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# Comments
Comments: 170
graphic-image In reply to JulianDeLio [2012-03-08 23:42:36 +0000 UTC]
Looks like my brothers house is going to be the mother land. He broke it off with his girlfriend, so he seems keen to have me as a room mate. any breaking news in your life?
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JulianDeLio In reply to graphic-image [2012-03-12 04:29:02 +0000 UTC]
Not sure if this goes through twice coz my browser was being retarded for the Deviantarts. Sounds good that you can live with your bro, is that going to be the Altona location?? Nah no breaking news in my life right now, just tired as fuck from working and not sleeping much
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graphic-image In reply to JulianDeLio [2012-03-13 04:00:44 +0000 UTC]
My mum's the one kicking it over in Altona. My bro lives in Greensborough, but I think his GF is taking it to live in while he stays here with me until the place is handed over to the new owners. During that time we're going to have to find a place to live. He has to get a new job and so do I, so we'll have to compromise on a place we want to live based on our new occupations. It'll be interesting for the next few months.
Is Grill'd starting to tear you a new asshole? How's the artwork going? You could always get a shitty job at a designing firm working on websites and logos? Then you could buy sleeping pills and anti depressants and become a loverly organ bearing robot!
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JulianDeLio In reply to graphic-image [2012-03-13 05:50:22 +0000 UTC]
You've certainly got your hands full of stuff to sort out, looking for a new job is always a pain in the arse but you know somewhere in the world of hospitality someone is yearning for some Callum action to make the place more lively!! Grill'd is going alright, I did a shift at another store today which wasn't too bad, it so quiet compared to what I'm used to but the same number of people were which worries me about the way Melbourne Central is run, for all the negative stigmatism thats attached to hospitality jobs Grill'd is probably the most bearable. Artworks going, didn't do much over the weekend which left me really rusty, hate when that happens. I think most I could do with a website is literally create a dick in a box. Speaking of sleeping pills I would've loved some last night, but don't really need anti-depressants, I pretty much shoot rainbows out of my arse. Although I'm sure that would be considered a medical concern...
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graphic-image In reply to JulianDeLio [2012-03-24 04:02:43 +0000 UTC]
I went for an interview at Grill'd in Doncaster. I guess it didn't go so well because they never called me back. Probably a good thing, because the manager wanted someone to start at 8am and go till 4. It'd be a decent amount of work, but I'm not a morning person, and I would've strangled customers across the counter that early in the morning. I thing the interview went down hill when I mentioned my disliking for customers and working a till. Although, I did try to counterweigh my discontent for customers by arguing that I'd be happier washing every dish, and every grimy little mark without a complaint. I guess he wants a people person and a kitchen bitch. So the search continues for a new job.
Sleeping pills would be loverly. Once every so often, I have a night where I can't fall to sleep, and you get frustrated that you can't sleep, which makes you angry, and that makes you want to move to be able to release the excess energy your body's conjuring up, so you end up walking around, watching tv, cooking food and trying to calm yourself down trying to figure out why you're so angry. I love how loops like such perpetuate, and how in the morning you look back at how rediculous it was that you were so angry about being angry. Good times...
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JulianDeLio In reply to graphic-image [2012-03-26 05:27:30 +0000 UTC]
I'm not sure how busy Doncaster would get compared to Melbourne Central but working any shift there just drains you, it can be fun at the same time but somewhat exhausting. Doing those hours would be comparable to blowing dudes, and no one wants to blow dudes, even hookers protest it. Grill'd managers want you to think that you're all into the customers and making sure they have a good time but it only takes one dickhead to make you wanna pull out the uzi and rain bullety death on everyone. That and it is pretty hard not to want to punch a small child in the face when customers ask the dumbest questions.
I know those frustrating, sleepless nights. I usually just watch a movie til I feel tired enough to fall asleep. Though restless nights always happen when I have to get up early the next day, they never come along on a Friday or Saturday night when my obligations the next day are limited to flogging the old dolphin and flipping hipsters off. To jump back to the topic of Grill'd we had a meeting at 7 fucking 30 in the morning on Saturday to discuss new burgers that are being rolled out. I was not happy!!
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graphic-image In reply to JulianDeLio [2012-04-02 03:32:10 +0000 UTC]
I just wrote a big ass message, and then DA decided to bugger up and not send it...
Here's the gist of what I wrote: I haven't found a job; 7:30 is a time of incoherence and therefor not a time for meetings; I have moved in with my brother, and I am compensating his rent money with my cleaning, although this will more than likely piss him off soon; I've been duped by a few people now in job interviews; I like being able to walk to the shops; the country life style is only good for not getting caught wanking; and life's pretty swell, except for the whole job thing.
