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hobbitgirlintardis [12284106] [] "time traveling pirate hobbit ;)"

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# Comments

Comments: 132

SeraphimCrystal [2013-06-02 15:29:08 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for faving one of my Loki pictures!

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AmoraLicious [2012-11-10 01:38:47 +0000 UTC]

thanks! ^.^

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bladeLMTD [2012-11-01 13:47:25 +0000 UTC]

Hey omg I hope your ok that storm was terrible!! I hope it did not hit you!

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hobbitgirlintardis In reply to bladeLMTD [2012-11-01 16:24:30 +0000 UTC]

Nope, I'm on the other side of the country. Although, I don't think I'll be getting my blu ray player any time soon---apparently their exchange center is in New Jersey. :/ Actually we're having unusually warm weather over here. Record highs and record warm lows.

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bladeLMTD In reply to hobbitgirlintardis [2012-11-01 16:42:08 +0000 UTC]

oh thank god for that..but on the other hand... NOOOOOOOOO DX thats so damn annoying! LOL and well i guess as long as you dont have the hurricane. LOL! we have cold wet weather. Haloween was pooring. LOL and I only had one bunch of kids at the door SUCCESS. more sweets for me LOL

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hobbitgirlintardis In reply to bladeLMTD [2012-11-01 17:59:20 +0000 UTC]

I actually had quite a few knocks on my door--though I'm pretty sure they were all kids from the complex I live in. It wasn't raining I don't think. Though it is pouring today. Got soaked just from my car to the front door, and I was parked nose next to the front door. But not really cold. Just about 50degrees F. (10 degrees C?) It sounds so much colder in Celsius. ...

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bladeLMTD In reply to hobbitgirlintardis [2012-11-01 21:07:36 +0000 UTC]

haha! no rain today! LOL ahh its inda annoying though coz last year we had loads of kids this year it was just 3 LOL!! they ventured out into the storm bless them! LOL XD and wow thats like the rain we had last night night! and im sorry you keep having to converting it to Celsius LOL!!

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hobbitgirlintardis In reply to bladeLMTD [2012-11-01 23:06:12 +0000 UTC]

Hey, if I move there, I'll have to stop thinking in Fahrenheit right? sounds like your weather hopped the pond and drove cross country to get here just in time for me to drive to work

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bladeLMTD In reply to hobbitgirlintardis [2012-11-02 00:11:43 +0000 UTC]

haha yeah! and while your going to work im going to bed. LOL!!

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hobbitgirlintardis In reply to bladeLMTD [2012-11-02 05:13:01 +0000 UTC]

Yeah but for two more days we are only 7 hours apart! (we moved the date of the time change and according to twitter you guys didn't, for one week I'm one hour closer to Tom) I will be going to bed shortly, so it's like 5 am on your end?

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bladeLMTD In reply to hobbitgirlintardis [2012-11-02 10:37:26 +0000 UTC]

only 7 hours... LOL!!!! hahaha no it was like uh 1am? LOL! if i can remember its morning now and its 10.36 LOL you would be one hour to tom if he was in england but....hes in iceland, the last I read about it. LOL!

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hobbitgirlintardis In reply to bladeLMTD [2012-11-02 17:01:03 +0000 UTC]

Going by the "posted 6 hours, 19 minutes ago" on your post, it was around 3.40 am my time when you posted that. It's almost 10am now here. when I'm writing this. times zones are crazy and confusing. you're on GMT right?

They're filming in London, last I heard. he tweeted that he'd left Iceland a few weeks ago.

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bladeLMTD In reply to hobbitgirlintardis [2012-11-02 21:14:33 +0000 UTC]

hmm I believe so... im not very good when it comes to times and math though so I could be wrong. LOL!! hahaha it is damn weird. especially when you have friends in other areas as well and there like. LOL I wasent awake then. LOL!!

And damn im behind... AGAIN. LOL!! I don't have twitter it annoys me. LOL London for thor? I wonder where they are filming... that would be interesting. LOL!!

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hobbitgirlintardis In reply to bladeLMTD [2012-11-02 21:36:21 +0000 UTC]

I've seen a few set pictures--they seem to be using London AS London, so something is going down in the story in London. (how many times can I use London in a sentence?)-- but it was just crew getting set up, no actors to be seen.
I originally got a twitter account to tell Dancing with the Stars that their music sucks -- and i don't even watch it anymore-- but now I just use it to follow Tom...... I have no idea how I have actually managed to tweet over 100 times........

