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| lola162
# Statistics
Favourites: 1926; Deviations: 112; Watchers: 15
Watching: 28; Pageviews: 6155; Comments Made: 559; Friends: 28
# Comments
Comments: 201
xfrazzlexdazzlex [2009-07-18 00:13:49 +0000 UTC]
I put up some of my poetry, if you want to check it out.
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lola162 In reply to xfrazzlexdazzlex [2009-07-21 23:32:43 +0000 UTC]
Only if you check out mine, dearie. xDD But I will.
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lola162 In reply to xfrazzlexdazzlex [2009-07-22 17:02:18 +0000 UTC]
NOW READ AND CHECK OUT MY STUFFIES D: -hides before you can shoot me- I appreciate your comments as much as you appreciate mine. xD But don't feel rushed, of course.
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xfrazzlexdazzlex In reply to lola162 [2009-07-23 23:30:56 +0000 UTC]
I will just as soon as I have the time. I've been worn to a frazzle, dear. Too much work. But you, ma'am. Need to text me tomorrow. I have something, a rather interesting tidbit, to tell you. I think you're either going to laugh or be like O_o. But anyway, just as soon as possible, love.
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lola162 In reply to xfrazzlexdazzlex [2009-07-27 19:06:45 +0000 UTC]
Crap, I never texted you, did I? D: I shall have to get on that, won't I? However, I'm leaving for vacation in a few days...xD
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Poetrymann [2009-07-11 01:44:33 +0000 UTC]
Thanks very much for taking the time to view and fave my work!
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6eternity9 In reply to 6eternity9 [2009-07-06 15:39:24 +0000 UTC]
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Emerald-Depths [2009-06-20 07:57:08 +0000 UTC]
Thank you so much for faving "Ice II."
I'm glad you liked it. ^^
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FireflyPhotosAust [2009-06-14 00:20:16 +0000 UTC]
Thank you very much for the on "Fishing for Angels"
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Poetrymann [2009-06-06 12:29:50 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for faving my work. Enjoy your weekend!
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lola162 In reply to MiniPudding8 [2009-05-28 03:05:15 +0000 UTC]
Kim! Oh, wow, have I been gone for quite a time... but now that is school is out, perhaps I will be on. xD Thank you so very much, my dear, for your message! I truly appreciate it; you're very kind. I don't know how you remembered... :b
I missed your birthday, as I've been quite absent from dA as of late (actually, I haven't been on that much all year). Happy very, very late birthday, my friend! (: Let me see, here, it was April 10th, was it not? I'd better not be wrong - in fact, I seem to have a knack for remembering people's birthdays. o.O
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MiniPudding8 In reply to lola162 [2009-05-28 19:45:26 +0000 UTC]
wow you're out of school already?! @___@ I end on June 17th. you're welcome ! I remember a lot of birthdays xDDD
don't worry, I wasn't active for a while either. haha, thanks ! but your 15 days off. xD
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lola162 In reply to MiniPudding8 [2009-05-30 03:10:22 +0000 UTC]
Wow, that's pretty late, but we start early. xD Although, I must say, I am extremely upset about school ending - ninth grade was, by far, my favorite year yet, and I am the most nostalgic creature. o_O I must make a journal soon, if I can, to catch everyone up as much as is possible...
Damn it! This has lowered my self-esteem considerably. T_T But you're welcome, all the same. (:
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MiniPudding8 In reply to lola162 [2009-05-31 01:47:12 +0000 UTC]
oh, yeah ! you start in August don't you? @____@ ninth grade might be the best for you now, but you have three more years to be the judge of that. xD you should make a journal. I like reading them even if I don't respond. they're very... dunno... interesting? I can't find a word. xD
;x ; /gives you self-esteem
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lola162 In reply to MiniPudding8 [2009-05-31 17:34:13 +0000 UTC]
Yes, I do start in August, unfortunately (or fortunately for me, since I love school. SHH, don't tell anyone, I'm a nerd :3). That is true, my friend. - scratches chin - But it's weird, as I usually enjoy my first year in a new school the best and the last year, which should be the most fun, ends up the worst. x.x And how has seventh grade been for you? Oh, god almighty, please don't tell me I'm forgetting your grade (I don't think I am, as you've just turned thirteen, right?); we haven't talked in so long. T_T I feel behiiiind!
