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iwannasammich [12123386] [] "beam me up, scotty."

# Statistics

Favourites: 390; Deviations: 71; Watchers: 25

Watching: 72; Pageviews: 9061; Comments Made: 1321; Friends: 72

# Comments

Comments: 253

LeiaIceCommander [2013-08-15 18:10:49 +0000 UTC]

For your B-day I want to draw you something. What do you want?

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dreamertechie [2011-11-30 00:16:55 +0000 UTC]

thanks for the

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LeiaIceCommander [2011-11-20 22:37:07 +0000 UTC]

you've been tagged

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DestinyJade [2011-10-01 01:18:23 +0000 UTC]

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iwannasammich In reply to DestinyJade [2011-10-01 19:09:59 +0000 UTC]

No problem! It was absolutely adorable!

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MelanieMushroom [2011-08-22 21:59:25 +0000 UTC]

Happy birthday!

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THEMADHATTER1995 [2011-08-22 11:38:26 +0000 UTC]

happy birthaday ^^ hyvรครค syntymรคpรคivรครค

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MostlyMatthew [2011-08-12 18:53:44 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the fav, Sam!

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LeiaIceCommander [2011-07-09 20:27:06 +0000 UTC]

*MANGAMANIAC6669 hours ago

Send one to all your friends who you think deserve a hug (which, hopefully includes the person who sent it to you)!!

You might send it to your enemies as well!
It'll really make them stop and think!!!

If you don't receive this back, nobody likes you, and they wish you'd stop bugging them!

If you receive this back 1 time, open up! Find more friends, enemies, or enemies pretending to be friends

If you receive this back 2 times, you're off to a good start! (Unless you sent it to yourself! That's cheating!)

If you receive this back 3 times, you're a good friend.

If you receive this back 4 times, you're truly loved as a friend!!



Spread the DA love around! (you can copy and paste this message on their userpage!)

1- You can hug the person who hugged you!

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FlabnBone [2011-06-12 00:04:09 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for faving "L o l l y p o p"

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Nicole-la [2011-06-10 15:51:17 +0000 UTC]

You have been tagged, my luv! [link]

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MusicLoveLife19 [2011-06-09 18:55:12 +0000 UTC]

You've been tagged! [link]

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colorized-happily [2011-05-03 02:17:05 +0000 UTC]

Hey girl heyyyy.
We haven't talked in a while. How are you?

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iwannasammich In reply to colorized-happily [2011-05-12 22:59:45 +0000 UTC]

dA kept giving me viruses! Like, 5 of them. At seperate times. I was not amused and temporarily quit the site.
But I think they fixed it now, so I AM BACK YESSS.

I'm doing WONDERFULLY. It's finally spring and school's nearly over and I'm graduating (AHH!) and I'm going to Disney World in 16 days and LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL. :]

How are you?

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colorized-happily In reply to iwannasammich [2011-05-13 05:17:14 +0000 UTC]

I'm very very well, also. Life is good. Very good.
DISNEY WORLD? I wanna go back there. Any plans for Disneyland this summer?

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iwannasammich In reply to colorized-happily [2011-05-13 11:19:16 +0000 UTC]

YES! DISNEY WORLD! With three of my best friends. And no parents! I'm so excited, its not even funny.

I don't think I'm gonna make it out this year, which SUCKS! Because my dad and stepmom are moving to Europe and everything is crazy. So they're going to California, but they're only going to Big Bear, not the coast-area at all, other than flying in there. :[ I might try to get out at Christmas though...

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colorized-happily In reply to iwannasammich [2011-05-13 14:20:30 +0000 UTC]

That sounds so beyond awesome. Like so awesome. Ugh, I can't imagine going to Disney World with just my best friends. We went to Disneyland the other day, and that alone was great, and Disney World is just epic. That's so cool.

Aww. Well, let me know if you do end up going at Christmas or whatever. I still wanna try and meet up with you some time.

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iwannasammich In reply to colorized-happily [2011-05-14 22:07:05 +0000 UTC]

I'm so excited. We've been planning it for like 2 years, and it's finally happening! It's sort of surreal, actually.

I definitely will! We need to meet up because it would be lovely and fun. :]

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colorized-happily In reply to iwannasammich [2011-05-15 23:41:08 +0000 UTC]

I would be excited too. That'd be so amazing.

Of course we do! It'd be great.

And on a side note...are you a Starkid? And if so, we have another similarity to add to our list.

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iwannasammich In reply to colorized-happily [2011-05-16 02:16:16 +0000 UTC]

OHMYDEAD/WIZARDGOD AM I A STARKID?!?! YES I TOTALLY AM. That's all I do with my life, EVER. I just watch their shows and reference them in everyday conversations! I'm so glad you like them!

Which is your favorite Starkid/favorite musical? I like Lauren Lopez and Nick Lang and AVPS... though I adore MAMD too..

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colorized-happily In reply to iwannasammich [2011-05-16 04:23:59 +0000 UTC]

Gotta love Lauren Lopez. Joe Walker's another one of my favorites. Me and my friend, Hannah, really love Starship though...nothing better than quoting "Can I tear off your head and let my larvae devour your body?"

And since I'm not a Harry Potter follower I don't really get all the jokes in AVPM or AVPS very much, but I still like them.

And MAMD...gosh, I mean, it's good, but then my friend has the songs on her iPod and starts singing "every night at the stroke of three..." and other various songs and I'm like "no." How does one even write such things? I don't get how you can even like be serious while performing that.