(17 minutes ago it was 2:20pm)

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bladeLMTD In reply to hobbitgirlintardis [2012-11-03 12:42:49 +0000 UTC]

yay! damn I wanna go london. but PETROL DXXX LOL haha and by the looks of it *starts counting* 4, including when you said the part in the brakets. lOL!!! aww thats a shame. could of gone stalked them..but PETROL. it would still take 4 hours to get up there. LOL!!

omfg. LOL!!! I don't think I would get along with twitter.. il stick with facebook LOL! and they way it said as well "follow that person" is like "stalk that man" LOL XDDD and isent twitter like facebook? you just use a wall and write crap? LOL!

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hobbitgirlintardis In reply to bladeLMTD [2012-11-04 00:55:45 +0000 UTC]

I think of Twitter as Facebooks statuses only.... and you can stalk your favourite celebs. I don't really have any actual friends on twitter, that's what facebook is for.

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bladeLMTD In reply to hobbitgirlintardis [2012-11-04 12:03:54 +0000 UTC]

ohhh I see LOL

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hobbitgirlintardis In reply to bladeLMTD [2012-11-05 06:22:05 +0000 UTC]

We're back to 8 hours. TIme changed last night. Still need to change the clock in my car.... must remember to do that in the morning.

I finally watched all my special features. Ended up buying a new blu ray player -- parents' paid for it. When I ever get the exchanged one back from samsung I'm selling it on ebay and giving them the money.

Hey, I think I mentioned what I do, but I never asked, what do you do? are you a student?

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bladeLMTD In reply to hobbitgirlintardis [2012-11-05 20:34:19 +0000 UTC]

haha LOL yeah we went backwards an hour last week LOL

aww well I guess that is really kind of them! LOL my mo does that to alot of my things as well and shes like now I want the money back and Im like yeah il sell the older version. LOL! I always give it back coz otherwise I feel really really mean DX LOL

LOL im a student at a college studying FdA Graphics at uni level Iv been studying graphics now for...4 years hoping to get a BA after next year if I can get in Really hard work I think I mentioned it before! LOL

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hobbitgirlintardis In reply to bladeLMTD [2012-11-05 22:16:55 +0000 UTC]

To be fair it was a birthday present from them, and when it turned out to be a lemon they wished they'd bought it at a store with money, rather than credit card rewards.

You may have, we've talked a lot, LOL. What are you hoping to be able to do once you graduate?

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bladeLMTD In reply to hobbitgirlintardis [2012-11-06 17:32:44 +0000 UTC]

hahaha I don't blame them LOL!! and well can't they give it to you for free? considering it was a "birthday present before?" LOL!!

Yes its rather funny LOL!! and I hope to get a job in advertising if possible or really anything in graphics design I like editorial as well XD LOL

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hobbitgirlintardis In reply to bladeLMTD [2012-11-08 03:30:34 +0000 UTC]

the exchange blu ray player arrived today......... *smacks head* should have just waited....


Sounds cool. hope you can find something once you graduate.

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bladeLMTD In reply to hobbitgirlintardis [2012-11-08 12:44:41 +0000 UTC]

omfg. LOL! thats just damn bad luck! LOL!!! oh well you can sell it on ebay at least you get your money back. Just be wary of postage packaging its gone up so much O_O well it has in england. LOL!!

Oh thank you!! I hope I do too! where I live its vry limited area, and yet it is the largest area at the same time. LOL!!

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hobbitgirlintardis In reply to bladeLMTD [2012-11-08 17:28:52 +0000 UTC]

i learned my lesson a long time ago about offering free shipping... on this one I'm gonna check how much it will cost to ship and ask for that, not just $2.50 like I usually do. My problem is, they told me I didn't have to send back the remote or anything else, just the player. So now that they've sent me the exchange, I'm not sure it has a remote in the box. But if I open the box to find out, I can't sell it as brand new - unopened..... I should have just waited. Of course, had I not bought the other one, it wouldn't have shipped to me yesterday.

maybe you ought to move to London when you're out--- who knows, might meet someone we'd both love to meet walking to work one day....

