procedures, when I really was. I can take a lot of things on the job, but *no one* gets away with calling me a liar like that. Had another short job working at a credit union, but they let me go too. I have my suspicions as to why, but they told me that my performance wasn't up to their expectations. Been working in the claims department of an insurance company for about two months now, and I like it, but it's only part time, so money's a little tight at the moment.
Little bit of sad news, I got a divorce from my husband not too long ago. I still don't fully understand his 'reasons', but I'm more disappointed that he didn't want to consider getting us some help before just calling it quits. Been living with my friend kittymisha and her husband until I can get along on my own. But yeah, it's been eventful, but I'm still going.
I know what you mean, I need to get back to drawing too >.< Haven't had much of a mind to just lose myself and go at it with everything going on, but I know it would be good for me. Also now that I don't have to worry about my husband, I can get caught up on a lot of manga I never had the chance for after things calm down. Gonna get soooo much while I can XDD
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mini-sys In reply to Tsaritza-Mika [2015-01-05 07:59:05 +0000 UTC]
hello helloooo Mika, OMG it has been too long. i feel sooo bad and it is already the new year. i am sooo sorry, i am such a terrible friend. think it is best if we stay in touch in my pro account here sysshirley.deviantart.com haha. keeping 2 accounts going is kinda too much for me at the moment. and i am so so sorry to hear about all the things happening to you. how are you feeling now? before this, happy new year to you and with the new year ... i am positive you can make and do something positive and new with your new life. whenever you need an extra pair of ears, feel free to contact me . i hope you have recuperated from all the craziness in life and resurfaced above them all and wish you all the best.
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Tsaritza-Mika In reply to mini-sys [2015-01-09 05:02:16 +0000 UTC]
Hey SYS! Oh it's okay! XDD Life happens, and besides you actually have a great thing going with your manga, so don't feel bad! I know *I* don't. I'm actually a lot happier since the divorce went through, because now I can plan my own future and it's not tied to someone who doesn't know how to manage his freakin' money! >___< I swear, everything was all about *him*, and it didn't really click until he wasn't in the picutre.
Hope you're also having a good New year, and here's to our future successes! \(^o^)/
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mini-sys In reply to Bdabu [2013-09-09 10:20:10 +0000 UTC]
salam kenal juga Bdabu. maaf banget baru dibalas ya. maklum aku jarang nongol di sini. kalo boleh tau gimana kamu bisa ketemu DA ku?
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fucdekids [2012-09-10 04:42:07 +0000 UTC]
saya rasa pernah baca komik sayur2 ini di ngomik!! awesome!
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mini-sys In reply to fucdekids [2012-09-14 15:21:35 +0000 UTC]
oh yaaa? terima kasiiih. nanti kalo komiknya sudah terbit dari Koloni, akan dikabari di facebook ya?
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mini-sys In reply to Tsaritza-Mika [2012-08-09 02:52:06 +0000 UTC]
heeey Mika thank yooooouuuu \^3^/
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Tsaritza-Mika In reply to mini-sys [2012-08-09 04:08:06 +0000 UTC]
No probs SYS ^__^ Hope you had fun!
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mini-sys In reply to kum---kum [2012-07-02 06:37:44 +0000 UTC]
hwaaaaaa kumkuuuuum hehehehee
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kum---kum In reply to mini-sys [2012-07-02 15:56:57 +0000 UTC]
hhehe iya mbak sys, ternyata ketemu juga di DA. .
keren mbak gallerynya!
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mini-sys In reply to kum---kum [2012-07-04 14:43:55 +0000 UTC]
ahahaha masa siiiih aku di DA jarang diupdate. lebih sering diupdate yg account daportfolio soalnya. senangnya bisa ketemu kamu di sini juga ^__^/
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kum---kum In reply to mini-sys [2012-07-05 23:39:46 +0000 UTC]
hehe iya sih karyanya mbak sys lebih anyak di fb ya? tapi yg disini juga istimewa~
hhaha iya mbak makasiiih!
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mini-sys In reply to kum---kum [2012-07-30 05:58:30 +0000 UTC]
sama-samaaaa iya sih di fb lebih banyak ehehehe
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kum---kum In reply to mini-sys [2012-08-08 19:01:45 +0000 UTC]
hehe ditunggu karya2 barunya mbak sys!
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mini-sys In reply to kum---kum [2012-08-09 02:52:42 +0000 UTC]
siiiip kalo liat kamu yg sering nongolin karya ilustrasi, aku jadi merasa ga produktif banget haha
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mini-sys In reply to Minokaro-Ashell [2012-06-18 04:56:34 +0000 UTC]
sama-samaaaa terima kasih juga sudah watch saya. meski DA ku kurang gitu aktif dibanding fb sih haha >___<;;
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mini-sys In reply to GingaTokkyu [2012-04-01 04:23:21 +0000 UTC]
haha iyaaaa aku belum lama ini nonton Interstella 5555, terus jadi tertarik sama karya2 baru Matsumoto Leiji .... jadi aku nonton Galaxy Railways deeeeh. jadi pas search2 .... ketemu deh DA mu. apa DA GingaTokkyu itu punya kamu?
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GingaTokkyu In reply to mini-sys [2012-04-01 05:09:30 +0000 UTC]
Iya punyaku
Dulu aku penggemar Galaxy Railways ama Galaxy Express 999
Jadi nama usernameku dari situ
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mini-sys In reply to GingaTokkyu [2012-04-11 09:05:25 +0000 UTC]
oooh gitu toh asal usulnya. keren kereeen ..... kamu suka karakter mana di seri Galaxy Railways?
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GingaTokkyu In reply to mini-sys [2012-04-11 09:52:20 +0000 UTC]
Di GR aku cuman suka keretanya Paling yah Kapten Bulge, sama kondektur2 robotnya GR itu sendiri
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mini-sys In reply to GingaTokkyu [2012-04-11 13:29:37 +0000 UTC]
aaah ok ok
kalo aku suka sama Yuuki Wataru .... aaah sayangnya dia tidak berumur panjang hiks! crew si Manabu boleh juga chemistry nya
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GingaTokkyu In reply to mini-sys [2012-04-11 13:31:42 +0000 UTC]
aduh aku lupa Wataru Yuuki yang mana! >.< Bapaknya yah? .w.
Yang chemistry... siapa yah? 'w' Kilian Black?
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