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leesers [285683] [] "hello!"

# Statistics

Favourites: 25; Deviations: 52; Watchers: 886

Watching: 39; Pageviews: 90782; Comments Made: 7364; Friends: 39

# Comments

Comments: 881

Gurdim [2019-11-26 21:52:53 +0000 UTC]

cool art and cool gallery!

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

pamlaisly232 [2019-09-23 07:13:44 +0000 UTC]

happy b-dayΒ 

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pamlaisly232 [2018-09-24 00:36:11 +0000 UTC]

happy b-dayΒ 

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MrJechgo [2015-09-23 10:10:00 +0000 UTC]

Happy B-Day ^_^

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Chiari-Queen [2015-03-14 01:51:28 +0000 UTC]

I tag you!Β link

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N0vaAngel [2014-10-31 07:16:25 +0000 UTC]

YOU'VE BEEN HUGGED!! Huggle huggle <3
for all your amazing work and being the awesome person you are~
Spread the DA love around! (you can copy and paste this message on their userpage!)

1- You can hug the person who hugged you!
2- You -MUST- hug 10 other people, at least!
3- You should hug them in public! Paste it on their page!
4- Random hugs are perfectly okay! (and sweet)
5- You should most definitely get started hugging right away!
Send This To All Your Friends, And Me If I Am 1.
If You Get 7 Back You Are Loved!
1-3 you're bad friend
4-6 you're an ok friend
7-9 you're a good friend
10-& Up you're loved =7=

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AtEternitysGate [2014-09-23 22:14:17 +0000 UTC]

Congratulations, Lyse.

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Nyekii [2014-09-23 13:19:29 +0000 UTC]

happy birthday!!!

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MrJechgo [2014-09-23 10:48:41 +0000 UTC]

Happy B-Day ^_^

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straywind [2013-09-23 15:07:04 +0000 UTC]

Happy Birthday! <3

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MaxxCrow [2013-09-23 13:03:51 +0000 UTC]

Happy Birthday!

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MrJechgo [2013-09-23 10:57:23 +0000 UTC]

Happy B-Day ^_^

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DerangedDenny [2013-08-28 03:47:45 +0000 UTC]

Hello! I was wondering if you would be interested in being a contributor of a prize to my 'Homestuck:Β What Gives Your Life Meaning' contest. I you don't I'll understand, and thank you for considering :3

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bea1332 [2013-04-30 02:02:18 +0000 UTC]

i lovelovelove your beautiful artwork! it's just lovely and every piece made me smile

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leesers In reply to bea1332 [2013-07-04 21:18:05 +0000 UTC]

!!! Thank you ;_; Thank you so, so much. What a kind comment β™₯

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bea1332 In reply to leesers [2013-07-15 18:05:11 +0000 UTC]

you're so welcome. have a nice day!

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xT4N1Ax [2013-02-16 06:07:48 +0000 UTC]


Now for normal talk..:
Keep on the good work! I really love it!

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leesers In reply to xT4N1Ax [2013-02-19 16:24:12 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so very much! β™₯ It made my day to hear you enjoy my drawings :]

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BeBe-Face [2013-01-20 16:24:44 +0000 UTC]

tagged! [link]

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animejanethekiller [2012-12-19 01:49:36 +0000 UTC]

[link] pesterchum online chat join 4 free for homestucks!

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newera14 [2012-11-11 16:42:32 +0000 UTC]

i like your arts!! great work

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leesers In reply to newera14 [2012-11-16 04:47:42 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much! β™₯

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Fyrisvellir [2012-10-12 11:39:23 +0000 UTC]

Your art is just so damn adorable!


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leesers In reply to Fyrisvellir [2012-10-16 00:43:58 +0000 UTC]

!!! ;_; t-thank you! β™₯

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Fyrisvellir In reply to leesers [2012-10-16 08:30:56 +0000 UTC]

Believe me, you're very welcome.

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Crazyhero44 [2012-09-23 18:00:44 +0000 UTC]

Happy birthday, Lyse

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leesers In reply to Crazyhero44 [2012-09-24 02:23:40 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much! ;_; β™₯

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Crazyhero44 In reply to leesers [2012-09-24 09:28:59 +0000 UTC]


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ditto9 [2012-09-23 15:15:11 +0000 UTC]

AAAAH happy birthday super inspiring lovely amazing leesers!

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leesers In reply to ditto9 [2012-09-24 02:24:14 +0000 UTC]

!!! ;m; t-thank you! You're too sweet and thoughtful β™₯

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

ZeTrystan [2012-09-11 17:18:37 +0000 UTC]

You cosplayed Cheryl, once? D8

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leesers In reply to ZeTrystan [2012-09-13 00:26:56 +0000 UTC]

Yes! Cheryl Mason from Silent Hill: Shattered Memories, at least :]

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ZeTrystan In reply to leesers [2012-09-13 03:27:26 +0000 UTC]

Daaaaaaaamn, I didn't knew that! (you're even more awesome now! Haha!)
Stubbled on a photo with you and other awesome cosplayers for the Shattered Memories cosplay. Quite a nice one you had!

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

leesers In reply to ZeTrystan [2012-09-14 16:12:51 +0000 UTC]

Oh yes! Those are some of my best Silent Hill friends :] I was so thrilled when they agreed to a Shattered Memories group with me; in a way it was a dream come true β™₯

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

ZeTrystan In reply to leesers [2012-09-14 16:23:52 +0000 UTC]

Hell, Silent Hill friends... I wish I had those. xD Not a lot of my friends like Silent Hill, and I'm the only one to really know everything about the games.