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bladeLMTD In reply to hobbitgirlintardis [2012-11-09 10:56:31 +0000 UTC]

ahh yes the fate of the world and delivery vans are horrible. LOL!! I guess you could always keep a spare? Hell I have 2 ps3 one slim and the other the orignal. The original broke so about 3 weeks of trying to fix it, I bought a new one the slim, but then I tried the old one to put on ebay what is exactly wrong with it and hay presto it actually worked! LOL so yeah so got a nice spare. so techincallly I also own 2 blueray players LOL

yeaaahhh I would LOVE to work in london! I can just imagine this... oh the fangirl screams... I know who your talking about. LOL!! I think I would just die on the pavement!! but the problem is I would not like to live in london. Its just not my thing. LOL!!

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hobbitgirlintardis In reply to bladeLMTD [2012-11-09 16:54:57 +0000 UTC]

I don't think I'd want to actually live in London either. I figure it's similar to New York, as far as size of city anyway, and I don't want to live anywhere that big-city. But..... I have had many daydreams of walking down the street and running into him --literally-- and end up chatting

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bladeLMTD In reply to hobbitgirlintardis [2012-11-10 11:32:55 +0000 UTC]

O_O oh hell naw. London is smaller than Newyork... while last time I went to london it was small. LOL!! I went about....5 years ago? LOL I would hate to live in a big city villages good, towns ok, city no no. lOL!! hahaha never had any daydreams or dreams. LOL!! I wish though, my head has to much crap going on then to let me dream LOL!!

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hobbitgirlintardis In reply to bladeLMTD [2012-11-10 23:12:06 +0000 UTC]

London's smaller than new york? really? still way too big, all that noise and light at night.

Daydreams are the reason I keep music playing or the tv on when I'm doing stuff. Keeps the daydreams from forming. Silence lets them breed and overtake and go crazy.... they are also the reason I take long showers in the morning. Not very easy to have music playing loud enough to hear over the water and the water is just white noise that counts as silence so.... long day dreams in the shower

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bladeLMTD In reply to hobbitgirlintardis [2012-11-11 00:02:50 +0000 UTC]

yeah the lights and noise is definitely a no no. LOL

Really? damn. Never experienced that before DX LOL i only play music when im doing soemthing on Indesign or photoshop, or drawing, or house work. LOL!! mehh we own a shower but it doesent work at the moment the pump broke, so I have to have baths all the time, I fall a sleep in them and slowly submerge. LOL!! ooeerr, long day dreams in the shower? Im not even going to question it... LOL!!

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hobbitgirlintardis In reply to bladeLMTD [2012-11-11 01:16:30 +0000 UTC]

I have a highly overactive imagination. I really have to have the music on in the car. If I don't, my mind wanders off and I'm no longer paying attention. if I'm singing the the radio, I'm mentally still in the car and paying attention.

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bladeLMTD In reply to hobbitgirlintardis [2012-11-11 11:26:01 +0000 UTC]

damn I wish I had your immagination. I got one of those damn monkeys clapping symobols in my head all the time. LOL!! Im just like angels from manhatten. LOL

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hobbitgirlintardis In reply to bladeLMTD [2012-11-11 19:32:32 +0000 UTC]


Hey, so we've been discussing the appropriate time to put out Christmas decorations on Facebook. I know you guys don't have Thanksgiving, so I was wondering, when do you deem it time to start playing christmas music and setting out christmas decorations? (not counting stores. Heck, here, stores put out their christmas stuff for sale the day after halloween, or some stores even earlier. And Christmas advertisements start about then too.)

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bladeLMTD In reply to hobbitgirlintardis [2012-11-11 20:22:17 +0000 UTC]

Hahaha its interesting you ask actually, in my family we have the presents and stuff but we don't actually put decorations up. To much hassel, although when we were kids we used to start putting stuff up and decorating on the 1st of december LOL (our stores had halloween and christmas stuff out !! it normally comes out at the end of october LOL)

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hobbitgirlintardis In reply to bladeLMTD [2012-11-11 21:03:24 +0000 UTC]

December 1st is a reasonable day to start christmas. In america, thanksgiving is the 4th thursday in november, and the day after thanksgiving is "black friday", or the day sane people stay home and avoid all shopping centers because the crazy people are buying all their christmas presents in hordes because the stores open early and have really good sales. So that's when christmas official starts --and one of our local radio stations starts playing 100% christmas music on the day after thanksgiving. It's funny though cause a friend of mine is really serious about it, and gets on people's cases if they turn on their christmas lights before thanksgiving or after new years. I have to practically beat my parents over the head with a christmas tree to get them to have one at all. Last year we decorated only because I insisted on having a christmas party. This year I'm sure they won't have anything cause I moved out. Heck, I should just poach all their decorations since I have to remake my collection of decorations.

