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# Comments
Comments: 1024
Princesswiseandsmall [2018-12-04 21:22:19 +0000 UTC]
Heyy it's been a while salam I hope you're well.
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kidliquorice In reply to Princesswiseandsmall [2021-09-23 14:36:50 +0000 UTC]
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kidliquorice In reply to helenvondrama [2016-03-13 20:53:19 +0000 UTC]
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kidliquorice In reply to helenvondrama [2016-04-03 13:47:20 +0000 UTC]
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helenvondrama In reply to kidliquorice [2016-04-13 11:08:58 +0000 UTC]
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kidliquorice In reply to helenvondrama [2016-04-14 21:51:01 +0000 UTC]
I keep meaning to, and then I can't do it
What did you mean about not knowing what I meant? Which part?
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helenvondrama In reply to kidliquorice [2016-04-15 06:09:21 +0000 UTC]
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helenvondrama In reply to kidliquorice [2016-04-16 12:57:19 +0000 UTC]
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kidliquorice In reply to helenvondrama [2016-04-16 19:00:32 +0000 UTC]
No, just interesting. You know learning that someone has similar experiences to you, or if different, then just learning more about others. It's okay if you don't like
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helenvondrama In reply to kidliquorice [2016-04-18 06:29:36 +0000 UTC]
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kidliquorice In reply to helenvondrama [2016-04-25 19:19:33 +0000 UTC]
Don't worry about it! It would have been nice, but I think between my dA article and my blog, I've written enough for the both of us hehe. Yeah, that's what worries me about my mum coming. My family even now really misinterpret my behaviour. Like for instance becoming mute when stressed means I'm sulking, rather than just not having the mental capacity to talk at that moment in time. My GP appointment is next Thursday. I don't even know what he will ask so I can't even script for it I'm sure my mum will do the talking, but she makes out like I have some kind of psychosis, I swear.
Ah that's weird about the smallworlds thing. Don't worry about that either. I managed to scrimp and save enough! I'll get gold the hard way!
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helenvondrama In reply to kidliquorice [2016-05-05 07:18:30 +0000 UTC]
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kidliquorice In reply to helenvondrama [2016-05-05 12:11:20 +0000 UTC]
Yep, in 3 hours I still don't know what to say
My mum said maybe print some stuff off the internet, but what? Like my mind has just gone blank So I thought I'd redo the Raads-r test, but my score was so ridiculously off the scale, I can't trust it (I'm now scoring 190 total, which is higher than last year, and the social anxiety one is now 100, and I thought getting 80 last year was high).
I can't script if I can't anticipate the questions. I mean I know he'll ask: why do you think you have it? And where I would normally be able to monologue for hours, now my mind is a blanket. And I've never met this doctor before. We don't have the same one GP now, they just come and go.
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kidliquorice In reply to helenvondrama [2015-10-19 18:05:53 +0000 UTC]
yAy! That took ages, didn't it! I'm glad you finally got it! What did they do in the actual testing?
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helenvondrama In reply to kidliquorice [2015-10-20 11:12:42 +0000 UTC]
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kidliquorice In reply to helenvondrama [2015-10-20 18:48:34 +0000 UTC]
What's a barn-door answer? What kind of things did they ask you?
14 months, wow, has it been that long? But it was worth it in the end, right?
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helenvondrama In reply to kidliquorice [2015-10-21 08:00:32 +0000 UTC]
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kidliquorice In reply to helenvondrama [2015-10-21 18:23:03 +0000 UTC]
Ahhh. I wish I could go, just so I can know for sure if I have it or if it's all in my head. I'm too scared though
Why do they call it DISCO?
I did that social phobia test and it said
40(fear) + 44(avoidance) = 84
You have severe social phobia
Not even anxiety. Phobia. I mean, wow. I didn't think it was right, but lately I've been thinking, do I get whacked on teh head multiple times and sat on and elbowed on the train because I'm too scared to say anything to defend myself? Yes. Do I avoid getting refunds for faulty items because I'm too scared? Yes. Do kids half my size throw things at me and I can't do a damn thing to stand up for myself? Yes. Gosh, I hate being me.
