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lionback [15967391] [] "paul alexander"

# Statistics

Favourites: 543; Deviations: 692; Watchers: 83

Watching: 22; Pageviews: 27917; Comments Made: 1499; Friends: 22

# Comments

Comments: 166

kingart4 [2015-04-16 18:15:17 +0000 UTC]

Your sculptures are amazing!  Stumbled on them because I'm just about ready to cast a Gamorrean I sculpted (www.facebook.com/media/set/?se… ) .  No where near as nice as yours!  wish I';d found these for reference pictures sooner!  Your Gamorrean is awesome.  But the Bosck?  Freaking amazing!

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AlphaFrequency [2013-08-02 11:26:19 +0000 UTC]

Check this out
Lloyd Pye Diagnosed With Cancer.           
        Now most of you may not know who Lloyd Pye is so let me give you a simple introduction. He wrote this book and a handful of other material concerning a different approach to the story of the human race. This guy and countless others subscribe to the Ancient Astronaut or Ancient Alien theory. Lloyd calls it intervention in his other Ebook Intervention Essentials. Now what makes this guy special? I'm an intelligent person who went to school is well read and even subscribed to most of what our so called scientific leaders and teachers told me was solid "theory." This guy makes theory more believable. After reading this book I to a degree understood how genetics actually work. He uses hard science and intensive research from various sou

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vadimcream [2013-02-22 18:29:33 +0000 UTC]

Hello, love your work. Please check your inbox for a message from me regarding featuring your Batman Consept mask as part of a slideshow featuring unique takes on the batman mask on the website I work for. You'll be joining a showcase of some truly amazing artists. I hope to hear from you!


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biskit27 [2013-02-10 01:45:01 +0000 UTC]


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lionback [2013-01-14 02:27:26 +0000 UTC]

Lost Book of Enki

Third Tablet

Adapted my Paul Alexander

Alalu on returning to the chariot did ponder his new field of view, was he to take hold of this is chance to regain the thrown of the king or was he to accept defeat that had been fairly won in single combat at wrestling with Anu the victor...

The seat Alalu now commanded, enliven the chart that knew all the heavenly circuits, around this commanders chair the paths of destiny coerced, even the vast ocean of space has its tides has its ways of passage and paths. From within the seat Alalu directed the speaker of words toward Nibiru, threw this channel the words of a king were spoke...

" This is Alalu directed to Anu, greetings from another world I am seated. I breath another air nests in my chest and I view another sight falls upon mine eyes... I have found what is most needed, the gold that will save are world and heal the wounds of industry and war.. I alone can bring this to you Anu King of Nibiru... You must bend to my demands!!!".

The speaker of words beamed the voice threw the paths and to Nibiru, in his council Anu the words were herd and astonished was his attention, the counselors astonished and the sages..

Was this true, could Alau be on another world...was he not in hiding on Nibiru?, did he not go to a place of concealment in a celestial chariot to a place unknown...
Gold where has Alalu discovered what we could not find...?. The commander of the celestial chariots was summoned. he was commanded to investigate the transmission of the spoken words ...
From beyond the hammer bracelet the words not from Nibiru were spoken, on the seventh planet Ki Alalu's voice was directed...

Utter amazement was the face of the council, the King and that sages, eye in wide open astonishment.
Anu the king spoke , bring the learned teacher of the history, with him I will make council.
From within the walls of power rumor spread, the former king was still alive and more, an alien world was his home and power was in his voice again, help much needed help has been offered to save all Nibiru and its people.

The wise and old prefect entered the halls of the council and was given the facts of Alalu's discovery.
After a great pondering and studying the prefect openly and clearly told the council that Alalu had great knowledge of the circuits and the Gods of the Heaven, there movements and of the great water monster Tiamat, how its veins ran gold and the cleaving of the passing, how the North Wind was consumed and devoured making hole the half that was broken... How the molten core of Tiamat was cast in to the hammer bracelet and more..
Anu king of Nibiru summoned a high council of the princes and the counselors, all the sages and wise seeirs. If indeed the gold of salvation had been found on dark hued Ki the seventh planet it has to be acted upon with all speed...

