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| mgilpin
# Statistics
Favourites: 482; Deviations: 154; Watchers: 138
Watching: 79; Pageviews: 29983; Comments Made: 18349; Friends: 79
# Comments
Comments: 2051
nnamrob [2015-05-19 10:29:04 +0000 UTC]
Hey mgilpin,
did you see my comment about using a photo of yours for a bookcover?
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Thomayne [2012-08-30 03:29:02 +0000 UTC]
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mgilpin In reply to Thomayne [2012-09-24 16:45:52 +0000 UTC]
not exactly. just checking in. I may scan and post some recent analog work, though.
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Thomayne In reply to mgilpin [2012-10-02 03:32:22 +0000 UTC]
The more the merrier. Has been a long time.
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mgilpin In reply to ThePlaidPoltergeist [2012-01-15 19:53:12 +0000 UTC]
funny, I didn't think of you till almost 8am.
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mgilpin In reply to UNIQUA [2010-03-08 18:00:31 +0000 UTC]
busy. went back to work a couple years ago. and have no free time anymore.
how are you?
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UNIQUA In reply to mgilpin [2010-03-08 20:15:58 +0000 UTC]
hehe i'm ok, preparing my diploma work
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mgilpin In reply to halvor [2009-11-30 20:09:41 +0000 UTC]
me, too. took a job: [link] now I work 12+ hours a day. art-making almost never happens.
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halvor In reply to mgilpin [2009-12-04 15:19:21 +0000 UTC]
: -) I remember .. I just quit mine & moved & have some time again ...
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ZookaJo [2009-07-04 06:38:00 +0000 UTC]
I hope you don't mind, I used your tent image in a manipluation I made.
Here is the link to the image I made:[link]
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mgilpin In reply to ZookaJo [2010-03-21 01:19:08 +0000 UTC]
no worries. a link to the original would be nice (if you haven't already).
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mgilpin In reply to equivoque [2008-12-28 23:04:30 +0000 UTC]
thank you, ms e... happy holidays to you and yours...
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mgilpin In reply to equivoque [2009-01-02 08:57:16 +0000 UTC]
not yet... my wife does... but I am so busy these days that I am loathe to add more to do... even if it is only a small amount...
how were your holidays?...
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equivoque In reply to mgilpin [2009-01-03 02:26:09 +0000 UTC]
they were good. facebook is an easy thing to follow because you just look at what is in your stream when it is there, but it moves. when it is gone, it's gone. no obligations like a built up devwatch, comments, etc. you can put as little effort into it as you want. generally, i just look at content which is available on my blackberry. very minimal. i like posting photos there, because some of the people whose opinions matter to me post there but not here. so, if you go there, look me up! were your holidays filled with good eating?
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mgilpin In reply to equivoque [2009-01-03 06:54:14 +0000 UTC]
actually, that sounds like a better match than trying to stop in dA from time to time... I'll have to give it a second look...
hhhhmmm... well, I served a lot of great food... but when you run a restaurant during the holidays, you often don't have time to relax and eat...
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equivoque In reply to mgilpin [2009-01-03 17:26:02 +0000 UTC]
also, the fact that you can select who sees your content is nice on facebook. even if it is silly, it fits.
car mechanic with car issues.
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mgilpin In reply to equivoque [2009-01-03 19:50:27 +0000 UTC]
hhhhmmm... I wonder if dA should adopt some form of that... a public gallery for everyone and a private gallery for "friends"...
(laugh)... I suppose so... actually, for what it is worth, I have lost weight since I returned to work... despite the fact the menu is quite rich...
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equivoque In reply to mgilpin [2009-01-03 21:03:24 +0000 UTC]
the permissions on livejournal are very nice. i like those a lot. i would like to see granularity in the way things are done here... with regards to permissions.
quite honestly, though, i'm embarrassed that looking up my name on google renders pages of a place called deviantart. i consider taking my gallery down.
congrats on losing weight, if that is what you wanted to do. i can't seem to get back to my weight before my last child. my job finds me sitting sedentary at a desk but stressed as though i were being chased by a lion. the worst! i'm not overweight though. just not super slim as i used to be.
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mgilpin In reply to equivoque [2009-01-04 03:23:19 +0000 UTC]
I am only maginally familar with livejournal... I'll have to check it out...
embarrassed?... that is a strong feeling... why embarrassed?...
for what it is worth, there was a time (a couple years ago), when the site seemed very different than it does now... or so it seems to me...
(grin)... thanks... I did need to lose the weight.... 2 years of cooking for the family added the pounds... for better or worse, I learned to cook from traditionalists - everything with butter and cream...
as an aside, I visited your dA page today for the first time in a while... and you have a real self-portrait posted (!?)... and, once again, I find that so odd... and therefore interesting...
for me, there is always a moment of vertigo when I see the image of someone who I know only by way of their "voice"... it happened with Garison Keeler, too... from the radio show: "Prairie Home Companion... wait... you're from Minnesota... you don't need me to tell you who he is... yikes...
in any event, I think that, somehow, something is lost when reality comes up against a construct... and, maybe, something is gained, too... maybe, I'm not sure... which is, as you probably know, part of which informs my art... or, in this case, informed... since I really have no time to make work these days...
ok, I'm rambling... sorry about that ... too little sleep, I suppose... in any event, it is great to hear from you... give my best to your husband, et al... and happy new year!...