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helenvondrama In reply to kidliquorice [2015-10-23 10:53:48 +0000 UTC]
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kidliquorice In reply to helenvondrama [2015-10-23 20:42:28 +0000 UTC]
Haha no! I guess I'll never know why it's called DISCO. Unless they mean you have to get tested while in 70s disco cosplay?!?!
You say that and you have a point, but it still sucks. That's why I get depressed so often, because I can't do anything about it.
There's one person, and he agreed, but there is one complication. He lives in Dublin.
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helenvondrama In reply to kidliquorice [2015-10-26 12:18:19 +0000 UTC]
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kidliquorice In reply to helenvondrama [2015-10-28 19:49:25 +0000 UTC]
Wow, I bet you rocked your disco cosplay!
But that initialises to DISCD Cheaters
I looked up social phobia, and it's not that after all. It's the same problem of fear of unpredictable things, and that includes unpredictable people. False positive.
I doubt my circumstances will change. It's gonna be the same old same old all my life.
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RonaldAnthony4 [2015-08-16 01:37:13 +0000 UTC]
Thank you so much for the watch my friend! Here I'm watching you as well as a friend.Β Β Β Β Β
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kidliquorice In reply to only1second [2015-07-13 19:47:33 +0000 UTC]
No probs, it's a lovely picture!
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kidliquorice In reply to tabby189 [2015-01-17 20:11:01 +0000 UTC]
Indeedy I do! How are you?
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kidliquorice In reply to helenvondrama [2014-12-07 22:00:47 +0000 UTC]
No ideas for the prize. Wanted to doΒ a play on your name/Edgey, but can't think of anything. Also I am utterly bored of drawing. How about you just request a chibi and I'll try to do something.
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kidliquorice In reply to helenvondrama [2014-10-11 17:45:38 +0000 UTC]
But did you get the screenshot to prove it?! That's the most important part!
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helenvondrama In reply to kidliquorice [2014-10-11 18:21:16 +0000 UTC]
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kidliquorice In reply to helenvondrama [2014-10-11 18:53:36 +0000 UTC]
Eeeee! You remind me of my husband!
Did someone just say my name?
GUILTY AS CHARGED! What would you like for your prize? Any ice cream will be vegan-friendly and coconut milk-based, including boot flavour
PS I usually get the boot to the head, so don't worry.
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helenvondrama In reply to kidliquorice [2014-10-11 20:20:45 +0000 UTC]
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kidliquorice In reply to helenvondrama [2014-10-11 21:48:45 +0000 UTC]
Ninja'd! Yep, Mayane's voice was deleted because opendrive nuked my files. Maybe you have to log in frequently to keep it active, it has been a long time.
Whooshie noise? you mean the clashy bit in the background of the objections? I can get that for you, no prob. I don't think we'll need any more voice overs, but we do need staff. Or rather, I need help working out how to do the trial. I used up all my energy on the other three parts. You can play episode two now! Window to the Turnabout I
And please let know you enjoyed episode 1 as well! (She is the one who plays Mayane. The one who played Ms Sticks went AWOL, so it's just us two left on the team now )
Hehe, okay. I'll see what I can come up with. I'm not sure I can top the last prize. We shall see Yes, if you want a drawing. But I can't promise it'll be good. What would you like?
yayz I got a player lolllllllll I think you deserve a prize just for that!
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helenvondrama In reply to kidliquorice [2014-10-12 10:20:34 +0000 UTC]
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kidliquorice In reply to helenvondrama [2014-10-13 21:24:29 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, it's the same clashy bit that they use for the gaaah shock reaction (how to describe it lol) but it's on the case maker, if you feel like playing Defence Attorney von Drama. Now that would be worth seeing!
The last time I bought artists' materials from Smith's was when I was 17 lol.
You know what I use? A normal mechanical pencil 7mm, and any old cheap notebook or A4 refill pad. Oh and a rubber, that's very important. Seriously. (Also I found that my kanji book brings out my skill in drawing lol). I haven't used my 3B in years.
