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| inktion
# Statistics
Favourites: 20; Deviations: 18; Watchers: 190
Watching: 94; Pageviews: 12746; Comments Made: 147; Friends: 94
# Comments
Comments: 54
mandasketches [2014-10-07 10:42:29 +0000 UTC]
Bersyukur deh ada artist indonesia yang begini berbakat, jadi banggaa aaaa bagus banget galerinya :3 watched!
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inktion In reply to fuui-ukii [2014-03-19 09:02:17 +0000 UTC]
You mean Gaia Online? I once have an account there, but I rarely checking it now. Why? ( Β 'v')a
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fuui-ukii In reply to inktion [2014-04-01 18:28:27 +0000 UTC]
I have little art temp shops sometimes and it gets lonely there ahaha
prices are so high on gaia for art
back in the day 10k was good for art...
now someone gave me 4mil for a little chibi wows
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inktion In reply to fuui-ukii [2014-04-04 11:15:02 +0000 UTC]
Woooowww... O.o
That's a very, very high price just for a chibi.. O.o
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L0ST-IN-DR3AMS [2014-03-15 17:25:56 +0000 UTC]
Do you do commissions? Please tell me you do ; n ;
I keep seeing you post, and maybe I'm passing over commission information.
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inktion In reply to L0ST-IN-DR3AMS [2014-03-15 18:01:25 +0000 UTC]
Well I thought about doing commission a while ago and I've posted a journal about it. ^^
You can check it now.
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rafiqm [2014-03-12 23:34:38 +0000 UTC]
I wish you have lots of fun here, feel free to post your Street fighter work in our gallery, (remember to choose the right folder to place your work in )
Be sure you put the club icon in your journal to help spread the word!
Check out my latest Youtube video - youtu.be/EI5wMailT_Q
Feel free to leave a comment, like, Subscribe and share my NEW YouTube channel and let me know what you think!Β
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Lupojaeger [2014-01-26 02:25:43 +0000 UTC]
Wow. Your artworks are 10 times better than mine. You deserve more attention.
Please take my watch.
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inktion In reply to Lupojaeger [2014-01-26 13:06:21 +0000 UTC]
Lol~ Thank you very much~Β Β
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Rikoch3y [2013-11-19 13:13:19 +0000 UTC]
Hello, hmm, what do I call you on here then? Novi? Heheh... if you remember me. Pleased to see your art!
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inktion In reply to Rikoch3y [2013-11-29 17:57:22 +0000 UTC]
Well yes Riko, you did call me by my name back then. Haha..
And of course I still remember you.Β
Anyway, thank you for come by on my DA.Β Β
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inktion In reply to fuui-ukii [2013-11-14 20:08:00 +0000 UTC]
Long time no see. Ahaha... TvT
What are you doing recently? I've seen your skill has improved a lot. XD
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fuui-ukii In reply to inktion [2013-11-14 20:11:03 +0000 UTC]
I have been gooood:> ~
Ive missed you!Β
Recently I have been going dA crazy and have been trying to participate as much as I can in conversations and forums and groups to get more watchers here xD its driving me nuts
and thank you! I like your 4 new pieces on this profile!!!:>
I checked your old profile often always anticipating new work!
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inktion In reply to fuui-ukii [2013-11-14 20:29:03 +0000 UTC]
I see.. Btw, are you going to a university this year? ( Β 'w')
Missed you too~ :* And thank you for liking my pieces. Hehe..
Me too. Suddenly I have an urge to be active again in online art community like DA (after my long, long hiatus TvT). I've been too lazy these past months and I don't want that laziness to overcome me again...Β
So, do you stillΒ update onΒ DBSK/JYJ?Β Β
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fuui-ukii In reply to inktion [2013-11-14 23:14:29 +0000 UTC]
I am:>
I am interested in SCAD and SVA right now to major in illustration!
It is so hard to be noticed on these sites..for me at least lol! I have such trouble with it eeeee.
Yes I still do:>
Sadly I dont follow Yunho and Changmin as much as Id like:<
I love Yunho's dancing and Max is cute at times, but I think they are just not enough together..at least for me! What do you think?
I feel JYJ is just so much stronger...
but theyd be strongest as five again *A*
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inktion In reply to fuui-ukii [2013-11-15 06:54:24 +0000 UTC]
Haha.. #iknowthatfeelbro
In my opinion, you just have to aim for the best art skill from yourself, then the attention will come to you, not the opposite. Well, but that's just my opinion though. Please ignore it if you don't agree with it. Hehe..
Agree! I really hate it when they were disbanded.. ToT
For me, I guess I like them both equally. But somehow I prefer DBSK's songs more.
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fuui-ukii In reply to inktion [2013-11-16 13:38:21 +0000 UTC]
That is true:>
I dont know what I wanna do with my life aha but I know I at least want it to be some type of art!
Didnt DBSK make a christmas song already?:>
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inktion In reply to fuui-ukii [2013-11-29 18:02:48 +0000 UTC]
Haha.. *hugs*
I guess, since we know that SM always produced seasonal songs for their artists. ( Β =v
I like it too! Since it means holiday for me..Β Β
But this year I have to preparing my final project, so I guess there will be a lot of homework to be done this time..
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fuui-ukii In reply to inktion [2013-12-08 19:20:55 +0000 UTC]
Final project :>
Are you an art major?