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iwannasammich In reply to colorized-happily [2011-05-16 21:59:17 +0000 UTC]

Me and my friend Colleen do the exact same thing, except with the Calculus line! "Remember that tiiiiiiime that you taught me CALCOOLUS? Calcoolus was TOUGH!"

I'm a totally HP nerd, so its simply beautiful to watch those two.

MAMD is ridiculous. It's so embarrassing to admit that I love it, but I totally do. But I can't sing along to the more obscene songs. I just can't do it. Like... "there ain't nothing like a..." *facepalm*. They're sort of genius to think up the story, like, who would think of a play with giant singing genitalia on stage? but its sort of creepy that they did, yeah.

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colorized-happily In reply to iwannasammich [2011-05-21 06:30:14 +0000 UTC]

The calculus line is great.

And MAMD...gosh, I don't even know what they were thinking at all with any of that.

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iwannasammich In reply to colorized-happily [2011-05-21 17:07:54 +0000 UTC]

I don't either!

Do you watch Glee? Because I like, obsessively pick through it to find Starkid references now that Darren's on.

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colorized-happily In reply to iwannasammich [2011-05-21 18:26:58 +0000 UTC]

Of course! Glee and Darren are great. Seeing Glee in concert next weekend, actually.

Oh, and another Starship line: "Damn that G.L.E.E! They're always making twisted abominations of everything!"

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iwannasammich In reply to colorized-happily [2011-05-21 18:54:43 +0000 UTC]

Aww! I'm so jealous! I wanted to go see that, but they're not coming anywhere near me. So I'll just see the movie when it comes out.

YES! And in one of the scenes you can hear Darren laugh SUPER loud, after everyone else is done laughing. Its the part where Junior is talking to his dad... around 4:30, I think. It makes me laugh so hard, because its SO Darren.

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colorized-happily In reply to iwannasammich [2011-05-22 04:56:50 +0000 UTC]

Hopefully it'll be good. Actually, who am I kidding? It's Glee. I mean, DARREN will be there.

yup yup, totally remember that one part with Darren's laugh. Like tumblr freaked out over it.

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iwannasammich In reply to colorized-happily [2011-05-22 22:58:54 +0000 UTC]

Haha, of COURSE it'll be great! I wanna see some pictures though!! You should take an especially special one of Mark Salling for me because I sort of love him.

Ha, tumblr. how you amuse me.

do you have facebook? because I don't see the point in us only talking over dA if we can talk on fb too. Jussayin'.

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colorized-happily In reply to iwannasammich [2011-05-22 23:52:32 +0000 UTC]

I will certainly try to do that.

Tumblr is very entertaining.

psh, of course I have a facebook. Hopefully this link will work: [link]

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iwannasammich In reply to colorized-happily [2011-05-23 00:10:27 +0000 UTC]

I would be so freaking excited if you were to!

i love it so much! have you seen simpledisneythings.tumblr.com? ITS MAH FAVORITE.

friend requested! :]

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FlabnBone [2011-04-09 23:48:51 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for faving "The sky is not the limit"

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iwannasammich In reply to FlabnBone [2011-04-10 02:08:35 +0000 UTC]

you're so very welcome! It was SO ADORABLE!

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EsenEcho [2011-04-07 01:46:18 +0000 UTC]

Thank you for the AVPS fav!

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iwannasammich In reply to EsenEcho [2011-04-07 01:48:56 +0000 UTC]

you're so very welcome! :]

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Nicole-la [2011-04-04 17:32:09 +0000 UTC]



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MostlyMatthew [2011-03-28 14:54:46 +0000 UTC]

Thanks kindly for both the favs!

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iwannasammich In reply to MostlyMatthew [2011-03-28 21:13:48 +0000 UTC]

you're very welcome, sir!

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2jL [2011-03-12 11:50:56 +0000 UTC]

Thank you very much !

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iwannasammich In reply to 2jL [2011-03-12 17:31:12 +0000 UTC]

you're very welcome!

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jycius [2011-03-03 17:48:37 +0000 UTC]

Thanks kindly for the fav! And I love your webcam!

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iwannasammich In reply to jycius [2011-03-04 00:36:40 +0000 UTC]

you're very welcome, and thank you!

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MostlyMatthew [2011-02-22 04:13:04 +0000 UTC]

Thanks kindly, Sam!

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iwannasammich In reply to MostlyMatthew [2011-02-24 14:07:00 +0000 UTC]

you're quite welcome, sir!

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Efina [2011-02-15 02:55:25 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the fave!

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iwannasammich In reply to Efina [2011-02-15 14:03:47 +0000 UTC]

you're welcome!

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xXheadinthecloudsXx [2011-02-07 04:07:00 +0000 UTC]


Also, can you tell what my icon is? Easily?

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iwannasammich In reply to xXheadinthecloudsXx [2011-02-08 14:24:50 +0000 UTC]

OOOOH, i love it! It's like, legit and pretty. :]

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xXheadinthecloudsXx In reply to iwannasammich [2011-02-09 04:39:59 +0000 UTC]

YAY! Its from the Wicked field trip, downtown blurriness.

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iwannasammich In reply to xXheadinthecloudsXx [2011-02-09 14:25:27 +0000 UTC]

ahhaa!! that was so fun!

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iwannasammich In reply to xXheadinthecloudsXx [2011-02-08 14:23:08 +0000 UTC]

YEAH, its mah feeeet. Imma go check your author tag nao.

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