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melvinmivjit [22474351] []

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Favourites: 4914; Deviations: 79; Watchers: 67

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# Comments

Comments: 1434

RGSnowBellz [2016-10-08 10:15:55 +0000 UTC]

Heyyyy how are you?? It's been far to long since we spoke last O3O 

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melvinmivjit In reply to RGSnowBellz [2016-10-10 22:25:11 +0000 UTC]

Oh gosh it has been!! I've been having my up and down days so it's been a little meh. But how about you?? UvU

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RGSnowBellz In reply to melvinmivjit [2016-10-11 17:18:29 +0000 UTC]

aww *give hug.* I've been under the weather but starting to do better, I'm really excited though since I'm going the USA for Halloween this year  

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melvinmivjit In reply to RGSnowBellz [2016-10-14 07:13:31 +0000 UTC]

Oh congrats!! That's sounds exciting! I'm glad to hear you're doing better 😊

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Prince-mushroom-cap [2015-06-30 23:36:20 +0000 UTC]

What are you afraid of?

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melvinmivjit In reply to Prince-mushroom-cap [2015-07-01 11:58:47 +0000 UTC]

In what sense? Common fears?

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Prince-mushroom-cap In reply to melvinmivjit [2015-07-01 12:00:40 +0000 UTC]

silly fear or regular fear, deep fear OuO can be either what ever you want to post for who ever^^

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melvinmivjit In reply to Prince-mushroom-cap [2015-07-01 17:23:34 +0000 UTC]

Im scared of moths, definitely XD any reason why? >u>

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Prince-mushroom-cap In reply to melvinmivjit [2015-07-01 17:24:13 +0000 UTC]

ask week^^ giving asks XD

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melvinmivjit In reply to Prince-mushroom-cap [2015-07-02 08:02:18 +0000 UTC]

Having any fun with that? X3

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Prince-mushroom-cap In reply to melvinmivjit [2015-07-03 03:09:39 +0000 UTC]

yeah and even got some asks too may do it again- make it a once a month kind of thing XD

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melvinmivjit In reply to Prince-mushroom-cap [2015-07-03 09:40:20 +0000 UTC]

Sounds fun! It'll be a surprise attack ;3

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RGSnowBellz [2015-04-05 20:34:52 +0000 UTC]

I was getting rid of some old messages in my inbox and accidentally got rid of our RP and can't find it TTmTT could you resend your last reply again to me please QwQ and I hope you doing well ))

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melvinmivjit In reply to RGSnowBellz [2015-04-05 21:24:37 +0000 UTC]

(( Happy easter! I'm doing well ^^ I hope I can still remember my reply))

alice: she giggled and quickly went for the seat next to him with a silly grin, snuggling close to him purring softly "since we finished your part of the bargain... H-how about mine?" She had a small blush creep on her face as she hid her face in his neck 

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RGSnowBellz In reply to melvinmivjit [2015-04-06 09:09:01 +0000 UTC]

Samel: hmmmm your part? I can't seem to remember that bit *he joked and then chuckled lightly, he brought one of his hands up and slightly ruffled her hair before wrapping that same hand around her to hold her closer. He liked being close to Alice because she felt really warm to him since being half a snow person meant that he was almost surrounded by the cold, it was always nice to be near something warm especially if it was her*  

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melvinmivjit In reply to RGSnowBellz [2015-04-06 19:07:43 +0000 UTC]

Alice: "n-no fair!" She playfully swatted him on the chest lightly "it w-was to spend the n-night with m-me..." She snuggled into his neck curling up slightly with her ears lowered

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RGSnowBellz In reply to melvinmivjit [2015-04-06 19:17:35 +0000 UTC]

Samel: Oh was it now? *he chimed* I'm sure it was something else *he let out a slight snicker before nuzzling his head on tops of of her's and whispering lovingly to her* well if that's what you want then that's fine by me, I don't plan on leaving your side for the rest of this night or our lives *he felt his cheeks go a little warm as the idea of being next to her made him happy* I love you my sweet little tigress 

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melvinmivjit In reply to RGSnowBellz [2015-04-06 21:36:03 +0000 UTC]

Alice: a flurry of colour rushed to her cheeks and she smiled softly as small tears gathered in the corners of her eyes "oh s-samel... I'd love that so much.." She sighed in content as she thought of their future. It was small moments like these between them that reminded her of how comfortable and loving their relationship was "b-but you'd better stop otherwise I'll start weeping. My silly snow cone, I love you so much.." She curled up closer to him

