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# Comments
Comments: 16
coffeebandit [2020-07-12 14:47:28 +0000 UTC]
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katcrunch [2016-03-05 10:13:26 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for faving my Aang fanart! I really appreciate it!
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SkekLa [2015-07-25 21:43:14 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for commenting on my skesis art!...also, I am about to watxch song of the sae, and Princes Kaguya as well! Thanks for the reccomendations! ^^
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ludic7 In reply to SkekLa [2015-07-26 03:16:55 +0000 UTC]
welcome. Are you following the graphic novel prequels of the dark crystal published by archea? The last one comes out this september I believe, if it hasn't been delayed again...
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SkekLa In reply to ludic7 [2015-07-26 17:00:53 +0000 UTC]
I couldn't get any. in my country they were never released!...sadly enough...and here everything passing through customs is either never coming to destiny, or overcharged with three times it's worth for the owner of the pack to get it off the customagency,,.therefore I only have read pdf files...I am loving it so far!...still want more...can't wait for the sixth chapter to know what the new storytellers think the skeksis (my faves) did in their first years...it wa always said before, In original Henson's sources, that they weren't all bad at the beggining, once they settled their minds after their first moments of rage and confusion..so..I am willingto see what they represent them like!...
I'm aware they might only be villains from the get going, there,,,,but I am curoous to what they'll do plotwise!...
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ludic7 In reply to SkekLa [2015-07-29 04:45:27 +0000 UTC]
That is unfortunate. However it is good that at least you were able to follow along, with pdfs. the prequels already broke continuity somewhat with the way the crystal shatered, the film proper shows it is the skeksis who shattered the crystal in the first place. The prequel has the shattering happen due to a "transporter" accident. But nonetheless I have enjoyed the prequels for fleshing out the world. The last installment suppose to go from the end of the second book to when the wall of prophesy is erected...
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SkekLa In reply to ludic7 [2015-07-29 15:10:57 +0000 UTC]
Hmmmmm I will want to read that! I wish they don't postpone it liie they did with the first ones...
Yes...according to the original story, it was indeed one of the skeksis who broke it...though,is it not shown there taht they split after the transporting accident and the rites going awry, and then one of the skeksis shatters the crystal in rage...and everything collapses, as Aughra faints and the Mystics flee?...I got it that way, as for what the comics show...though yes, it derives from the original in that the Urskek were not wanting to erase their darker sides from within themselves, but only wishing to go back to their homeworld...which changes things a lot...
I mean, definitely I would understand if skeksis,as a new life form would surge imbibed of hate and resentment after the other half of them wanted to destroy them fro Β existence (who wouldn'y be furious?)
In this different context, things seem to have lost such logical point...to me at least.
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