But still, I organized a sort of little road trip to go see Silent Hill Revelation in the US near the end of october with some friends. I'd say those would be my Silent Hill buddies, haha.

(Damn this game is amazing. T_T)

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

XXT3R3Z1-PYROP3XXX [2012-07-18 23:10:53 +0000 UTC]

((i hope you dont mind me commenting on it but,your humanstuck girls are AMAZING!you captured all my headcannons! and really great pic too!but oh my god perfect headcannons!))

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leesers In reply to XXT3R3Z1-PYROP3XXX [2012-07-19 13:45:06 +0000 UTC]

No!! Oh my gosh no! Your comment absolutely made my day ;_; β™₯

I disabled comments because it caused a small ruckus over at tumblr (people mad at how I envision the girls, people arguing with other people about how the girls "should" look) and it was getting silly. Everyone is going to have differences in how they think the girls would look as humans, and that's not a bad thing! So I preemptively turned comments off here at DA to avoid any additional fights.

But it makes me really happy to hear you're not only ok with how I think the girls might look, but had a similar idea before ever seeing my drawing! That's always the coolest :] β™₯ Thank you again so, so much! It means a lot to me.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

XXT3R3Z1-PYROP3XXX In reply to leesers [2012-07-20 01:55:01 +0000 UTC]

((aww,no problem! ))

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Jack-Hugel [2012-06-18 01:13:35 +0000 UTC]

Hi Lyse! How you doin' ? I must thank you for letting me hang your deviation on my wall! I printed it on "photo paper" and it looks awesome! itΒ΄s over my desk, at my hmmm... around 2 o' clock from my desk lol.

Yesterday I listened a song I want to share with you.
It remembered me your deviations (don't know why)
Sorry if I donΒ΄t express myself right, I have a tiny problem with English u_u
Well, great artists must be distinguished So I must congratulate you, and say to you that please don't stop making your imagination come to real!

HereΒ΄s the song (+ video):



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leesers In reply to Jack-Hugel [2012-06-23 18:53:30 +0000 UTC]

Not at all! I'm happy to hear it turned out well :] And that's an adorable song! I always loved watching Teen Titans, so I'm flattered β™₯ Thank you so much for all your kind words.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

Nani-Dechuka [2012-06-12 01:31:19 +0000 UTC]

*O* i luv ur job! u drawings from homestuck are wonderful!!~
I watch you~ Greetings~

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

leesers In reply to Nani-Dechuka [2012-06-14 03:30:19 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much! ;_; You're so kind β™₯

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Nani-Dechuka In reply to leesers [2012-06-19 03:05:42 +0000 UTC]

u're very welcome!! ;U;

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Jack-Hugel [2012-06-02 17:15:24 +0000 UTC]

Hi Lyse! What's your favorite "Professor Layton" Game?
Greetings from Chile!!

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leesers In reply to Jack-Hugel [2012-06-03 06:55:37 +0000 UTC]

Most definitely The Unwound Future :] Although I love them all so much β™₯

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Jack-Hugel In reply to leesers [2012-06-18 00:56:14 +0000 UTC]

Wow, that's one of my favorites games!! *O*

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Jack-Hugel [2012-05-23 21:07:50 +0000 UTC]

Aww >.< your message was so kind, a lot different for another girl's reply (any other girl *O*). I mean, we don't know each other and you were so outgoing (i confess i don't know which word i have to use for this), I thought you were a little more "introverted"!! Thank you SO much for your reply, and please don't be sorry, I know everyone has a lot of things to do, and Wow! you replied me really soon *-* I have to say i'm sorry, becuase i'm such a "n00b" at DeviantArt, and I can't find the note you left me when you answered me D: But, I really hope your Library proyect goes perfect! I wish you all the luck of the world, and congratulations for being assigned such a nice work!.
I understand what you said me about my question, it's fine, but, would you "authorize" me with the "COPYRIGHT" to download and hang in my wall that deviation? (honesty first! )
I know it sounds so lame (?) but I feel like I'm stealing a part of you by downloading and using your content whitout your agree (I'm only using it to put it on my room XD).

Well, again sorry for my English, it's not good at all, but i'm trying, because someday I will work as QA Tester (Videogame tester) in a biiiig company (don't know why, but it's something! lol)

I hope you're fine, a lot of luck for you, and ahmmmm see you around! (don't know where, but see you around

Bye!!!!! n_n
deviantART muro drawing

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

leesers In reply to Jack-Hugel [2012-05-25 01:27:59 +0000 UTC]

No worries! There's nothing you have to apologize for :] You're more than welcome to print out my "I Hate Closers" doodle to hang on your wall! It was incredibly kind of you to even ask β™₯

I wish you the best of luck towards your Video game tester dream, and thank you again for all of your kindness.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Jack-Hugel In reply to leesers [2012-05-25 21:28:54 +0000 UTC]

Thank you Lyse, you're the best! (sorry 4 my bad drawing, and for being sorry so many times lol)

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Jack-Hugel [2012-05-20 23:27:50 +0000 UTC]

Hi Lyse!! I hope you're fine! I want to ask you if you received my Note. If you do, please answer me if it can be done, really please !! (sorry 4 my bad english)
Greetings!! Bye
deviantART muro drawing

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