Anu directed the commander of the speaker of words to direct a message of welcome to Alalu, that great wonder and amazement at his news was felt and Anu had nothing of revenge within his heart. To parlay the two must and heal the divisions. After all they were by family and law related, Ea was espoused to Alalu's daughter and son in law to Alalu he was. The much needed gold has to be tested, its quality assured . Detailed information is required on how you Alalu have passed the hammer bracelet...?

All this and more was sent to Alalu, the words directed to him on the seventh planet.
Alalu hastily listened and poured forth is demands.. "I shall after providing my people with the salvation in gold be reinstated as king, the counselors will bend at the knee and hail my coronation, my bloodline will be pronounced the highest and the commander will obey my words, the princes will declare me king... these are my demand...

On Nibiru Anu was entering the create council, the replayed words ringing in his airs, the high prefect clearly the words of Alalu spoken... Wide eyes and open mouths, after the counselors a clammier to speak was herd then silence as the king directed open the voice of this wise council member.. " Alalu may not be truth telling, mischief could be his ways.. WE MUST Have the Proof...
again all the halls were of raised voices and claims of traitor or this can not be ignored the fate of are future is at hand... A single prince stepped forward , EA was his name. He was first born son to Anu by a concubine. Ea was a great scientist this skills supassed by none and he was greatly respected among is peers and the elders. Ea who's name means his home is of water, spoke..

I am son by law to Alalu, as you know my spouse is his offspring. We were brought together to heal the two houses of are fathers... I am also the kings son so my hands are bound to all in this conflict. Let Alalu be on dark-hued Ki king and let I the son by law verify this Alalu's findings. I will pass threw the hammer bracelet not with weapons of terror and fire but with water and on the seventh planet I will place are mark and make heist the returning gold..

All in the council herd the words of Ea and there wisdoms, Anu commanded that Ea his first born son will lead the mission the KI and the founding of the seventh planet.

Then a second prince made his voice herd and all stopped to listen.. This was Enlil, prince and air to the thrown of Nibiru and second born to Anu to his spouse and queen. Enlil was a prince of power and his name means" He who commands..." I do not except this claim by Alalu, he lost the thrown in single combat, his time as king was full of calamity and woe... I demand proofs, Anu raised his hand and commanded that the council make all that was ready checked and the speaker is to demand proofs of the Gold , the waters of KI and all that has been boasted will be varefied...

Alalu gathered to him his equipment, from the crystals the proofs will be sent, the proofs of gold were sent , the proofs of water, the corse of the eagle and the proofs of the braking of the hammer bracelet. All was send to Nibiru... Alalu held firm in his heart that his plan would work...

On Nibiru a second council was in session the proofs verified and studied, the news that Alalu had weapons of terror within his eagle was met with fear in some but not all. The preparations were being made, a celestial chariot of immense size and power was built and all plans were checked and made. The King had received word that Alalu has excepted that Anu was rightful king on Nibiru but on delivery of the promised gold a second wrestling match be fought and the victor will be pronounced king.. All this was in agreement, Ea was to lead this mission and travel to his father by law in the far-away on the seventh planet Ki and take control of the waters by them to obtain the gold from the rivers industry will create, Ea commander will assess the lands and from the lands make all foods and herb available and accessible, Ea who commands this mission will assess the sky's and take all fouls and flying thing to study and to make available there values, Ea who commands this mission will assess the soil, all its minerals and ore, make available threw industry its values. The king Anu stands and pronounces that Ea his first born son and the son of Alalu by law will command the mission to the seventh planet and all heist will be required to prepare for the great journey in to the far-away, all wills shall be bent to this task hence forth... Enlil quickly stands to protest but the word of the King Anu could not be broken...

