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| mangagirl1357
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# Comments
Comments: 1826
mangagirl1357 In reply to Zerox-II [2015-08-22 12:13:53 +0000 UTC]
You're very welcome! Thanks for the llama! ^^
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mangagirl1357 In reply to JamesVillanueva [2015-07-07 00:39:22 +0000 UTC]
No problem! Love your work!
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TessCas [2015-03-22 11:47:22 +0000 UTC]
Hey there - thanks a so much for the watch!! I hope you have a great day
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HAZuff [2014-09-22 13:07:53 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for the watch (sorry it took so long to respond I haven't been on here in a while )
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mangagirl1357 In reply to HAZuff [2014-09-24 00:13:02 +0000 UTC]
You're very welcome, and don't worry about it!
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Awoken-Artist In reply to mangagirl1357 [2014-08-12 14:38:39 +0000 UTC]
nothing much besides doing commissions.
XD looked back at our rp and im like ;~; dang.
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mangagirl1357 In reply to Awoken-Artist [2014-08-12 19:33:32 +0000 UTC]
I understand completely~ XD
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Awoken-Artist In reply to mangagirl1357 [2014-08-12 23:23:58 +0000 UTC]
XD ehehehehe
you wanna rp again?
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mangagirl1357 In reply to Awoken-Artist [2014-08-13 01:32:43 +0000 UTC]
Sure; I'm up for it!
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Awoken-Artist In reply to mangagirl1357 [2014-08-13 01:47:22 +0000 UTC]
you up for FMA?
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Awoken-Artist In reply to mangagirl1357 [2014-08-14 00:47:27 +0000 UTC]
Im playing as my OC emmy still. her background has changed alot so it makes it interesting.
and shes paired with ed still
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mangagirl1357 In reply to Awoken-Artist [2014-08-14 13:34:46 +0000 UTC]
So I'm Ed again? Sounds good.
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Awoken-Artist In reply to mangagirl1357 [2014-08-14 15:32:39 +0000 UTC]
Alright n.n so who shall start?
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mangagirl1357 In reply to Awoken-Artist [2014-08-15 00:44:08 +0000 UTC]
You can; I'm no good with beginnings.
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Awoken-Artist In reply to mangagirl1357 [2014-08-15 01:11:45 +0000 UTC]
alright sure n.n]
It was one morning in central east city. It was pretty busy of course, on a saturday morning. Roy mustang called Edward in for a task. Its been about 2 years and the brothers still look for the stone. Roy waited for the young state alchemist to arrive. he heard the knock at the door and said "come in"
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mangagirl1357 In reply to Awoken-Artist [2014-08-15 12:32:13 +0000 UTC]
Ed entered Mustang's office with a huff. He hated being summoned at his commanding officer's whim - but that was the price for the Stone, so he obeyed. With a lot of reluctance and complaining, perhaps, but he listened nonetheless. "What do you want this time?" he asked.
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Awoken-Artist In reply to mangagirl1357 [2014-08-15 14:26:44 +0000 UTC]
Roy looked to him "I have a task for you today. One of my soldiers, Emmet Rosenthal, is being deployed to war soon. His sister joined the military 2 days ago, thought maybe with your skill you can teach her a few things about Alchemy. Maybe even hand to hand combat." he said. He knows that Ed is busy searching for the stone, but he thought he would try taking a break from it since he wouldn't last couple of times seeing him. "His sister is the same age as you. Met her once and she reminds me of you slightly. I guess thats how young teens go as?" he teased knowing he would get Ed pretty pissed off.
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mangagirl1357 In reply to Awoken-Artist [2014-08-20 14:11:13 +0000 UTC]
"With my skill?" Ed smirked a bit at that - about time the colonel acknowledged his prowess - but his face fell at the rest of the sentence. "WHO ARE YOU CALLING LITTLE?!" he demanded before Al restrained him from strangling Mustang.
"We'll be happy to help, Colonel!" the younger brother said cheerfully.
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Awoken-Artist In reply to mangagirl1357 [2014-08-20 15:48:39 +0000 UTC]
Roy nods "alright then. She is probably at the training room right now." he said. "Give her some teachings she needs and try to be nice about it to. Her brother warned about her being a bit 'stubborn'." he said. Suddenly a knock was at the door. "Come in." said Roy. a tall man , around the height 6'0. He had long brown hair up in a pony tail that is braided down, a red like ribbon tied his hair He had hazel green blue eyes and wore his military uniform and his automail hands can he easily seen. The man walked in "Sir, the paperwork is finished and do you have the schedual for my depature in arago?" "Ah, yes." he opens his drawer and gets the paper. "Oh, Emmet this is the Elric brothers, Edward and Alphonse Elric." Emmet look over seeing the two. "Oh, Hello you two." he said and smile kindly. "This is Emmys older brother, Emmet Rosenthal."