Atleast I still have my drawing. ....and instant coffee. I still have that
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JulianDeLio In reply to graphic-image [2012-04-04 01:17:26 +0000 UTC]
I hate when that happens, I can never be bothered typing the shit out again, its always just a packaged version of what you were going to say. I say sympathise. Speaking of meetings at 7:30 in the morning I had to go to one last Saturday at Grill'd to get a run down on the new burgers they unveiled, biggest waste of two hours. One amazing thing about hospitality is there's always jobs going around so I doubt you'll stay unemployed for too long. I guess just try and find a job that works around the rest of your life instead of you having to move shit around for the job. Living in the city means someone is always watching so if you wanted to have a wank in the bushes somewhere chances are you'd get sprung then thrown away for molestation or terrorism or some bullshit. Speaking of the law, I was driving home from soccer the other day with my mates in the car and I got pulled over. Was just a 'routine stop' and the man wanted to check if we all had our seat belts on. One of the guys in the back didn't have his on at the time of us being pulled over, by then I had parked the car and turned it off, but the cop was being a righteous prick and saying 'nah you didn't have it on, I could see from back there' and he thought knew 'what was going on'. Fucking douche, we were driving home from a soccer game on a Sunday afternoon. Luckily he wasn't a total wanker and just let us a go without a fine. Apparently though if any passengers don't have their belts on the driver gets done. I'm not making it my business to play the parent to other 20+ year olds, people are mostly responsible for themselves.
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graphic-image In reply to JulianDeLio [2012-04-09 13:27:49 +0000 UTC]
I very much dislike authority myself. Mainly because of the hundreds of dollars of fines I have acquired over the years of driving. Fair enough that they have to keep society conditioned and oblivious to any current affair isn't shown on TV, but they shouldn't feel the need to keep me in control. I'm only harmful to my friends, not the world. We should revolt and start our own vigilante justice team that doesn't hand out fines, but beatings. We could even have our victims branded with a hot poker. Then everyone would know that they're a burden. Very much like the japanese with their tattooing of criminals in the ye old times. I still haven't found a job yet, but that vocation was impeded by me being quite ill. Eh, another week ahead, which means more ass kissing. Goddamn, I dislike handing around resumes. They're such self righteous pieces of smugness. It's an A4 sheet that asks for peoples approval. I get a shiver down my spine every time I hand one over. Lame.
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JulianDeLio In reply to graphic-image [2012-04-15 00:01:00 +0000 UTC]
The problem with police these days is they operate under the impression that everyone is a drug toting, knife wielding, pedo-rapist, who's out to fuck shit up. The world is shit and people are fucked but most of them just want to go about their day with any sort of trouble. People might as well have a lobotomy if they're opting to get their 'news' from current affair shows. I like the idea of forming a vigilante group. We should devise our persona around what we fear most as an individual and share that fear with the wrong-doers and through justice and punishment we will become a symbol for hope. Pretty sure no one's doing that yet so lets get on it. Job hunting and the competitiveness involved makes me sick, specially what prospective employers demand of you (hospitality doesn't really demand much other than not being a dumb shit), no one's really going to give you a chance unless you have the experience and wisdom of a sage, they all want you to be the next fucking Superman or Batman or Manman. I've been thinking about other things I can do job wise that aren't demeaning and will bring in more money until I can get the whole art thing moving.
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graphic-image In reply to JulianDeLio [2012-04-30 12:22:34 +0000 UTC]
Hey ho, homie. Sorry, I've been balls deep in getting my life sorted. So much shit had to be moved to too many different places. God moving is the felching cum fart of life. Between the calamity of changing residents and resorting to Centrelink, I found myself with an apprenticeship in tattooing. It's been going for the last two weeks and it's been pretty solid. I'm having a good time learning, and my master tolerates my disgusting sense of humor. Hopefully I don't end up convincing myself that it's not worth it and bail, like I have done with many other opportunities in my life. I have the feeling I will stick to this. Great hours, get to draw all day, and the people are cool. All artsy heavy drinkers. Feels good to be out of a kitchen for a change. I don't go home smelling like a foreskin every night, and I still get to keep my social life. Especially seems the place I'm learning in doesn't open on weekends. My brother and I seem to be working our lives in well together. It's a good set up. We both work all week, and then plan ridiculous weekend adventures. It'll be better when I start making real money.
How's the train on your side of the tracks? Still considering becoming a vigilante? I'll still join the crew if so. I'm sure my brother will have something to offer. He could sit on our enemies while we teabag them to oblivion.
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JulianDeLio In reply to graphic-image [2012-05-01 06:31:22 +0000 UTC]
Ah mate gotta take your time to sort those things out, best not rush them. I don't want to imagine what a felching cum fart would smell like but I can only imagine I'd be dry wretching afterwards. That's pretty cool that you've found an apprenticeship in tattooing, if anything I think you'd be really well suited for it. I've been thinking about maybe doing one myself, probably wouldn't be able to keep up with the drinking side of it though. You've got it pretty good if you don't have to work on weekends, plus it is fairly shit going home from working in a kitchen environment to find you don't have the energy to do anything else. Last thing you want is to spend too much time with someone you have to live with, that's pretty much how wars start.
Things are going alright on my end, nothing really amazing has happened, just need to spend more time drawing and painting. I also want to focus on doing my own studies of different compositions so that I might adapt that knowledge into my own work somehow. The plan is to get my hands on some movies with really good cinematography and break down different scenes in terms of their visual elements.