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RGSnowBellz In reply to melvinmivjit [2015-04-08 09:10:07 +0000 UTC]

Samel: *he just grinned softly at her comment and spoke once more in a gentle sounding voice* I'm afraid that's impossible since as long as I know those tears are from happiness, then I will always such things that I believe will come true one day. For now though I will be quiet *he loved it when she was curled into him since he loved just being able to sit next to her and be close to her as he was right now and nothing felt as if it would go wrong, everything just felt calm and peaceful.* 

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melvinmivjit In reply to RGSnowBellz [2015-04-09 13:52:31 +0000 UTC]

Alice: she smiled and purred softly as her cheeks had calmed down bur they had a warm, soft glint. She loved the feeling of being so comfortable and close with Samel as this comforted her in the ways no one really could which made her feel safe and secure. she loved him after all. These were the times she needed him most 

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RGSnowBellz In reply to melvinmivjit [2015-05-06 08:44:52 +0000 UTC]

Samel: *he found himself so relaxed that before he knew it he was actually starting to nod off and so his head kept falling down slightly as he found his eyes beginning to shut slightly. After a short while Samel ended up resting his head against Alice's and his eyes now closed completely as he soon found himself falling asleep.* 

((Hey sorry I don't reply as often to our RP's also sorry I haven't been in proper contact with you in a while, I hope you doing well and we will have to chat on skype some time OwO ))

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melvinmivjit In reply to RGSnowBellz [2015-05-06 16:03:19 +0000 UTC]

(( sounds awesome! I hope you've been well and don't worry about replying quickly))

Alice: it felt like an hour had gone by when she woke and blushed furiously as she noted that the heavy weight when she shifted wasn't a blanket but samel! She squeaked but found it adorable how samel pouted

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RGSnowBellz In reply to melvinmivjit [2015-05-17 08:30:12 +0000 UTC]

((I have although my parrot bit my finger yesterday and it's cut so that wasn't so much fun >w< How have you been?))

Samel: *Not long after her waking and and beginning to move did Samel begin to stir in his sleep and slowly come to. Samel sat up a bit more as his eyes began to slowly open and once they had he brought a hand up to cover his mouth as he yawned and for a short moment he had forgotten where he was until he looked around the room only to see Alice next to him. His eyes opened a bit wider upon seeing her and a purple blush began to fill his cheeks* H-hello

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melvinmivjit In reply to RGSnowBellz [2015-05-18 20:21:48 +0000 UTC]

(( I've been good, taking one GCSE test at a time! I've really excited about mcm London comic con this weekend))

alice:she giggled sleepily as he gave off a big yawn and smiled softly before pecking his cheek with a flustered and sleepy look due to her bed hair as her ponytail had managed to slip out " thanks for keeping me warm during our nap" she stretched a little bit " but I'm sure I won't sleep on the couch again" she giggled 

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RGSnowBellz In reply to melvinmivjit [2015-06-08 16:03:10 +0000 UTC]

((ahha awesome are you cosplaying as anything?? also what exam have you found the easiest so far?? ))

Samle: *he chuckled at her comment and gave a slight nod with his head.* Well I think it was more you keeping me warm since I know I'm a lot colder then most people due to being half a snow humanoid. *He gave a bright grin and stretched out his arms with another yawn before finally relaxing and looking to her.* What time is it? 

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melvinmivjit In reply to RGSnowBellz [2015-06-10 05:38:22 +0000 UTC]

(( I went as Sherlock and I think biology and French were the easiest so far )) 

Alice: she glanced around for a clock and her eyes widened slightly " 11:35 pm. How long were we asleep for?" She sat up a little more and sighed " it's too dark for you go home besides there's a storm brewing too" she got up slowly and went to the window where thick clouds lay in the night sky 

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RGSnowBellz In reply to melvinmivjit [2015-06-10 18:04:14 +0000 UTC]

Samel: Hmm that's true... well I guess if it's okay I will just stay in one of the guest rooms since you do live in a castle so I'm sure your father wouldn't mind if I stayed. I will text my brother to get him to let the others know I wont be heading back until morning but I know they won't mind anyway since most of them aren't in the Snow Kingdom currently. their all in the Strawberry Kingdom... well apart from Bullet since he is at a sleep over in the BuzzyBee Kingdom. 

