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| jazzyinuluvsesshyxxo

jazzyinuluvsesshyxxo [9441974] [] "🐱"

# Statistics

Favourites: 6440; Deviations: 306; Watchers: 95

Watching: 817; Pageviews: 21858; Comments Made: 10095; Friends: 817

# Comments

Comments: 2942

angie50 [2015-11-19 15:09:44 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the watchΒ Β 

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

jazzyinuluvsesshyxxo In reply to angie50 [2015-11-20 05:50:10 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

Eziara [2015-11-19 14:23:15 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the fave!

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

jazzyinuluvsesshyxxo In reply to Eziara [2015-11-19 14:28:37 +0000 UTC]

No problem

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

HydraEvil [2015-07-24 08:01:42 +0000 UTC]

Thank you for the watch!
I wish you the best of everything!

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

jazzyinuluvsesshyxxo In reply to HydraEvil [2015-11-16 09:40:47 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome, have a good day/evening

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

saberfsk [2014-12-29 23:31:36 +0000 UTC]

we miss you at animeforum.org.uk

your old page animeforum.org.uk/member.php?u…

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

jazzyinuluvsesshyxxo In reply to saberfsk [2015-02-03 04:52:09 +0000 UTC]

I forgot that even existed, oops. Thanks for the reminder C:

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

ZuSeHeR [2014-12-10 12:02:37 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so very much for your watch
You are so nice to me

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

jazzyinuluvsesshyxxo In reply to ZuSeHeR [2015-02-03 04:52:21 +0000 UTC]

Lol, you are very welcome C:

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

mamiamamia [2014-09-12 07:51:14 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the watch! β™₯

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

jazzyinuluvsesshyxxo In reply to mamiamamia [2014-09-17 03:41:45 +0000 UTC]

You are very welcome C: β™₯

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

itsufer [2014-01-03 17:36:49 +0000 UTC]

thankies for the favs!!

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

jazzyinuluvsesshyxxo In reply to itsufer [2014-01-09 11:56:10 +0000 UTC]

Ish np, I like your art C: <3

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

itsufer In reply to jazzyinuluvsesshyxxo [2014-01-11 09:47:26 +0000 UTC]


πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

jazzyinuluvsesshyxxo In reply to itsufer [2014-02-17 04:52:34 +0000 UTC]

n-n hehe <3

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

itsufer In reply to jazzyinuluvsesshyxxo [2014-02-18 19:52:54 +0000 UTC]

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

jazzyinuluvsesshyxxo In reply to itsufer [2014-02-19 02:59:50 +0000 UTC]

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

ox-Honey-Bee-xo [2013-11-22 08:03:11 +0000 UTC]

Happy Birthday!

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

jazzyinuluvsesshyxxo In reply to ox-Honey-Bee-xo [2013-12-31 08:29:36 +0000 UTC]

Thank you C: <3

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

Pashechka [2013-11-22 01:17:51 +0000 UTC]

Happy birthday to you!


πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

jazzyinuluvsesshyxxo In reply to Pashechka [2013-12-31 08:29:49 +0000 UTC]

Thankies ^___^ <3

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

GlitchSamo21 [2013-11-21 13:35:02 +0000 UTC]

Happy birthday! *hugs*

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

jazzyinuluvsesshyxxo In reply to GlitchSamo21 [2013-12-31 08:30:02 +0000 UTC]

Thanks : D <3

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

GlitchSamo21 In reply to jazzyinuluvsesshyxxo [2013-12-31 10:25:00 +0000 UTC]

Welcome *snuggle*

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

jazzyinuluvsesshyxxo In reply to GlitchSamo21 [2014-01-09 11:55:33 +0000 UTC]

n.n <3

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

Rednon [2013-11-03 12:24:16 +0000 UTC]

Thank you very much for the favorite, really appreciate it

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

jazzyinuluvsesshyxxo In reply to Rednon [2013-12-31 08:30:25 +0000 UTC]

Ish np ^-^ <3

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

Flesh-Festered-Freak [2013-08-30 11:33:53 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the fave

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

jazzyinuluvsesshyxxo In reply to Flesh-Festered-Freak [2013-09-04 14:30:39 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

japangatodamax [2013-08-30 05:47:59 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the fave

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

jazzyinuluvsesshyxxo In reply to japangatodamax [2013-09-04 14:30:53 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome ^_^

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

Championx91 [2013-08-28 13:09:35 +0000 UTC]

thanks for the dAwatch

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

jazzyinuluvsesshyxxo In reply to Championx91 [2013-08-29 18:36:53 +0000 UTC]


πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

AlexORio [2013-08-24 13:42:18 +0000 UTC]

Heya! Thanks for the fav! I invite you to check out the rest of my gallery sometime!

