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| mellifluousII
# Statistics
Favourites: 24; Deviations: 57; Watchers: 18
Watching: 40; Pageviews: 9352; Comments Made: 823; Friends: 40
# Comments
Comments: 73
Salvador-D-Llama [2007-12-04 02:48:09 +0000 UTC]
I don't want to sound like a queer or nothin'...but Unicorns KICK ASS !![link]
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SoggyPizza [2006-09-12 12:18:02 +0000 UTC]
i think some one with your reasoning powers might like this [link]
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jixor [2005-09-04 03:12:31 +0000 UTC]
Glad you enjoyed the meet, hope you got to Warrigul ok and had a good night of drinking and such.
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mellifluousII In reply to jixor [2005-09-04 23:14:27 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, it was good. I managed to get to warrigal by 7:10, which was pretty fine considering I left Lower Templestowe at 6:00. And as far as I know I didn't get any tickets, and I now know my little car can do atleast 140.
And I elected not to drink as I don't like hang overs, but still had a crazy night...
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jixor In reply to mellifluousII [2005-09-05 01:23:34 +0000 UTC]
Heh, they are so far apart, yeah thats a decent trip time.
Hangovers are part of life, get over it. ...Nah I know the feeling, sometimes if I'm feeling a bit seedy at the start of a night I'll keep the drinks to a minimum because I know I'll be farked up the next day. That matters especially if your only going to be sleeping on the floor for a few hours.
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mellifluousII [2005-09-02 11:43:39 +0000 UTC]
for those who wonder... ky isn't to do with jelly.. it's short for kylie.... sorry just had to clear that up. I read it back and yeah... refer back to previous shout.
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mellifluousII [2005-09-02 11:42:39 +0000 UTC]
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imagen [2005-08-26 00:34:13 +0000 UTC]
G'day mellifluousII!
Thank you very much for the Much appreciated.
Hope your doing well.
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mellifluousII [2005-08-24 08:57:55 +0000 UTC]
On a completely different note;
Most of us can conjur up images in our heads if we close our eyes.
And the weekend I closed my briefly and I saw the cutest bunny rabbit running around in a clear ball, just in black oblivion.
I have recreated it for my avatar.
HALLUCINATION: Translation' UnKnown.
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kedemel [2005-08-17 12:42:50 +0000 UTC]
Alright!!! Your fav movie is 'Orgasmo'. I luv that movie and none of my friends have seen it. YAY!!!
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mellifluousII In reply to kedemel [2005-08-20 02:52:23 +0000 UTC]
thanks, it's an old fav of mine, it's just hard to convince people to sit down and watch it with me, they all suspect porn.
Are you coming to the melb minimeet?
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kedemel In reply to mellifluousII [2005-08-20 03:01:41 +0000 UTC]
Yeah for sure. My best friend is the one hosting it.
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mellifluousII In reply to kedemel [2005-08-23 06:08:51 +0000 UTC]
I'll see you there then, hopefully I make it.
Wish I knew what time we were meeting up... I have class that morn.
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manet [2005-07-26 12:26:59 +0000 UTC]
hey hun, sorry about the wait, i will definitely do that portrait for you but i need a few days. theres a whole lot going on and my class is about to end i have tests and stuff.. i will write to you in a few days though for sure.. get whatever picture it is ready so u can send it to me okay.
take care
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mellifluousII In reply to manet [2005-08-02 08:35:46 +0000 UTC]
thanks sweety, just check'n.
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MrGone2001 [2005-07-04 11:59:32 +0000 UTC]
Ta for the for DA Guitar , I appreciate it!!
Thanks also for the +ve comments and feedback - hope you are feeling better soon!! Check out those mosaic creators, they are worth the effort (and easier than Photoshop!!)
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mellifluousII In reply to MrGone2001 [2005-07-04 23:43:51 +0000 UTC]
Been trying to use Easy Mosaic 2005, but with less than 5% hard drive space left it's taking up to an hour to complete. Think I'll wait until I get a new hard drive and then look into it again.
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otter1 [2005-07-03 19:44:19 +0000 UTC]
thanks for the love... its still one of my favorite pieces i've done... glad you could enjoy it with me... ciao!
