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| johnsonverse
# Statistics
Favourites: 375; Deviations: 240; Watchers: 2344
Watching: 391; Pageviews: 117879; Comments Made: 2743; Friends: 391
# Comments
Comments: 477
Libra1010 [2022-07-15 13:22:07 +0000 UTC]
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understandingvets [2021-08-12 00:41:23 +0000 UTC]
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AzakiShimo [2021-03-25 16:57:56 +0000 UTC]
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johnsonverse In reply to DamonO2007 [2015-08-07 12:38:12 +0000 UTC]
I am currently taking requests for a Hero Initiative project that I am doing. I'll draw the character and then the person donates the fee to support Hero Initiative. If that's something you might interested in, just let me know which character you would like. Thanks.
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cloudmover In reply to johnsonverse [2016-09-21 17:52:47 +0000 UTC]
Hello Mr. Johnson. I am a longtime fan of your art.
I JUST saw that you are taking requests for a Hero Initiative project?Β
I would love to purchase a sketch and donate the money to Hero Initiative. What do I need to do?
Also you were selling the Scarlet Witch sketch -"3-ScarletWitch-sketch" ? If that's available I will purchase that as well.
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johnsonverse In reply to cloudmover [2017-03-25 00:57:56 +0000 UTC]
Hey there. I'm so sorry for taking so long to reply. I haven't check my deviant site for almost a year.
I'd be happy to do a Hero sketch for you if you are still interested and the Scarlet Witch is available if you want that too.
Are we friends on Facebook? I tend too check that more regularly.
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cloudmover In reply to johnsonverse [2017-04-01 15:07:46 +0000 UTC]
Hi Jeff!
No worries about the delay. It seems like it is a a full time job to keep up with all the various social media everyone is required to be a part of these days. I'm terrible about it as well. I'll send you a Facebook friend request.
I've been a fan of your art for many years. The work you did on Way of the Rat was especially impressive. The choreography was stunning.
I am an artist myself. I've done work for World of Warcraft, Magic the Gathering, D&D, Star Wars and a crapload of work for Upper Deck and their Spider-man and Marvel licenses. Check out my work.
The sketches---
I can paypal the $50 for theΒ the Scarlet WitchΒ to wherever you want. I will also gladly donate $75 for another sketch. Give me a moment to think of who I would like drawn.
Sound cool?
Thank you for the reply!!
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flavianos [2015-07-30 10:33:55 +0000 UTC]
congrats for Bornhome! long time fan so i'm glad you still do great comics!
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johnsonverse In reply to flavianos [2015-08-07 12:38:26 +0000 UTC]
Thank you very much!
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mechangel2002 [2014-05-09 01:06:59 +0000 UTC]
Hope things have been going good for you
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johnsonverse In reply to mechangel2002 [2014-05-09 15:03:31 +0000 UTC]
I'm good. Just staying busy. Your work on the space shuttle spread was beautiful.
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mechangel2002 In reply to johnsonverse [2014-05-12 00:50:21 +0000 UTC]
Busy is always good
Thank you, glad you liked it
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ipanaju [2014-01-06 20:08:11 +0000 UTC]
Hi! You said that you are working on animation. Is it too rude to ask what company or are you a freelancer?Β
I'm very interested in animation in general and I've been thinking about it as a career. Do you have any advice what a person should study?
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johnsonverse In reply to ipanaju [2014-01-07 11:10:35 +0000 UTC]
Right now I'm working at Warner Bros. I've done both In house and freelance work. If you want to get into animation just draw all the time. The more comprehensive your skills, the more options you will have. Good luck.
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ipanaju In reply to johnsonverse [2014-01-07 17:58:02 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for the answer!Β
Umm, one more question, is it true that as an animator you have to study acting?
I've checked out some animation companies sites where they say that if you want to become animator (these were 3D) you have to know how to act.
And also use the software they use.
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johnsonverse In reply to ipanaju [2014-01-07 20:08:29 +0000 UTC]
I've never taken an acting class but knowing how to act can't hurt. Plus, it looks like fun!
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MechanizedRob76 [2013-09-28 22:54:59 +0000 UTC]
Hello Jeff.Β
My name is Robert.
I know you don't really know me, but we have talked at Drink & Draw down at Casey's.
I just stopped by and was hoping to talk to you about an interview. I am student at Cerritos College who is pursuing animation for a career. I remembered you was kind enough to show me some storyboards you were quietly working on "batman jumping on train"maybe a year or so back. I could not help noticing studio letterhead in your portfolio. I talked to you a few times when have I gone back to Drink & Draw. I think you might remember my face and I spoke to your friend Dan Panosian. Β I wanted to ask you formally in this post, can I please email you some general animation questions? Nothing too personal it is just for a college essay for my English 101 class on careers. I'll buy you and your friends a pitcher Guiness. If you are too busy I understand.Β
Email me at: robdeep76@gmail.comΒ
Please leave a return email where you can reached.
