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| funnybone800

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# Comments
Comments: 15017
funnybone800 [2018-02-04 21:47:17 +0000 UTC]
~~Comment here sweeties~~
You can thank me for stuff but please do it in reply to this comment, conversations count!! Reply here!! not on the wall <3
👍: 0 ⏩: 8
smolsweaterpaws In reply to funnybone800 [2019-01-29 11:49:49 +0000 UTC]
hey guess who it is ovo it's pizzadumpling!!
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
funnybone800 In reply to smolsweaterpaws [2019-01-30 12:35:55 +0000 UTC]
oh shit hey !!!! its been a while omg
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smolsweaterpaws In reply to funnybone800 [2019-01-30 18:41:42 +0000 UTC]
ahhh I know life kinda got in the way of ,,,,, well just about everything haha. the journal on my page had a brief explanation of everything that happened but now that I'm (relatively) adjusted, I'm trying to get back in the groove of things c:
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funnybone800 In reply to smolsweaterpaws [2019-01-30 19:03:53 +0000 UTC]
I saw! I really hope you're doing better and hopefully get less stressed and uhhh stuff!! It's nice to hear from you either way !!
👍: 0 ⏩: 2
smolsweaterpaws In reply to funnybone800 [2019-01-31 09:09:22 +0000 UTC]
ye it's good to hear from you you too! I miss you
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funnybone800 In reply to smolsweaterpaws [2019-01-31 11:04:07 +0000 UTC]
Ya!!! I missed you too : O i was actually thinkin' about our rps a while ago and got nostalgic : o
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smolsweaterpaws In reply to funnybone800 [2019-02-01 09:45:21 +0000 UTC]
dude sAME i was looking at some of my old drawings and all the art i made for our characters was actually what inspired me to try to start drawing again after getting out of all that muck i was in with everything going on that i mentioned in my journal lol.
like in other words you, our rps, and our characters inspired me to try and be creative again c: <3 <3
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funnybone800 In reply to smolsweaterpaws [2019-02-01 13:34:21 +0000 UTC]
Oh wowie!! Well I'm' glad that you are inspired again and I will love seeing your work again !! Don't push yerself friend!!! I do think about those characters a lot, and the rps have made me more creative as well haha (More into stories, and art in general u kno)
<3 : D!!! i
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smolsweaterpaws In reply to funnybone800 [2019-02-01 13:52:21 +0000 UTC]
ye ye i get it. i know for me it inspired me to be able to do small art stuff like doodles, memes and comics and i miss being able to do that stuff bc art for me nowadays is either vent art, big drawings with lots of detail, or both lmao. and its just kinda stressful to have to only draw vent art/big project type stuff bc its just like,,,,, a lot, u know what i mean? i miss having characters to be able to think about and doodle - especially with the characters that we had bc then i had someone to share my headcannons/thoughts/drawings of those characters with that actually matters to the other person, ya feel?
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funnybone800 In reply to smolsweaterpaws [2019-02-01 13:56:00 +0000 UTC]
Ya I def feel!!!! I haven't done a lot of OC rps in a while and i certainly miss it, plus its fun to plan out stories cuz i freaking LOVE doing that stuff, and same! It's nice to just think about these characters and havin the drama but still knowing theyll be ok u kno? character development is fun and i love it! Plus I love, actually USING my characters for something besides just, drawing them and never using them for anything for real ausdjikamlsd Its fun
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smolsweaterpaws In reply to funnybone800 [2019-02-01 14:02:10 +0000 UTC]
dude you fkn SAID it
its just not quite as satisfying to draw up characters but have like no use for them other than your own universe/AU/etc. but like when you can SHARE that universe/AU/etc. with another person that's just,,, the tea right there.
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funnybone800 In reply to smolsweaterpaws [2019-02-01 14:05:37 +0000 UTC]
YEA!! It's the best shit ever,,,,,, ?! like being able to create things with other people is like.. 10 times better tf
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smolsweaterpaws In reply to funnybone800 [2019-02-01 14:16:08 +0000 UTC]
see YOU GET IT god why didn't i muster up the balls to contact you sooner this is what i've been missing! i am L I V I N rn
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funnybone800 In reply to smolsweaterpaws [2019-02-01 14:21:34 +0000 UTC]
I'm glad you got it though!!!! And it's okay that u didnt, sometimes ur nervous u know??? I been missing you though!!!!!!!! Glad you got here! And also ur So So valid!!
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smolsweaterpaws In reply to funnybone800 [2019-01-30 21:50:59 +0000 UTC]
ye!! I really miss all the characters we made and rps we used to do!!