Sorry if I have forgotten already orz
What is it :>?!
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inktion In reply to fuui-ukii [2014-01-15 09:11:49 +0000 UTC]
Sorta off~ I'm majoring in visual communication design (VCD). Hehe..
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fuui-ukii In reply to inktion [2014-01-23 19:45:39 +0000 UTC]
Ohh okay~~
I think I will know where Im going by the end of February.. ugh so scary!
I got a macbook for xmas and WOW ART LOOKS SO DIFFERENT AND PRETTY *u*!!!Β
PC resolution must be so bad uwaaaah.Β
Do you use mac?
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inktion In reply to fuui-ukii [2014-01-24 17:03:22 +0000 UTC]
Don't be afraid pal~ You can do it! (9 *w*)9
Really? XD Congrats for you & your present, lol~ <3
I thought it's just "rumor" since I've never been using it personally for doing artworks.
So I guess it's true that Mac's color is far (?) better than ordinary comp. Haha..
It's too expensive for me, so I only use an ordinary laptop.Β Β
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fuui-ukii In reply to inktion [2014-01-29 15:35:56 +0000 UTC]
Thank you *A*!!
It just makes me mad that I cant use SAI on my Mac... ahggh I love SAI for lines and for that water brush ;A;
I hope newer versions of PS are good w/ lineart.. I have CS3 and it is rough for me at least!
So I was looking up prices of some of my kpop cds I bought a few years ago to see how much they are now.. and woww
G-Dragon "Heartbreaker" original packaging is so rare! I feel so rich now ahaha *A*
Same with GD&TOP... I def bought both of those for about 20$ each and now theyre over 60$ wwowowow
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inktion In reply to fuui-ukii [2014-01-30 09:20:14 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, my friends say that too. It's sad that we can't use SAI there. Maybe you want to use Corel Painter? I've never used it though, but Artgerm once said that it has a lot of good brushes that similar to traditional brush.
Oh and btw, have you set your brush setting in PS? So that it will feel better/kinda similar to SAI brush.
To make it smooth, just minimize the Spacing in Brush Tip Shape. It's okay if you set it on 0%.
Then enable the Smoothing effect. For brush hardness, you can slide it from soft-hard by right-clicking your pen/mouse when Brush tool is on.
Feels like you're a lucky collector who can auction your stuffs now. XD
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fuui-ukii In reply to inktion [2014-02-11 14:31:45 +0000 UTC]
Yeah Corel Painter may be good with lines:>
And no, I have never set them! Wow that would probably make a world of difference, I just use general settings!
Thank you for this information! Hahaha I have had PS for so many years but I have never really learned anything about it... I hope College will help with that ;A;!
I visited SCAD and tried out for their soccer team this past weekend so I hope that goes well *u*
They have outdoor swimming pools and beach volleyball at the dorms wow heaven *A*
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inktion In reply to fuui-ukii [2014-02-19 13:59:09 +0000 UTC]
I've also seen a tutorial about making smudge tool in PS become similar with the blur tool in SAI. I guess this is the deviation kir-tat.deviantart.com/art/Phoβ¦
It's very useful. ( *^* )b
May I ask which country do you live in?
There are no such facilities like that in my university.. (*A*; )
Me want it.. I love swimming..Β Β
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fuui-ukii In reply to inktion [2014-02-22 21:22:52 +0000 UTC]
Oh that is useful *U*
Thank you for sharing!!
I am in USA! Where are you *A*~
We have had horrible snow here recently orz around 2 feet...
The snow and cold weather makes me so depressed, I need it to be warm soon ;n;
I am glad I live in a state that has all the seasons tho... at the same time I would hate to neverrrr see snow!
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inktion In reply to fuui-ukii [2014-02-23 07:07:27 +0000 UTC]
You're welcome~
I'm in Indonesia. Haha..
Nowadays the weather here is so random.. A few days are sunny, then a few days are raining heavily, then sometimes the rain is falling down when the sky is bright.. It just make you think, "WTF man??"..
Also recently there is a volcano eruption near my city, so there are ashes everywhere.. It's so dirty. There is even a village where the resident already move to a refuge because of the ashes, leaving it as an empty place that looks like Silent Hill. Lol...
I've never seen snow IRL since Indonesia is a 2 seasons country. It's been one of my dreams to see and feeling it directly..Β Β XD
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fuui-ukii In reply to inktion [2014-02-23 14:48:23 +0000 UTC]
Oh no! I think I heard of that volcano eruption actually!
Do you have to wear the small masks over your mouth and nose to go outside?
Ahh that is so awful!
When I was little I had a childrens book about volcanoes and I remember this picture of
people being turned to stone by the lava and they were like reaching and screaming
Worst thing we may have here is tornadoes, but very rare because the mountains block them.
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inktion In reply to fuui-ukii [2014-02-23 15:10:49 +0000 UTC]
Really? Wow.. I didn't think that the news would reach your country.
Well, fortunately I had no plan to go outside at that time. I just stayed at home for the next few days. So I didn't wear any of it. Haha..
People joking that they were wishing for snow to come, not ashes. lol..
Hmm.. *silentmoment
What kind of children book is that? O.o What's the title? I want to see it. Haha..
Tornadoes? Wew.. Doesn't sound good.. :s
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