I don't know about you but I've been putting cunts away most nights during the week, the streets are that much safer because people have learned to fear vigilante identity. They are slowly learning place in the higher order of things. No longer will nerds feel the need to stay in on the weekend out of fear of getting beaten up. No longer will this city tolerate douchebags who wear ed hardy and make duck faces. My brand of justice is swift and painful, with scars that echo through the aeons. But yeah if you've got nothing better to do during the evening come beat up some dickheads with me!!
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graphic-image In reply to JulianDeLio [2012-05-03 11:13:13 +0000 UTC]
If you're actually serious about getting a tattoo apprenticeship, I think Victims of Ink's Chapel street studio will be looking for an apprentice in the next couple of months. I had a hard time finding one, but these guys were offering me one if I was willing to wait. I met a couple of the tattooists tonight. They seemed like pleasant people. Although, you have to be willing to take a fair bit of comical abuse as an apprentice. As long as you can give it back, but still know your place, you'll be fine.
The movie idea seems pretty cool. It'd be a damn good way to get practice for comic art. I was never all that good at drawing people in a scene, but I'm planning on getting some practice in with my new found book 'How to draw the Marvel way'. Speaking of Marvel, have you seen the avengers? Not bad. I wouldn't say it's best film in the world, but it did the Comic based movies justice.
I would love to beat up some dickheads with you, but I've taken on bounty hunting. I'm done with the streets, now I just take on the despotic leaders of this world. Mainly the pretentious individuals of B-grade fame. First off is Delta Goodrem. God, she's an annoying ostentatious whore bag. I HATE HER SMILE. That's why she must be taken down.
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JulianDeLio In reply to graphic-image [2012-05-04 11:20:53 +0000 UTC]
It something I'll need to think about, I don't really wanna get into something I'm not %100 about then waste my time and someone else but I think it could be an enjoyable career path, you'd meet heaps of people and I'm sure you could go places. Maybe I'll get some info off you after you've done it for a bit. Comical abuse I can give and take, I'm not really the sort of person to step out of line anyway.
I think comics are more about composition as with any form of media but you have to know how to structure the page so that it flows naturally and doesn't confuse the reader. I've got a book similar to the one you just picked up, haven't looked at it in ages though. I thought 'The Avengers' was pretty, obviously not the best film in the world but its enjoyable enough. There's some movies you watch because you just want to enjoy yourself and not have to think for a while and then theres other that force you to think and pay attention.
We all have our missions in life my friend, I feel like if the streets are safe then people will begin to feel some sense of happiness in regards to how things are. But I'm glad you've chosen to go after B-grade fame. I think you should off the whole cast of that stupid bullshit program that Goodrem is on with a bunch of other singers, except for Seal, he goes alright. But definitely slay Keith Urban every time I see an ad for that show on TV where he's deciding to fuck some shitty singer off or give them two seconds of his life he looks like is either trying not to cum his pants or that he's been given the greatest wisdom he'll ever receive which is to not ever cum his pants on television.
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graphic-image In reply to JulianDeLio [2012-05-13 11:12:54 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, man. I wouldn't say to dive into the tattoo career without thinking about your options. There's a lot of large egos that you're probably going to come across being a part of this industry. Plus, you have to consider that there's usually no pay until you start tattooing. It is a good incentive to learn faster. And once you become decent enough at it you can get paid any where from $100 - $200 an hour.
Anyway, I'm quite hung over, so I'm going to sign off. I think Goodrem and Keith Urban will be a good start. We should go Ocean's 11 on their ass.
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JulianDeLio In reply to graphic-image [2012-05-14 08:34:30 +0000 UTC]
It's something I'll definitely think about, I was asking one of my mates from work whether he thought he could see me as a tattoo artist. He said my work would go well but I'd need to ink up, which is fair enough. I also have to suppose that the career itself begs a certain type of personality. Ego's are something I can deal with but its not something I like to have around me. The owner of the bar I used to work at was an egotistical cunt but I guess the difference is your ego sort of goes hand in hand with your skill to some point. $100 - $200 is boss money for being an artist. Honestly I'd still be impressed with $50 an hour coz thats more than enough to cover yourself for a week and still save.
I'm down for going Ocean's 11 on their ass, people on TV need to learn that impressionable people watch that shit so they shouldn't filling their minds with useless shit!!
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graphic-image In reply to JulianDeLio [2012-05-15 12:58:08 +0000 UTC]
I will have to worn you, that there's bound to be some really shit pieces of artwork that you're going to have to do on people (southern cross, football logos etc...) in the process of becoming a tattoo artist. If I was to make a success, I thought it'd be pretty damn awesome to own a tattoo shop somewhere in the middle of Melb. There seems to be tattoo parlours everywhere except for smack bang in the middle. Set up shop up around Degraves st, and just watch the hipsters poor in. The good thing about hipsters though is they actually have alright taste when it comes to body art. Also, if you get bored of that, pack up and travel. If you have a name for yourself, you can tattoo anywhere in the world.