((ah wow that's awesome! did you have fun? and fair enough, XD I was no good at French haha. ))

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melvinmivjit In reply to RGSnowBellz [2015-06-12 20:19:08 +0000 UTC]

(( it was ok, seeing as how I had two panic attacks since my friend decided to leave us to go buy a drink without telling us their phone was broken and we lost them for 30 minutes. It was exhausting ^^" ))

alice: she shook her head softly " my father is visiting his tribe so he won't be home for a few days and my mother has taken a liking to you so...it shouldn't be a problem. B-besides! Wherever you wish to sleep is up to you" her blush increased instantly as the words left her mouth just before she realised 

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RGSnowBellz In reply to melvinmivjit [2015-08-24 09:04:31 +0000 UTC]

Ah wow well that sounded interesting XD what have you been up to recently??))

Samel: *a small dusty blush went over his cheeks at the sound of her words before he looked at her with an awkward smile* you know you should be careful how you say that. *he leaned closer to her his smile becoming a little mischievous before he spoke once again.* I may just get the wrong idea. *he kissed her forehead and then moved back to where he was before chuckling softly.* 

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melvinmivjit In reply to RGSnowBellz [2015-08-24 09:22:40 +0000 UTC]

(( not much, I got my grades and picked out my a levels and I've just been mainly sleeping and drawing to pass the time. And you??))

alice: her face was in full bloom as he moved away which her hands quickly flew up to cover it as she whimpered softly " I didn't mean it like that!!" She squeaked and pulled her legs up in front of her. He always knew what to do to get her flustered in a heartbeat.

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RGSnowBellz In reply to melvinmivjit [2015-08-27 19:45:16 +0000 UTC]

Ah fair enough OwO and my older brother had a baby and got married so that was interesting, also my mother from America came during the week he got married and I got to see her. It was wired since I haven't seen her in like over 8/9 years. ))

Samel: *he chuckled softly before speaking up* I know you didn't mean it like that, I just simply couldn't resist since I love seeing all your different kind of cute reactions to when I say such things to you. *he wrapped an arm around her to pull her near him.* You gotta admit that you do look cute when you get all shy. *he chuckled once more and just leaned his head on top of hers.* 

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melvinmivjit In reply to RGSnowBellz [2015-08-28 11:19:14 +0000 UTC]

Ah congratulations! At least you were able to spend some time with your mother and you've had a busy week which is sometimes good to have, especially with relatives. how did the wedding go?))

alice: she snuggled closer to him and purred softly at the warmth he gave off " I don't know about that...besides, the way I see it, you're much cuter than I am when you get flustered" she giggled and kissed under his chin, smiling softly "I feel like you're spoiling me with all this affection, not that I don't mind any of it..."

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RGSnowBellz In reply to melvinmivjit [2015-09-18 16:26:35 +0000 UTC]

Yeah that was a good week and the wedding went well, I was so happy for my brother and there were two points that I almost cried from how happy I was for him and his bride. I'm glad the wedding is over since I didn't really enjoy having to be stuck in the bridesmaid dress all day but now I've gotten to dye and cut my hair so that's all good. I've been dealing with the loss of my pet though but now I'm doing better. So what have you been up to during this time/ OwO ))

Samel: *He raised a brow slightly and gave of an awkward smile* I'm a guy, I'm not supposed to look cuter then my girlfriend. *he chuckled off* Don't worry, I will be sure to get on your nerves later on but for now I kinda wanna be selfish and spend all my time being affected with you since I can't help falling more in love with you as I spend time with you. *He just grinned brightly and showed of his pearly white teeth.* 

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melvinmivjit In reply to RGSnowBellz [2015-09-20 21:37:41 +0000 UTC]

My condolences for your pet but congrats for your brother and it's a relief to know you're feeling more comfortable with yourself. I've been weeping about my courses in a level, specifically art since it turned to be the thing I feared the most and I'm planning on swapping. Other than that, I've been doodling and drawing more to relax myself as I've been on low terms recently with myself but I'm getting there slowly.. So how has your weekend been?))

alice: she blushed furiously "there's nothing wrong with being equally cute together.." She squeaked as he spoke of how much deeper he was falling "I'm haven't even been able to fathom the amount of love I have for you as the number is too great and it's good to be a bit selfish especially if the person in mind inst complaining but rather encouraging?" She looked up at him hopefully with a warm smile  

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RGSnowBellz In reply to melvinmivjit [2015-09-24 14:19:28 +0000 UTC]

Thanks and well I hope it all goes well for you and I hope that you can feel in better terms with yourself soon just take your time and I'm sure you will get there OwO It was a nice weekend, I went out on the Saturday for the first time in ages and then had a lazy Sunday. What plans do you have for your up coming weekend? ))

Samel: *He chuckled lightly and listened to what she was saying until an idea popped into his head.* What time is it?? Or more importantly how long do we have left before you said your family will return?? Depending on the time and them getting back, I think we should plan out our next proper date, because as much as I love sitting next to you here, I think it would be nice if we went somewhere again sometime, like when you came Ice skating with me that one time.