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

jazzyinuluvsesshyxxo In reply to AlexORio [2013-08-27 05:39:10 +0000 UTC]


πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

PharociousArt [2013-08-23 05:11:22 +0000 UTC]

Yo! Thanks for the fave!

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

jazzyinuluvsesshyxxo In reply to PharociousArt [2013-08-23 07:52:44 +0000 UTC]


πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

Cam-wis [2013-08-17 16:38:05 +0000 UTC]

cheers for the watch and the llama,
appreciate the support

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

jazzyinuluvsesshyxxo In reply to Cam-wis [2013-08-18 09:47:03 +0000 UTC]

Haha no problem

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

chris-3297 [2013-08-15 08:34:22 +0000 UTC]

i am not sure if you remember me
but i used to go to Canterbury
and we met a few times there

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

jazzyinuluvsesshyxxo In reply to chris-3297 [2013-08-15 15:38:08 +0000 UTC]

I remember you
How have you been? O:

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

chris-3297 In reply to jazzyinuluvsesshyxxo [2013-08-16 01:08:22 +0000 UTC]

have been good
i got a boyfriend on Wednesday so i am quite happy right now
how about you?
how have you been doing?

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

jazzyinuluvsesshyxxo In reply to chris-3297 [2013-08-16 10:16:12 +0000 UTC]

Naww, that's sweet
I've been good, just doing the usual homework for uni and relaxing every other odd day lol.
How's school? O:

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

chris-3297 In reply to jazzyinuluvsesshyxxo [2013-08-16 11:04:24 +0000 UTC]

it has been great
i moved to a new school actually
the only problem is how to be with my boyfriend while we are there
gay couples are not very welcomed
so is uni hard?

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

jazzyinuluvsesshyxxo In reply to chris-3297 [2013-08-16 12:31:16 +0000 UTC]

Gay couples aren't welcomed at a lot of schools unfortunately. Err, it can be, depends on what you study and if you are a part-time or full-time student. I dropped down to doing just 2 classes each week because I was getting ill a lot and keeping up was becoming a bit hard haha, so for me it's very easy at the moment. That's the good thing about uni is that you can do it at your own pace

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

chris-3297 In reply to jazzyinuluvsesshyxxo [2013-08-16 12:44:11 +0000 UTC]

well i am glad you are not struggling
and i hope you stay healthy
don't want you getting sick again
so what classes do you do?

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

jazzyinuluvsesshyxxo In reply to chris-3297 [2013-08-17 15:56:29 +0000 UTC]

Just Japanese, I have two classes for it and they go on for 2 hours. I hope I stay healthy too, though I did wake up a little bit ill this morning, I took some medicine to help fight against it. The worst of this illness so far has been a few heavy fevers but that's about it. How was your day?

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

chris-3297 In reply to jazzyinuluvsesshyxxo [2013-08-17 21:19:00 +0000 UTC]

my day?
well yesterday was alright
i work at the local library on Saturdays
and i wanted to see Caleb afterwards
But we are both young and we have to rely on parents to take us anywhere
and my parents are homophobic so it is not like i can tell them i want to see him
but besides that it was a nice day
a little rainy but it was not busy at the library at all
i hope you will feel better soon
and Japanese is tough i think
but then i never did good at it anyway

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

jazzyinuluvsesshyxxo In reply to chris-3297 [2013-08-18 09:44:29 +0000 UTC]

Nawww, it sucks to have parents that are homophobic.
I am already feeling better
Lol, to have a relaxing day at work would be nice.
Erm, Japanese can be tough but everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses, I am still finding that out now at the age of 19 lol.
But I hope you get to see Caleb soon

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

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