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icbreeze [4770947] [] "Also dubbed shan^2"

# Statistics

Favourites: 17; Deviations: 130; Watchers: 101

Watching: 53; Pageviews: 33298; Comments Made: 1198; Friends: 53

# Comments

Comments: 105

Tears-of-Hope [2012-02-20 12:51:13 +0000 UTC]

Excuse me mate,

I distinctly remember back when i loved changing themes and changed my iPod's theme to this one (Ancient System v2). Need I say it was THE best theme i had ever done.

However reason why im contacting you is because suddenly i remembered this theme and wanted to make a Mac and/or PC theme out of it.

Reason why i need you is because of 1) your permission and 2) your wallpaper as it seems Essential to the coexistence and harmony of the theme overall.

Please let me know,

Many thanks,


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Tears-of-Hope In reply to Tears-of-Hope [2012-02-20 12:51:41 +0000 UTC]

*done = had. Sorry ><

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Unnamed-007 [2011-07-07 13:53:04 +0000 UTC]

Yo, master of themes!

I've tried your iPhone theme, Its very nice, the part I can see..I have an iPhone 4 with iOS 4.3 and it appears that it has compatibility issues.

Most of the stuff doesn't appear.
Such as the ZPM Power thing instead of the battery when charging in lock screen.
The custom keypad and so on.

If you could update it, I would be forever in your dept.

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icyurfone [2011-04-24 07:04:26 +0000 UTC]

I just want to say Ancient System V2 is awesome!
I was just wondering what you used to make the icons ... because i have trouble customizing it myself =[
Like what program did you use and what are the steps. Because when i do it i don't get the same glow or opacity in my iphone.
Thank you.

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ewigestudentin [2011-04-03 14:20:58 +0000 UTC]

Hey, I don't wanna be a bother, but I'm still waiting for the artists' permissions to use their pictures in my vid. It's perfectly OK if you don't allow that, I'd just need you to say yes or no, please

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ewigestudentin [2011-03-18 13:27:57 +0000 UTC]

Hey, I used your picture in a short Wraith-themed music video. May I post the video on YT now? (I linked to your dA gallery in the description )

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icbreeze In reply to ewigestudentin [2011-04-20 13:59:27 +0000 UTC]

that's fine, so long as you link it back to this site

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ewigestudentin In reply to icbreeze [2011-04-20 14:43:26 +0000 UTC]

Thank you, but i have already uploaded the vid a while ago - I had to omit your pictures because I didn't have your permission yet
Thanks anyhow - it's good to know that you would allow that. Your work is amazing and it would be great if more people could see it

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gemetzeltes [2010-11-05 08:50:33 +0000 UTC]


Would you mind uploading the original PSDs of the icons you took for you Ancient System theme or tell me where you got the originals from?

Id like to use some of your icons for my theme if you dont mind


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Leonick [2010-08-23 21:37:24 +0000 UTC]


Just wondering maybe you had any plans to make a iPhone 4 version of your Ancient System theme? Or maybe create that Universe themed one you thought about?

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ShesaCai [2010-06-13 21:25:41 +0000 UTC]

Can you tell me where did you get the icons and the other resources that you used to do Ancient System v2 theme because I wanna make a skin like this for my moto E8 ?

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icbreeze In reply to ShesaCai [2010-06-17 01:49:56 +0000 UTC]

reply sent. Check notes.

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BB-iNvert [2010-05-02 07:46:51 +0000 UTC]

heyo~ um...what was i gonna say...oh yeah I'm probably gonna shut my deviant account down, and use my joint one more to post stuff cos it's just more convenient and also cos i will post stuff on the new page so yeah, when i officially change over i'll tell you xD

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Leonick [2010-01-25 21:44:51 +0000 UTC]

Any hope for some new ancient system updates or a new sgu inspired theme?

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icbreeze In reply to Leonick [2010-02-13 00:55:47 +0000 UTC]

Hmm... Still thinking about it. Don't know if the idea is feasible at this current time. Been uber busy.
I mean it's basically the black and white version of Ancient System v2, which relied on the colours of blue, green and white.
Another person suggested that i should port Ancient System v2 to the iPad, so maybe the iPad version might be the SGU version instead....
Then again i could always just make the bare basic version of the SGU system instead- really cbb to skin the whole UAI, there's just too many images to redo.
So i could always just skin the home UAI, music player and maybe safari...
hmmm... really dont know. What do you think?

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Leonick In reply to icbreeze [2010-02-13 21:27:48 +0000 UTC]

what i think? well first of, screw the iPad

first of all there will always be more people wanting ipod/iphone themes

secondly, who says the ipad will even be jailbroken? though probably

and third, wouldnt be suprised at all if all the ui images that is not unique for the ipad are the exact same as for the other i devices just upscaled just like many games and such will be

as for the theme, just a basic or a complete one, well it's really your choice, it's a lot of work and who has the right to make any demands? but i say this, the fact that your ancient theme was so popular and is so unique is the fact that's it's a "complete" theme

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icbreeze In reply to Leonick [2010-02-15 02:48:26 +0000 UTC]

hmm..... i'll think about it. Thanks for the advice! =] Appreciate it heaps!

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Leonick In reply to icbreeze [2010-02-15 16:48:58 +0000 UTC]

Yea you do that. No problem, glad to be of help

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xavian8907 [2009-12-26 01:14:18 +0000 UTC]

I use your atlantis system theme but i can't seem to get the icon making down

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icbreeze In reply to xavian8907 [2009-12-26 02:42:10 +0000 UTC]

have a look at the reply, i sent you.