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melvinmivjit In reply to RGSnowBellz [2015-09-25 20:55:48 +0000 UTC]

(( my mom is coming to pick me up on Saturday and get some homework done (maybe) and have a lazy-ish day on Sunday whilst drawing here and there. How about you?))

alice: she nodded happily " I'd love to plan our next date! And since it's getting cooler again we should plan something, well, fun!...and romantic" she whispered her wish for a romantic date with him as if there wasn't already so much love " my family doesn't mind you being here besides we have a quite a while either way" she giggled 

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RGSnowBellz In reply to melvinmivjit [2015-09-27 19:45:01 +0000 UTC]

((Aww that's nice OwO Have a nice lazy day and make sure to relax. Ah didn't do much I just went to my works induction, I started work today >w< ))

Samel: Yeah I know but I never know how to talk or act around you dad. *He brought a hand up to the back of his head and left out a short nervous laugh before he started to ponder on what idea's they could do for their date.* Hmmmm well the best idea is to write down three different activities that we want to do but one has to be something to do with food since we will need to eat so if you can go grab some paper and some pens for us to use. *Samel smiled towards Alice*

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melvinmivjit In reply to RGSnowBellz [2015-09-28 16:28:06 +0000 UTC]

(( congrats! I hope you enjoyed it. I kinda had a lazy day but it wasn't what I had expected it to be especially when essays and assignments are due. How was your day?))

alice: she giggled and shook her head softly "he isn't that scary, you know. Besides, he's taken a liking to you as of late so there really isn't anything to worry about! Now about that date..." She got up quickly and pecked him on the nose and Wales quickly off to get his request of pens and paper

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cupcake-rufflebutt [2015-02-23 15:12:34 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the fave on my Neptune costume! <3

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melvinmivjit In reply to cupcake-rufflebutt [2015-02-23 16:37:13 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome! It's such a beautiful cosplay ^^

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RGSnowBellz [2015-02-14 11:48:47 +0000 UTC]

Tag a quality deviant, You’re it! Quality doesn’t mean that you 
have a lot of followers, or a lot of messages. It means that you’re
nice to other people, and you deserve to be happy. If you get this 
message, someone is telling you that they love you as you are, 
and they don’t care how much followers you have. Send this to 10 
deviants who deserve it. If you break the chain, nothing will
happen. But it’s just good to let someone know that you love them!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

melvinmivjit In reply to RGSnowBellz [2015-02-14 20:24:39 +0000 UTC]

\(QWQ)/ my goodness! Thannkk yooouuuu! You're too kind to me dear >^<

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AbbyDreamz [2015-01-25 19:58:17 +0000 UTC]

Tag a quality deviant, You’re it! Quality doesn’t mean that you have a lot of followers, or a lot of messages. It means that you’re nice to other people, and you deserve to be happy. If you get this message, someone is telling you that they love you as you are, and they don’t care how many followers you have. Send this to 10 deviants who deserve it. If you break the chain, nothing will happen. But it’s just good to let someone know that you love them!

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melvinmivjit In reply to AbbyDreamz [2015-01-25 22:36:53 +0000 UTC]

Tag a quality deviant, You’re it! Quality doesn’t mean that you have a lot of followers, or a lot of messages. It means that you’re nice to other people, and you deserve to be happy. If you get this message, someone is telling you that they love you as you are, and they don’t care how many followers you have. Send this to 10 deviants who deserve it. If you break the chain, nothing will happen. But it’s just good to let someone know that you love them! ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ

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LilAlisonAngel [2015-01-07 03:14:10 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the fave on Jealousy~!

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melvinmivjit In reply to LilAlisonAngel [2015-01-07 16:33:41 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome! I'd love to see more bolin x reader inserts like that but there aren't many ^^

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LilAlisonAngel In reply to melvinmivjit [2015-01-07 23:22:20 +0000 UTC]

Sadly .

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melvinmivjit In reply to LilAlisonAngel [2015-01-07 23:33:27 +0000 UTC]

It's always the dorky characters that never get any reader inserts

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LilAlisonAngel In reply to melvinmivjit [2015-01-08 21:11:49 +0000 UTC]

And the dorky ones are usually the best.

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melvinmivjit In reply to LilAlisonAngel [2015-01-09 08:58:42 +0000 UTC]

Exactly UvU 

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