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| mg91

mg91 [8889174] [] "Sup?"

# Statistics

Favourites: 47; Deviations: 163; Watchers: 30

Watching: 24; Pageviews: 7251; Comments Made: 149; Friends: 24

# Comments

Comments: 61

GfxFreeze [2011-05-04 18:17:45 +0000 UTC]

+watch for u take a look at our page bro because u have some awesome designs and we would love to see u on our forum!

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Mour1nho [2010-04-25 12:53:04 +0000 UTC]

thank you

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mg91 In reply to Mour1nho [2010-04-26 00:26:55 +0000 UTC]

No probs.

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Amine-yo [2010-03-29 12:15:20 +0000 UTC]

ths for the fav !

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TM74 [2010-03-16 20:43:16 +0000 UTC]

thanks for fav mate, na not united fan but i think they are a good team

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K0van [2010-02-02 19:29:55 +0000 UTC]

I loves MU too great

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marvbuang [2009-12-07 13:46:57 +0000 UTC]

ManU adik.! Got your render pack.. Thanks!

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mg91 In reply to marvbuang [2009-12-08 10:56:20 +0000 UTC]

Cool man! Glad they are of use

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marvbuang In reply to mg91 [2009-12-16 02:46:15 +0000 UTC]

Hey.. Do you have a Dani Alves render.? Or Macheda?

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mg91 In reply to marvbuang [2009-12-16 07:36:13 +0000 UTC]

I've cut one or two Macheda's...

I think I have a few Alves ones on file as well.

Any kit preferences?

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marvbuang In reply to mg91 [2009-12-16 11:41:26 +0000 UTC]

If you have Macheda's in the 09-10 kit, that will do.

As of Alves, any home kit will do.


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mg91 In reply to marvbuang [2009-12-17 04:01:46 +0000 UTC]

I haven't got any of Macheda from this season...he hasn't played much, but if I get time I'll cut something from a friendly game.

Send me your email so I can send them.

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marvbuang In reply to mg91 [2009-12-17 07:00:09 +0000 UTC]

Where'd you get those stocks from your render pack? The one with evra, rio, foster and rooney in the recent kit? by the way, here's my address: marvbuang@yahoo.com


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mg91 In reply to marvbuang [2009-12-17 09:25:18 +0000 UTC]

I'd give you the stocks, but I lost them when the computer crashed I'll email you some Alvez renders and see what I can do about Kiko. Can you cut?

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marvbuang In reply to mg91 [2009-12-17 10:59:28 +0000 UTC]

Yeah.. Got some skills on cutting.. I'll share em if I think i cut them good enough for sharing.. Hahaha..

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mg91 In reply to marvbuang [2009-12-17 21:22:45 +0000 UTC]

Haha mad. Okay I'll fix you up with some Alvez renders and I'll try and find some Kiko stocks from this season.

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marvbuang In reply to mg91 [2009-12-18 03:48:16 +0000 UTC]

Got the stocks.. Thanks!

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mg91 In reply to marvbuang [2009-12-18 06:47:45 +0000 UTC]

No worries.

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marvbuang In reply to mg91 [2009-12-08 23:02:00 +0000 UTC]

I made an Evra Sig.. Check my Gallery xD

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TwistedEffect [2009-11-05 07:29:49 +0000 UTC]

yo dude dont listen to that person most people on da use pics in there art they find on the next took my media or other they dont work for da or the work would of been delated already

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mg91 In reply to TwistedEffect [2009-11-05 12:13:25 +0000 UTC]

Ah cheers man. I thought as much lol

Thanks for all those favs again

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Cr0wJKe [2009-10-17 15:54:49 +0000 UTC]


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Rursus [2009-10-12 21:16:56 +0000 UTC]

Hello! Just reminding you of dA's submission policy.
A majority of your deviations should not be submitted because they are made up entirely, or include, copyrighted work.

FAQ #8: What does deviantART consider to be Art Theft?
FAQ #2: Where can I find the official deviantART Copyright Policy?

I suggest you either remove them or risk suspension or ban.

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mg91 In reply to Rursus [2009-10-13 06:53:41 +0000 UTC]

But don't people share their stocks so that people can use them in their works?

That's certainly the case on many graphics forums I'm a part of.

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Rursus In reply to mg91 [2009-10-13 06:58:08 +0000 UTC]

While generally that's the case, the deviations in question do not include the necessary credits for the stock used.
The pictures included in your deviations are not stock, though.