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Matsucorp [2013-01-07 17:12:22 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for all the faves!


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

lionback In reply to Matsucorp [2013-01-07 17:13:50 +0000 UTC]

your most welcome Bro.. beats looking at Puss puss

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lionback [2013-01-05 16:00:45 +0000 UTC]

Second tablet part 2

Alalu opens his eyes and to his delight he is still alive, and upon Ki (Earth) the eagle has landed...
This was the very beginning of the account of the so called (Golden Era) and how from Nibiru to Ki (Earth) The mission was started to obtain the precious metal GOLD.

Alalu had been a great learner of the universe, from a youngster he was encouraged by his parents to study the heavens and there circlets, the distances between the planets and there movements among the stars, he was not beyond acquiring from his masters in those days all the knowledge he could attain and if not by them then by there Servest he would acquire. He lurnet about the forming of the solar system and of the Hammer bracelet, from which planet it was shattered and the many metals and minerals that the planets were consisted of, this was his passion and his mind was full of this learning.

Alalu knew that Tiamat was bound to have gold in great quantaties but how to obtain that gold he new not, how to even get to the remainder of Tiamat was supposedly impossible to pass the hammer bracelet no crafts has ever achieved. To take an eagle with the olden weapons within was providential he thought, more and more he is mind was to thinking this hole episode was destiny and it was written so from the begining of time...
Ei is now a repaired world, different from its mother Tiamat and as its father Nibiru it had matured in to a world of wondrous things Green life giving earth and blue white sky, thin clear air and fresh running waters. All manner of sounds were being recorded, within the eagle Alalu prepared himself to explore this his exile away from Nibiru. The gravity was some what lessened than Nibiru and the sun was almost blinding bright upon the earth of Ki. Alalu put on a fish suite and donned an eagles helmet, he gestured for the craft to open and from the ship the first Annunaki placed his feet upon Ki (Earth).

The eagle had landed at the head of marsh lands, in the distance mountains Alalu could see and Forrest. Towards the waters Alalu walker, in to the waters striding and to shuddering his body was over taken, cold was disagreeable to him so to the dry land he retreated and he placed technical equipment in to the waters to see if it was drinkable, it was not and he held back the feelings of disappointment, This was and Alien world and the versinity had to explore before disappointment was necessary but then within the waters great fishes he could see gliding in the depths, that was greatly encouraging to Alalu. For a time he walked on land and again tested a river where the water was drinkable its quality and purity studied. Samples were stored and darkness was fast approaching now. He started to return to the chariot before night fall, arriving as just to see a sight that made his heart leap. Rising in the blue darkened clear sky was KINGU, the moon of the long passed Tiamat, to look upon the truth and not just to learn about its being filled Alalu heart with joy and the sight was a tonic for the faithful.

Within the eagle Alalu hurridley created maps from the scans that were previous to the landing and Alalu had a fixed destination to travel in the morning and to his amazement that morning light was just starting to appear in the east. The fast secrets of the planet Ki were hard to get used to but with that the tests came back about the atmosphere and its ability to be inhaled, yes it was breathable and so Alalu did not put on the eagles helmet but instead took it with a hand weapon and opened the exit and stood there to meet the morning air...