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bladeLMTD In reply to hobbitgirlintardis [2012-11-12 18:00:46 +0000 UTC]

meh god thats so early!! LOL and its actually called black friday?! OMG i wanna come over there and be one of the crazy people that sounds so awesome!! il probs end up getting smushed by the hords of ppl. LOL!! the christmas songs have not started yet thank god... but there is an advert coca cola..that when it shows everyone in england automatically thinks "Its christmas now" LOL! serriously we all do it! LOL the advert has changed over the years though but when we see that truck and "the holidays are comming" ITS ALL ON. LOL


awww there not much of a celebration fan then?? LOL!! I agree with them though. lOL!! and well if you want a christmas tree I would send you one... we dont use it anymore! LOL its a bit of a problem to pack though and it did originaly cost 200 quid. LOL!!

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hobbitgirlintardis In reply to bladeLMTD [2012-11-12 18:38:15 +0000 UTC]

We usually get a real tree, smells so much better. I had a free fake tree that a friend gave me, was pretty much falling apart.... i threw it away rather than move it when I moved... I can see the convenience of a fake tree though. It just makes me miss the smell. Do you usually get much snow? We had our first snow last thursday, and it's snow now again. But it's supposed to warm up and rain on tuesday.

We get adds like that too. Coca cola.... have you see the ones with the polar bears?

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bladeLMTD In reply to hobbitgirlintardis [2012-11-13 18:21:02 +0000 UTC]

they make alot of mess though! LOL and no.. we actually never had a real tree, they were all fake, although we have a proper christmas tree in our garden, its very tall. LOL and yep we have had our first snow fall last week. We have had LOADS, over the last few years, we get snowed in and we cant go out because its to icy. LOL!!

and yep seen those... so wierd, but cute. LOL!! XDD

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hobbitgirlintardis In reply to bladeLMTD [2012-11-13 18:30:01 +0000 UTC]

if you keep the tree well watered it won't loose too many needles. Also wouldn't get one earlier than a week before christmas, but yeah, I can see that.

I went and moved to the top of a hill with the reputation with being difficult to get off of in the winter..... wonder when I'll start working at home so as to not drive to work.

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bladeLMTD In reply to hobbitgirlintardis [2012-11-15 18:30:48 +0000 UTC]

Well see I dident know that. LOL!!

hahaha I wish I could do that. But im dreading my deadlines. If they hit I only get marked 40% if i dont show up in class DX uggghhh wait untill december the 10th snow then you can come all you like till january. LOL

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hobbitgirlintardis In reply to bladeLMTD [2012-11-15 18:41:20 +0000 UTC]

when was in school, I think there was only one day where I ended up missing class because of snow--- that wasn't an official snow day. I was driving to school and I was going around a bend, turned the wheel.... tires turned but the car didn't because of the ice. Went straight into a snow berm. No damage or anything, but i was stuck, I called and left a message for my professor (he'd already left his office) saying I'd be late. Took twenty minutes to dig out with the help of some body who lived just there and had a shovel -- all I had was an ice scraper brush-- and by the time I got to class, it turned out class had been canceled anyway..........

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bladeLMTD In reply to hobbitgirlintardis [2012-11-18 15:37:50 +0000 UTC]

Really? damn I must of missed LOADS. LOL Because we live in a village we used to get a huge bus that would pick the kids up and then move onto the next and then go into town, but because of all the narrow roads and a bridge we had to go over we nearly always had time off in the winter and even when it rained becuase the bridge would overflow! LOL I feel kinda bad for you now... LOL! I would never EVER drive on ice or snow. LOL!! I had bad experence when I was a younger.. LOL! good that you were ok though!! you should of not gone in it would of been much safer XD LOL and sorry for sch a late reply been realy busy with my projects laltly... I also bought sims 3 seasons XD LOL!!