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mangagirl1357 In reply to Awoken-Artist [2014-08-21 02:03:21 +0000 UTC]
Ed nodded in greeting and slowly shuffled out the door. Seriously, did he look like a freaking charity case? He joined the military to find useful information, not babysit girls with enough time on their hands to join the military. And sixteen, too? It was absurd. Al gave a more polite hello and introduction and apology for Ed's behavior, but he was tagging along to the training room soon enough. It already was looking to be a fantastic day. Ed scoffed.
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Awoken-Artist In reply to mangagirl1357 [2014-08-21 04:57:39 +0000 UTC]
When he arrived in the training room, the young girl was sitting in her chair with her arms crossed over her chest. She wore a black tank under a short sleeved brown leather jacket. she wore a black skirt as well, along with black boots up to her knees. she had long brown hair and her eyes are closed while waiting for the alchemist to come and train her.
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mangagirl1357 In reply to Awoken-Artist [2014-08-22 02:17:52 +0000 UTC]
Ed whistled loudly. "Seriously, eyes closed? Mustang couldn't even give me someone who has enough competency to realize that such a dumb move will get you killed?" He huffed, rolling his eyes.
"I'm sorry for my brother," Al cut in. "He's not usually such a jerk."
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Awoken-Artist In reply to mangagirl1357 [2014-08-22 02:24:18 +0000 UTC]
Emiliena heard Ed and Al and she shot a nasty glare at Ed "Oh shut up you short stuff" she stood up and she was about his height and she stares at him. hip leaning to one side. she look to Al "i delt with worse jerks" she said and she looked to Ed "And as for you short stack flea bean, are you insulting me just cause im a girl? Are you seriously the guy that Mustang guy sent to train me?" she said.
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mangagirl1357 In reply to Awoken-Artist [2014-08-22 23:32:34 +0000 UTC]
"Who are you calling short?" he demanded. "You're not exactly the epitome of height yourself! And for the record, I am taking time out of my work to train you, so I'd be a little bit more polite if I were you! It's not like I want to be here."
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Awoken-Artist In reply to mangagirl1357 [2014-08-23 01:04:27 +0000 UTC]
she glares at him "well excuse me coming from someone who actually insulted me. I dont want to be here either but im here to train not argue with a shorty" and her eyes narrowed "and who are you calling short? call me that again your going to regret it and dont even think about underestimating me cause im a girl!" they get interrupted by Alphonse who stood between them before anything gone further in the argument.
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mangagirl1357 In reply to Awoken-Artist [2014-08-23 11:41:46 +0000 UTC]
"You both need to calm down!" he said. "Look, Ed, you did just come here and insult her, and you should apologize!" He turned to Emmy. "And I really wouldn't keep calling him short if I were you," he told her, before whispering, "He's kind of sensitive on the topic."
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Awoken-Artist In reply to mangagirl1357 [2014-08-23 16:49:59 +0000 UTC]
she pouts and crosses her arms at him. "i got that down.." she whispered back at him. she look to ed still keeping her arms crossed waiting for his apology. "insulting me cause im a girl, you do realize that you cant underestimate them. you dont know anything about it." she stated.
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mangagirl1357 In reply to Awoken-Artist [2014-08-25 23:31:31 +0000 UTC]
Ed growled. "You know what, you have been nothing but rude this entire time! There is nothing wrong with women! I have nothing but respect for Lieutenant Hawkeye and my mechanic! Why don't you go off and play soldier somewhere else, because you're not mature enough to be here!"
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Awoken-Artist In reply to mangagirl1357 [2014-08-25 23:40:23 +0000 UTC]
she growls "your the one who was rude to me first for insulting me cause im a girl!" she was about to use alchemy but luckily her brother came in between them "enough!" he demanded. emmy growls "emmet what the hell!" "you two behave. I mean it." he said strictly. he looked to his younger sister "look i know your stressed and everything about me leaving" "you think? first you started going off missions and never come back for amount of months, and now you going into war down the south in arago? how can i not be stressed!? If mom and dad were here they would be to!" she said. "calm down!" he grabbed her shoulder "calm down before it acts up again" she sighs "fine.." she coughed a bit in her hand and puts her hands in her pockets "now i have to go right now along with others that are going...just try to stay safe. i dont want you running off again like last time." "..but em-" "no butts." he rubbed her head and hugged her "i'll be back soon...im sorry." "..just promise you'll be back you idiot.." "i will..promise.." he said and then he left. emmy watched him leave. she look back at them, mostly ed a bit. then looked away and walked off.
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mangagirl1357 In reply to Awoken-Artist [2014-08-26 12:26:35 +0000 UTC]
Ed looked at Al. "She just ran off. I was supposed to train her. She ran off, not me. You saw that, right? Good." He sighed. "I didn't even insult her, just told her that she needed to pay more attention if she wanted to survive! It was training, damn it! And I don't think I once insulted her for being a woman, but she wouldn't shut up about that!"
Al sighed. "You should give her a break, brother. You were rather harsh, and it seemed like she was going through some tough times anyway. You don't need to make it worse by being mean."
