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| mandiiocaa

mandiiocaa [13782064] [] "Welcome <3"

# Statistics

Favourites: 85; Deviations: 57; Watchers: 34

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# Comments

Comments: 180

macair120 [2015-01-14 19:26:39 +0000 UTC]

feliz cumpleaños

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Nanalyied [2012-10-07 18:06:36 +0000 UTC]

Mente perturbada, donde estás :c

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Victoriapiplup [2012-01-16 22:11:19 +0000 UTC]

Los amigos por correspondencia no valen nada. La amistad se refleja en los ojos de tus amigos cuando les miras. De no ser así, es como si hablaras con algo inanimado.

Sin embargo, hay excepciones. Yo creo que tú eres una de ellas, razón por la cual te mando este mensaje.

Envía esto a todos tus amigos que realmente lo son para ti, a pesar de no poder mirarles a los ojos por la culpa de los kilómetros que os separan, incluyendo a la persona que te había enviado esto.

Porque no a todos nos importan los kilómetros.

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gaktion [2012-01-14 15:59:04 +0000 UTC]


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DividedCookies [2011-09-21 13:24:15 +0000 UTC]

Shoot this arrow▬▬▬► to 10 people you're glad you met. . . If you get 5 back you have a ~ BIG HEART.. 10xxxx <33

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Victoriapiplup [2011-08-09 14:07:50 +0000 UTC]

tageada mi amor! ó3ó [link]

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Victoriapiplup [2011-07-30 18:56:41 +0000 UTC]

"El Camioncito De La Amistad"

Haz que el camioncito viaje por todas las páginas de los usuarios. Déjalo en un comentario de los usuarios a los que aprecies.

..|....... Amistttaad*.....|||"|""___
..|________________ _|||_|___|)
..!(@)'(@)""""**!(@)(@)**(@)... .

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Victoriapiplup [2011-07-22 13:45:26 +0000 UTC]

Taggeada, Cariñuuuuuuuuuu
haz en tu journal este test

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mandiiocaa In reply to Victoriapiplup [2011-07-24 15:29:38 +0000 UTC]

Ok amore <3

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Victoriapiplup [2011-07-14 11:36:37 +0000 UTC]

Dispará esta flecha▬▬▬►aDiez personas que te gustó a ver conocido. . . Sii te devuelven 5 tiienes un GRAN CORAZON

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Victoriapiplup [2011-07-12 15:34:45 +0000 UTC]

q tal?? <3333333333333333333333

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mandiiocaa In reply to Victoriapiplup [2011-07-13 10:45:24 +0000 UTC]

Muy bien y tú?

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Victoriapiplup In reply to mandiiocaa [2011-07-13 11:11:21 +0000 UTC]

bien *-*

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Nessa-CZ [2011-07-07 15:05:11 +0000 UTC]

Dispara esta flecha▬▬▬► a Diez personas que te gusto a ver conocido. . . SI te devuelven 5 tienes un ~ GRAN CORAZÓN ..

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mandiiocaa In reply to Nessa-CZ [2011-07-07 21:44:55 +0000 UTC]

Dispara esta flecha▬▬▬► a Diez personas que te gusto a ver conocido. . . SI te devuelven 5 tienes un ~ GRAN CORAZÓN

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Arary [2011-07-03 11:28:32 +0000 UTC]

*O* dibujass supeer bnn *uu* te watcheó! :3

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mandiiocaa In reply to Arary [2011-07-03 16:48:53 +0000 UTC]

qkfjwklecfhoqihwdocewniorferw muchas gracias *////////* <3

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just4fun45021 [2011-06-30 14:28:48 +0000 UTC]

Welcome to
We're a group that promotes the uniqueness of the individual, whether that is with the style of art, the concept or the medium.

Please feel free to submit as much of your art as you wish.
We'll be looking forward to seeing what you do next.

--Stay Singular

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FunkSixth [2011-06-30 05:21:05 +0000 UTC]

[ ur works is awsome~~!! >3👍: 0 ⏩: 1

mandiiocaa In reply to FunkSixth [2011-06-30 09:40:07 +0000 UTC]

aaaaaw thank you thank you thank yyyyyyyyou <3

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mandiiocaa [2011-06-29 15:04:03 +0000 UTC]

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Borezilla68 [2011-06-28 11:29:55 +0000 UTC]

excuse me ,but you are not allowed to post works that are not yours;; you post you own art here ;;

perdón ,pero no tienen permiso para publicar obras que no son no suyos;; que usted publique propio arte aquí;;

lo siento por no español

sorry for fail spanish google is you're friend e w e //ddkfjgjh

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mandiiocaa In reply to Borezilla68 [2011-06-28 12:15:52 +0000 UTC]

I know, and sorry ... but finally i got a good paint program and i'm erased most of the images that were not mine, thanks also for reminding.

Sorry for my bad inglish too.