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hobbitgirlintardis In reply to bladeLMTD [2012-11-19 16:33:14 +0000 UTC]

Thing is, the roads looked clear and it was a bright sunny day. There was no reason to expect it to be a difficult drive. I literally learned to drive in the day. The day before my first drive in driver's ed it snowed a foot. In all the time I was in high school we never had one snow day. Then my brother gets there and they've started adding a week at the end of the year and extra days off to not take off in order to make up for snow days. ... There's hardly been more snow. They just got wimpier. We tend to get a good bit of snow here. Not like Wisconsin, but have a proper winter season in my neck of the woods.
Though th winter of that incident was a particularly snowy one. I think that was the first year my brother got any snow days. And at the beginning of Christmas break I didn't have to work until Thursday so I didn't leave my place for 3 days... When I did go out you couldn't see my car. It was completely buried under three feet of snow.

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bladeLMTD In reply to hobbitgirlintardis [2012-11-23 19:45:38 +0000 UTC]

Ehh I dont drive yet. I know terrible but im not very good with transport. LOL!! we normally get loads of snow in January, and we have had some in november this year 2, but it was only little LOL! and wow thats alot of snow! LOL if you get some send some pics on here and il send some 2 LOL!! also I think it is thanks giving day for you guys today? so if it is happy thanks giving!! LOL!!

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hobbitgirlintardis In reply to bladeLMTD [2012-11-24 00:14:56 +0000 UTC]

Aw thanks! Yea yesterday was thanksgiving, got a nice 4 day weekend. I've been driving since I was 16, got my license the day after my 16th birthday-- as early as I possibly could. But we lived outside of town, and other than school busses you can't get anywhere without a car where we lived. Even trying to get a regular bus, you have to drive 5 miles to get to the nearest park and ride. Ridiculous. If you have to have a car in order to ride the bus, your transit system does not work LOL.

I've got some pictures from that winter on facebook. [link] You can add me if you want.

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bladeLMTD In reply to hobbitgirlintardis [2012-11-24 13:20:30 +0000 UTC]

Wow. I feel bad now LOL!! I can drive a digger and tractor but not a car with gears? LOL!!! I know what you mean, I mean the nearest town we ahve is 20 minites away and that is where you can get a bus to the next 2 towns but it takes about 2 hours. LOL!! mom normally drives me everywhere. LOL!! and awesome!! I dont mind, bewarned my facebook is like insane. LOL!!

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hobbitgirlintardis In reply to bladeLMTD [2012-11-24 18:20:34 +0000 UTC]

My work friends are on my facebook so I try to keep the insanity to a minimum. I keep my insanity on DA LOL.

As soon as I got my license--and my brother after me-- my dad insisted that I drive him everywhere. Until he got the Buick anyway. Apparently us girls can't drive it --me and my mom-- jerk face...

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bladeLMTD In reply to hobbitgirlintardis [2012-11-30 14:19:54 +0000 UTC]

ahh sorry agian for the late reply!! im becoming lazy LOL!! and oh well then your gonna love mine. LOL! I tried to add you but it woudlent let me... il send you mine in a note LOL

LOL!! Yeah my brother is always telling my mom she cant drive and when she is driving hes always like "You could of tunrned off there, or reveresed in there blah blah" LOL!!

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hobbitgirlintardis In reply to bladeLMTD [2012-12-01 05:34:34 +0000 UTC]

Yeah... men. just because they grow up playing with toy trucks and racing videos games they think they're automatically the better drivers........ *shakes head*

that's weird. I don't know why it wouldn't let you add me.

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bladeLMTD In reply to hobbitgirlintardis [2012-12-01 11:27:29 +0000 UTC]

I grew up playing with toy trucks... LOL!! and still play racing games... lOL!! agghh i guess thats what happens when you grow up with a bro. LOL!!

and yeah it was weird, I even asked facebook why it wouldent let me, and there "help center" said that it was becuase you were out of my region or something, but i got other friends who are in america too!! DX LOL

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hobbitgirlintardis In reply to bladeLMTD [2012-12-03 04:50:31 +0000 UTC]

you'd think if that was the case then I wouldn't have been able to add you. which i did... Facebook is ridiculous.

Yeah, brothers. can't live with them. Can't live with them... lol
Glad I moved out.

I have a Christmas tree! it smells pretty and have a Santa on top

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