Surrounded by the heat of the night, wrapping around his body he opened
his mouth and breathed in deeply... holding and then exhailing... again he breathed and with joy he started to sing, songs of his youth he sung as he secured his craft and started on the path he had devised that night.
His path protected from the harsh sun Alalu made his way under the canopy of trees, the air was sweet the the sent of fruit on the branches, Red and ripe looking this fruit was. Alalu plucked some fruit from the branches and partaken of its flesh. The juice fill his mouth , sweet and very good he swallowed and again eat the fine fruit, smiling with his discovery Alalu made his way threw the wooded area to a large pool of clear water. Testing its quality he was satisfied that is was portable and so drank... It was good and some how very different from the water's back home on Nibiru. He started to laugh to himself, an uncontrollable laugh as he lowered the vessel for another measure but was startled by a great hissing sound. Instantly Alau recoiled and drew his weapon, the cup falling to the waters...
A creature moved at his feet with a huge long body and pebbles fro a skin, its fierce eyes looked upon him and its tong flashed back and forth. No legs had this strange creature and ungulating was its gate. Alalu fried his lazars against the aggressive creature and destroyed its life force, death engulfed it body. Alalu was disturbed by this creature!. No such being lived upon Nibiru and he checked its structure carefully. Was this the keeper of the pool?, was this the Master of the orchard?, with his flask Alalu took of the water...

Alalu started Back to the Eagle, fast and sharp were his eyes for more of the hissing things may be at hand. From the orchard Alalu again took of the fruit, the day was now darkening and Alalu was amazed how short the days were on this planet. His task at hand was now to redeem is kingship of Nibiru and of this his Alien World KI. He commanded the eagle to open its doors as he ran forward in the clear evening air, thrust in the chariot his testing equipment was at hand and a fish suite he donned. "I will find the gold of this land" he shouted as the eagles chair he again commanded, helmet now firmly fixed upon its gaze to the river estuaries that poor in to the sea the great eagle was commanded.
The dusts were scattered and the great wings heaved against the pull of gravity as the eagle took off, this was like no other sight ever to have been beheld on this planet Alalu's craft made hast to its destination. Fish suite was so call for good reason for within the estuary Alalu now was beneath the waters... his heart was beating fast, his mind focused on its task. The equipment at hand the tester ready, samples taken and studied. Alalu eyes were softly illuminated by the face of the instruments and the count began.... His heart stopped! Yes there was gold, fine particles of gold flowed with the waters.

It was as the old tales had said Tiamat was said that rivers ran with gold, and this the half left that the NorthWind (Nibiru's moon) made hole surly must also have the greatest amount of gold?.
Again the test was performed and again a even stronger reading TRIUMPH!!! was the cry Alalu made... and with pure delight his hole body surged, Nibiru's fate Alalu had within hi grasp.

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lionback [2013-01-04 16:50:57 +0000 UTC]

Second Tablet
Adapted by Paul Alexander

Alalu stured the fire stone within the celestial eagle as it sliced threw Nibiru's thick atmosphere, this was some how always his plan he though, to bring his Kingship to the heavens. The great wings pulled in tighter to the body of the eagle of war as the dark heavens rushed forth. Alalu looked back at his kingdom rageing like a fire was it look, hot and massive. He watched it reducing size, he could see the great hole in the outer atmosphere and it loomed like a black eye, deep and hollow as a well. More speed was encouraged from the great fire stone and again Alalu looked back at Nibiru, its was now smaller and diminishing, no longer could he sees the scare on the great red surging planet. the eagles wings now locked within its tightening body, a cores correction was made and more power.
Alalu looked back a third time and Nibiru his home, his kingdom was but a speck and his heart was heavy with the feelings of aloneness....

The yarning blackness of space filled his eyes and regret started to fill his mind, not the determination that he had when entering the Chariot in the celestial port. The distance was overwhelming, the journey he had set himself was legendary. No ship had ever passed the hammer bracelet (asteroid belt) its was like a great moving wall of defenders keeping out the travelers in space, stopping even the commits from entering the inner system, the ships that were sent to mine the hammer bracelet for gold never returned, obliterated they had obviously become, smash like shell under the feet of giants.