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Hokage7Elliott7Clyne [2009-12-18 13:18:05 +0000 UTC]

hey you like ss501? cool

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Leonick [2009-10-18 15:08:09 +0000 UTC]

I take it you like SGU this far considering the new uploads... To bad there havnt been much for theme inspiration you more black and white idea sounds so nice

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icbreeze In reply to Leonick [2009-10-22 05:08:06 +0000 UTC]

yea true, haven't had much of an inspiration spike just yet- but i am still gonna attempt to make a theme based around the SGU series. I mean people thus far are enjoying the SGA version of it. So i might wait it out, until there's like a big demand out for it.
I'm assuming ur pretty chilled with the SGU series so far?

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Leonick In reply to icbreeze [2009-10-25 16:00:19 +0000 UTC]

I basically love SGU this far Sure it's a bit different but it sure as hell is stargate

also, you said you planned something more black and white, which would be real cool but the interfaces of the Destiny isnt exactly black and white
here is the only good pic ive found this far, [link] os=1470, they havnt exactly showed a lot of computer user interfaces yet :/

also what do you think of the icon idea i posted on the ipodtouchfan forums?? using some effect overlay on the standard icons sure would deal with the problem of unthemed icons

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icbreeze In reply to Leonick [2009-10-29 05:11:55 +0000 UTC]

could you post up the link to your post on the ipodtouchfan forum? ps: the link you sent me doesnt work anymore.thanks!

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Leonick In reply to icbreeze [2009-10-30 19:57:50 +0000 UTC]

check the second post on page 19.

as for my image link, well i guess deviantart though part of it were a smilie and messed it up

take this link [link]

hopefully it will work

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icbreeze In reply to Leonick [2009-11-05 06:32:24 +0000 UTC]

hey leonick, sorry for the late reply, been busy with exams and etc....
yea i read the post, it's an interesting idea but i have no idea if i can even do it. i guess i gotta go poking around other peoples theme and see what they have so i can tweak to mine to it. I get a feeling that the code would be in the "info.plist" in order to change the opacity of every icon.
The thing is with all the icons is that, there are simply too many apps. I might try your idea out but again, i would need other peoples theme as reference in order to create a viable theme.

thanks again!

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BB-iNvert [2009-07-30 02:36:12 +0000 UTC]

lol fail at safety test!!

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icbreeze In reply to BB-iNvert [2009-07-30 11:36:26 +0000 UTC]

DUDE.... 5%.... ONLY 5%!!!!

If it was my world 75% would be enough!!!

LOL uhh nice emotioncons, took you a while to choose.....

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Leonick [2009-07-08 14:14:40 +0000 UTC]

I saw on the iPod Touch fan forums that your were looking for sounds... This might help a little, though you might already have found the same sounds yourself

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icbreeze In reply to Leonick [2009-07-09 09:47:28 +0000 UTC]

thanks heaps

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Leonick In reply to icbreeze [2009-07-09 13:16:40 +0000 UTC]

Well if you need a beta tester for the theme thats a great way to say thanks

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icbreeze In reply to Leonick [2009-07-10 01:11:10 +0000 UTC]

Hidden by Owner

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Leonick In reply to icbreeze [2009-07-10 05:48:20 +0000 UTC]

Hidden by Owner

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Leonick In reply to Leonick [2009-07-11 14:49:20 +0000 UTC]

Greatly appreciated man!

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icbreeze In reply to Leonick [2009-07-10 13:11:33 +0000 UTC]

thanks give u an email once im done!

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Leonick [2009-06-23 23:54:51 +0000 UTC]

Just wanted to give you this link
Might be helpful for your Ancient System Theme

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icbreeze In reply to Leonick [2009-06-25 07:47:57 +0000 UTC]




I've been look all over the web for some referencing on another theme i've been working on

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SkyAndNatureClub [2008-12-03 07:10:36 +0000 UTC]

Welcome to *SkyAndNatureClub

Enjoy your stay


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coldfirezz [2008-11-11 22:36:40 +0000 UTC]

Amazing work!!!!

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DGruwier [2008-10-18 12:51:15 +0000 UTC]

Thx for the watch

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icbreeze In reply to DGruwier [2008-10-18 23:46:18 +0000 UTC]

I really like your photography work!

Do you do this professionally or just causally?
Cause the angles in which to you took your photos look really pro

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DGruwier In reply to icbreeze [2008-10-19 12:28:19 +0000 UTC]

well, i bought my first camera 3 months ago, so pro? I don't think so .
Thanks a lot though

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ShackledMuse [2008-09-26 12:55:30 +0000 UTC]


You have been featured in For the love of Stargate News Article

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Leafangel [2008-08-25 20:20:07 +0000 UTC]

Cheers for stopping by my gallery.

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goblinarmy [2008-08-05 13:39:40 +0000 UTC]

sweet gallery breeze!

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ycksuryadi [2008-07-28 12:45:44 +0000 UTC]

thanks a lot! love ur work too..

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icbreeze In reply to ycksuryadi [2008-07-29 07:48:57 +0000 UTC]

ahaha thanks, your work is so much more professional than what i have in my gallery- at the moment mine work is like "whenever, where ever"- if you get my drift

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fridzalone [2008-07-03 17:36:10 +0000 UTC]

i use ur stock here [link]


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girlsinkhearts [2008-06-19 10:13:36 +0000 UTC]


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