Why, thank you! xD Haha, I'm glad you read them, even if you don't respond - often I don't, either. And your wish has been granted - I've made an extremely long one, the longest in a while.
- huggles you -
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MiniPudding8 In reply to lola162 [2009-06-01 02:15:13 +0000 UTC]
I'd kind of rather start in August... more in between weather during May. August is boring anyway... (and super humid) besides meteor showers. that's actually true, about the first and last years... I guess it's because things are new, and you're pretty bored of it by the end and just waiting to get it over with? ( I would never want to get out of high school... it's a childish thought but... ish. :C )
No you're right ! xD 7th grade is okay. the rotating schedule (we have a 6 day cylce) and remember locker #s and such really got me the first month or so. I remember trying to open someone else's locker with my code by accident. x_____x they all look the same. but, yeah, I'm 13. and still cellphoneless. xDDD (which I've come to realize is a life necessity for people this new public school... >___> ) maybe we could catch up over the summer. I'm not all for dA's messaging system though. :S
you're welcome. Cx I almost never reply, especially when it comes to your journals... I feel as though I can never make up a half decent response that actually means something. xDD yes, I just read it before replying ! took me a bit of time. (10-15 minutes? I'm such a slow reader...)
Yay C: /squeal
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lola162 In reply to MiniPudding8 [2009-06-04 17:09:00 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, I suppose you're right... I despise summer, though, no matter when it starts. x.x Meteor showers? You have meteor showers? I don't think I've ever seen one (but who knows)! I'm glad that someone agrees with me on that matter. xD I'm always surprised that I enjoy first years, as I am one of those people who takes a long time to adjust to new things...
And not to worry; I never want to leave high school, either. (;
A 6-day cycle? Hmm, I'm not sure I follow, but ah, well. Here at my high school we have block days every Wednesday and Thursday (or did this year, at least, I think they're changing something about the schedule next year) - odd classes on Wednesday and even on Thursday. And we also get out earlier on Tuesdays and Thursdays (just a bit). Ahahaha, I've done that before, with the lockers. xD It's easy to make that mistake, unfortunately, you know, but usually I subconsciously memorize the locker number. o.O
CELL PHONES WILL BE THE END OF THE WORLD AS WE KNOW IT! Do not succumb to their evilness. o: Yes, I have one, and I despise it - well, okay, not despise, but I rarely, rarely use it (because I'm antisocial, yay!). Do not conform! Do noooot! Be glad you don't have one.
Yeah, catching up sounds good, though I don't know how we will if we don't use the regular system. xD
I've always had the feeling that you, along with 98% of my subscribers, read them but just don't respond. xD And I'm all right with that, as the journals I make are long-winded, demented, and probably extremely awkward to respond to. Don't be silly, any response would be worthwhile for me - don't degrade yourself, child. :b I'm a slow reader as well, by the way; it's all good.
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MiniPudding8 In reply to lola162 [2009-06-07 00:25:19 +0000 UTC]
yeah, I usually miss them though... they're really pretty though C: the sky is always so empty on normal days (pollution+streetlights)... but it's amazing when they like rain down in the sky. adujusting to new things is hard, but I guess it depends on what it is...
It's so strange after school is over, since they occupy most of your week. it's almost confusing to think of what to do in so much free time.
Hmm... like Mon is day 1, Tues is 2, Wed is 3, Thurs is 5, Fri is 5, Mon is 6, Tues is 1... like that. so you have different classes on different days of the week. block classes? could you explain, please? x___x oh, that's probably a good idea... I just memorize who's next to me.
I try, because I like the stare people give me, but it's so frustrating to be out of the loop in conversations...
dA notes? I feel like I'm spamming your page xD
exactly ! I find journals a waste of time, actually, I mean because, I don't do commissions/arttrades/requests whatever... what would I even talk about? xDD okay, I'll try to respond on your next (shorter) journal. xD
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