I'd say getting inked up for an apprenticeship is a misconception. I have a tattoo on my leg, but it's nothing special, and my teacher never really gave too much of a hoot to whether or not I was covered in tats. Although I do plan on getting a few more down the track, I don't think it's wise to get heavy with the tats at an early age. I've got my whole life to cover my body. If you are truly considering it, my advice would be to get a folio filled with tattoo inspired artwork. And have a range of artwork. Do some portraits, a few roses, and a dragon. Bitches love dragons.
And if we're doing this ocean's 11 thing, I'm gozing to be Brad Pitt. You can be Matt Damon.
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JulianDeLio In reply to graphic-image [2012-05-18 10:05:51 +0000 UTC]
That's a fair warning I guess, can't imagine I'd be too excited to draw stars and logos but I doubt you'd get too many of those. Yeah I reckon you'd be on to a winner setting up a shop right in the middle of Melbourne although they're springing up, I know 'Off ya Tree' on Swanston street have that going on but you'd need to be in a good spot to make any sort of a killing. You could definitely do it though. The whole packing up and travelling thing can be pretty easy once you've made a name for yourself, not just in tattooing but in any art related field, specially movies and games. If you've worked on some big projects people pretty much come to you for work instead of you going to them.
I guess its more the commitment to their teachings than what you have on your body that they'd look for. I would like to get some tats at some point but I'm really undecided about what I'd want specially considering it stays on you for life. My folio is a bit hit and miss at the moment, I still need to work on a lot of things like some finished illustrations that have more than one character in them. Just finding the time, energy and motivation to get it done is fucking pain, but I suppose once I find a rhythm with doing a couple they'll become a lot easier. Maybe I can draw a scene with a hero fighting a dragon in a rose garden. That way I've covered the portrait, roses and dragon.
I'm cool with being Matt Damon, he rocks mad sleight of hand skillz and he is also Jason Bourne!!
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graphic-image In reply to JulianDeLio [2012-05-29 10:16:46 +0000 UTC]
Goddamn, what a week I had. I ended up getting kicked out of the building I was tattooing in. You want to hear the story? Yeah you do!
Well, I while I was learning how to tattoo, the manager of a different company, who owned the building asked if I'd be interested in doing some work for him. I picked him out as a jackass the minute I heard him talk, where he was saying such proclamations as "I can't find any workers who are as good as me" and "Everyone loves me here, so there's no reason why you shouldn't". GENIUS!
Before I decided become another piece of poo change in his pocket, he assured me that tattooing will always come first, and that'll I'll never be taken away if I was to be learning. It had been two weeks with no pay, and I had been mainly running around for this jackass that ran the building, instead of tattooing. I brought it up with him that if he wants me to keep dropping my tattooing and running around for him I'm going to have to see some income. The Jagaloon, sat me down and chastised me for questioning his work ethics. He then questioned if I had ever had a job before, and queried how I lasted in my past occupations. I started fuming and told him that I know how to work when I get paid for it. He tapped the top of his drawer, and said "If you're a good boy and finish all your work today, you might actually get paid."
He then blabbed on about how he was going to pay me that morning, but because I was abusive and inconsiderate I would not see it unless I could prove to him that I could be a 'good boy'.
I decided to play his game and did all the work that was requested of me. At the end of the day I got $200 for two weeks work. It was good to see some reward for the work that I'd been doing, but that kind of money barely covers rent.
The next week I was quite happy to attend work, thinking that after our little feud, Jeff (the owner of the building), would have backed off. Boy, was I freakin wrong. This time the wanker was pulling out all his guns by telling me the wrong shit to buy from stores (so he could have a reason to tell me off and make me seem incompetent to the other employees), send me out into peak hour traffic just so I could buy some shitty frivolous items that he didn't need and just be a cunt to my face, but a cherub to me in front of everyone else. Real psychopath shit going down with this guy.
I went home that weekend thinking that there'd be a way to get out of this guys payroll and still tattoo. I talked to the tattooist and asked if I could just learn from him, and not bother with Jeff. I ended up talking to Jeff saying "thanks, but no thanks for the job." This must have ripped a fuse from his damaged brain and make him come to the decision that I was not allowed back into the building, thus taking away my apprenticeship.
It's a pickle, because I was really starting to enjoy it. I guess now I'm going to have to find another joint to get some experience. At least the tattooist seemed upset that I was going.
How are you going on your life's path. Found your dream job?
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JulianDeLio In reply to graphic-image [2012-05-30 03:26:56 +0000 UTC]
Man that is a story. My people have a name for arseholes like that, we call the 'Cunt McCunt Nuggets'. The dude sounds like he's a addicted to his own power telling you he was going to pay you then not, I think everyones dealt with someone like that before, maybe not to the same extremes but definitely had to question someones motives. Its a bunch of shit that you're unable to keep going with your apprenticeship, I'd be proper pissed off if something like that happened to me but I guess there's only so much you can do. At least you found that tattooing is something you enjoy and made friends with the guy you working under. Maybe the tattooist can recommend you to some of his contacts??