The fire stone hummed and a hundred leagues had been made, a thousand leagues and then ten thousand leagues the chariot was coursing. In the far away Alalu could see distant stars, there twinkling were like the eyes of the Gods... More leagues were traveled and more, in the distant heavens Alalu could see the first of the celestial gods, faintly like a light in the dark of the darkest night Alalu was thundering toward Pluto.
Its light a gateway to the inner system and the first glimpse of the far away. Towards it the eagle pulled its corset and by it to swing the way and be thrown on by a god of heaven. Next the loom were the watery twins, blue and blue/green there spender, the sight filled Alalu's eyes emotion matched there substance as the eagle coursed forward to the forth celestial god Saturn...
Passing the great rings they rushed beneath him like a table of shimmering ice, the eagle turning and again the course was set onward, onwards there was no going back only forward and with a mind that is bent on what it must do Alalu made his way. The greatest heavenly god now in the eagles sight approaching, with ore Alalu looked up on Jupiter the planet massive and turbulent its atmosphere raging n swirling torment, He could not see the surface of Jupiter but could imagine deep beneath its clouds the storm raged planet now pulling against the celestial chariot with its mighty power Great Jupiter pulls in to it all things that come within its range, this protects the planets beyond the hammer bracelet.

Now Alalu hands ran quickly across the instruments, his heart began to beat faster and he feared the approaching wall go the hammer bracelet (asteroid belt) there was no way threw this barrier, no path, no gate, against this foe the terror weapons he then discharged. From within the eagle an arsenal like the great talons of its name sake lowered in to view. Racing from the ship and in waves snaking there path against the wall of stone orphans that without a mother to hold them tight had grouped together as orphans do... The brilliance was as a star being born. Alalu pitched the ship left and right allowing for the passing of the debris, again the terror weapons of old destroyed the barrier that stood in there way and Alalu felt the wave of relief pass over his body. He thought that this was a great omen of good tidings, shaking with the strain of this experience, yes this had to be destiny that as always to happen. Now free from the danger of the hammer bracelet the eagle raced ever forward, is fire stone again pushed by Alalu command, towards the god of War... Mars, shining red and brown in the darkness. Mars was the gateway the the remnant of Tiamat, now that planet was the Seventh planet in the solar system, Nibiru being the tenth planet....

Alalu orbited the ice capped world, smaller than Nibiru with a much thinner atmosphere, its lands were divided in to three land masses and atits poles were great ice caps. From within the Eagle equipment was stirring and beams were sent to within the very bowls of the planet, looking deeply , discovering its secrets, an abundance of metals were discovered, among them the metal that dose not decay and stays pure and bright Gold. Alalu had discovered an abundance of gold.

Alalu brought the chariot within the atmosphere of the planet and opened the eagle's wings to bring a steadying to the decent, bright flames from the hot gases erupting all around the celestial chariot. The wings to landing were now stretched and Alalu hesitated, as his fate to crash land on the hard lands this planet or was he to splash down and sink in to the dark deeps of the sea. He again felt unsure of what to do and left the decision upon the eagles own functioning. Spinning within the oven of the outer atmosphere the crash breached the sky and feet spread wide besides the full resistance of the great wings the eagles was to crash and all at once the chariot stopped hitting the lands and blackness fill the hole world...

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lionback [2012-12-31 12:15:00 +0000 UTC]

Hi all @ DeviantArt, well I got myself all exited about 21-12-12 and the end of the Myan calendar. I hoped that something incredible would happen and are world would change.. but the same old crap is still going on and I feel We all have been let down by the Mayans. Ok so we are now in the age of Aquarius and enlightenment but nothing is changing!!, did the world leader stop there wars against the countries they want things from? NO... have the poor in Africa and India suddenly got food to eat and clothes to where? NO... are we exploiting children in sweat shops all over the world to make us are Primark clothes and are Crappy furniture that wount last out the year? YES...

Q: Tell me people what make a booming economy???

A: A thirdworld, an Africa, a poor people to exploit... thats what make rich people..

A hole continent of poor struggling people make abou 5% of the population incredibly ritch!!!. Nothing else dose it... so this dream we are all told to aspire to really means that that car you have set your heart on will grind down poor families in to the dirt to get it to you...