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funnybone800 In reply to smolsweaterpaws [2019-01-31 02:22:48 +0000 UTC]
Ya same!! I even redrew one of them a few months ago haha? Anidra, i dont have any of the rps anymore but it's been so long lmao!!! I missed that
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smolsweaterpaws In reply to funnybone800 [2019-01-31 09:10:09 +0000 UTC]
we should rp again!
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funnybone800 In reply to smolsweaterpaws [2019-01-31 11:03:44 +0000 UTC]
I'd love that tbh!!!
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smolsweaterpaws In reply to funnybone800 [2019-02-01 09:49:46 +0000 UTC]
ahh good im glad to hear it!! like our rps helped me to develop characters so much and i miss the creativity that went along with character designs and with our rps, like it was a really cool way to help me explore different thought processes and therefore i had a more open mind. and also it was really nice to kind of delve into creative imagination with our characters instead of constantly having to think about everything else going on in life, like it was nice to escape it all through these characters.
in general i think i lived a much healthier life with our characters and rps as a creative outlet tbh. i miss it so much.
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funnybone800 In reply to smolsweaterpaws [2019-02-01 13:37:27 +0000 UTC]
YEA!! Rps rlly help me develop how i think abt the world and characters in general, and It helps pay attention to how ppl act/psychology behind people who arent urself (im going to go into psychology so,,,,,,,,, its even better for me i guess) And I think its a nice escape when stuff is hard.
I would absolutely LOVE to start up again ! even if its a restart of a previous rp, or different characters altogether !!! Also bc, rping is fun!! and it's a good way to help writing skills u kno?
By the way I don't use dA as much as i used to (mainly use it to just upload art haha) I used DISCORD and Tumblr a lot more often
if u have either of those i'd love to follow or friend u on them,, since i barely check my Notifs here haha
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smolsweaterpaws In reply to funnybone800 [2019-02-01 13:47:19 +0000 UTC]
awh dude hell yea my tumblr is lorgepuppy. the blog title is MEME CUISINE and my icon should be of a mint green ribbon just so you know its me -v-
im also rlly bad at checking my notifications on here lol but this is like the only online platform that i feel comfortable posting my art bc no one in real life knows me on here hrhghrhhgslh so i can post all the weird art i want without ppl asking questions ya feel
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funnybone800 In reply to smolsweaterpaws [2019-02-01 13:54:31 +0000 UTC]
That's valid tbh haha!! I sort of just forget dA exists besides to stockpile pictures of my ocs or sans undertale
and okay!! I'm 'cathper' on tumblr u'll know when i follow lmao
Valid!! thats sort of how i am w tumblr though i mainly post art on there that are sketches bc i dont like spam shoveling sketches onto dA.
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smolsweaterpaws In reply to funnybone800 [2019-02-01 14:12:11 +0000 UTC]
ive been considering making a separate tumblr for my art and rps and stuff but like,,,, im honestly just too much of a lazy binch to have to log in and out of my tumblr accounts and keep track of passwords and stuff LMAO
but if you're in tumblr with be then i'll def be motivated to post more of my art and stuff there! tbh im already inspired to do more art just by talking to you. like idk im excited
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funnybone800 In reply to smolsweaterpaws [2019-02-01 14:14:42 +0000 UTC]
Oh yea!! U can have sideblogs u know : o theyre like separate little accounts that u can rb from ur main with!!!! U should look into that so u dont have to go absolutely feral and have a ton of random accounts : o!! I cant explain much now cuz its, late, but its better then logging in and out (I have a ton of them)
And ya!! I'd love seeing that !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Plus since i'm' more active there I'll see stuff more active lmafo ! Either way I'd love to see more from ya
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smolsweaterpaws In reply to funnybone800 [2019-02-01 14:24:39 +0000 UTC]
thanks! i honestly cant wait to see u on my dashboard tbh bc my dash is mostly full of either memes or current political news and it gets so mf tiring -w-' also im gonna try and finally go to bed at like 9:30 am bc i haven't slept yet ;;u;; i work the night shift as a cook at a pizza shop so i start at 5pm and work till like 2 am or later (depends on how long it takes to clean everything up) so basically my circadian rhythm atm is aligned with like,,, a nearby raccoons lmao
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funnybone800 In reply to smolsweaterpaws [2019-02-01 14:27:11 +0000 UTC]
SAME I mostly just rb memes but bc i'm Art I do have a lot of art i either rereblog or shove on there in huge handfuls, and yea seeing a ton of politics at once gets. So Tiring, i try not to rb it too much bc i dont want to see it more then i have to
And omfg that sounds like hell i sort of just have the worst sleep schedule ever I been going to bed at like. 6am everyday omg I'm heading to bed too haha, see u later then !!!! We are All Raccoon
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CyberII In reply to funnybone800 [2018-06-13 21:12:21 +0000 UTC]
Thank you very much for your donation!
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