If you can imagine my life path right now as a heart rate monitor, the line is pretty much flat with a few bumps here and there. Lately I've been considering other things I might be able to do for work and let art take a back seat but I don't want to drop art in exchange for something else because I know I'll always regret it. Plus I keep seeing images and videos on the net about how you need to push through tough times and even take a step back to continue going forward. I'm interpreting this as a sign to keep going with what I love doing because fuck doing anything else. The shit thing is its plenty hard to stay motivated and inspired when not much is coming your way.
Things at Grill'd aren't really helping either, that place is becoming a festering shit pile with salty boils. I guess you just have to play the game long enough til you start to score something out of it, bit of a cheesy analogy but I think it applies perfectly to the creative industry.
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graphic-image In reply to JulianDeLio [2012-06-01 12:30:18 +0000 UTC]
There's a brilliant book by Allain De Botton, that in a nutshell says "Fuck living for something that's not worth living for." He goes through all the philosophers who came to the conclusion that you don't need to work your ass off for shit that's only going to impress people you don't care about. A good example for this is a Porche. There are much cheaper cars that are bound to go faster, but the Porche comes with that loverly aristocracy status. Another good example is Ed Hardy's clothing range. Although, you only wear that to make sure you attract the same idiots that also wear that god awful clothing. It's like how the KKK all wear bed sheets, because they love halloween so much, and they only want to interact with others who also enjoy halloween.
Actually that book really slowed me down. Before it I was always searching for the next big thing to make me a trillionare, but once you get some socrates in ya, you feel that there's no reason to climb the ladder, and just be grateful that you have a roof over your head and that you're in a free country etc etc...
I was quite upset for a good few days there because of the tattooing thing, but I'm feeling quite splendid now. I bought myself a cheap chinese tattoo kit and I'm just practicing on pig skin at home. With time I'll find another place to tattoo at, but until then I'll just keep pulling the odd job and sponge off centrelink.
On the other hand, your job sounds shit. I remember my interview at grill'd and the job seems monotonous. It's like a factory line, with it's stations and procedures. Gross. You should just keep living in your house and painting like a mother fucker. It's just finding that ambition is going to be like searching for a mermaids caviar.
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JulianDeLio In reply to graphic-image [2012-06-05 05:02:00 +0000 UTC]
I know of Allain de Botton, haven't read any of his books but I know he deal in philosophising. Its good to not be able to feel like you don't have to impress anyone but thats what we're brought up with from a young age. Go to school get good marks so the teacher doesn't fail you and carry that attitude through life. It should be do you best so you can succeed at what you want to do and even if you don't make it to the Hollywood of your chosen career at least give it your best shot so you can die saying you tried. But yeah on top of that there's also social status to consider and the weight it bares. I'm definitely grateful to have the things I have but the only thing thats killing any sense of happiness for me at the moment is a lack of movement with my art, but at the very least I have heaps of time to work on it. Fuck trying to impress someone for something that doesn't matter.
You just have to keep an eye out for any artists offering an apprenticeship, but if you want something enough you'll find a way to make it happen. The one good thing about art is you can keep doing well past your retirement years and if you make a big enough name for yourself people will pay through the snatch to acquire some works.
Grill'd sucks the fattest of fat ones. Its pretty much like working on a factory line, the managers will have you think otherwise but it is very monotonous and boring. I can't wait for the day where I hand in my two weeks notice with a big fuck you attached to it. That ambition though is like a fire, you need to keep feeding it for it to stay bright.
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graphic-image In reply to JulianDeLio [2012-07-08 04:18:29 +0000 UTC]
Sorry man, it's been a while since my last reply. In my defence, fuck all has happened, so there hasn't been much to tell you about. I went on a hiatus trying to see if there was really anything else I'd rather be doing than tattooing, but I'm thinking tattooing is for me. I'm in the process now of finding another studio to set up in. I've been inking pig skins from home, but that's only going to get me so far. Most shops are telling me that they're only looking for someone who's serious, because the industry is filling up with duds. It's pretty damn hard trying to prove to them that you want this.
Other from that, I've been drawing my rump off at home trying to refine my style, and I've been taking up the casual shifts in kitchens so I can pay rent. How's it going on your end? Still at grill'd? Have you found your dream occupation? Is it being a manager at grill'd?
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JulianDeLio In reply to graphic-image [2012-07-11 07:04:13 +0000 UTC]
You haven't been on any crazy adventures lately?? One thing I've come to realise about the creative industry and all its consorts is you really need to prove yourself to get anywhere. It seems that its not just a matter of how skilled you might be but what you'll do to actually get the job or get in with a studio. Which I guess is fair enough because skilled creatives are pretty much a dime a dozen but the ones that can go the extra mile or 10003858377848 are few and far between. But there's no real standard on how to prove you're the right person for them to take on, just have to convince them otherwise or take one in the mouth. But in all serious if you know tattooing is your thing then keep doing what you have to do til someone wants you to stab them with needles and make their skin all pretty.