Those expensive clothes have took the skin of the children's hands to make... and that food you have just thrown out because no body could eat another bite will rot in the ground while hundreds if not thousands of children were to poor to eat this month and will die next month because in order for the west to stuff there faces and have gastric band operations because they are morbidly obese others have to look like walking skeletons and die painfully.

Lets not wait for God or anything else to change are world so that every person gets food and clothes and a worm dry place to sleep and live.. not a palace and not a slum but a clean strong home and basic food so they grow well and are healthy... its not a mirical we need its the strength to say NO!!! to greed and the people who have the most in this world have to be told its not just for them... We all have a right to a good life without excess and without selfishness.

Say NO to more than they need....

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lionback [2012-12-14 09:49:05 +0000 UTC]

Ok we are entering in to another Bactune and this is the age of enlightenment where we can join the galactic family and take are place in the universe. The family has been watching for centenary if not millennia but until now the quickening has always been suppressed... The communication revolution has been are savior but if we miss are chance and don't wake up to who we are and are place in this time we could be slaves to the company's that need drones to make them at the top of the system ever more drunk on the money they so worship, while the drones are thrown the scraps of so called knowledge they want us to have... The term Mushrooms is the best way to describe what we collectively have become, kept in the dark and fed crap!!!

We are Human being and that is an amazing heritage from the stars and are home here on Earth, we have the genetic mask of the Annunaki and the Hominid of Earth. We were created to work for the Annunaki but even they did not fully understand what they have created back in the remote past.

Its all at your fingertips.. Read the books of Zecharia Sitchin and Lloyd Pye and you will get the truth worts and all... The first steps are the hardes to take and then after your feet will find the true path to enlightenment about the greatest questions humanity have ever asked..

Who are we?... Where did we come from?... What is are purpose?.... Are we alone?...

Don't wait for the local school to teach your children the truth, don't wait for the news channel to tell you what is all around you... WAKE-UP NOW....Please!!!

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Crafedo-Esquire [2012-12-12 15:50:50 +0000 UTC]

Thank you very much for the fav! Much obliged

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lionback In reply to Crafedo-Esquire [2012-12-12 21:29:05 +0000 UTC]

[link] thank you

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guitarbri [2012-12-07 09:56:32 +0000 UTC]

Hey Paul, you still doing okay?
the word is bro that Nibiru may
come in view by 122112 but
either way it should be just
like any other day I am hearing
that Full Change wont be till
very early 2013 Cheers Bro (:

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lionback In reply to guitarbri [2012-12-07 17:16:17 +0000 UTC]

there is so much going around, think of what was said in the new testiment, Jesus said that there will be many false profits... many people that say they know what will happen?. Be of clear mind my Brother, this has all happened before, this will all happen again!!! the clearer your mind and the calmer you are the better your soul will cope with the doors that will open.

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guitarbri [2012-11-10 23:57:14 +0000 UTC]

thanks for fave brother

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lionback In reply to guitarbri [2012-11-20 07:02:57 +0000 UTC]

yes we are brothers, you so welcome

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guitarbri In reply to lionback [2012-11-20 08:41:49 +0000 UTC]

hey brother it's been a few
a weeks how are you?

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lionback In reply to guitarbri [2012-11-20 15:10:13 +0000 UTC]

Hi, I am thinking of the end date 21/12/12 and hoping that I have seen the signs write, I have had a great opening of my mind and my soul of late brother, all the things I used to toil with and deny are falling in to place and becoming clear. This is making me very tolarent of my brothers and sisters, I feel like a child again in some ways now I understand the truth about us all... how are you

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guitarbri In reply to lionback [2012-11-20 16:41:00 +0000 UTC]

Hello I hear you brother I am in the
exact same place as you are, I have
been feeling very much like a child
again in fact a lot. Been going
through old photos of me as a child
a lot it's really strange, it sounds
to me you have lock on things so this
is fantastic. other than that all is
just fine. Very good to hear all
this keep it going I will keep in
touch brother hang tight

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Mogen666 [2012-09-19 04:11:59 +0000 UTC]

hey man have you ever done a casting of like a sculpture(bust), like the ones i do.