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mg91 In reply to Rursus [2009-10-13 09:59:13 +0000 UTC]

What are they then?

I haven't used anything I've downloaded of DA as far as I know.

I'm using textures shared by others on forums such as SGFX.net SGFX.com or Sportz Insomnia etc.

I have given thanks to those who have shared the textures.

I don't understand what you want me to do if I'm honest, almost everyone is using textures like these, and they aren't being warned like I am.

I don't want to be difficult, I just don't get what I'm doing wrong.

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Rursus In reply to mg91 [2009-10-13 10:26:09 +0000 UTC]

I think you misunderstood me.
It's not the textures that is the problem, it is the photos used there. Users have reason to believe that they were not taken by you.

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mg91 In reply to Rursus [2009-10-13 11:04:14 +0000 UTC]

Well unfortunately I don't have a press pass for Old Trafford....

I never claimed to take them, I still don't understand.

So I can't cut renders from photos I've taken? Or I can't manipulate photo's I haven't taken?

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Rursus In reply to mg91 [2009-10-13 20:49:22 +0000 UTC]

The second: You may not use photos you have not taken, unless they are stock and you have permission to use them.

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mg91 In reply to Rursus [2009-10-13 20:56:43 +0000 UTC]

I'll remove them when you get everyone else on DA who makes manips with photo's like these then.

I'm being targeted here, I've looked at all the big sports graphics on DA who have done similair works and no one has said a thing, and I think that is blatantly unfair.

Until I see some equality here, I won't be taking them down.

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Rursus In reply to mg91 [2009-10-13 21:08:39 +0000 UTC]

I understand that you're upset, but 'everyone else' that does the same are also in violation. If you want to link me to some examples, then by all means, I'll give them the same warning.

You as an individual are not being targeted, I assure you. I apologize if I gave that impression.

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getyappcrnredy24 [2009-10-12 14:25:47 +0000 UTC]

thanks for the watch man!

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mg91 In reply to getyappcrnredy24 [2009-10-12 21:09:06 +0000 UTC]

No worries mate.

Back at ya.

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richyayo [2009-10-12 08:54:51 +0000 UTC]

The more the merrier

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thegendra [2009-08-11 10:48:13 +0000 UTC]

my fellow Man Utd fan, u have one of the best galleries in whole deviantart

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mg91 In reply to thegendra [2009-08-11 10:58:24 +0000 UTC]

Wow man!

Thanks for the favs!

Greatly appreciated

Thanks for watching too. Hopefully I can keep the standard high.

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thegendra In reply to mg91 [2009-08-11 11:03:13 +0000 UTC]

no problem bro, you keep up the awesome work too

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FootyWall [2009-08-05 21:16:20 +0000 UTC]

Hey Mg91.
Amazing Gallery. Great Job.
Is it ok if I post some of your wallpapers on my site - [link] ?


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mg91 In reply to FootyWall [2009-08-05 22:02:32 +0000 UTC]

So long as I am completely credited, and a link is provided to my DA, I don't mind mate.

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FootyWall In reply to mg91 [2009-08-07 05:12:11 +0000 UTC]

Your got it mate.
Thank you.

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naniaguero [2009-08-04 20:50:25 +0000 UTC]

hey man

ive got 2 accounts now

this one is my personal one, the other will be my 'rofessional' one lol

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mg91 In reply to naniaguero [2009-08-04 22:01:46 +0000 UTC]


Good luck with that stuff!

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whu-wei [2009-08-02 10:57:24 +0000 UTC]

thanks for the Rooney fave

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mg91 In reply to whu-wei [2009-08-02 11:50:26 +0000 UTC]

No problem!

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Piccadillyxo [2009-07-30 11:46:13 +0000 UTC]

thanks for the fave ^_^

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mg91 In reply to Piccadillyxo [2009-07-30 12:13:37 +0000 UTC]

No worries

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NytDArts [2009-07-28 21:45:57 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the fav

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mg91 In reply to NytDArts [2009-07-29 07:05:36 +0000 UTC]

No problemo

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McFerrety [2009-07-28 18:06:10 +0000 UTC]

Cheers for the fave

Cmon United!

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mg91 In reply to McFerrety [2009-07-29 07:05:29 +0000 UTC]

No worries

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