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# Comments
Comments: 382
queclub [2015-10-11 14:27:22 +0000 UTC]
hey there, i am looking to make new logo for my gaming club, please email me at amer_el@hotmail.com
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CzechBiohazard [2013-02-13 11:14:41 +0000 UTC]
Howdy, I would like your help with something. Can you make it that you can join #CCCP just as a regular member and not a contributor? Otherwise, nobody else can join that group, because it has to many contributors in there. Thanks.
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CzechBiohazard In reply to northernmost [2013-02-13 11:17:43 +0000 UTC]
Hidden by Owner
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northernmost In reply to CzechBiohazard [2013-02-13 22:46:45 +0000 UTC]
Hidden by Owner
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CzechBiohazard In reply to northernmost [2013-02-13 22:59:32 +0000 UTC]
Actually, The USA is way more dangerous. You noob.
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northernmost In reply to CzechBiohazard [2013-02-14 13:08:12 +0000 UTC]
either you are very young or stupid. intelligent people will never support cccp, ss or any other political movement.
for example, Germany is regretting for what they did to Jewish people, while Russians even do not want to acknowledge what they did. and are lying to their own people in their history books, that all countries wanted to be a part of Russia, Russia didn't made them to do this, innocent Russia..
USA is not that dangerous as Russia is. USA never had that need to rule the world, they were never an imperialistic country, USA could be dangerous only because of one fact, that USA people don't give a fuck about European politics or any other countries relationships, and when USA comes to Iran and does something only because they think that they are the only one who could help Asian, European people to live in peace, well American's sure look dumb, the only one reason why they are dangerous is only because they are very nosy.
you really should study some more history, kid. you really are to young to understand.
the most beautiful thing in this world, could be cosmopolitanism, but sadly lots of people are not ready for that, you too, it's because of that mindset/mentalitet which you and other people have.
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Krovash In reply to northernmost [2013-02-14 14:52:55 +0000 UTC]
I sence someone's really trying to portray us as a lying nation. How would you know, what's written in our history books? Did you read them? Do you know Russian language to do so? We indeed migh have had history books that said Stalin was a wonderfull man in every possible way, but those were post war are books, which were replaced in late 90s. Besides don't forget such a rule: "If there's no good things i can say about this man, i will remain silent". That was the rule of those old books, they focused on good sides, not on bad ones, this was a way to form patriotism in people (you're not gonna say patriotism is bad i hope).
I have no idea why you consider Russia a dangerous country... we're not waging wars on people, we keep our nose in our business and think several times before we want to be involved in a conflict, because this country has to uphold interests of a lot of different nations (because Russia is considered a multinational country).
And also as i noticed the original bitching started with the fact of CCCP existence as a group on dA and that it correlates with USSR. Here's something a fact you should consider: "A ton of Russians that use a foreign website will use "CCCP" as an indication that they're Russians, it doesn't mean they support the USSR, that simply means they belong to this country.
Maybe you know a lot of history, but you don't live in this country, therefore you don't know what's going on here. Stop thinking of big nations as your enemy, if bigger nations would've wanted to rule the world, we would've made an alliance: Russia, China, USA and then we would start dominating the world, but you don't see us doing that, so yeah, calm down.
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northernmost In reply to Krovash [2013-02-15 00:34:15 +0000 UTC]
yeah, i won't change my mind. your politics are very dangerous. u actually look like someone washed your brains. haven't you noticed, that the only one politician who rules your country is Putin that he manipulated previous president? and young students, who goes against him , journalists being killed. your president is corrupted, but what could you, simple person do? nothing.
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Krovash In reply to northernmost [2013-02-15 08:28:30 +0000 UTC]
Nobody washed my brains i look at things realisticly. Don't get me wrong, i'm NOT a fan of Putin, i pretty much despise him for cheating at the elections and stuff like that. Sure he does bad things, BUT you can't jump to conclusions just yet. Now let's see, he cheated at elections and now he's doing some things that benefit our country and some things that don't. If you took a look at other candidates into presidents, they all promise such a great future and stuff like that but in reality one of them was a head of a criminal mob in 90s, the other guy is very controversal and would DEFINATELY wage wars on anyone if he was elected. Would you want that militant guy to be elected? Nobody would want that!
So what do you get out of that: Putin is sure not a saint, not a good guy, i don't support him, BUT he's the best available choice at the moment, if we could choose a better guy we would've done so and another cheating would've only raised the ammount of negativeness towards Putin (you might be surprised but people of this country don't really like him either).
Yes, i'm a simple person, i can't do anything, what i'm trying to tell you is that i'm Russian, but i don't support our country going militant or anything, we're not in a state of open war with anybody right now and i'm ok with it. In your original post you called russia a dangerous country, i actually wonder what change would you like to see in this country so you stop seeing it as a dangerous agressor?
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CzechBiohazard In reply to Krovash [2013-02-15 12:56:31 +0000 UTC]
For whatever reason, he still thinks America is not evil nor are we trying to take over the world. lol
I guess invading a new country every year and killing everyone is not evil nowadays.....