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lionback In reply to Mogen666 [2012-09-19 15:20:06 +0000 UTC]

yes, it can get trick with little sculpts and depending on the pose but yea you can mold it up with latex or silicone...

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Mogen666 In reply to lionback [2012-09-20 02:17:50 +0000 UTC]

yeah thats one of the things i want to coming up soon, thanks for the ideas I'll be trying it soon.

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Marija343 [2012-09-09 12:18:07 +0000 UTC]

Thx for faving my poem ^^

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lionback In reply to Marija343 [2012-09-09 18:37:50 +0000 UTC]

your most welcome, very hart felt poem you wrote!

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deepland [2012-08-29 09:09:50 +0000 UTC]

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lionback In reply to deepland [2012-08-29 11:02:35 +0000 UTC]

very kind, thanks

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Grey-Lite [2012-08-28 20:05:22 +0000 UTC]

Very interesting work. I have a lot of questions for you though.

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lionback In reply to Grey-Lite [2012-08-28 20:09:41 +0000 UTC]

hello, please ask anything and I will try to answer...

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tonythestripes [2012-08-11 23:35:26 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the
Your work is amazing!

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lionback In reply to tonythestripes [2012-08-17 18:43:36 +0000 UTC]

thanks and your welcome...

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TerraZin50 [2012-08-11 13:00:42 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for all the faves.

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lionback In reply to TerraZin50 [2012-08-11 13:41:02 +0000 UTC]


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TerraZin50 In reply to lionback [2012-08-12 08:23:48 +0000 UTC]

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Anarch-inks [2012-08-11 00:55:16 +0000 UTC]

Your gallery is unbelievably amazing!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

lionback In reply to Anarch-inks [2012-08-11 08:56:01 +0000 UTC]

Thank you...

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foxdog77 [2012-08-08 05:46:43 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the +watch

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Jplocinski [2012-07-14 15:14:41 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the fav.

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lionback In reply to Jplocinski [2012-07-15 06:04:22 +0000 UTC]

your welcome

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Jplocinski In reply to lionback [2012-07-15 19:41:14 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

AnKer-Illustration [2012-07-14 14:24:57 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the fav!

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lionback In reply to AnKer-Illustration [2012-07-14 14:43:32 +0000 UTC]


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Hunter-Fett [2012-05-11 21:46:58 +0000 UTC]

Hey mate hope your well and things going great for you

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lionback In reply to Hunter-Fett [2012-05-12 20:37:54 +0000 UTC]

Yea man... Im cool, cant wait for Prometheus!!!! I hope it blasts us all in to the dark side...you can keep the blue monkeys I want the scary as hell anti-angels that H.R Giger gave birth too.....

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mostlymade [2012-04-21 18:09:41 +0000 UTC]

Yo, Lionback,
I remembered you liked my Foo Dog Head drawing and I just posted something simlimar I think you might dig. Check it here:

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lionback In reply to mostlymade [2012-05-01 20:57:48 +0000 UTC]

Cool Ian, thanks for showing me... keep doing the top designs

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Hunter-Fett [2011-12-25 01:16:49 +0000 UTC]

Happy Christmas dude hope you have a wonderfull day from me and all the 99th all the best

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

lionback In reply to Hunter-Fett [2011-12-26 22:11:53 +0000 UTC]

Thanks Craig, all the best to you mate

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

RoadTripDog [2011-11-08 19:59:43 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the Jeepers Creepers fave

👍: 0 ⏩: 2

lionback In reply to RoadTripDog [2011-11-22 06:39:24 +0000 UTC]

your welcome

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