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mellifluousII In reply to jixor [2005-07-03 05:05:11 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, lol you're the first one to notice that.... It was supposed to be a deviant ID but I got impatient, so I shrunk it, that way you can't see the dodgy ness.
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jixor In reply to mellifluousII [2005-07-03 06:41:15 +0000 UTC]
How many jars of coffee did you need to make one that big, where did you get such a big mug and wasnt it hot in there?
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mellifluousII In reply to jixor [2005-07-03 06:45:47 +0000 UTC]
When your love of coffee is as strong as mine, anythings possible.
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jixor In reply to mellifluousII [2005-07-03 07:05:21 +0000 UTC]
I would say that coffee is THE drink!
That said I don't know if I would go for a swim in a giant mug of it, but each to their own.
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mellifluousII In reply to jixor [2005-07-03 08:19:01 +0000 UTC]
I'd prefer champagne, with sugar coated rose petals.... but you can't be picky about the beverage you swim in....
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Denizen-110 [2005-06-27 06:09:26 +0000 UTC]
Your gallery is very interesting. Keep up the great work!
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deftonius [2005-06-22 23:50:19 +0000 UTC]
Thanks alot for the favorite on "Diversity" I appreaciate it.
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Kerridwyn [2005-06-05 05:14:25 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for the visit *waves out the window* seems your just down the road
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jace85 [2005-05-10 01:51:29 +0000 UTC]
hey, were neighbours. Thought i'd say hi!
I love your work
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mellifluousII In reply to jace85 [2005-05-10 09:13:35 +0000 UTC]
hi to you to neighbour... always a fan of your spiral stair case, think I may have even favorited it at one stage....
[link] check it out all....
anyone got inspiration for me, I'm sitting in class trying to create an animation to advertise a soft toy that changes colour... help me.
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smashmethod [2005-04-30 20:23:21 +0000 UTC]
Thanks so much, , for the fav on the piece Fly Agaric, Fly Hawaii
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ebontier [2005-03-29 02:09:33 +0000 UTC]
You are Random Deviant #71 on *ebontier 's Random Deviant Tour 2005!!!
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mellifluousII In reply to ebontier [2005-04-15 03:29:27 +0000 UTC]
ebontier -- ---- ---
Ummm I almost wish your art work sucked; because in the official tour of get more page views your psuedo popularity will increase......
Love your grave yard one, and the hub cap one... nice.
Oh and thanks for visiting my page, do you like anything here or did you not stop for a break on your whirl wind copy and paste tour?
I did consider you possibly were somewhere rated in the deviant art employee stakes and if so I would had been honoured with your presence, but I don't think you are.
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ebontier In reply to mellifluousII [2005-04-15 03:51:46 +0000 UTC]
I don't recall going on a 'Get more Pageviews" tour. In fact, the majority of people I see on my tour don't bother to respond or view my page. I do not need deviantART to make me feel 'popular.' The internet is not real life, ergo I do not gain a sense of 'popularity' by having people stop by and say "I like/hate/am ambivilent about your works." I'm afraid I've matured beyond gaining a sense of self worth and definition from faceless people I will probably never actually meet.
If you look back on some of your deviations, I didn't just leave a "HI! I CAME HERE! CLICK MY PAGE! CLICK MY PAGE!" message. I commented on several of your works; the Mad Hatter's Tea Party I rember in particular. I don't recall asking you for anything...no please come to my page, please look at my gallery, please buy my prints. My Random Deviant Tour is simply for my own pleasure and enjoyment, and I'm sorry your jaded and cynical experiences have prevented you from comprehending that.
As for the 'deviantART employee stakes..." I have no idea what you are referring to. Are you saying that if I were an administrator or gallery director or some 'important' person with a different sigil by my name, you would welcome my random deviant tour? Well, I'm afraid I'm not any person of import in this community. Just a regular person who enjoys finding and looking at art I'm not normally inclined or disposed to seeing, thinking, or commenting about.
I'm glad you don't think my art work sucks. Validates my existence as an artist. Promise.
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mellifluousII In reply to ebontier [2005-04-15 07:46:35 +0000 UTC]
You write well embontier, and sorry for the narki response.
You are probably right.
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