If you want to do this short interview it's only 6 questions, you can answer them as short form as you like. I know you would be doing me a huge favor, and I really appreciate your input and help.
Thanks Jeff for taking the time for reading this wordy post.Β
Cheers! Β :>) Β
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johnsonverse In reply to MechanizedRob76 [2013-10-28 19:10:07 +0000 UTC]
Hey Robert,
I'd be happy to answer some questions. My email is scandanavia1@aol.com
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MechanizedRob76 In reply to johnsonverse [2014-04-14 21:26:45 +0000 UTC]
Hello Jeff
Thanks for replying back to me. I am really sorry I did not reply sooner.
I know your schedule has probably been banana's. I have been pretty busy with college.Β
The paper turn around was short.
I will email you question at the address above. You can reply at when your available, becauseΒ
I do value any suggestions or advice you can leave with me.
Thanks Robert.
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firstname-jones [2013-06-11 19:44:55 +0000 UTC]
i added your art to my blog
the title says it all i just wanted you to know
let me know what you think
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johnsonverse In reply to firstname-jones [2013-06-12 04:33:42 +0000 UTC]
It took a long time to draw. Thanks for posting it.
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firstname-jones In reply to johnsonverse [2013-06-14 02:28:57 +0000 UTC]
it shows, i am just in awe of the ability to continually create massive innovative environments. if you ever have anything or anyone you want me to take a look at send them my way. jb13th@gmail.com
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daijack [2013-05-02 15:18:27 +0000 UTC]
Wait, wait, wait - that was you in the latest Legion of Super-Heroes, right? Man, if we can't have you on Wonder Man, Mon-El is a freakin' awesome stand in. Great stuff!
[If that was a different Johnson, sorry for wasting all these pixels...]
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johnsonverse In reply to daijack [2013-05-12 20:56:03 +0000 UTC]
That was me. And, thanks. Mon-El is fun to draw but he did make me miss Wondy.
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firstname-jones [2013-04-12 03:12:51 +0000 UTC]
i added your art to my blog
the title says it all i just wanted you to know
let me know what you think
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johnsonverse In reply to firstname-jones [2013-04-12 13:10:11 +0000 UTC]
Thank you very much for posting my picture and your kind words. I'm glad you liked it.
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GMrDrew [2012-12-24 01:43:55 +0000 UTC]
currently watchin ur episode on MUFF SAID , was lookin forward to lookin at ur work and come to find out im already watchin ya great job man
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johnsonverse In reply to GMrDrew [2012-12-24 11:41:48 +0000 UTC]
Sweet! That's a great podcast.
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PeubloShatner [2012-10-26 17:18:31 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for checking out my batman pages! When it's safe to do so I'll post the fight scene your book helped me with.
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johnsonverse In reply to PeubloShatner [2012-10-26 18:53:29 +0000 UTC]
Sweet. I can't wait to see them. I love you storying telling on those pages and your black and white compositions can't be beat.
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PeubloShatner In reply to johnsonverse [2012-11-02 14:27:18 +0000 UTC]
thank you sir. That's huge coming from you. The pages are up, I think I have the most ignored issue of Batman ever
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johnsonverse In reply to PeubloShatner [2012-11-02 15:48:20 +0000 UTC]
I just at the pages. Great fight scene!
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DimRasha [2012-08-09 20:43:42 +0000 UTC]
thank you so much for the watch!! you got a very beautiful gallery!!!
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johnsonverse In reply to DimRasha [2012-08-09 23:48:15 +0000 UTC]
Thank you. I love your work.
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DimRasha In reply to johnsonverse [2012-08-10 00:00:24 +0000 UTC]
glad you like it! many thanks!!
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johnsonverse In reply to SketchbookNoir [2012-07-17 21:44:35 +0000 UTC]
This stuff is awesome!
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SketchbookNoir In reply to johnsonverse [2012-07-17 23:50:21 +0000 UTC]
Hahaha, thanks! XD
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CoranKizerStone [2012-07-14 08:13:41 +0000 UTC]
I WONDER who this guy is? Still remember growing up loving issue six yah drew. Good to have yah a friend these days pal.
check the drawing below
deviantART muro drawing
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johnsonverse In reply to CoranKizerStone [2012-07-16 12:31:15 +0000 UTC]
Awesome! That is a great shot of him.
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JETurner [2012-07-07 01:40:34 +0000 UTC]
Of all the Marvel stuff that I read in the 90's, you on Wonder-Man is one of my top ten favorites.
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