I get my stuff from Wilko or even pound shops. For a fully traditional work, I use a plain a4 drawing pad (any cheap one will do) and my Staedtler disposable fineliners (off ebay) and the old pencils I got from Smith's all those years ago for colours. Oh and I got my sister's husband to make me a lightbox, so I can keep my master copy intact in case I screw up with the inking. Mind you, he still charged me the going rate for it *rolls eyes*
Now if you're going digital, then you're gonna need some £££ if you follow my recommendations. Otherwise, use GIMP or paint.net which are free. (PS My recommendations are: Paint Tool SAI £40, Wacom Bamboo £50 lol, Paint shop Pro 7 £LOADS because they don't make it anymore)
Speaking of the book I mentioned before, I think someone did a blog that basically cribbed all the woman's theory and acted like they made it up themselves. I'll see if I can track it down for you.
Anyway, the secret to observational drawing is: Draw what you see.
Seriously! You know 90% of your vision is in your brain. So what's entering your eyes is not what you actually see, but what you EXPECT to see ( see optical illusions and so on). You have to perceive things as just 2D lines, look at their size and angle relative to each other.
Blind contour drawing is an exercise you can do to get your brain into that frame of mind. So find something with lots of complex squiggly lines, something like a scrunched up bit of paper or foil, the wrinkles in your palm when you scrunch your hand, broccoli. And then get a piece of paper and pencil, set a timer for 10 minutes, and draw. But the "blind" part is: you are not allowed to look at what you are drawing until you are done. So just look, and very slowly, VERY very slowly, trace along every line as accurately as you can onto the paper without looking at the paper.
Imaginative drawing is a different kettle of budgies though.
Okay I'll try to think of something for your prize. I want to do something to make you laugh, but we haven't been talking enough to have any kind of jokes. What about something elfy? I think I can still chibi. Probably. Gyakuten Elves? I'll try to think of something. We need an in-joke for the Sekrit Club
PS Essay, sorry
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helenvondrama In reply to kidliquorice [2014-10-14 09:17:40 +0000 UTC]
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kidliquorice In reply to helenvondrama [2014-10-14 23:06:19 +0000 UTC]
Yep, definitely! but I will tell you that making sprites is incredibly time-consuming, especially for amateurs like me. I preferred the gameplay coding bit myself, although I wonder how I did it now
Aww thanks! My days studying programming helped with that! My sis did find a bug with the keys, that they reappear when they shouldn't, but who can be bothered to fix it? Not me hehe.
Basically with the trial, we have the whole storyline mapped out, it's just how to turn it into gameplay. As I said, I ran out of steam. If you have a wordpress account I can allow you access to the Sekrit section so you can read through what we have and if you have any ideas on how we can run the trial. Because after that we will need investigation day 2 and trial day 2 as well. Three days is too much If you can come up with a workable plan for the trial I may have to draft you in as the replacement 3rd member (you don't get any choice. Sekrit Elf club rule lol).
I tried to look for the site, but I can't find it It was such a long time ago.
Scamazon and their scammy postage scheme
PS I hope my essay was interesting then, lol!
PPS What I wanted to ask was in the Museum case, there were two bits that I thought might be too tricky (well I guess you figured it out since you finished it), but were there any parts that you found too hard?
PPS How is you elven self-portrait coming along? Chibis are okay as well. Oh speaking of chibis, the other books by this guy suck apparently, but the chibi one is really good and where I learnt my chibi skills:
I'm watching you, Ms Edgeworth....
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helenvondrama In reply to kidliquorice [2014-10-15 08:14:17 +0000 UTC]
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kidliquorice In reply to helenvondrama [2014-10-16 19:12:40 +0000 UTC]
Fancy Drew was a play on Clancy Crew which was a play on Nancy Drew. Reversion to state. Brilliant
I've never read a Nancy Drew, but I have read a Ruby Redfort. The punctuation is atrocious.
There was a reason 1-8 was relevant. Umm, the lunar exhibit cameras or something.
I only just realised the synchronicity of Starling Moon's being found in the lunar exhibit *facepalm*
So the bit where you had to point to the empty phone pocket didn't catch you out? Maybe it's just my screen res, that area looked blurry after I shrunk the image so I wasn't sure how clear it would be.
