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| gaturora
# Statistics
Favourites: 36; Deviations: 10; Watchers: 14
Watching: 151; Pageviews: 5792; Comments Made: 309; Friends: 151
# Comments
Comments: 37
johnyv47 [2014-06-15 18:11:32 +0000 UTC]
Where'd you go, dude. haven't seen you put up anything new for a long time
π: 0 β©: 1
gaturora In reply to johnyv47 [2014-06-20 07:39:19 +0000 UTC]
Ah, man, it's tough with the job. Burqa avenger season 2 is being developed and everybody on it is being squeezed to their last drop of energy. :l
π: 0 β©: 1
johnyv47 In reply to gaturora [2014-06-20 18:53:03 +0000 UTC]
I have only seen the first episode yet but I plan on watching it all. You must know Yousaf Ejaz bhai then, I think he works there too and best of luck with the show
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gaturora In reply to johnyv47 [2014-06-23 14:11:50 +0000 UTC]
I do know Ejaz bhai, he was briefly my teacher. However, he was here in the first season. I'm the only 2D artist for the second season. Thanks. ^^
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johnyv47 In reply to gaturora [2014-06-24 20:48:45 +0000 UTC]
Good for you, He is teaching me some art stuff now.Β
Love your work man, Hope to see more it soon
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gaturora In reply to johnyv47 [2014-06-28 05:56:35 +0000 UTC]
Oh, nice. He's a good teacher. Thanks. You shall, soon enough. ^^
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johnyv47 In reply to gaturora [2014-06-29 19:44:42 +0000 UTC]
you still have the same phone number? I'll hit you up soon
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gaturora In reply to johnyv47 [2014-07-02 04:41:39 +0000 UTC]
Yep, the same one. You do that. ^^
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Komalash [2014-02-04 23:42:45 +0000 UTC]
I went through your behance account teach me master ._.
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gaturora In reply to Komalash [2014-02-08 10:36:14 +0000 UTC]
Sure, I'd love to. Just let me try and calm my ego down and I'll be with you. *Down, boy! I said sit....STILL!* This may take a while, why don't you just, um, stay awed a little bit longer? :3
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Komalash In reply to gaturora [2014-02-09 16:26:09 +0000 UTC]
So much innuendo man. Sharam karo.
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gaturora In reply to Komalash [2014-02-15 10:11:04 +0000 UTC]
Attempts to induce sharam in others are used by individuals who can boast moralistic superiority over the besharam party. You believe you're ready to pull that load?
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Komalash In reply to gaturora [2014-02-15 12:27:47 +0000 UTC]
I'll take the easy road and be a hypocrite.
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gaturora In reply to Komalash [2014-02-15 15:51:38 +0000 UTC]
Aren't we all? Every single time that we converse with another, it's mostly about putting up a mask, averting unpleasant truths and just use excessive degrees of obscurity and innuendo. It's the same with every single conversation we engage a new acquaintance in and think it's mutual. However, we long for the truth, bare bones and nothing more. This, my friend, is the epitome of hypocrisy.Β
Sawry, I get jazbaati at times when I start writing. But still, it's deep. You'll find Adele rolling in there, somewhere.Β
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Komalash In reply to gaturora [2014-02-15 19:39:24 +0000 UTC]
The "truth", what an ambitious thing to long for. I don't think you can get at it, I almost view it as something mythical, a giant "what if" right up there with the gods and afterlifes we wonder of. These masks you speak of merely serve a contextual purpose where they establish the ground rules for polite conversation. They are necessary. If you take them off, the way you speak would be like the way you doodle, scribbles and scraps, beautiful but indecipherable.
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gaturora In reply to Komalash [2014-02-16 10:23:55 +0000 UTC]
Well, when referring to the truth I think the search is, virtually, as vital as the the eventual find, if there is one. But you get morsels of hope that keeps you going. True. I never questioned the effectiveness of the practice, I was musing over shedding it. It's a rather appealing prospect, even if it isn't applicable. In the manner of no more weapons in the world, or borders, blah, blah.Β
-___- Boy, that was rude. Even Rihanna would agree. X3
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Komalash In reply to gaturora [2014-02-16 22:06:45 +0000 UTC]
People say that, the search and journey are what really matters blah blah but I never really saw the logic behind the words. If you're trying to get to a destination, and you haven't, then of what import is the travel? If you are trying to journey, surely only then would the journey matter? You cannot pretend that finding truth is equivalent to truth.