We all have to do what we gotta do to get by. I'm trying to draw as much as I can but I find I either don't have the energy or want to do something else, which is mostly coz I'm too tired all the time but the last few days have been good, I've managed to get a fair bit done. I find I'm really motivated to keep working when I try new things. But yeah I've actually realised that Grill'd is my dream job so I'll soon be giving up on my efforts to become a professional artist and just suck a big fat wang for the rest of my days. We should catch up again soon anyways.
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graphic-image In reply to JulianDeLio [2012-07-12 03:08:14 +0000 UTC]
It'd pretty swell to catch up. We could always hit up the new batman film next week. Maybe the Thursday or Friday if you're free during the day?
I find motivation is an absolute kick in the nuts to find when there's no ultimate goal. It's even more shit when you keep getting denied the possibility to achieve that goal. Today I've come to the realization that if I want to tattoo, I'm going to have to teach myself. I might have to get some real kitchen work to pay for the equipment, but sometimes you're gonna have to suck someone's nuts until you're allowed to kiss their mother's fine lips. That was the super shit thing about learning how to tattoo; I finally got a taste of what it's like to draw all day, and then I get thrown back into kitchens. Now I just become lethargic and pessimistic when I think about going into a kitchen. Although, I do like the country side drive I get to do to get to work. I get to think my crazy thoughts on the long ride over. One of my most recent epiphanies is: There is no point in life. There is no point in achieving anything, because once you're dead, it will mean nothing. What you achieve will mean nothing, and even if you get a name for yourself or you help this race evolve to higher grounds, it'll be pointless, because even if the human race makes it to the next millennium, they're bound to be doomed to extinction. Whether it's a black whole, or nuclear war. Then I came to the conclusion that I am only here for my happiness, but my happiness must benefit others that hold good intentions.
Well, I'm gonna get back to drawing. Get back to e on the batman thing. The film looks alright. I don't know if it'll top the dark knight, but I'm sure it'll still be entertaining.
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JulianDeLio In reply to graphic-image [2012-07-15 04:52:11 +0000 UTC]
I'm down to see the new Batman, looks pretty boss. I think Friday night would probably work best for me, I can get us cheaper tickets if we go to Melbourne Central.
I feel the same about motivation, it just sucks that you finally do land in something that you really enjoy and it gets torn away from you. There's definitely goals out there but you just have to be realistic about which ones you can it to sooner than later. I like to believe that we can get to where we want to be in life but a lot of the time we're told you can be this awesome person or have that awesome job but no one tells that its the smaller more important steps along the way that get you there. It would've good to have sense of hard work instilled in us from a young age instead of having been drip fed all this fantasy bullshit in movies and on tv. But on the plus we both have the drive and ambition to get to where we want to be and we know how to do, its just that it takes a horse schlong of effort to make it happen. Do what you have to do to get a tattooing kit, you'll love yourself for all the work you did. But yeah with Grill'd man I finish a shift there, go home and have no energy left to even scratch my balls. A lot of the time I think there's very little point to all this but I guess its the legacy you leave behind and how what you might help shape or influence other people. As far as pessimism goes I try to stay on top of it and just remind myself that these are the 'Burger' years of my life and I'll be able to look back on it one day and 'fuck you right up the burger hole'.
I'm happy to say lets lock Friday in, I can get us tickets during the day while I'm at work. Is meeting up around 6 good for you??
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graphic-image In reply to JulianDeLio [2012-07-15 13:13:50 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, let's do it. 6pm should be fine. My phone's reset, so I've lost all my numbers I once had. Could I grab yours again?
We shall be in touch.
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JulianDeLio In reply to graphic-image [2012-07-15 23:15:43 +0000 UTC]
Shibby, well I'll get tickets for an 8ish session so we dont have to worry about lining the fuck up. Tragic phone accidents are the worst, mine is 0400968084
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graphic-image In reply to JulianDeLio [2011-02-10 05:16:29 +0000 UTC]
Dido, man. Your folio's Money. Where about in Melbourne are you kickin' it?
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JulianDeLio In reply to graphic-image [2011-02-10 11:14:40 +0000 UTC]
cheers im in brunswick, pretty much with all the hipsters and old people, where abouts are you??
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graphic-image In reply to JulianDeLio [2011-02-11 02:24:39 +0000 UTC]
I'm kicking it in whoop whoop. Do you know of St. Andrews? There's usually hipsters at the market that's held every sat. But, yeah, that's where I live. I want to move into the city. It'd be money to be in the art scene over there. I love how every wall seems to have been dominated by the Everfresh Crew or associates in that area.
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JulianDeLio In reply to graphic-image [2011-02-12 12:00:22 +0000 UTC]
i've heard of st. andrews, can't say i know where it is off the top of my though. there's definitely much of an art scene in the city, you'd have to ignorant to the culture to notice anything. you've got galleries, alleys and lanes with graffiti, cafes, restaurants and bars that support it all. one of my mates is keen to get a drink and draw night going somewhere in melbourne so peeps in the art scene can get to know each other. i think everfresh do more in collingwood/richmond area, or at least thats where ive seen most of their stuff. either way theres impressive stuff where ever you go really!!