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Borezilla68 In reply to mandiiocaa [2011-06-28 12:38:04 +0000 UTC]


I'm-i'm sorry if I offended you ;;

It wasn't my intention


No your english isn't so bad given you have a totally different language ;;

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mandiiocaa In reply to Borezilla68 [2011-06-28 12:45:13 +0000 UTC]

Oh nonono! I'm not offended! The contrary, I'm delighted that you mention this problem! <3

Aww thank you so much *_*

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Borezilla68 In reply to mandiiocaa [2011-06-30 09:22:41 +0000 UTC]

Ok ; w ;

Thank you too ; w ;

and You're Welcome XD

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mandiiocaa In reply to Borezilla68 [2011-06-30 09:39:37 +0000 UTC]

Jajajaja you're welcome

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DemoraFairy [2011-06-25 16:39:37 +0000 UTC]

I'm a bit confused, are the pictures you've uploaded yours?

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mandiiocaa In reply to DemoraFairy [2011-06-25 16:46:37 +0000 UTC]

The latests drawing I uploaded are editions, is that I haven't a good drawing program. I give credit to the original author of the images. Sorry for my bad English, I am Spanish.

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DemoraFairy In reply to mandiiocaa [2011-06-25 16:51:17 +0000 UTC]

Ok, well you're not allowed to upload an edited picture if you don't own the original or have permission. For example, [link] belongs to [link]

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mandiiocaa In reply to DemoraFairy [2011-06-25 16:55:53 +0000 UTC]

Oh, did not know that the image upload estubo here, I found it in http.//www.zerochan.net
I will notify the author of the issue and give you credits in the image, thanks for telling me!

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DemoraFairy In reply to mandiiocaa [2011-06-26 08:08:52 +0000 UTC]

You'd need to ask *godzilla23 for persmission to post it, but if you can't contact the artist you shouldn't upload something. Giving credit doesn't mean you can post anything you like.

FAQ #306: Does "Crediting" let me use whatever I want?

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mandiiocaa In reply to DemoraFairy [2011-06-26 21:46:38 +0000 UTC]

Sorry, sorry, I've warn the author ...

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Victoriapiplup [2011-06-18 07:28:39 +0000 UTC]

Hey! como estas??? Te hecho mucho demenos TwT tenemos que hablar mas Dx
deviantART muro drawing

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mandiiocaa In reply to Victoriapiplup [2011-06-23 11:59:25 +0000 UTC]

Viiiiiiiicky mi amor*3*
Eso eso eso, tenemos que hablas más, ñañaña ;__;

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Victoriapiplup In reply to mandiiocaa [2011-06-23 12:52:56 +0000 UTC]

:3 q tal???? *-*

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mandiiocaa In reply to Victoriapiplup [2011-06-23 14:36:38 +0000 UTC]

Muy bien y tú?:3

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Victoriapiplup In reply to mandiiocaa [2011-06-23 14:48:55 +0000 UTC]

bien, *o* y bueno, q te cuentas?

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mandiiocaa In reply to Victoriapiplup [2011-06-24 10:11:42 +0000 UTC]

Me alegroo ~~ Pues aquí estoy almorzando e.e' y tú?

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Victoriapiplup In reply to mandiiocaa [2011-06-24 12:16:14 +0000 UTC]

yo bien, xD escuchando a Gaga XD

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mandiiocaa In reply to Victoriapiplup [2011-06-24 15:44:16 +0000 UTC]

oh oh oh oh oh i'm love with Judas, judaas (8)

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Victoriapiplup In reply to mandiiocaa [2011-06-24 16:23:58 +0000 UTC]

lol! como sabias q era esa cancion!?

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mandiiocaa In reply to Victoriapiplup [2011-06-25 11:27:21 +0000 UTC]

Era esa?o_o

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Victoriapiplup In reply to mandiiocaa [2011-06-25 11:43:14 +0000 UTC]

Ma-mandy... TIENES PODERES!? O_O
porq no me lo habias dicho antes!?

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mandiiocaa In reply to Victoriapiplup [2011-06-25 15:28:30 +0000 UTC]

Sooy Dios, muajajaj (??)

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Victoriapiplup In reply to mandiiocaa [2011-06-25 18:15:56 +0000 UTC]

Soy atea, pero, si tu eres el Dios, sere de esa religion (L)

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mandiiocaa In reply to Victoriapiplup [2011-06-25 20:22:14 +0000 UTC]


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Victoriapiplup In reply to mandiiocaa [2011-06-25 20:24:41 +0000 UTC]

e_e **como con los de mi clase** OOOOOH Q BONITO! (?)

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mandiiocaa In reply to Victoriapiplup [2011-06-25 22:35:34 +0000 UTC]

Me siento importante *///* (?)

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Victoriapiplup In reply to mandiiocaa [2011-06-26 09:18:17 +0000 UTC]

no te sientas! esq lo eres! *-*

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