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Krovash In reply to CzechBiohazard [2013-02-15 14:13:52 +0000 UTC]
I wouldn't say your government tries to take over the world, but instead it just keeps shoving its nose whereever they can.
And that guy is basically blaming the country for what has happened a long time ago. It's the same as when terrorists kill a bunch of people cause of the crusades that happened a thousand years ago.
Honestly, i talked with people from different contries through my life and nobody said BS like that, in fact people though russia is quite cool, as much as i think any other country is pretty interesting by itself. The guy even went so far and commented on something he DOESN'T like in a hatefull manner. Don't like it, don't look at it, nobody's forcing you to do it, There are people on dA that support things i may find disgusting, but you don't see me going there and telling them how bad they are.
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northernmost In reply to Krovash [2013-02-15 00:29:32 +0000 UTC]
yeah. so that i could remind you of this, how your politics isn't dangerous at all : [link] [link] [link] [link] it's happened in this century are you still saying that Putin is good?
it happened in 1991. oh, but you might not be able to see it, because you are from Russia.
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CzechBiohazard In reply to northernmost [2013-02-15 12:57:31 +0000 UTC]
How about American politics? Hmmmmmmmm?
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Krovash In reply to northernmost [2013-02-15 08:39:10 +0000 UTC]
Reread my comment, i never said Putin was good! In my response to your other comment i said, that i'm not a fan of his. People that vote for Putin, vote for him not because they like him, but because we have NO BETTER ALTERNATIVE!
And now i'll move on to the pictures you sent me: those are from war with chechnyans i guess. I don't know anything about that case, so i'm not gonna judge anyone. Although one thing i know for sure: i can find pictures of pretty much any other country that's in war right now...i can take pictures of dead taliban soldiers from afghanistan and say that's how american politics look like, and vice versa, i can take dead american soldier pictures and say that's how afghanistan's politics look like. Why am i mentioning that? Because you can find cruel pictures on the internet and say politics of a certain country are bad, but there's always an attacker and a defender, if a defender defends his homeland, it's not evil politics, let's say USA would attack my country hoping to take away our gas resources, it's not gonna be our evil politics that THEY decide to take our gas.
If we attacked those people on pictures to take something away from them, then yes, that's cruel and i'm not gonna support it.
And no, the fact that i'm russian doesn't mean my government censors internet access to pictures of dead people.
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northernmost In reply to Krovash [2013-02-15 00:12:01 +0000 UTC]
"I sence someone's really trying to portray us as a lying nation. How would you know, what's written in our history books? Did you read them? Do you know Russian language to do so? "
lol. actually yes. i have lived in Russia and i have friends. don't think that i don't know what i am talking about.
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CzechBiohazard In reply to northernmost [2013-02-15 12:58:32 +0000 UTC]
You haven't lived in America? Yet, you know more than I, an American citizen?
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Krovash In reply to northernmost [2013-02-15 09:03:30 +0000 UTC]
Well i kinda get an idea you're saying you're a person that's able to see everything, hear everything, and know everything about this country. I'm am sure that whatever i tell you, it will not change your opinion in a slightest way, you will continue thinking we're bad russkies, trying to take over your land, or the world (whatever fits you best).
My main complaint wasn't as much about that, what actually made me respond to your original post is that you said that Russia's politics are dangerous, therefore you not only mentione the government but ALSO regular people like me, who have nothing to do with actions of the government. That's why i asked you to tell me how can i be a dangerous guy in your eyes. Seriously i talk with people over the world and we all respect each other, not saying how this country is bad or this country is good...
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CzechBiohazard In reply to Krovash [2013-02-14 15:06:25 +0000 UTC]
Actually, I would love to see an alliance comprised of those three countries. Screw those weak European allies.
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northernmost In reply to CzechBiohazard [2013-02-15 00:26:24 +0000 UTC]
"Actually, I would love to see an alliance comprised of those three countries. Screw those weak European allies."
either you are troll or really dumb. i have no more words. i am speechless.
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CzechBiohazard In reply to northernmost [2013-02-15 12:32:38 +0000 UTC]
You think Europe (excluding Russia) is more powerful than The United States of America, China, and Russia? How am I "dumb" for wanting that alliance? You're probably just one huge racist who hates Russians.
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northernmost In reply to CzechBiohazard [2013-02-15 14:42:40 +0000 UTC]
besides your country is more backward-looking than any other country, and i am not talking about technologies, i am talking about your civilization and its interests. watch this movie [link] it will tell a lot about your country
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northernmost In reply to CzechBiohazard [2013-02-15 14:35:44 +0000 UTC]
haha, actually that's what i was denying, you really don't get the point aren't you? of course U.S.A, China or Russia are way stronger than Europe. that's why i started this topic in the first place. about supporting cccp
i hate Russians? actually i am half Russian, half Lithuanian, that's why i sometimes visit Russia, because my grandparents lives there the fact, that i am talking about Russian politics, and your reaction as accepting it as racism to Russian nation. well.. it's really childish.
what can i say. you wont go very far with this mindset you are having now. good look for looking and finding something more reasonable and more useful.
you really don't understand what i am talking about. this conversation is getting boring. it's like talking with a wall ya know? bye bye
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CzechBiohazard In reply to northernmost [2013-02-15 15:15:25 +0000 UTC]
If America, Russia, and Chine created an alliance, then we would be free to destroy all the puny nations like yours.
