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| laurenanne
# Statistics
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# Comments
Comments: 125
laurenanne In reply to CainPascoe [2010-01-28 14:13:41 +0000 UTC]
yeah one day... atm we only have a 1gb internet usage limit. and im heaps lazy to make them smaller- even though its heaps easy. and ive been working like crazy to go to germany (50 hours in the last 6 days).
tell me about your hols.............
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CainPascoe In reply to laurenanne [2010-01-29 03:16:15 +0000 UTC]
aww well thats shite damn 50 hour week, i don't think i've ever done that before and i have years on you haha!
mostly been fishing and taking pics with mates... the odd motorbike cruise here and there. Went and saw Parkway Drive the night before, my ears are still ringing and random bruises are appearing lol but it was fun Going to [link] next month and that will pretty much wrap up my summer in short
so what else have you been upto? apart from working where ever you work?
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laurenanne In reply to CainPascoe [2010-02-08 23:49:25 +0000 UTC]
haha! not that many years... how old are you again? 22?
haha fishing and motorbikes..such a man... however complimented by the feminine art of taking photos. Did i ever show you my scars? on my leg...
Soundwave eh! thats a bit of fun! no festivals in australia for me this year... gotta save save save!
what else have i been up to...um... apart from work, chilling with friends, playing comp games, watching tv and movies, editing pics (making a book to give to the boyf when i get to germany), loving the rain, organising money, visa, flights etc.
Parkway Drive sounds like it woulda been fun! bruises and ringing ears are a sure sign of enjoyment!
youre a crazy man you.
hope all is swell. you know whats cool...the fact we still talk. now think about that...
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CainPascoe In reply to laurenanne [2010-02-09 00:13:04 +0000 UTC]
yeah pretty old hey... nah i never saw your scars but it musta been a good one! did try doing a backflip or something?
its the best festival... the only one where i enjoy almost every band playing there and yes the number of bruises definitely indicates the level excitment and fun you had
so your back out enjoying the deserted part of Australia now? i think i'm going out there in April sometime to see my grandparents... i don't know what it is but i love the atmosphere out there?
Conversations on deviantart i think is pretty cool yeah. especially with crazy people like you
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laurenanne In reply to CainPascoe [2010-03-08 09:31:29 +0000 UTC]
haha no backflip..i wish i could do them. i fell off a motorbike when i was 12. brokeded my femur and ripped open my knee.
i WAS out enjoying the deserted part of australia but i am now in stuttgart in deutchland. arrived on friday! its so beautiful...the houses and city/villages make me feel like im in a giant gingerbread city. soooo beautiful. you would flip here..
sucks i wont be there for your maybe visit... i coulda showed you around the um...zoo? river? ok, its a nice atmosphere but not really yeahhhh.
im stoned. haha. wake and bake in germany... life is sweet.
and im not crazy... im crazzzzzzzy.
but so are you bitch
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CainPascoe In reply to laurenanne [2010-03-08 12:21:18 +0000 UTC]
Aha! now i know why your so damn happy - your always stoned off ya face But seriously you mother 'ucker! I want to go overseas... can tell your having fun haha. The zoo? river? sounds absolutely insane like this sarcasm i saw the other day.
I'll tell you something weird, i had a dream about 12 hours ago and you were in it I fixed your CD player in your car but think i broke it at the same time lol man dreams are ludicrous - thats probably why you shouldn't tell people about them but meh
Enjoy you hippy and ciao for now
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laurenanne In reply to CainPascoe [2010-03-23 12:49:08 +0000 UTC]
hey hey again!
its been a while hasnt it.. how is the land of aus for you? is it still hot?
it snowed here a week ago. germany is so beautiful. seriously like living in a giant gingerbread city...i cant explain it enough. i feel like i could bite the corner of someones mailbox and enjoy a smoooth creamy inside.
but seriously...how have you been? did your summer sum up to positive memories? did you find a summer love? did you become a lifeguard?
life is mad. and im eating froot loops to prove it! in your face life.
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CainPascoe In reply to laurenanne [2010-03-23 23:50:48 +0000 UTC]
Howdy, oh its been a long time... to think it was a year ago i was in Newcastle
Aus is all good, its still reaching 30 degrees here so yeah pretty warm I can't remember ever seeing snow so that would be awesome!
Nothing overly exciting has been happening, i have cold which sounds rediculous as its not even cold bah! I'm planning on doing a trip soon, i don't know where though? I was thinking of road tripping it to Ayres Rock or going back to NZ?
Froot loops are extreme! waaay too many colours too early in the day.
Hurry up and put some pics of this gingerbread town up already you crazy mofo
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laurenanne In reply to CainPascoe [2010-03-24 15:01:59 +0000 UTC]
hahaha i will i willl...someday.