Of course it's possible. I make sure to talk to my friends in nonsense at least once a week, and write it all down the rest of the time. You should try it to. Try it here :dΒ
Your sense of humor frightens me.
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gaturora In reply to Komalash [2014-02-17 16:56:02 +0000 UTC]
I don't know how well-versed you are in Punjabi but;
Piyaar aesa aangana hae
Jide βch ni vaslaan da
Ratraw na palang dhave
Love is that hearth
Where the colored bed of fulfillment,
Is never laid.Β
Trust me, I am not one to idly follow literary romantic notions. However, this one, ohhh, this one is so true it makes my senses flutter even as I talk about it. Tell me, would you rather that the paintings you make be handed to you, complete and pristine? Isn't it the process of making the piece that makes it so valuable? For me, the destination is the saddest part of painting. Because, that is the time when you realize that it was just that, a painting, nothing more. To see a novel on the bestsellers list, you need to be in love with transferring every single word, mind to paper. Why do you think we enjoy hikes as much as we do?
I meant in everyday conversations. You knew that, don't play with me, you coy little vixen! *___*
Lol, really? You should see my duck-face selfies, then. It'll make you think my sense of humor is simply adorable! *Twinkly eyes*
π: 0 β©: 1
Komalash In reply to gaturora [2014-02-17 19:48:08 +0000 UTC]
Oh well, to put it subtly, my Punjabi sucks balls.
But I didn't say one doesn't enjoy the journey, I merely said that the journey is not what matters, unless you place a higher significance on enjoyment than upon the consequences of an action. I value making something because I know the end product is the reason I am doing it. And that includes drawings. I don't really get any satisfaction from incomplete drawings for example, or happiness from a piece that does not end up looking the way I wanted it to.
To me, the destination isn't separate from the journey as you're implying, but the culmination. Who wants sex without the climax? The preference for doing something and being done with it is a matter of opinion but what's the meaning of a process without an end? How fragmentary and lost we'd be if we fell into such acts.
Well, go on and do it in everyday conversation then. Find a stranger in a bus and tell him about empty space and the fireworks that go off in your brain when you want to draw or whatever.
I happen to like duck face selfies and I have no idea where the hate for them is stemming from ._. *cradles collection of own duck faces*Β
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gaturora In reply to Komalash [2014-02-19 15:42:30 +0000 UTC]
Well, that's you, then. For me, the process is as important to me as the end product. The paradigm only applies on chosen journeys, not every other irrelevant process. I never implied that the end product is not vital. It's not a choice between the two, it's a cumulative force of end and journey that makes a sound whole.
As I stated before, the doctrine is reserved for certain aspects, it can't cater to carnal processes like sex.
The whole concept can be convuluted by using example like that.
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Komalash In reply to gaturora [2014-03-03 17:10:07 +0000 UTC]
Hey I was busy for a while and when I got back deviantart has been blocked.. so if you ever use a proxy to access dA, I still really need lessons and we can continue the chat on fb I guess:Β
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johnyv47 [2013-10-07 23:24:21 +0000 UTC]
thanks for the feedback, I didn't know you were from Pakistan.
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gaturora In reply to johnyv47 [2013-10-08 18:13:28 +0000 UTC]
I am and proud of it. That's the reason I'm interested in your progress. ^^
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johnyv47 In reply to gaturora [2013-10-12 20:36:52 +0000 UTC]
Thats nice, you from Islamabad?
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gaturora In reply to johnyv47 [2013-10-13 20:36:48 +0000 UTC]
Well, not exactly but I spend a hefty time in Islamabad.Β
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gaturora In reply to theresahelmer [2013-08-20 08:17:11 +0000 UTC]
Couldn't help myself.
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AnoushayKhan [2013-07-17 06:55:27 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for joining Hope you have a great time with us. If you have any ideas for the group then feel free to share them because it is also your group now!
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umerr2000 [2013-07-10 22:22:27 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for Joining #Pak-Deviants Hope you share lots of art and meet other great artists as well.
Please read the rules before sharing yoru work: [link]
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Dechoise [2008-05-23 16:08:39 +0000 UTC]
thanks for the favs on started, moonlight and be my guardian, it meens a lot to me!
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