Stop being afraid of the Super Powers. They don't care about you.
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CzechBiohazard In reply to northernmost [2013-02-14 15:22:39 +0000 UTC]
We are in Iraq for their oil. Not to help Asia and Europe.
Stop acting like you know more than I. When I live in America and I am an American citizen.
Russia does not invade other countries, unlike America. We have been in one conflict or another since this country was created. America has their hands into almost every part of this world. We have a military base in almost every single nation. Also, we have freaking nuked someone already. How are we more peaceful than Russia? America declares war on a new country almost every 4 years.
I'm American, dude. I know if my country is righteous or not. We are an evil country. Well, to be exact, our government is corrupt and evil, the citizens are not.
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northernmost In reply to CzechBiohazard [2013-02-15 00:24:09 +0000 UTC]
sure support cccp okay? because your country is more evil than Russia haha. how interesting and clever
"Russia does not invade other countries, unlike America." <-
oh really? how about Chechnya people, whom Russia just killed in this century, saying that Chechen people are terrorists? what about my country, Lithuania, who ten years ago was attacked by Russia tanks and people were injured or killed? nah, Russia doesn't involve other countries sure
actually Russia is more smarter than your country,
Russia chooses economic politics, that's how Russia is trying to rule the whole Europe, pretty much because of gas and other recourses which smaller countries do not have .
i don't want to repeat myself... but oh well.. you REALLY should read some history, kid. so that you could compare two big different countries.
and shut the fuck up about your dumb U.S.A, 99,99 % of your nation sucks, you little Englishman mutant with your mcdonalds and fastfood restaurants.
and we should finish this discussion right now, because i just noticed that you are not that person to whom i wrote the first message in the first place. whatever.
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CzechBiohazard In reply to northernmost [2013-02-15 12:48:37 +0000 UTC]
The Chechen people are terrorists.
From the looks of what you said. You are just a racist. Pure and simple. I know more about my country and my country's agenda than you. America is more evil. Also, nobody cares about Lithuania. Why do you think nobody does anything to stop the Russians from killing your people.
We aren't going to save you from big bad Russia. lol
Needless to say, I support the CCCP, the USSR, and the Russian Federation.
Unlike you, I do not fear Russia. Only third world countries do.
Fear America instead.
If we ever free you guys from Russian tyranny, we will just build McDonalds everywhere and make your people fat and lazy. Then, your people will die from being fat than dieing from bullets.
Seriously though, no ones cares about Lithuania. lol
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northernmost In reply to CzechBiohazard [2013-02-15 14:30:14 +0000 UTC]
well. aren't you racist?
The Chechen people are terrorists. sure whatever you know. whatever you think.
you do not know what else to say, so everything is left, is to troll me
whatever you are. think that i am from third country. at least. our country has deep old culture, and other Europeans has it too, excluding yours nation
and your words has no effect on me support whatever you want. i really don't care what u.s.a. people thinks that way. the only thing i care is Russian politics. not you so . bye
troll harder.
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CzechBiohazard In reply to northernmost [2013-02-15 15:13:20 +0000 UTC]
Hahahahaha, aren't you cute little girl.
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Krovash In reply to northernmost [2013-02-15 09:14:44 +0000 UTC]
Ahh now i get it why you hate Russia. Ok, not gonna say anything else about what we already discussed it's not gonna change your opinion even the slightest. Oh and i just love how you responded to a guy's comment, saying how his whole nation sucks. I do get your temperament kid, you simply hate other contries and portray yourself as a person that knows everything better than anyone, that's one of the reasons you call everyone a kid, kid.
Anyways, have fun hating on ever country that's bigger than yours, you seem really good at it, i'm done with you kid
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CzechBiohazard In reply to Krovash [2013-02-15 12:52:54 +0000 UTC]
He thinks the Chechen people aren't terrorists............ LOL!
I love how he is trashtalking both countries now. lol
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Krovash In reply to CzechBiohazard [2013-02-15 14:07:05 +0000 UTC]
Not all Checnyans are terrorists, although terrorist factions do exist in Chechnya, and they command those of their soldiers that commit terroristic attacks in Moscow or Saint Petersburg, that's why sometimes on the news you can see that some checnyans were killed by our forces.
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Hegichern [2010-10-07 15:24:14 +0000 UTC]
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inGraphics In reply to Hegichern [2010-10-12 17:03:25 +0000 UTC]
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inGraphics In reply to DGruwier [2010-07-15 00:31:06 +0000 UTC]
no problem nice gallery
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The-Necromancer [2010-07-07 09:30:24 +0000 UTC]
As I am not sure how you would feel about it, I would ask your permission to affiliate #communism with your group.
If you wish not to, I would understand.
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