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equivoque In reply to mgilpin [2009-01-04 16:42:53 +0000 UTC]
for one, the name of the site is "deviantart". then there is the fact that it is all children favoriting emo self-portraits and such. it just doesn't seem like a url you want to provide to anyone. i have started putting my portfolio on flickr so i can provide the link to my sets rather than my da gallery. also, i feel deviantart has no real commitment to photography, much less fine art photography. it's all about anime... and after that, well, let's just say i think it has a negative impact on aesthetics. i see a lot of people whose art i used to like play to the da audience and get ruined, in my opinion (not that my opinion matters, really, but you asked).
hahaha... i was taking cell phone shots of myself out of boredom one evening when all the computers were occupied. i liked it, so i posted it as a deviant id. intao has posted photos of me in his gallery. sorry if i spoiled your construct of equivoque.
i'm equivoque23 on lj and elinor scott-sutter at facebook... if you end up in either of those places. i think i'm winding down here at da. i still depend on the print service, but that is changing, too.
have a nice rest of the weekend.
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mgilpin In reply to equivoque [2009-01-04 21:05:27 +0000 UTC]
(nodding)... I've noticed that... and, in all fairness, if I were 16 and disaffected, I would gravitate here too... maybe because of the name... and I would agree with you about the audience having a certain impact on work... certain types of images get a lot of attention and others get little... and that does begin to inform your work... to its detriment...
if you are looking for a decent place to "park" your more serious work, you might consider this: [link] I have had some work posted there for a while... I don't think that the site has much "foot traffic" (i.e., people who go through all the work on the site)... and the members don't really chat one with another... but it has the right look... and seems reputable...
(laugh)... it is fine... reality is, you know... but constructs are very powerful things... and I have a sustained interest in them... as a phenomenon... not to be too dramatic, but I think that constructs are fundamental to be human... language is a construct... abstract ideals are constructs as well... and I like the the moment when a construct and the real thing come together... there is a peculiar dissonance in that moment that always surprises me...
of course, a cursory look at my gallery tells you that I think about that in my work, too... hell, to be honest, I think of little else...
my wife has a facebook account... I'll have to take a look at your page/site/account there... and consider putting up my own site, too...
oh, before I forget, do you want me to make this thread private (since it includes your name, etc.)?...
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equivoque In reply to mgilpin [2009-01-04 21:26:36 +0000 UTC]
no, you don't need to hide this. i didn't advertise my personal email address here, and my name is quite publicly affiliated with this site. (part of the current problem.) i'll have a look at the site you mentioned. my friend crina tells me to try pbase as well. i like what you said, "and I like the the moment when a construct and the real thing come together... there is a peculiar dissonance in that moment that always surprises me..."
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mgilpin In reply to equivoque [2009-01-04 21:54:20 +0000 UTC]
(grin)... thanks... however, it all fairness, that is hardly "off the cuff"... I must have written some version of that on a dozen submittals... and do take a look at the wooloo format... I think you'll like it...
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Toffeur [2008-10-13 21:10:24 +0000 UTC]
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moonshadow76 [2008-10-10 05:44:45 +0000 UTC]
Well sorry to hear your leaving, I wish I had found you gallery sooner. I know and understand the time children take, I have two myself. While I'm not feeling all of your pieces I must say they all have style. Its great, you have a unique look. Wherever life takes you keep shooting you have great skills.
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mgilpin In reply to moonshadow76 [2008-10-11 20:41:35 +0000 UTC]
thank you... it is very encouraging to know that someone feels that way... when my life slows down a bit, i hope to post some more art here...
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moonshadow76 In reply to mgilpin [2008-10-13 16:46:02 +0000 UTC]
no problem, and please do, just remeber we need hobbies to keep us sane too
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mgilpin In reply to moonshadow76 [2008-10-13 18:02:29 +0000 UTC]
(laugh)... sane is overrated...
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QwikDrah [2008-09-27 07:04:57 +0000 UTC]
Hi, it's been a while, but I hope you don't mind if I (I can't believe I never did).
I'm glad you're still finding time to shoot and post.
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mgilpin In reply to QwikDrah [2008-10-11 09:45:17 +0000 UTC]
i have almost no time... but i do try...
and thanks for the devwatch...
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QwikDrah In reply to mgilpin [2008-10-13 05:33:38 +0000 UTC]
I can tell that art is a passion for you. As long as you find some way to include it in your life, whether or not that includes DA, you're doing just fine.
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mgilpin In reply to QwikDrah [2008-10-13 06:07:50 +0000 UTC]
you are absolutely right about that...
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itsallforyousir [2008-07-06 15:18:52 +0000 UTC]
Wow, I just wanted to say I think you're gallery is facinating. Your work reminds me of the photographer Kenneth Josephson.
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mgilpin In reply to itsallforyousir [2008-07-06 19:51:28 +0000 UTC]
(laugh out loud)... wow... i seriously did laugh out loud...
iI know his work well... when in college, i had a teacher that challenged us to really think about what it means to make art... and i felt then (as i do now) that all art says more of the artist than the subject...
so, with that in mind, i tried to make work in which the artist was an integral (often physical) element... during my first critique, my professor asked if i was a fan of Josephson... at that time, i had never seen his work... and, when i went to look at his work, i was shocked... i had inadvertently covered a lot of the "same ground"... with same/similar concepts and same/similar constructs...
the funny thing is that, despite a lot of time on dA, no one else has noticed the resemblance... you obviously paid close attention in art/photo history class... (grin)...
anyway, thanks for noticing... it is quite a compliment...
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