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graphic-image In reply to JulianDeLio [2011-02-12 23:52:14 +0000 UTC]
Melbourne's a quality city. Also, I confused myself. I was thinking of Brunswick street, which necessarily isn't Brunswick. Derp. Also, this friend that's having a drawing and drinking night: I'd be keen - that's if that was an invite. I'm always up for a mingling session with artists. I use to mingle a lot when I working with 'Sketch City' but after a while, being a room that smells like spray paint for 3 hours can become a bit daunting, especially with a hangover. :S
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JulianDeLio In reply to graphic-image [2011-02-13 13:34:57 +0000 UTC]
lol yeah brunswick streets more fitzroy, i grew up around there funnily enough. yeah youd be more than welcome, just as soon as it gets up and running, hopefully within the next month or two itll kick off. youve got life drawing classes around melbourne but nothing where people in the art scene can come together and socialise without the aid of online communities, plus there shouldnt be any pressure coz everyone will just be getting there drink on. ive never done anything with sketch city, not even too sure what it was to be honest i just dont bother with drawing if ive got a hangover, its usually just videogames and movies for the day!! if you're free wednesday night you should come down to no vacancy gallery at qv, they do life drawing there. starts at 7 but you gotta get there just before 6:30, fills up pretty quickly, usually a big crowd...and mostly girls!!
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graphic-image In reply to JulianDeLio [2011-02-13 22:54:29 +0000 UTC]
I'll check my work roster, if Wednesday's free, I'll be there with bells on. How much does it cost? Also, I thought the No Vacancy in the QV didn't exist anymore? I used to go to show's there a lot back in the olden days.
It doesn't surprise me that you haven't heard of Sketch City; it wasn't a huge production. Mainly a group of street artists and graphic designers coming together to see if they could make an income. I was part of their income. Although they did get me a few gigs with live painting show's around Melb.
I can agree with the gaming and movie days after getting plastered. I usually get keen on playing old school Donkey Kong, or Mario Brothers on the Super Wintendo. Either that or glaze out in front of the tube watching Kung Fu Panda on repeat.
What would I have to bring if I was to rock up on Wed?
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JulianDeLio In reply to graphic-image [2011-02-14 04:23:29 +0000 UTC]
Word, it's only $10, cheapest life drawing session I've ever been to. No Vacancy's still up and running, they've been renovating it the past month or so, so nothings been on. If I got the chance I'd love to have a show there, stellar gallery!!
I dunno how'd I'd go with live artwork, I'd be shitting myself if I made even the slightest mistake but then again not everyone can pump out art so I'm sure peeps would still be impressed with even the nuttiest of shitty pieces I could muster
Can't go wrong with DK or Mario Bros, wish I still had my SNES though, FTW!!
Theres a Kung Fu Panda 2 on the way, looks pretty decent!!
Basically all you'd need to bring is whatever you like to work with, I just use an A4 sketch book and pen. Just a heads up they don't provide easels or anything like that, its all sit on your arse on crappy chairs and draw. Good experience though coz theres always heaps of people. If you do end making just look out for a black motorcycle helmet and a grey satchel, I'll be their owner
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graphic-image In reply to JulianDeLio [2011-02-14 23:40:14 +0000 UTC]
I'm keen for life drawing. I'm not working, and it's always good to feel the vibes of the city. I'l look out for the bike. What are you riding? I've got my learners. I should really go for me my Ps, but I'm rather shite at counter turning, nor do I have a bike :S.
I might see you tonight. You should be able to spot me. I usually wear a fedora and a crazy get up. I like to see it as passive attention seeking.
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JulianDeLio In reply to graphic-image [2011-02-15 00:35:26 +0000 UTC]
Haha passive attention seeking, thats probably why I bought a motorbike, at least subconsciously I'm riding a 250 ninja, its black and has sexy written all over it, makes the girls happy!! Riding only gets easier the more you do it, when I got mine I was too shit scared to ride through traffic, now I do it whenever theres an opening, good time save!!
I can't remember if I mentioned it in a previous comment but I go on Wednesdays, so I won't be there tonight, got soccer on tuesdays!! But yeah definitely go tomorrow night.
Fedoras are pretty badass, I wish I had the right shape head to pull off a hat, seems I just look better with hair...dunno if I should be sad or happy!!
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graphic-image In reply to JulianDeLio [2011-02-15 02:04:07 +0000 UTC]
Sorry, man. I meant tomorrow night. Tonight I've got ze work. I confuse people like that. You're also riding the bike I want. Well, I was either going to go for the black or the lime green. Later on I wouldn't mind getting a Ducati Monster, or a Triumph. Super sexy shape, in my opinion.
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JulianDeLio In reply to graphic-image [2011-02-15 02:42:42 +0000 UTC]
Haha s'all good. Yeah they're good learner bikes and they're not too slow either specially when you find some open road
My dream bike is the Ducati 1198s, they just own, pretty much a wet dream made out of metal!!