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Awoken-Artist In reply to mangagirl1357 [2014-08-26 14:38:21 +0000 UTC]
emmy sat outside by herself and she wasnt happy about her brother leaving. she looked down and coughed a bit hard in her hand and tried catching her breath. "damn it...why should he care hes forced to do this.."she said to herself. she takes out a medication bottle and pop one pill in her mouth and got a small water bottle and drinks it taking the pill down swallowing it. she sighed and put it away in her pocket and the bottle as well and sighed.
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mangagirl1357 In reply to Awoken-Artist [2014-08-27 12:06:00 +0000 UTC]
"You should find her and apologize, brother," Al said, a worried tone coming into his voice.
Ed sighed. "Fine, fine... But be very clear," he said with some finality, "if she does this stupid running away thing one more time, that's the last time I try to train her. Ever."
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Awoken-Artist In reply to mangagirl1357 [2014-08-27 16:16:16 +0000 UTC]
Emmy sat at the bench and she sighed. she remembered back at the hospital. she doze off and she remembered. back when she was little she woken up in a haze and only remember slightly of the incident years ago. 'hello..do you remember your name?' said the doctor. emmy only looked up and nodded her little head. the doctor asked her more questions 'do you remember anything after the accident?' she shook her head no. 'what accident..? i dont remember anything but my name and my age..and my birthday..what happen.? do i have a mama and papa..?' the doctor only frowned. 'i am sorry...but your mother and father and your baby brother...was in the accident with you..they didnt make it...' emmy looked down now starting to cry. the nurse comforted her. 'we got some medication for two conditions you have..your amnesia and your heart virus..' emmy looked up hearing that. 'heart..virus..?' 'we have confirmed..you may not live long enough for it...we dont know when it will happen but we will give you medicine to subside it longer. surgery can be operated..but only if its okay with your uncle and your older brother..' emmy nod a little and frown tearing up 'i dont.... want to... die...."
she then hears someone calling her name a bit faintly until it got louder and louder while emmy was mumbling about her past.
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mangagirl1357 In reply to Awoken-Artist [2014-08-28 00:22:25 +0000 UTC]
"Are you sleeping?" Ed demanded. She seemed a little off, but he didn't notice that in his irritation. He sighed finally, remembering that he had originally come to apologize. "I'm sorry that I insulted you before. Do you want to train after all?"
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Awoken-Artist In reply to mangagirl1357 [2014-08-28 00:30:00 +0000 UTC]
she blinked and looked to him when he snapped her out of the day dream, more like remembering a past memory. "huh uh wha..?" she heard him apologize and she look down "its okay, we started off badly. It happens right?" she said. "well yes i do want to train." she said answering his question on it and she stood up. "well the training room isnt going to do it itself now, lets go then" she said not in a irritation voice.
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mangagirl1357 In reply to Awoken-Artist [2014-08-28 23:47:50 +0000 UTC]
Ed nodded happily, glad that she was willing to look past their arguments and start over. He led her to the training room he had just come from and grinned at Al, letting him know that they had made up. "Let's begin, then," he said kindly.
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Awoken-Artist In reply to mangagirl1357 [2014-08-29 01:07:48 +0000 UTC]
Emmy nods as she is ready for whatever he has to give in training. It took a while during the training sesssion and they started doing hand to hand combat as they have to combat eachother. Emmy did some flips and a few tricks. About twice she almost slipped but caught herself
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mangagirl1357 In reply to Awoken-Artist [2014-08-29 12:01:27 +0000 UTC]
Ed nodded when they had finished sparring, pleased. "You're not half bad," he said, "if a little unrefined. That will come with more practice and training, though. And you're athletic and flexible, which is good. It shouldn't take long to make you a decent soldier."
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Awoken-Artist In reply to mangagirl1357 [2014-08-29 15:25:06 +0000 UTC]
she pants and she lean against the wall "good to hear that honestly, I been sort of done fighting even when I was on my way here." she sighed "well i need more training so i can get better at it." she said. They took a quick break and she drinks her little water bottle but not alot. saving the water for her medicine. she kept her bottle in more in her pocket to hide it.
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mangagirl1357 In reply to Awoken-Artist [2014-08-30 02:38:11 +0000 UTC]
Ed watched Emmy carefully, noticing that she didn't take much from her water, but he decided not to press her about it - maybe she just wasn't thirsty. "Well," he said finally. "Let's get back to work."
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Awoken-Artist In reply to mangagirl1357 [2014-08-30 15:11:07 +0000 UTC]
She nodded and gets back up and takes some deep breaths and was ready for the next step, Alchemy fight training. During the fight she was a bit slippy on it but she kept coming for a comback on it. She charged at Ed with her alchemy. She eventually did some backflip on her landing her feet against the middle of the wall and use her alchemy to make a pole and she grabs it and push herself off the wall charging. One thing she didnt realize was her medicine bottle fell out of her pocket and landed in the room under a chair in the room. They were busy fighting and trainng
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