So youve never seen snow huh? Thats a pretty crazy concept for people here...but i was sorta the same. i only saw snow about 3 times before i came to Germany.
And if it were me deciding on where to go .. i would choose nz...for sure! buttttt i would like to see what you would make of ayres rock. i havent really seen any amazing pictures yet...i think you cold do it. if anyone...it should be you. butttttt ... nz is beautiful. tell me what you decide..
might i suggest germany? you would seriously go nuts here.. like absolutely insanely nuts.
Froot Loops are awesome in Australia. In Germany there are only green yellow orange and purple froot loops...all in a dull colour. and theres about 100 times less sugar in them. they taste like corn syrup. whatever that tastes like....
im sitting in a german lecture room listening to presentations and being bored. waiting for my roommate to do a speech then going outside to smoke some weeeeed. cant waiiiiit.
stay real me niggggger
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CainPascoe In reply to laurenanne [2010-03-25 06:44:51 +0000 UTC]
oh wait i saw snow in NZ like 4 months ago... my bad! This mad headflu is trpping me out.
i'd go to Germany/Europe except i could go to NZ like 10 times or travel completely around Aus for the same price Germany's fruit loops sound like they suck too so thats really turned me off going.
listening to lectures ay? can you understand what they're saying? pretty fun if ya can't i was so bored the other day i bought a 30yo TV for an op-shop that i'm going to take to places and photograph! i'm just pulling everything out of it now so its easier to lug around haha. it probably sounds retarded but you just wait until i have a cool photo with my TV!
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laurenanne In reply to CainPascoe [2010-04-08 06:41:04 +0000 UTC]
have u decided where youre going to go yet?
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CainPascoe In reply to laurenanne [2010-04-08 12:50:08 +0000 UTC]
woah cool another reply!
think i'm going to head out to the red center... i bought a reliable car(first one that wasn't made in the 1970s woo!) so might do a insane amount of kms in it!
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laurenanne In reply to CainPascoe [2010-04-26 13:32:42 +0000 UTC]
haha mad what sort of car is it? and how many kms has it done?
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CainPascoe In reply to laurenanne [2010-05-03 03:04:19 +0000 UTC]
its a hyundai getz and its red - sounds sexy ay only had 70-odd-thousand k's until i took it for a massive journey out west! i got a wicked shot of it under a big red rock...
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laurenanne In reply to paradigm-shifting [2009-10-08 15:03:22 +0000 UTC]
haha, its funny because i know the girl. She is actually one of my best friends.
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paradigm-shifting In reply to laurenanne [2009-10-08 15:11:37 +0000 UTC]
Okay well are you the girl in the picture? Or just yet another friend of hers? I'm getting confused now. lol
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laurenanne In reply to paradigm-shifting [2009-10-08 15:15:36 +0000 UTC]
yeah im the girl in the picture. and a friend of hers.
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paradigm-shifting In reply to laurenanne [2009-10-08 15:38:48 +0000 UTC]
cool you are quite pretty
no offense was meant by the picture, by the way. it came about as an end result of a misunderstanding with the story. lol ... as i explained in the artist details. i was kind of under the impression that you were just some random stranger. lol
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laurenanne In reply to Truthbetoldx [2009-08-25 03:40:26 +0000 UTC]
thankyou, i had a squiz at yours and i might even say the same thing!
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laurenanne In reply to calritos [2009-06-28 12:52:23 +0000 UTC]
thankyou thankyou.
coming to australia??
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laurenanne In reply to calritos [2009-07-23 07:01:44 +0000 UTC]
YES YOURE ALWAYS WELCOME!! you should know that!
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laurenanne In reply to marshmallow-pies [2009-06-25 14:28:11 +0000 UTC]
tis ok sweet angel.
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laurenanne In reply to HUGO-Gallery [2009-06-25 13:23:38 +0000 UTC]
thanks heaps! i like your stuff too. =]
are you a g designer?
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laurenanne In reply to calritos [2008-11-24 09:45:06 +0000 UTC]
lol you are too cooooooooooool
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laurenanne In reply to nudgee [2008-10-28 23:55:42 +0000 UTC]
thats a madness lake you took a photo of! =]
did you edit it or is it that blue/aqua naturally?
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nudgee In reply to laurenanne [2008-10-30 08:18:24 +0000 UTC]
I have not edit it.
sorry for my english
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laurenanne In reply to PrinceofPeace1237 [2008-09-24 05:43:35 +0000 UTC]
hi yeah i did.. whats been up?
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PrinceofPeace1237 In reply to laurenanne [2008-09-26 04:01:14 +0000 UTC]
I've been doing good, turned 22 recently. Been working on my story about God which is going rather well thanks to the Most High.
Loads of studies X_X.
All in all I've been good thanks to God.
I need your MSN again, btw, my old account got messed up.
How have things with you been?
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