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00Violetsareblue00 [2011-02-03 02:12:22 +0000 UTC]
I have no idea where we were talking before and I pressed a button and it completly disapeared so im going to continue here. I actually tried to meditate at one point but never stuck to it, and Im actually not religious, Ive just tried to understand it. I do have the dream interpretation books, but they honestly bore the shit out of me. I love books that authors wrote about their experiences with lucid dreams and out of body experiences and what not. Im in the same boat as you with the dreaming thing though, my dreams never scared me but the vibrations do (usually during a lucid dream you are almost [can feel the back of your eyelids and your body] but you cant move or open your eyes) Its scares me so bad and thats why I stopped writing in dream logs and asking to dream more lol Its interests me and im tempted to do it, Im just very afraid of it. I think I may start meditating though, those benefits sounded nice, any tips?
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graphic-image In reply to 00Violetsareblue00 [2011-02-03 03:15:06 +0000 UTC]
Oh, Lucid dreaming. They're insane. I had my first one when I was 15 - it wasn't pleasant. I'm not sure if you've ever experienced a paralyzed awakening? It's when you feel like you're awake and then someone walks into your room and starts choking you. It feels like you've got someone standing on your chest, and you just watch this person try and kill you. It's pleasant. Other from that, I've experienced astrotravel (I have no idea how this works, but it's amazing), and controlled lucid dreams (they're so much goddamn fun). Most of these I've experienced while practicing meditation.
-Just so you know, my grandma's preaching the bible to me as I type .
My techniques are incredibly basic. I usually lay down (you can do this cross legged sitting up-right), body flat with my arms by my side, usually in minimum clothing. I usually do this before sleeping, but I try and stay on top of the blankets because it can get incredibly hot. I then start by breathing through my nose and out my mouth, then I try and feel my pulse throughout my body (this may take 3-4 sessions to achieve). I concentrate on nothing but my breathing, trying to abolish any stray thoughts that pass my mind. Once I get into a state where my body feels like it's nothing but pins and needles (this can take about 10-20 mins) I try to experiment with heavy breathing, slow breathing (you can end up holding your breath for up to a minute between inhaling and exhaling), or trying to amplify the pins and needles in to certain parts of the body. There have been times where I've felt like I was floating or sinking into the mattress, this is normal. You might also experience released suppressed emotions and trances that can last for an hour or so. But that's usually later on down the track, and usually doesn't happen unless you're wanting it too.
I'd suggest just start with the breathing and concentrating on the pulse for the moment, and if you want to progress I'll be willing to give more tips.
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00Violetsareblue00 In reply to graphic-image [2011-02-03 06:10:07 +0000 UTC]
Im excited now Im going to try it tomorow night (i Need to sleep its very late) Im also VERY excited you know so much about dreams and no I never had a paralized awakening , its sounds very scary. Can you please tell me about some of your experiences, I interested to hear ( as long as they aren't too personal) and uhh.. im sorry about your grandma man I read your one journal post but didn't really know what to say. In a way I feel sorry for this woman, she seems far beyond chnage in opinion, stuck by YEARS of beieif in what she beileves in and her pride in all those year's of 'rightious' belief. Its easier for me to say Im not there being nagged. Anyway Im excited to hear something from you (if your to tell) and Ill let you know down the road how my meditation is doing. Thanks for the tips!
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graphic-image In reply to 00Violetsareblue00 [2011-02-05 03:18:22 +0000 UTC]
My grandma's alright. It's actually quite funny to hear half the shite that excretes from her cakehole. Also, from I can understand, she's created her own religion. She always rambles on about the flaws in all the different religious scriptures and how she's written the real truth behind Jesus.
Now, my dream experiences. I'll give a few now, but they won't be too detailed because I have to shower and hit the town! I'm socially experimenting for self gain! It's incredibly fun.
Hopefully down the track you might experience astrotravel. It's where you feel like you're awake, but you're either floating or standing in front of your own body and you have complete control to explore wherever you want! I have no idea how this works. Psychics say it's the spirit leaving the body, by psychologists say it's a remembrance of your surroundings and then re-explored via the sub conscience. Whatever it is it's trippy. I've only experienced it 3 times. The first time I almost wet myself because I during the astrotravel I walked to the toilet. You can guess the rest of that experience...
I'll have to leave it there for now. I just realised some shit I have to get done. Sorry.
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00Violetsareblue00 In reply to graphic-image [2011-02-05 03:26:43 +0000 UTC]
Well I hope I can hear more another time, I really have nothing to tell of my meditation so far I'ts nothing signifigant yet just deep breathing and nice relaxation. so far
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graphic-image In reply to 00Violetsareblue00 [2011-02-06 02:35:42 +0000 UTC]
Have you tried to amplify your heart beat? Once you can feel your pulse throughout your body (especially in your feet) you'll be on your way to an excellent meditation session. Also, make sure you look on the net (or you can buy books on it) to find information to personalize your own techniques. Overtime you'll end up personalizing your own routine. That'll come with trial and error.
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