Cogni's last testimony was supposed to be hard, so I make no apologies for that. But yeah, I should have made it clearer that the victim was unconscious from the blow, because I think it wasn't mentioned in the evidence, just the speech.
I have had to resort to walkthroughs for both PW's and ME's games. I'm too impatient. I'll only spend so long on a problem before I get fed up. I think Edgey's game was lame though. They should have done a different format, it just felt like a cheap rip off of Phoenix's games. He looks super hot YUM in it though I think they should have gone more like Kyle Hyde's games. I honestly found myself not caring what happened.
Hey speaking of Hyde, do you have the PW mangas? Because I swear Kyle Hyde cameos in the spiderman case.
PS If setting up a WP is too much trouble, I could just email or PM you the case notes. MAJOR SPOILER. But right now there isn't much to spoil, so ho hum. Whichever is best.
How deeply did you analyse the last case of PW btw?
PPS What are your suspicions regarding the storyline so far? Of Mayane case 2 I mean.
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helenvondrama In reply to kidliquorice [2014-10-16 20:53:44 +0000 UTC]
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kidliquorice In reply to helenvondrama [2014-10-16 21:21:09 +0000 UTC]
Shhh, there's nothing wrong with imaginary husbands lol!
Phoenix is cute, more like a cute brother. I so want a brother, we are just a house full of girls. But I'm more like a bossy big sis with my nephews, but I did want a big brother. I just thought we'd have more in common and girls can be too.. you know.
Hahaha, it's funny you say that. Cos when I saw Edgey I thought, he is the type of guy I would be into, and then he was all slimy and ugh, but then he showed his vulnerable side and I was all "awwwwwwwww Edgey!!"
I am not as old as Oldbag though, that's a fact. But if we are talking real terms here, hmmm. How old will I be in 2016? A lot older than Edgey hahahahahaha! Never mind, in Silver Arrows World, I am still 19 so there :b
I can't help but nitpick. Things need to make complete sense to me. I am such a partypooper!
It depends which manga you're talking about. The Official Case Files are doujin, and some are okay, some not, and the stupid art style where everyone has fangs is utterly annoying. Overall, that one is okay. There is one case with Oldbag which was hilarious and the artist drew it really well, too.
The official manga are great though. I really liked them. There are only 5 volumes. I was gonna get the Edgey ones as well, but he looks butt ugly on the covers and it's putting me off. Since it's a joke that he's supposed to be all hot and doesn't know it, it's weird they never drew him all hot. Huh.
PS the illustrator is a man, I dunno why the translators called him "Ms Maekawa". He's definitely a bloke.
PPS I hate what they did to Phoenix in AJ. I mentally changed him into a different character cos it totally sucked and wasn't in accordance with Silver Arrows World Rules. Also the fake evidence thing didn't make sense given nothing happened to Edgey when he did the same thing in Rise from the Ashes. I mean he didn't get disbarred, so why did Phoenix?
Continuity errors. They plague me!!!!
Yep, you are spot on with case 2. Although there aren't all that many options, hm.
Hahaha, I shouldn't buy any more books. I recently won an auction for 75+ Babysitters Club books and they have to live under my crisps box because my bookshelf is way overflowing. They're actually kind of annoying, some of the characters.
Ruby Redfort is okay. I have a review on my blog if you wanna see.
Oops, more nitpicking, and right at the beginning too.
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helenvondrama In reply to kidliquorice [2014-10-16 21:37:34 +0000 UTC]
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kidliquorice In reply to helenvondrama [2014-10-19 21:24:05 +0000 UTC]
Hmm, now let me send you our case notes. I really should have noted down your email address somewhere.
Exactly, why should I stop liking the same stuff I liked when I was 12 (and 15) just because I've been round the sun a few more times? Oh my, there was a really funny review of the first book on goodreads. Lemme look for it...
DRAMAZ!!! I could never imagine leaving a 12 year old in charge of kids, could you?
PS I used to model my handwriting on Stacey's. Hehehe.
PPS Hobojerk lol! I think he is more like HoboDrip. Total sap. Did you play the newest yet, I forgot if I asked you already. I do wanna play the PW vs Layton one though. How long before they release the 4DS and the 3DS goes down in price?
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